How is colitis used at home?

Colitis is a disease that represents a pathological inflammatory process affecting the mucosa of the large intestine. People with digestive problems have a high risk of developing a disorder.

Symptoms of the disease can easily be mistaken for the symptoms of another pathology, therefore, in order to establish an accurate diagnosis and avoid deterioration of the condition and the development of serious complications, you should consult a gastroenterologist at the first disturbing manifestations.

Article Contents:
  • Possible Causes of
  • Symptoms of Disease
  • What complications can there be?
  • Diagnosis of pathology
  • General recommendations
  • Infectious form
  • Ulcerous species
  • Chronic and toxic form
  • Compliance with the diet
  • How to treat folk remedies?
  • Surgical intervention
  • Prevention of pathology

Possible causes of

The factors that trigger the onset of the disease include:

  • Prolonged and uncontrolled use of antibiotics, especially in the absence of drugs to maintain normal intestinal microflora.
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  • Infections caused by pathogenic microorganisms - staphylococci, streptococci, cholera vibrios, salmonella.
  • Negative effect on the human body toxic poisons.
  • Frequent stressful situations.
  • Presence of parasites in the body.
  • Violations of the regime of the day and overwork.
  • Radiation irradiation.
  • Incorrect power.
  • Abuse of alcohol and smoking.
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - constipation, diarrhea, circulatory problems.
  • Mechanical irritation of the intestinal mucosa during the abuse of candles and enemas during constipation.

Colitis of unclear etiology, or ulcerative colitis has undetermined causes. Many physicians associate the appearance of this form of the disease with an allergic reaction to a food allergen, the presence of autoimmune pathologies and a hereditary factor.

Depending on the causes of the disease distinguish the following types of violations:

  • drug;
  • is infectious;
  • toxic;
  • is ischemic;
  • ulcerative.

Each species occurs in a chronic or acute form. The acute stage is characterized by the brightness of the symptomatology and rapid progression, the chronic stage is a slow flow and no manifestation of manifestations.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of intestinal colitis depend on the form of the pathology.

With acute manifestation of , frequent urge to defecate and unstable stools, spasms and abdominal pains appear. Constipation and diarrhea can alternate and be accompanied by a rumbling in the abdomen and swelling. Often the stool has a fetid smell, it contains mucus and blood, which indicates a severe inflammation.

Complement the acute form, characteristic of ulcerative, infectious and toxic colitis of the intestine, general weakness and fever, reaching at the initial stage of 37 degrees, in more severe stages - above 38 degrees.

The chronic form of is characterized by frequent changes of diarrhea by constipation and vice versa, the appearance of a bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, feelings of heaviness and overflow in the abdomen, dizziness, false urge to defecate and headaches.

The chronic course of the disease is typical of ischemic and medicinal colitis, with alcohol abuse, malnutrition and after acute colitis of the intestine.

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What complications can there be?

In the absence of treatment or with incorrect therapy, serious complications can arise:

  • dehydration and intoxication of the body;
  • increase in the likelihood of cancer;
  • blood loss and the development of anemia;
  • occurrence of a dysbacteriosis;
  • blood poisoning;
  • severe headaches and dizziness;
  • internal bleeding;
  • perforation of the intestinal wall and the occurrence of peritonitis;
  • formation of scars and adhesions leading often to intestinal obstruction.

Diagnosis of pathology

To diagnose a specialist, the gastroenterologist conducts the following activities:

  • interviewing the patient and identifying complaints;
  • collection and analysis of anamnesis of diseases;
  • palpation of the abdomen for the presence of swelling and soreness;
  • biochemical and general blood test;
  • feces analysis for the presence of mucus, parasite eggs, blood;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • endoscopy;
  • colonoscopy;
  • Irrigoscopy.

In an instrumental examination, a specialist can make an assessment of the mucosa of the large intestine, identify areas with inflammatory lesions, and take material for further research in the laboratory.

In addition, instrumental procedures can detect the presence of polyps, adhesions, tumors and ulcers of the large intestine, which helps to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

General recommendations of

Methods of impact on pathology depend on the form of colitis, the location of inflammation and the presence of concomitant diseases.

First specialist tries to eliminate the cause of colitis of the intestine.

Infectious form of

The main direction of combating colitis of an infectious origin is the use of antibacterial drugs after the detection of pathogens and the determination of their sensitivity to medicines.

In combination with antibiotics must use drugs to normalize the intestinal microflora.


Treatment depends on the cause of the disease. With the hereditary factor of the emergence of pathology, emphasis is placed on the elimination of symptoms, which causes discomfort to the patient.

Chronic and toxic form

The basis of therapy in this case is adsorbing drugs for neutralizing toxins and drugs for dysbiosis.

In the chronic form of the disease, spasmolytic drugs, anti-inflammatory, analgesic agents are used, as well as drugs to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate diarrhea.

Positive effect in the fight against colitis is provided by the physiotherapy procedures and sanatorium treatment.

Compliance with the diet

Patients are encouraged to adhere to the diet number 4, which excludes from the diet fried, sour, fatty, spicy, salty and flour foods, alcoholic beverages in any quantities. Also smoked, marinades and carbonated drinks are prohibited.

The purpose of observing special nutrition is to provide rest to the intestines to stop the progression of the inflammatory process and to avoid overloading the digestive organs.

From the ration exclude:

  • raw vegetables;
  • nuts;
  • apples;
  • milk;
  • seeds;
  • cabbage in any form;
  • beans;
  • bran.

It is useful to include in the diet mineral water, fish oil, sea fish meat.

Food should be comfortable warm temperature, in no case hot or too cold to eliminate additional irritation of the intestine.

It is recommended to eat in small portions, but often - 4-5 times a day. Dishes should be steamed or eaten in boiled and grated form.

It is important to consume more fluid to prevent dehydration.

How to treat folk remedies?

Medical workers do not deny the positive effect on the patient's condition of traditional recipes prepared on the basis of natural ingredients. But use any means is possible only in the complex treatment of colitis, as an adjunct to the main therapy and after a preliminary consultation of a doctor.

The most popular and effective folk remedies for eliminating the disease are:

  • In 600 ml of boiled water should be added 3 tablespoons of berries or blueberry leaves , leave the broth to infuse for 8-9 hours and drink the filtered product 3 times a day for 200 ml perreception.
  • When diarrhea is recommended to dissolve in 300 ml of boiling water 50 grams of herb wormwood .The resulting mixture should be cooked on low heat for 15 minutes, strain and infuse for 1 hour. The drug is used before meals with 30 ml. The course of treatment is 25 days.
  • 2 tablespoons sage pour into 400 ml of boiled water, insist 2-3 hours, drain and consume up to 4 times a day for 100 ml.
  • In 700 ml of boiling water, St. John's wort and chamomile are brewed in equal proportions - 25 grams each. For several minutes, the product must be insisted, wrapped in a towel. The healing broth is carefully filtered, cooled to room temperature and used to hold enemas before bedtime.
  • 1 tablespoon of dill seed is added to 1 cup of milk. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil and used in small sips in a warm form. The effect will increase with simultaneous application of warming compresses for the stomach from vinegar and vodka, taken in the ratio 1: 1.
  • In 1 glass of boiled water is mixed with vinegar in the amount of 1 tablespoon. The permanent broth is carefully filtered and taken 30 minutes before meals by ¼ cup to 4 times during the day.
  • 4 parts of water pepper is recommended to mix with 3 parts of black elderberry flowers, 4 parts of medicinal hazelnut, 2 parts of peppermint, 2 frequent flaxseed, 2 parts of celandine large, 5 parts of chamomile. From the medicinal preparation received, it is necessary to separate 2 tablespoons of raw material and pour in a thermos with 0.5 liters of boiled water. Insist means must be all night, during the next day, the infusion is consumed before taking food in 3 divided doses. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Improvement after the application of traditional medicine prescriptions is usually felt after 3-4 weeks, to consolidate and enhance the effect, a longer period is required - up to 1 year.

Surgical intervention

Operational exposure is required in rare cases.

Most often, surgeon intervention is necessary for ischemic form of intestinal colitis, in neglected cases and in the development of serious complications of the disease with prolonged absence of treatment.

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Prevention of pathology

To prevent the development of colitis, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle - giving up smoking and alcohol.
  • Compliance with proper sleep and rest.
  • Proper healthy eating.
  • Elimination of stressful situations.
  • Treatment of digestive disorders with the appearance of the first alarming symptoms.
  • Strengthening of immunity.
  • Compliance with hygiene and product handling rules to reduce the risk of parasite contamination.

In the conduct of timely diagnostic examinations, colitis of the intestine can be identified and appropriate treatment can be selected to eliminate the risk of developing severe complications.

In therapy, it is important to combine traditional and folk methods for successful results. With the timely effect on the disease, the prognosis is favorable in most cases.

Video on the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, including colitis:

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