A cough medicine for children: a list of effective. What to give to children from a dry coughCough is the most common sign for respiratory diseases. Especially alarming is when it occurs in young children. Its causes are diverse, and, based on this, the methods of combating it are different. How to choose a cough medicine for children? To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of occurrence of such a symptom.The main causes leading to the occurrence of cough in chil...
Amoxicillin is a drug from the group of semisynthetic antibiotics of penicillins. It is intended for effective control of many known infectious-inflammatory diseases. This drug has a broad spectrum of action and contributes to the death of most pathogenic microorganisms. Instructions for use Amoxicillin indicates that the drug is active against aerobic Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The medicine blocks the division of the bacterial cell and hinders the vital activity and reproduct...
Otitis of the ear: types of otitis and causes of development Otitis in children Otitis in adults Treatment Ear Otitis is an ENT disease of the hearing organ, characterized by an inflammation of one of the ear sections connected together.The reasons for the development of otitis media can be very different, ranging from mechanical damage and improper personal hygiene, to serious complications arising from acute respiratory infections, influenza and colds.Few people know, but even a common runn...
In the body of each person there is a certain amount of opportunistic microflora. These microbes do not manifest themselves in normal conditions, and most people do not even suspect their presence. However, when creating favorable conditions, the colonies of these organisms begin to multiply rapidly, and the products of their vital activity exert a toxic effect on surrounding tissues. Among these parasites is the subcutaneous tick Demodex. Content 1Definition of disease 2Causes 3Symptom...
Meniscus is a cartilaginous lining in the form of a lunar crescent, which is located inside the knee joint. Has the function of shock absorber and stabilizer. There is an internal (medial) and an outer (lateral) meniscus. A meniscus rupture is one of the most common injuries of the knee joint. In most cases, the gap occurs with the medial meniscus, since it is less mobile than the lateral, and is firmly connected to the internal ligament of the knee joint. Content 1Classification of gaps ...
Dry cough in the baby at nightThe appearance of a cough in a child at night indicates that in this way the children's organism is protected from foreign pathogens, microorganisms, mucus. A strong dry cough in a child's sleep helps to clear his throat, trachea and bronchi. Do not worry for a long time about the fact that the child coughs at night - it is necessary to establish precisely the cause of what is happening.Causes of dry cough at night in a childNot necessarily the reason for a dry c...
Effective drugs for ARVI and influenzaAt the time of worsening epidemiological situation, the question of how to effectively treat ARVI and influenza is very acute; drugs that modern pharmacological industry, help not only to eliminate the symptoms of viral diseases, but also to influence the mechanisms of their development, which makes them the main means of treatment virus infections.Influenza is a part of the ARVI group, so this type of illness is similar in its symptoms. The difference is...
Among the numerous diseases of the organs of vision, special attention deserves demodecosis. This pathological process provokes the demodex mite, which lives on the eyelashes of each person. But it starts to activate under the influence of certain factors. Treat the pathology can be at home with the help of medications prescribed by a doctor. Content 1Definition of disease 2Causes 3Symptoms 4Possible complications 5Treatment 5.1Medications 5.1.1Ointments 5.1.2Drops 5.2Folk remed...
Content 1Subluxation of the cervical vertebra 1.1Causes and mechanism of development 1.2Symptoms 1.3Diagnostics 1.4Treatment 1.5First aid 2Subluxation of the cervical vertebra 2.1Causes and mechanism of development of subluxation of cervical vertebrae 2.2Diagnosis of subluxations of cervical vertebrae 3Subluxation of the cervical vertebra - causes, symptoms and treatment 3.1Anatomical structure 3.2Factors leading to dislocations 3.3Symptoms of subluxations 3.4Classificati...
What is the cure for pregnancy during early and late periods?Cough, as one of the symptoms of colds, causes discomfort to any person, and what to say about pregnant women.It can happen on any day of long-awaited pregnancy - the immunity in these 9 months is significantly weakened, hypothermia or the slightest contact with a sick person, which may seem healthy in appearance, easily leads to cold, acute respiratory infections.It is important to understand that coughing is not a disease, but a s...
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