Common diseases of the eye lids

In its structure and features of physiology, the human eye is one of the most complex organs. In this regard, he is prone to numerous diseases and defects that can develop during life or be an intrauterine pathology. Among all ophthalmological cases, diseases of the lower and upper eyelids occur in 10%. There is a large number of diseases of this part of the visual apparatus, differing in nature, severity of manifestations and etiology.


  • 1Types of diseases
    • 1.1Pathology of the glands
    • 1.2Diseases of the skin of eyelids
    • 1.3Allergic dermatitis
    • 1.4Diseases of the edges of the eyelids
    • 1.5Actinomycosis (fungus of the eyelids)
    • 1.6Deformations and anomalies of the eyelids
  • 2Diagnostic Methods
  • 3Prevention
  • 4Video
  • 5conclusions

Types of diseases

The great spread of the diseases of the century is due to its anatomical structure. Inside, there are a large number of blood vessels, the skin is elastic and easily stretchable, and epidermal cells have a loose structure. This leads to the development of diseases even with minor changes in the body and the impact of pathological stimuli.

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There are several dozens of diseases of this part of the visual apparatus, differing in a variety of parameters.However, all the diseases of the century can be combined into several groups for reasons of origin.

Pathology of the glands

  • Barley (gordoleum). The disease is an inflammation of the sebaceous gland of Zeiss or the follicle of the eyelashes, in which a characteristic dense sac is formed on the edge of the skin of the eyelid. On the basis of localization, the internal (acute meibomite) and external barley are distinguished, differing in the localization of the tumor and the overall clinical picture. The causative agent of the disease is Staphylococcus aureus. The development of the disease is always lightning fast, suppuration takes several days, and then it can be opened independently. To avoid complications, it is recommended to open barley on an outpatient basis;
  • Halyazion (hail). Pathology develops as a result of an acute but painless inflammatory process in the meibomian gland. The disease proceeds slowly, but as a result, a single or multiple dense thickening is formed with the contents of the white-yellow hue, which leads to blockage of gland ducts. In some cases, the halachion of the century dissolves without medical intervention, but with the long development of the disease, surgical removal of the neoplasm is required.

Read also how to treat halyazion.

The difference between chalasia and barley

Diseases of the skin of eyelids

  • Furuncle. It is an inflammatory process located in the follicles of the eyelashes and the sebaceous gland. It is a small tight knot, usually located on the upper eyelid. As the disease develops, there is swelling, hyperthermia of the affected area, there is a general weakness. If there is a rupture of the contents, there is a risk of getting a purulent infiltrate on the conjunctiva of the eye;
  • Carbuncle. A particular case of boils. The main difference of the ailment is that several hair follicles and sebaceous glands are affected simultaneously. The course of the disease and treatment is identical to the boil. In the absence of treatment, pathology can lead to serious complications - thrombophlebitis of orbital veins, general infection of the visual apparatus;
  • Abscess of the century. It occurs due to infectious diseases or sepsis of the century. On the skin there is a strong edema, and on the affected area a large amount of purulent infiltrate is allocated. In some cases, the disease affects the gland, as well as adjacent parts of the face. Healing occurs only after the opening of the abscess, otherwise there is a possibility of formation of metastases in the brain structures, which can lead to death;
  • Phlegmon. This is a complication caused by a prolonged boil or abscess. Sometimes it is treated as a separate disease. Occurs when the inflammatory process and puffiness passes from the eyelid to the skin of the face, the orbit of the eyes, the cheeks. If you do not provide medical assistance on time, the disease can be fatal. And with the deformation of the eyelids during the course of the disease, cosmetic plastic surgery is recommended;
  • Erysipelas of the eyelids. The ailment is always caused by hemolytic streptococcus or staphylococcus. Infection often passes from the skin of the face and head to the eyelids. There is general weakness, malaise, developing severe swelling. In some cases, bubbles with a turbid liquid appear on the skin of the eyelids. In advanced stages of development of gangrene - the eyelids become black, the cells are rejected by the body. With untimely treatment, serious complications are possible, such as elephantiasis, optic nerve atrophy and meningitis.

Allergic dermatitis

Contact allergic dermatitis arises from the effects of allergens on the epidermis of the century.On average, after 1-3 days there is a strong puffiness, hyperthermia, skin color changes.If you do not get treatment with antihistamines in time, you may get Quincke's edema.

Diseases of the edges of the eyelids

  • Blepharitis. This is a chronic disease of the edges of the eyelids, which tends to recur. The disease develops due to weakened immunity, chronic infections and functional pathologies of the body. Often, the defect is diagnosed in patients with diabetes mellitus or with gastric ulcer. It has several forms that differ in appearance: simple blepharitis, scaly, ulcerative, angular and demodectic;
  • Trichiasis. This pathological growth of eyelashes in the direction of the eyeball. Due to the disease, there is a cosmetic defect, profuse lachrymation, trauma to the cornea. Trichiasis can be a pathology of intrauterine development or develop due to lesions of the hair follicles.

Actinomycosis (fungus of the eyelids)

This is the defeat of the eyelids due to infection with a radiant fungus. Normally it is in small amounts in some structural elements of the oral cavity and is a constituent element of calculus and plaque.When the visual apparatus is infected, the eyelid skin, tear ducts and cornea are affected.Appears in the form of puffiness, tightness near the corners of the eyes. Neoplasm is a granule that grows and necrotic for a long time. Treatment of the disease is always long and often leads to relapse.

Deformations and anomalies of the eyelids

  • Ptosis or lower eyelid. Pathology arises from the incorrect development or arrangement of the muscle responsible for the movement of the eyelid. Disease always leads to limited movements of the eyeball. Depending on the severity of the case, ptosis may be partial or complete, as well as unilateral or bilateral. Almost in all cases, visual acuity is reduced and friendly strabismus develops;
  • The Veil of the Century. It is the pathology of intrauterine development, in which the edge of the eyelid along with the growing eyelashes is deployed towards the conjunctiva of the eye. There may be a full or partial inversion. The disease is always accompanied by severe pain due to constant irritation of the cornea, ulcerous processes develop in the eye, visual acuity decreases. In addition to pathology during the embryonic period, it can appear as a result of a burn or infectious disease of the eye, as well as in old age due to flaccidity and stretch of the skin. Treatment only operative with the subsequent cosmetic plastic of the eye;
  • The Eversion of the Century. The anomaly looks like an outwardly turned edge of the century to the outside. With a mild course of the disease, the skin of the eyelid may not fit tight enough to the eyeball, but in more serious cases the conjunctiva turns out during the entire surface of the eye. The disease develops due to a prolonged infection of the visual apparatus, after burns and injuries, but more often is a consequence of facial nerve neuropathies. Urgent treatment is required, since eye protection deteriorates significantly, there is a risk of developing infectious, viral or fungal diseases;
  • Blepharophimosis. This is a shortening of the century horizontally, as a result of which it becomes impossible to completely close the eye gap. Treatment of pathology is only surgical;
  • Blepharhalasis. Pathological hypertrophy of the skin of the eyelid, which consists in increasing the number of tissues of the upper eyelid. The skin is collected in a small crease and hangs over the eyeball. You need surgical treatment followed by facial plastic surgery.
    Omission of the upper eyelid

If an anomaly in the development of the eyelid of any form is found in the infant, it is recommended that the operation be performed as soon as possible, since the development of the disease in most cases leads to complications.

Diagnostic Methods

There are many diseases of the eyelids, which have a similar clinical picture. To establish the correct diagnosis, the proper selection of research methods is of great importance.

  • Visual examination with subsequent determination of visual acuity and measurement of intraocular pressure;
  • Refractive Diagnosis;
  • Study of the functions of the muscles of the visual apparatus;
  • Ophthalmoscopy and exophthalmometry;
  • Clinical analysis of urine and blood;
  • Microscopic analysis and keratometry of the cornea;
  • Angiography of the fundus;
  • Additional auxiliary tests - X-ray, MRI and CT of the brain.

Edema of the upper eyelid

Medications, in particular ointments, from barley on the eye are described here.

Doubling in the eyes or diplopia


Treatment of eyelid diseases is selected depending on the clinical case and is always aimed at eliminating the initial disease, rather than external symptoms. It can be antibacterial or antiviral, antifungal therapy, surgery, reception of antihistamines.

The choice of means of treatment should be carried out only by the attending physician on the basis of the conducted researches.


There are several ways to prevent the development of eyelid diseases:

  • Compliance with personal hygiene;
  • Refusal to use substandard cosmetics;
  • Strengthening of immunity, especially in the period of infectious diseases and with the aggravation of allergies;
  • Timely treatment of diseases, reducing contact with a sick family member in the presence of contagious eye diseases;
  • Care for glasses or lenses, competent selection of funds for vision correction;
  • Compliance with the regime of the day and the even distribution of physical activity.

Small children are especially vulnerable to infection with infectious ophthalmic diseases due to constant eye contact with dirty hands. That is why it is important from the first years of life to strengthen the habit of washing hands with soap as often as possible.



There is a considerable number of pathologies of the eyelids, which have different etiologies. It is impossible to protect against all diseases, especially if they are associated with abnormalities of embryonic development. However, in compliance with the rules of prevention and timely access to a specialist at the first signs of ailment, you can reduce the risk of serious complications and cure the disease in the early stages.

Also read about various diseases of the organs of vision and how the vision impairment is determined.

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