How to distinguish allergy from colds

How to distinguish the beginning cold from allergies?



If you are prone to "colds" for most of the year, it is possible that in fact you are allergic. With proper treatment, allergic symptoms can be minimized - or completely rid of them. If left unattended, an allergy can lead to sinusitis and ear infections. The allergy usually develops quickly and includes a runny nose, sneezing, wheezing, tears and itching in the eyes. You can also experience itching in the ears, nose and throat. Nasal discharge is clear, liquid and watery. Allergy occurs at any time of the year, depending on the component that causes it, and may last several weeks or months. Sample to determine the cause of allergies and treatment is prescribed by a doctor. If an allergen is detected (a safe, usually substance that causes an allergic reaction), the best way to avoid allergies is to avoid contact with the allergen. When this is not possible, you can achieve short-term or long-term relief with drugs, like OTC, and prescription drugs: antihistamines, decongestants and corticosteroid sprays from the common cold. With chronic allergies, a doctor can prescribe immunotherapy (injections). A cold usually develops within a few days. Symptoms can be the same as with allergies, but without itching in the ears, nose and throat. A sore throat, a cough or a little fever may arise. Discharge from the nose, liquid and transparent at the beginning of the disease, become thick, yellowish or greenish. Colds usually fall ill in autumn and winter and last for 7-10 days. For colds, temporary relief may be provided by antihistamines and nasal drops dispensed without a prescription. If symptoms persist for at least two weeks, consult a doctor

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hmm.. what kind of symptoms ..

Natasha Anikina

drink a pill from allergies if it does not help means a cold


if there is a temperature, then not an allergy))

How to tell a cold from allergies

How to tell a cold from allergies

In the autumn, we often are trapped in colds. And we are treated for them, not knowing that often a runny nose and cough can be allergy symptoms. How to identify the disease? What similarities and differences are allergies and common cold? And how not to confuse them during treatment?


  1. If you constantly feel a sensation in the throat, nasal congestion, tearing, if you constantly sneeze, pay attention to what moments these symptoms begin. In the case when you observe them, starting to get familiar with house cleaning, you should probably speak about the presence of an allergic reaction. In the fresh air, all these symptoms almost disappear. In this case, it is worth thinking aboutallergieson the dust. An allergy to bloom occurs on the street and disappears after you go into the room.
  2. If you have cold symptoms, listen to your condition. For colds, intoxication of the body is characteristic. This is increased fatigue, a characteristic weakness, pain in the muscles. You can feel aching joints and dizziness. Allergy is devoid of these signs.
  3. Measure the temperature. The course of the common cold is characterized by an elevated body temperature. Whenallergiesthis is extremely rare.
  4. Smirking, pay attention to the structure and color of the allocated mucus. During the cold, the mucus is yellowish and dense. When an allergic reaction occurs, it is clear and liquid.
  5. Notice how you sneeze. If this is a one-time phenomenon, then apparently you have a cold. At the time of occurrenceallergiessneezing continues in batches.
  6. How long does your recovery last? Please note that the duration of the cold andallergiesessentially differ from each other. The cold passes pretty quickly. And the symptomsallergiesworried for a considerable time.
  7. In case of allergic reactions you will notice characteristic red rashes on the skin. This does not always happen, but quite often. Therefore, having noticed a rash or red spots on your body, visit an allergist, not a therapist.
  8. You should carefully monitor your health. Diagnose your disease and if you suspect allergies, do not delay with a visit to the doctor. In case you run the disease, you may face much more serious problems.

How to distinguish an allergy from a cold? Symptoms are so similar = ((


Natali KLN

The allergy can be and on an infection te On the cold. It is practically impossible to separate them from each other.


Well an allergy if podtkt that on all body. well, or in some parts. but a common cold

Vitaliy Kryuchkov

With allergies, the head does not hurt


The allergy is not treated, but the cold itself passes.


ooo close question to me, I myself had two days of the allergy started in horror for the first time to manifest itself 3 years ago, the cause itself I do not know tomorrow I run to the doctor, the allergy pours out on a body a wide rash, and the cold is a runny nose and a sore throat, oh it would be better I would have caught a cold than to treat an allergy, it's just horror (((((((((

T & P

At an allergic rhinitis from a nose water flows, and at cold mucus which every day becomes thicker and changes color. With allergic laryngitis, a sore throat with a predominance of itching. Allergic conjunctivitis differs from infectious also with itching and sensation of "sand" in the eyes, but most importantly the absence of purulent discharge, especially after sleep. And, of course, the main difference is the absence of fever, headache, body aches with allergies.

How to distinguish an allergy from a cold?


Yefim Nikulin

when the allergy symptoms disappear after the removal of the allergen, well, you can still with the diagnostic purpose of the suprastinchik drunk - also the symptoms should be lost ...

Lord Rebrand

Figase... I'm more inclined to allergies. It is better to go to the doctor.

nozanin pocho

call the doctor than here we have to ask. this is unambiguous.

Greenery Green

to the doctor

margarita golovina

the allergist does or makes tests for an allergy and gives result, but if you speak that at you the skin that is probably allergic is possible or probable

Polina Cricova

Yes allocation transparent.
then the eyes are red and like needles.


Ukhogorlonos only looks in the nose and immediately says that there. and then to the therapist will go and he to you a direction to the allergist will give

Arina Kurakova

When an infection has symptoms of intoxication, weakness, lethargy.... And with allergies these symptoms are not present.


With allergies, a person farts as usual, with colds trying to cover his trunk with his hand.


Cold symptoms usually pass through several stages, and the pollinosis, as suddenly appears, also passes.

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