Heart Attack

Methods of rehabilitation after myocardial infarction

From this article you will learn: what includes the rehabilitation measures after myocardial infarction. What tasks it performs, the time and place( hospital, sanatorium, house).Why are rehabilitation measures needed, and how do they affect the course of the disease. Physical recovery Physical recovery Sexual activity Psychological recovery Secondary prevention Conclusion Rehabilitation after a violation of blood flow in the heart muscle is a combination of ...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Heart Attack

Review of all causes of heart attack, risk factors

From this article you will learn: what pathologies and risk factors provoke the development of a heart attack. The most common causes of myocardial infarction: a review. Contents of the article: Atherosclerosis Change in blood viscosity Hypertension Diabetes mellitus Vascular spasm Pathologies not associated with atherosclerosis Major risk factors For the development of acute ischemia( oxygen starvation and death of myocardial cells) - or myocardial in...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Heart Attack

Emergency care for myocardial infarction: to myself and to an outsider

From this article you will learn: what should be the correct first aid for an infarction to yourself and another person. As in case of myocardial infarction, to provide first aid to myself How to provide first aid for myocardial infarction to another person What to do when cardiac arrest is First aid and prognosis for myocardial infarction Myocardial infarction develops with a sharp restriction or cessation of blood supply of a specific siteheart muscle, which leads to...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Heart Attack

Symptoms of a heart attack in women: the first signs, characteristic features

Myocardial infarction in women does not always have a classic symptomatology. From this article you will learn: what are the first signs of the onset of the disease, and what symptoms of a heart attack in women are the reason for urgent medical treatment( in an ambulance or in a hospital). Contents of the article: Harbinger of the disease Signs of the onset of the acute period First aid for the infarction A classic sign that allows identifying myocardial infarction is ...

  • 19-Jun-2018
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Heart Attack

Complete characterization of transmural infarction

From this article you will learn: what pathology is called transmural infarction, than it differs from other types of infarction. How does pathology develop, where ischemic foci are localized? The main causes of the onset and stage of the infarct, the methods of diagnosis and treatment, the prognosis for recovery. Article content: The mechanism of the disease Localization of the infarction Causes of the onset Infarction stages Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment ...

  • 19-Jun-2018
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Heart Attack

A full description of Dressler's syndrome: why there are symptoms, how to treat

From this article you will learn: what is Dressler's syndrome, how this post-infarct complication develops. Causes, risk factors, underlying symptoms. Methods of treatment and prognosis for recovery. The pathogenesis mechanism The causes of the onset Characteristic symptoms of Dressler's syndrome Possible complications Treatment methods Forecast Dressler's syndrome is called an autoimmune complication, which develops after a time( 1 to 6 weeks) after a heart att...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Heart Attack

Characteristics of the microinfarction: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

From this article you will learn: what is a microinfarction, and how it differs from a classic heart attack. Causes, typical symptoms. Treatment and prognosis. Contents of the article: The reasons for the microinfarction Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment methods Rehabilitation after the transferred microinfarction Consequences and prognosis Myocardial damage( cardiac muscle) in case of myocardial infarction can be different. The microinfarction is a small volum...

  • 19-Jun-2018
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Heart Attack

Symptoms and signs of pre-infarction, what to do

From this article you will learn: what is the pre-infarction condition, what are its causes and symptoms. What you need to do in order to avoid the development of myocardial infarction. Background of the article: The reasons for the pre-infarction state Characteristic symptoms Diagnosis Treatment methods Forecast Pre-infarction is a disease associated with a sudden restriction of the blood supply to the heart muscle, which does not lead to cardiac cell death. ...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Heart Attack

Full review of an extensive heart infarction: causes, diagnosis, treatment

From this article you will learn: what is the extensive myocardial infarction, how this heart disease manifests itself. What needs to be done for timely diagnostics, where it is necessary to treat the patient, on which the prognosis of recovery and life depends. Contents of the article: Heart damage in case of extensive infarction of Symptoms of Atypical variants of extensive infarction Complications and consequences Diagnosis Basic medical measures Forecast...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Heart Attack

Symptoms of a microinfarction in a man: three groups of symptoms

Contents of the article: Harbinger of microinfarction First signs of Major( later) manifestations of Microinfarction is small-focal necrosis of myocardial tissue or, in other words, partial necrosis of the heart muscle. Pathology arises from the violation of blood circulation in the coronary vessels( those that supply oxygen to the heart muscle).At risk are people suffering from obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and smokers. The disease affects people of both sexes, bu...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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