Ent Disease

What are the national anti-viral drugs for children?

In the first 10-12 years of life, human immunity is in the formation stage. The child adapts to the viruses, "earning" diseases further immunity to these infections. Children's team in the garden and school - the most favorable environment for the spread of viruses. Folk remedies help to increase the resistance of the body to diseases without side effects. Article content: When you need it? Best Recipes Vitamin C Onions with honey «therapeutic milk...

  • 03-Jul-2018
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Ent Disease

Effective treatment of dry cough in adults by folk remedies

Dry cough can be the result of any common disease of the respiratory system. From this state no one can be insured. With the onset of cold weather, we are targeted by acute respiratory viral diseases and sore throats, which rarely pass without such a symptom as dry cough, which can not be called anything other than discomfort in the throat. Article Content: What are the reasons? How is it manifested? Traditional methods of treatment Preventative measur...

  • 05-Jul-2018
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Ent Disease

Whether it is possible to warm a nose at a genyantritis, or it is strictly forbidden?

In patients with sinusitis, there is often a question about the safety of warming during treatment. Only inflammation of the nasal sinuses can have various causes and character, and heat can lead to serious consequences. It is necessary to clearly distinguish the conditions under which heating can be safe, and when it can provoke undesirable states. Contents of the article: A little about the disease and its symptoms Is it allowed to warm up the nose? H...

  • 06-Jul-2018
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Ent Disease

Chronic tonsillitis: causes of development and treatment at home

Chronic tonsillitis is a pathological process of inflammatory nature in the palatine tonsils with a decrease in local protective functions. In the disease, there are constant foci of bacterial infection in the lymphatic tissues of the tonsils. In severe cases, it is necessary to remove the tonsils surgically. But this can be avoided with the start of a timely complex treatment with effective traditional and traditional medicine. Article Content: Causes of ...

  • 29-Jun-2018
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Ent Disease

Frontitis: symptoms and treatment of the disease at home

In the bones of the human skull there are airborne sinuses that directly communicate with the nasal cavity. There are such ailments that lead to the development of inflammatory processes and complications, one of which is sinusitis. One of the types of sinusitis is frontal. In this case, pathological processes occur in the frontal paranasal sinuses. These cavities are divided into several groups depending on their location: maxillary; frontal; is wedge-shaped; ...

  • 01-Jul-2018
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Ent Disease

Ear Inflammation: Symptoms and Treatment at Home

Ear - one of those organs in which the disease immediately makes itself felt. Inflammation of the ear is manifested in various images. Symptoms will depend on the specific form of the disease, because different areas of the auditory organ can be affected. Inflammation can be external, middle and inner. While the first two of its stages can be treated at home, otitis media is a very serious disease, the treatment of which is possible only under stationary conditions. ...

  • 28-Jun-2018
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Ent Disease

The causes of vasomotor rhinitis and treatment of the disease in the home

Vasomotor rhinitis is a kind of inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa( rhinitis) caused by violation of the blood filling of vessels feeding the nasal concha. The parallel name of the disease is a vasomotor runny nose. With vasomotor rhinitis, the nervous reflex mechanisms of reaction to characteristic stimuli( sharp smells, etc.) fail. Contents of the article: Possible causes Characteristic symptoms General recommendations What folk remedies exist ...

  • 27-Jun-2018
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Ent Disease

Rapid cough treatment with folk remedies in children and its further prevention

Children are the most precious thing that we have. And parents are trying in the literal sense of the word "to blow off dust particles from their beloved children". We, the adults, are very upset when the kids get sick. Article content: Possible causes Types of cough and its symptoms How to treat an unpleasant symptom? Etiology of children's cough Prevention measures Many, especially young mothers, are ready to run to the doctor with the que...

  • 04-Jul-2018
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Ent Disease

Scheme of treatment of laryngitis in children with folk remedies at home

Any violation of the inflammatory nature of the baby's mucosa can provoke the development of laryngitis due to the narrower nasopharynx of children compared to adults. Pathology is especially dangerous for crumbs up to 3 years of high risk of narrowing the larynx lumen, which can lead to death. Home Treatment Methods Medications Folk Methods Preventative Measures Parents shouldknow the main signs of the man...

  • 04-Jul-2018
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Ent Disease

What should be the treatment of otitis in the home in adults?

Otitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the ear and is associated with various infections. Depending on the location of the pathological process, the following main types of disease are distinguished: labyrinthite( internal otitis media);otitis externa;otitis media. The disease is widespread and occurs throughout life in more than 10% of the world's population. Annually, the disease affects more than 700 million people throughout the Earth. At the same time, labyr...

  • 05-Jul-2018
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