Vasomotor rhinitis is a kind of inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa( rhinitis) caused by violation of the blood filling of vessels feeding the nasal concha.
The parallel name of the disease is a vasomotor runny nose. With vasomotor rhinitis, the nervous reflex mechanisms of reaction to characteristic stimuli( sharp smells, etc.) fail.
- Possible causes
- Characteristic symptoms
- General recommendations
- What folk remedies exist for treatment?
- What is not recommended?
- Prevention measures
Possible causes of
The etiology of this disease has been studied to this day. Some experts suggest that vasomotor rhinitis is one of the forms of a false allergic reaction, resulting from vegetative-vascular dystonia.
Other experts do not associate vasomotor rhinitis with VSD, characterizing it as an independent disease. The main factors provoking the onset of this disease include:
- Changes in the hormonal background due to the intake of oral contraceptives or other hormone-containing drugs.
- Overdose of vasoconstrictive medications.
- Weather Sensitivity.
- Injuries to nasal septum.
- Fluctuations of the emotional background.
Also, vasomotor rhinitis is often a concomitant symptom of vegetative-vascular dystonia, especially in its advanced stage. Depending on the causes of the occurrence of the disease, distinguishes several forms of vasomotor cold:
- drug;
- hormonal;
- is traumatic;
- reflex;
- is idiopathic.
By idiopathic vasomotor rhinitis is meant a form of the disease, the root cause of which can not be established.
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A characteristic symptom of a vasomotor runny nose is a disturbance of respiratory function due to impairment of pulmonary ventilation.
First of all it is expressed in the stuffy nose, sniffling and prihlyupivaniyami with breathing, constant itching in the nasal sinuses and lacrimation.
In other words, the vasomotor runny nose repeats the symptomatology of the common cold. The secondary symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis include:
- fluctuations in blood pressure, expressed in periodic reddening of the face;
- loss of appetite;
- periodic migraines;
- insomnia;
- increased sweating.
General recommendations
The essence of the treatment of a vasomotor runny nose, regardless of what means are used - pharmacological or recipes of traditional medicine is to strengthen the capillaries that feed the nasal mucosa and to stabilize the blood flow in the nasal sinuses. Mandatory component of therapy is sanation of the mucous membranes of the nose.
The effectiveness of vasomotor rhinitis treatment depends to a large extent on the establishment of the cause that provoked it. If rhinitis is allergic, any therapeutic measures will not work without eliminating the effect of the allergen.
Vasomotor runny nose, caused by fluctuations in the hormonal background, can not be cured without correction of the course of hormone therapy. To establish the exact cause of vasomotor rhinitis will help the analysis.
What folk remedies exist for treatment?
In the treasury of traditional medicine, there are recipes for treating virtually any ailment and a vasomotor runny nose - is no exception. The most common are the following:
- Instillations( instillation) of birch juice into the nasal sinuses 3-4 drops a few times a day. Of course, freshly squeezed juice is used, but not packaged or bottled.
- Flushing the nose with honey syrup ( 1 tbsp per glass of warm water).
- Instructions of freshly squeezed beet juice ( thrice a day 2-3 drops in each sinus).
To treat a vasomotor runny nose you can not only instillation. The ingestion of vasoconstrictive decoctions based on herbs is effective even in the chronic form of rhinitis. In the non-metallic container, the following components are mixed:
- St. John's wort( 100 g);
- stigmas corn( 20 g);
- dandelion root( 70 g);
- field horsetail( 50 g);
- rose hips, previously mashed in a mortar( 100 g).
Next, take 1 tbsp.l.of the resulting mixture and pour 300 ml.water. Infuse 24 hours, then in a water bath bring to a boil and immediately turn off. Cooled and filtered broth is taken 3 times a day for 1/3 cup.
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What is not recommended?
It's no secret that for a short while to relieve the symptoms of a common cold it can be an intense pressure on the maxillary sinuses and the wings of the nose. With vasomotor rhinitis do this is not recommended, because the walls of the vessels are weakened and pressure is possible for them to bleed.
Prevention measures
Preventive measures for vasomotor runny nose include the following:
- limiting the effects of sudden changes in temperature conditions( from a hot room to cold air, etc.);
- restriction of consumption of cold foods and beverages;
- regular wet cleaning and ventilation of the living area;
- high-grade food with observance of a mode of reception of food.
At the first "bells", indicating the inflammatory processes in the nasal mucosa should immediately begin therapy in order to avoid the transition of rhinitis into a chronic form.