Effective means for treating gout at home

In the language of physicians this joint disease is called gouty arthritis. It arises from the deposition of salts (they are in the composition of uric acid MK) in the joints and affects the knees, feet, elbows, hands and even fingers.

The main symptoms are sudden intense pain, after which the affected area turns red. Attacks often occur at night. Preceding this phenomenon is a slight tingling.

If you do not take any action to treat the attacks will occur more often with longer periods of aggravation.


  • 1What will help
  • 2How to treat folk remedies?
      • 2.0.1Recipe for treatment at home № 1 - iodine
      • 2.0.2The folk method of treatment №2 - horseradish
      • 2.0.3Method number 3 - fish compress as a folk remedy
      • 2.0.4The fourth folk method is soda
      • 2.0.5Folk remedy № 5 - acetic acid
      • 2.0.6Propolis treatment (method number 6)
      • 2.0.7Decoctions, tinctures, teas and trays

What will help

Completely cure gout, unfortunately, can not, but it can be taken under control.

For this, it is necessary to exclude wine and beer from their food ration, as well as young meat, mushrooms, plants family legumes, do not eat as a by-product (kidney, heart, liver, etc.), fish caviar.

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Drug treatment involves taking anti-inflammatory drugs that stimulate the excretion of urine. Physiotherapy will improve your health.

From soft tissues, salt deposits are removed surgically. As an addition to drug therapy in the people, there are many recipes that can cure gout at home. Of course, it is impossible to completely remove the problem, but, at least, it is quite feasible to remove the attack.

How to treat folk remedies?

People have used the life-giving power of plants for many centuries, constantly increasing the list of all possible ways and recipes.

Folk recipes are a rather specific type of treatment, requiring a certain amount of knowledge about the effects of herbs on the human body, and are mainly directed only at the removal of symptoms.

Such methods include iodination, horseradish wrapping, use of soda and acetic acid, pharmacy propolis, as well as fish compresses, herbs of various herbs.

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Recipe for treatment at home № 1 - iodine

To get rid of tofusov (deposits in soft tissues of MK crystals in granular form), it is necessary to prepare a special compound used as a means of rubbing or a foot bath.


  • iodine alcohol solution (10 ml),
  • aspirin tablets (5 pcs.).

Preparation and use

The tablets are ground, after which iodine solution is added to them. All is thoroughly mixed until the tablets are completely dissolved.

The fact that the reaction proceeds normally is indicated by the discoloration of the composition, which is then applied to the sore spot. It is necessary to provide this place with heat (using a sock, for example).

As a remedy is also used iodized salt, from it to prepare an ointment, capable of soften the skin around the formed cones and penetrate into the foci of inflammation to provide therapeutic impact.

To make it, you need, kg of salt, water, 200 g of Vaseline. Salt is evaporated in water and mixed with petroleum jelly. This drug is especially effective in the early stages of the disease.

The folk method of treatment №2 - horseradish

Prepare the water infusion is very easy. To do this, 1 tsp is needed. grated root and 1 tbsp. cold water.

To insist it is necessary not less than 9 hours, therefore it is better to be engaged in its preparation since evening. Drink every day.

For wrapping horseradish, you need a gauze dressing, in which this plant is placed in grated form. This will help relieve a sharp attack of pain.

Method number 3 - fish compress as a folk remedy

The remedy will help to cure gout on the leg (especially on the thumb).

To prepare a compress, you need a fish-separated fish (about 2 kg), several sachets (about 10 pieces), and a freezer compartment.

Chopped fillets are laid out in polyethylene bags and placed in the freezer, before going to bed one of the they are thawed and applied to the affected area (the thumb), the top is put on sock.

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Repeat the procedure for 10 days.

The fourth folk method is soda

To prepare this product, you must have: soda, dry mustard and honey (1 teaspoon of each component).

It's very easy to cook. All components are combined, and then mixed until a uniform mass is formed.

Before applying a sore spot, it is desirable to steam a little, and after applying a mixture on it - wrap it in cellophane and bandage it. The compress is left overnight.

The primary course of treatment is 10 days. After a break, you can repeat.

Folk remedy № 5 - acetic acid

The prepared preparation should help to dissolve the formed pineal formations.


  • egg (1 pc.),
  • acetic essence (1 item),
  • warm melted butter (200 g).

All components are left in a warm place for 3 days, after which they are mixed, then applied to a ragged bandage and superimposed on the diseased area. The remedy is not removed for 3 days.

Term treatment - a fortnight. The procedure should be repeated every 3 days.

Propolis treatment (method number 6)

At night, a small, pre-softened hands, a piece of propolis, is applied to the sore spot, after which the binding is done with a bandage.

If the plant can not be reached, a tincture that can be easily purchased at the pharmacy will help. A wet compress is made from it.

Decoctions, tinctures, teas and trays

To make a bath of chamomile flowers, for example, you need 10 liters of water, 100 g of dried flowers and 200 g of edible salt.

Regular use of a brewed string as a hot drink will help protect joints from damage from the aforementioned disease. The most useful variant of this tea is from still not quite formed buds.

Tincture of cranberry leaves is very effective. To cook it you will need boiling water (1 tablespoon) and cowberry leaves (2 tablespoons). The cooked food is insisted for about 30 minutes. Take it three times a day, one serving is 100 ml.

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No less useful is a two-hour infusion from the pile (3 tsp of plant, 2 tbsp. boiling water), which should be taken no more than 4 times a day for half a glass before each meal.

A universal folk remedy is the garlic tincture. It includes garlic paste (500 g) and alcohol.

The container with the prepared mixture for 10 days is exposed to the sun's rays, then the product is filtered. The received liquid is taken for 20 (if the effect is not obvious - for 40) drops every day on an empty stomach. It can be combined with milk or fresh fruit juice.

It should be remembered that if you do not consult a doctor, the disease can develop and affect other joints or even the urinary system and kidneys, which in turn can lead to disability.

Before using any folk remedy, be sure to consult with a specialist in order not to aggravate the disease. Be healthy!