Impairment Of Pulse

An overview of the bradycardia of the heart: why it arises, is it dangerous, diagnosis and treatment

From this article you will learn: what is bradycardia, when it is considered a variant of the norm, and when - a pathology. What kind of examination you will have to go through when you see a doctor with a bradycardia. Whether treatment of a pathology is always required, and how it is carried out. Article content: Why does bradycardia occur Symptoms in slow heart rate Is bradycardia dangerous Examination with bradycardia Treatment of bradycardia Bradycardia is...

  • 24-Jun-2018
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Impairment Of Pulse

Sinus tachyarrhythmia and other types: causes, diagnosis, treatment

From this article you will learn: what is tachyarrhythmia, its types, why it appears, and how to get rid of it. Contents of the article: Tachyarrhythmias Causes of pathology Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment methods Forecasts for tachyarrhythmias of different species Another name for tachyarrhythmia is tachycardia. This is a kind of arrhythmia, in which the heart rate is increased. The heart rate( abbreviated to HR) with tachyarrhythmias is more than 100 beats ...

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Impairment Of Pulse

Reduced pulse at elevated pressure: symptoms and treatment

From this article you will learn: what is the low pulse at high pressure, its causes. In what cases should the condition of patients be regarded as critical. What to do in order to normalize the disturbed indicators. Contents of the article: The reasons for this condition How dangerous is this Possible symptoms and manifestations of Necessary examinations Than it is possible to help: treatment Forecast Increase in pressure in 85-90% is accompanied by accel...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Impairment Of Pulse

What to do if the pulse is 100 beats per minute: the causes and treatment

From this article you will learn: what does the increase in heart rate tell to 100 strokes( increased heart rate).What diseases can cause such a pulse;traditional and folk methods, how to bring the heartbeat back to normal. Contents of the article: Symptoms of Causes of the problem Diagnosis of cardiac muscle First aid Effective treatment of The normal pulse of a healthy person is from 60 to 80 beats per minute. Anything above or below these values ​​is consid...

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Impairment Of Pulse

How to treat heart tachycardia at home

From this article you will find out whether tachycardia requires treatment at home, how much therapeutic measures can be effective, what should be done with different versions of this condition. The general medical recommendations What to do at home during an attack of strong palpitation What medications for tachycardia can be taken at home How effective is treatment at home - prognosis With tachycardia, the heart decreases more often than it should - more than 90 beat...

  • 25-Jun-2018
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Impairment Of Pulse

Full review of ventricular tachycardia: the essence of pathology, causes and treatment

From this article you will learn: how the heart works with ventricular tachycardia, why it arises, what symptoms are manifested, what its danger is. Types, changes in ECG, diagnostic methods and treatment regimen. The mechanism of development of ventricular tachycardia The causes of the appearance of ventricular tachycardia Types of pathology Symptoms of ventricular tachycardia Diagnosis Treatment Possible complications Forecast Ventricular tachycardia(...

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Impairment Of Pulse

How to lower the pulse at home quickly and effectively

From this article you will learn: how to reduce the pulse at home, applying the methods worked out by years. Methods of rapid pulse reduction by special physical and respiratory exercises and other non-medicamentous methods. relax. The condition will very soon return to normal. It is also possible to provoke a vomitive reflex, by inserting fingers into the mouth and ...

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Impairment Of Pulse

Causes and treatment of heart palpitations that take

From this article you will learn: why can there be rapid heart rate( or heart rate - abbreviated heart rate), is it dangerous. How to treat it, and whether it is always required. The reasons for the rapid heartbeat When the rapid pulse is normal Symptoms Examination of the patient with palpitation Treatment of tachycardia for various diseases Folk remedies with rapid heart rate A pulse is counted from 90 beats per minute( in adults).The newborn heart rate should...

  • 24-Jun-2018
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Impairment Of Pulse

Sinus bradycardia of the heart: what is it, the causes, treatment and prognosis

From this article you will learn: what is a sinus bradycardia, its kinds. Causes, symptoms, how to treat. Sinus bradycardia is a slowing of the heart rate in the form of a decrease in the heart rate( heart rate) of less than 60 beats per minute. This condition can be physiological( a variant of the norm, a peculiarity of the organism) and pathological( it indicates violations in the body).In 90-95% of cases, the pathological type of sinus bradycardia is a manifestation of various dise...

  • 24-Jun-2018
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Impairment Of Pulse

Increased pulse at normal pressure: causes and treatment

From this article you will learn: why can there be a rapid pulse at normal pressure, which diseases can this indicate. What to do in each case. The normal pressure is the index of 110 to 70 mm Hg. Art. However, the norm depends on age. For adolescents, it is slightly higher - 130 to 90 mm Hg. Art. Deviation from the norm by 10 mm Hg. the greater or lesser side is not considered pathology. The pulse should normally be 60-90 beats per minute. The heart rate( abbreviated to ...

  • 24-Jun-2018
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