
Does potato juice help with gastritis with high acidity?

People have long been in love with potatoes for the variety of various dishes that are easily prepared. But in addition to taste, the vegetable has a unique healing effect: potato juice can prevent stomach diseases and return functionality to the digestive system. Adults often suffer from gastritis with high acidity, experiencing strong pain in the abdomen, constant heartburn and belching. Constantly acting on the mucous membrane, the acid leads to the formation of ulcers in ...

  • 26-Jun-2018
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Effective cleaning of the large intestine at home for weight loss

The pure intestine is the guarantee of good immunity. If there is no waste in it, a person feels more active, light and full of energy. Food, entering the body, goes a very long way. On the esophagus, penetrating into the stomach, it passes through the small intestine and then passes into a thick one. The length of this route will be from 8 to 12 meters. Just imagine how much slag can accumulate in the corners of the intestine with malnutrition. content of the art...

  • 06-Jul-2018
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How is colitis used at home?

Colitis is a disease that represents a pathological inflammatory process affecting the mucosa of the large intestine. People with digestive problems have a high risk of developing a disorder. Symptoms of the disease can easily be mistaken for the symptoms of another pathology, therefore, in order to establish an accurate diagnosis and avoid deterioration of the condition and the development of serious complications, you should consult a gastroenterologist at the first disturb...

  • 04-Jul-2018
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Effective treatment of colic in newborns at home

Often, the first weeks and months of a newborn's life are overshadowed by his anxiety, caused by painful sensations in the tummy - colic that appear due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract of the crumbs. The digestive system of the baby is at the very beginning of development, and therefore, during digestion of food, it may have gases and difficulties with bowel evacuation. All this is the cause of colic. It is important to understand that colic is not a diseas...

  • 04-Jul-2018
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Effective treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies

Gastric diseases - frequent companions of residents of large cities. The rabid rhythm of a modern metropolis does not promote health in general, and the stomach, as the most vulnerable organ, suffers first. Erosive gastritis - inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the stomach with the formation of small ulcers( erosions) on its surface - is one of the typical examples of such diseases. Differences of erosive form of gastritis from simple Possible causes ...

  • 04-Jul-2018
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Treatment of diarrhea in children and adults by folk remedies

Diarrhea is a common phenomenon. Occurs for various reasons. Sometimes, it is a sign of a serious illness, but more often it appears as a manifestation of a digestive disorder. Are there non-drug therapies? How to get rid of diarrhea at home? The answers are written below. Causes and types First aid Folk remedies Preventative measures Conclusion Causes and types Diarrhea is a condition in which a patient experiences frequent loose stools( 4...

  • 07-Jul-2018
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Causes of pain in the stomach and treatment at home

For sure with such an unpleasant phenomenon as pain in the stomach, at least once faced each. Not always these symptoms speak only about harmless overeating, simple indigestion or strong physical exertion. Perhaps they are symptoms of a serious illness, so if the pain appears regularly, it makes sense to consult a specialist and undergo a checkup to identify the true cause. Article Content: Causes of Pain General Recommendations What can I take from pai...

  • 24-Jun-2018
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Symptoms and treatment of gastroduodenitis with folk remedies

According to statistical data, stomach diseases occupy a leading position among all the ailments of various organs of the human body. There is a reason for this - the wrong way of life and the lack of a food culture. We constantly, somewhere in a hurry, eat dry food, we are overwhelmed by stress, we are exposed to the harmful influence of the environment. And as a result our body as a whole and the gastrointestinal system in particular suffers. While a person is healthy, h...

  • 30-Jun-2018
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Heartburn: causes and rapid treatment at home

Heartburn is considered a concomitant symptom of many diseases of the digestive system. If a burning sensation in the abdominal cavity or throat arose after overeating or eating spicy food, then there is no cause for concern. Discomfort in this case is a natural reaction of the body. With the regular appearance of seizures, a similar factor can not explain the burning sensation. Heartburn may be the first sign of gastritis, peptic ulcer, or hernia of the esophagus. To get ...

  • 03-Jul-2018
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The best folk remedies for nausea

Nausea is an unbearably painful condition that is felt mainly in the throat and precedes vomiting. When a person is nauseous, he feels a general weakness in the whole body, he has increased salivation and increased sweating. Nausea is a kind of defensive reaction of the body, which is inherent in each of us by nature and can not be controlled by consciousness. The human body can react in this way to certain smells and tastes, as well as to various harmful substances that have...

  • 04-Jul-2018
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