How many children in the hospital with pneumonia

How much time is pneumonia treated?

Many people are interested in the actual question: how and how much is pneumonia treated? Such a disease, as pneumonia, is called inflammation of the lungs in another way. This disease has an infectious nature, and the lesion in this case concerns the lung tissue.

The problem of pneumonia

It can be noted that this disease is really serious and dangerous. According to statistics, approximately 5-6% of people who die with pneumonia die.

What are the symptoms of this disease?

The symptomatic of pneumonia consists in the similarity of the symptoms of pneumonia with other diseases, such as, for example, acute respiratory infections or bronchitis.Therefore, knowledge of the main symptoms for determining the onset of pneumonia is simply necessary.Such symptoms include:

Scheme of pneumonia
    • the appearance of dyspnea (is a constant sign of pneumonia);
    • elevated body temperature (which indicates that inflammation has begun and the organism of the patient with pneumonia is exposed to intoxication);
    • the appearance of a cough with the release of sputum (this sign appears with pneumonia almost always);
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    • chest pain (especially from the side);
    • deterioration of the general condition of the patient, which can be severe or moderate.

    According to these signs, you can independently note the symptoms of pneumonia, however, in order to correctly diagnose and start treating the disease, you need to contact the clinic, where for accurate definition of inflammation the thorax is taped by a doctor, an x-ray is made to view the condition of the lungs, special tests are also prescribed.

Treatment of pneumonia with symptomatic and pathogenetic means

Symptomatic way of treating pneumonia is used to eliminate and alleviate the main symptoms of the disease. With this type of treatment, usually the funds needed to reduce heat, and possibly the use of mucolytic drugs. An infected pneumonia needs to be lowered only when there really is an urgent need for it, that is, at a temperature that has risen above 39 degrees (in adults), or when the patient is in serious condition.

Shortness of breath is a symptom of pneumonia

To withdraw phlegm from the bronchi, usually use mucolytic drugs. In addition, some mucolytic agents have the property of increasing the activity of antibiotics, which is important in the treatment of pneumonia. The use of mucolytics such as Ambroxol, ACS or Carbocysteine ​​has an auxiliary effect against pneumonia, with the appointment of the attending physician and the time of taking these medications.

The basis of therapy for pneumonia is the treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics. Execution of gas exchange function in the body is taken away from the lung tissue. The air enters the tissues and organs through a complex system of tubes of different diameters and the overcoming of the alveolocapillary barrier.

Bacteria and viruses affect and affect the alveolar tissue in the event that the lung tissue is inflamed. Therefore, an accumulation of infiltrative fluid occurs in the lumen of the acini. This makes the gas exchange process more difficult, as a result of which a part of the tissue falls out of the respiratory process.

Pathogenetic is called treatment, aimed at eliminating those changes in the airways that triggered pneumonia.

High fever with pneumonia

There are several types of diseases that are classified in connection with the size of pathological foci:

  • Focal (the process occurs in one or affects several alveoli);
  • segmental (a lesion of the whole segment occurs, which in its composition has a large number of alveolar lobes);
  • shared (with the inflammatory process of the whole pulmonary lobe);
  • croupous (completely pulmonary fields from both sides are affected).

All these forms imply specific changes in lung tissue.

How long do they treat pneumonia?

Treatment of pneumonia can be carried out both in medical institutions and at home. With this disease, it is necessary to assess the severity of pneumonia. This is the determining factor in order to predict the duration of treatment, to prescribe the right drugs. Therefore, the period during which a patient with pneumonia will be treated in a hospital hospital is determined precisely by the severity of his illness.

There are many factors that may become the basis for hospitalization of the patient. For example, patients who for some reason do not have the opportunity to take medications as required by the scheme and schedule of treatment for pneumonia are hospitalized. Before hospitalization of a patient, the severity of pneumonia is usually established, for which a chest x-ray of a patient suffering from pneumonia is performed.

Treatment of pneumonia in hospital

Immediately after radiography, the difference in physiological indications is considered, that is, the pressure, pulse state and breathing rate of the patient are checked. If an acute disturbance of consciousness occurs, hypoxemia, there is an infection that accompanies the disease (such an infection may be the symptoms of meningitis or endocarditis), or if there are suspicions of concomitant diseases of the heart, liver, then mandatory hospitalization of the patient. Tumor formations also belong to the listed factors.

The duration of the general period of hospitalization is affected by the form of the disease, the fidelity of the selected medication and how the patient reacts with pneumonia to prescribed medications. On average, with the usual course of the disease, if the treatment is given due attention, and with therapy that successfully helps recovery, the length of time that the patient spends in the hospital ward is between two and four days. But, nevertheless, under certain circumstances, the attending physician may not stop hospitalization, in order to continue monitoring the course of the disease and to treat pneumonia with a more intensive course.

With mild forms of pneumonia, the patient usually stays in the hospital hospital for no more than two days, after which he leaves home on the third day and can continue to be treated independently. As for the forms of pneumonia, which are generally considered complicated, their treatment can be much longer, about nine to ten days.

The disease is treated taking into account the type of pneumonia and the original cause of the disease.

Prevention of pneumonia

In therapy, antibiotic preparations are mainly used, which are given in accordance with the age of the patient and his condition. If pneumonia does not take a complicated form, and the treatment was performed correctly and with the most suitable drugs, then the prognosis of the treatment of pneumonia is usually quite favorable. Most often, patients suffering pneumonia, full recovery occurs within three weeks, sometimes within a month.

To prevent such a disease as pneumonia, or, more simply, for the prevention of pneumonia, medical specialists It is usually recommended to temper the body in various ways, refuse to take alcohol and stop smoking tobacco products.

In addition, it is desirable to often ventilate the premises in which there is a lot of time, that is, a study and rooms in the house. It is necessary to carefully monitor the nutrition, which should be balanced, and lead a healthy lifestyle. Sport is also a good preventive tool to strengthen the immune system and prevent the onset of pneumonia.

Whether it is necessary to go to hospital with an inflammation of lungs Doctors put, whether it is correct?


Anna Matveeva

You know, they just do not put it in the hospital right now. For each hospitalization of a polyclinic then before an insurance company reports. If they offer it, then the situation is serious enough. in most cases, pneumonia is now treated at home. Bear in mind that not only antibiotics, but also physiotherapy, massage, and physical exercise are necessary for a full recovery. In the hospital, all this will be in place from the first day. And at home? Will you 2-3 times a day in the cold in the clinic for procedures to run?

Igor N

not worth the free

Dasha Stankina

Of course it is necessary... see, do not slow down this process of treatment, or complications will be.... recover)))

Nadezhda Khlebnikova

it is better to follow the advice of doctors. the disease is insidious, it often gives complications. as soon as possible you will be sent home immediately.
Get well


Katya, I must go to bed.

Marina Lugenberg

v bolnicu objazatelno nuzno!!! doma vse prozedur6 ne realno delat! ne zapuskaj, potom huze budet! begom v bolnicu !!!!


With pneumonia, a course of antibiotics is needed. These are injections every 4 hours or 6 hours. Can you do them yourself with such regularity? Then do not go to bed. And if you can not, then it's better to go to the hospital!


Be sure to go to the hospital. Otherwise, the matter can reach the resuscitation. My father and I did it. Do not pull.


I vospoleniami sick 3 times! To me did or made nyxes.. . at home... have appointed lek-va, and have sent home, the grandmother to me did or made nyxes, she at me the physician.... so, I think, and without lying in the hospital you can do! Just do not delay it! necessarily descend or go to the doctor, and that consequences can be irreparable!


You must necessarily go to the hospital, there you will be cured faster and still under the supervision of doctors. Get out of it !!


Yes, pneumonia is treated in the hospital, unless, of course, you want complications ...


if there is an opportunity to undergo blood tests, urine, do a lung fluorogram, a lung X-ray, a tomography, receive antibiotic injections, preparations HOME... then of course you can not go anywhere... but if not - then only to the hospital, why I already said so ...


do not be afraid! Lies down is worth it! The sooner you start treatment the better! Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) is different, if doctors recommend inpatient treatment - you should listen to their opinion! No matter which hospital: paid or free!


I think it's worth it, with this joke are bad, she is now ill with pneumonia, I sit at home, a lot of injections and tests.

Personal Cabinet Removed

Of course, Katya! Necessarily - this is not a comic disease. Get well!!!


The place is prepakostnoe, but till now it is considered to be something about 7% of deaths in this disease. Think... In addition, the process of treatment itself is associated with a whole set of procedures that are difficult to manage at home. And yet, with inflammation of the lungs and improper treatment (or lack of treatment) part of the lung ceases to function, the most obvious consequence is shortness of breath and a decrease in ability to work. It is better to stay in the hospital for two weeks, then later ALL LIFE for the slightest reason to suffer with lungs. By the way, the course of treatment of pneumonia is about a month.


Katerina. It is necessary to lie down, and not only it is necessary and it is necessary and very quickly. Inflammation of the lungs is not a joke.
My young man has been in the hospital for almost a month now and there is no improvement, and this is very scary, there may be a complication, which I'm very much afraid of. I think that he will be healed. Do not prescribe any additional medicines, they are treated only by what they have, and what is now in our hospitals everything is beautifully represented.
So go to the hospital, but not in any way at 68, my uncle lay in 49 that's where he was quickly put on his feet.
Get well, and if you still go to the hospital, do not get off the neck of the doctors, always ask that yes as soon as they are discharged, then maybe they'll think about curing well!

Personal Cabinet Removed

Inflammation of the lungs is a serious disease that needs to be treated in a timely manner so that there are no complications. The degree of inflammation varies, so in some cases hospitalization is necessary. But, in any case, when treating inflammation of the lungs at home, it is necessary to drink or chop antibiotics prescribed by a doctor, cough medicines and vitamins. And, when the acute period of the disease subsides, go to the warming procedures in the clinic to finally cure the residual phenomena of pneumonia.
The main thing - do not run the disease and start treatment as soon as possible. I wish you a speedy recovery!

Andrey Mishchenko

I'm generally surprised at such questions!?!?
Do you think that you need doctors in the hospital? If you calmly step out into the world of another at home, none of them even know about it!
This is only for you! And they do not need to be afraid ...
Be healthy!


If you want to continue living - go to the hospital and go through a course of treatment. Well, and no -.

Good evening. Tell me please how many days lie in the hospital with pneumonia?


♍Galina Zhigunova♍

Pneumonia is a serious disease, with it lie in the hospital for at least 21 days, because intramuscular antibiotics and droppers are needed.

Ruslan Ivanov

up to 14 days

K [] JI 9I H 4 i k

it's up to 21, well, I've been lying so much

Dante Sparda

I've been treated at home, I have to go to the hospital one stop.
I've been treated for 7 days 14 injections.
I had a fever, a strong cough, and a head in the fog.
After this treatment, my liver was very bad.

Alexander Vaysovich

I was treated at the hospital!!! it can not be treated at home. They treat pneumonia from 7 to 10 days, depending on the complexity, and everything on the injections, and antibiotics must!!! The doctor's wife would not have said so simply.

How many days lie in the hospital with pneumonia?



if the case is not very serious, then exactly as long as the course of antibiotics takes up to 10 days


2 weeks minimum.


week 2, with the normal course of the disease, and if everything goes well, it can be less.


In different ways, but at least 21 days.

Güzel H

21 day, carefully, do not get infected from new arrivals, the girlfriend so lay for 40 days.

Favorite Woman of the Novel

it is possible and at home it is treated.. if there is anyone to prick.. only that the doctor must observe

Alisa Nech

With pneumonia per se we stayed for 14 days.. . And then with complications, the kidneys and ears are still the same.

** EgO! CTk @ **

a week or so


An average of 3 weeks, and then the doctor decides.


21 days minimum

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