Diet with a sick stomach

Contents of
  • What is useful for the stomach?
  • Recommendations for improving gastric function
  • What can I eat?
  • What is better to eat on an empty stomach?
  • What can not be eaten?
  • What is better not to eat on an empty stomach?
  • Diet for stomach pains
  • Video on topic

Stomach is a whimsical organ, however, the person creates disruptions in his work with his own hands. In order to avoid the development of diseases, it is necessary to understand what is useful for the stomach. Incorrect nutrition is detrimental to our stomach.

Modern life sets a rabid rhythm, because of which many eat on the go, in the dry. Street food and fast food often replace a full meal. All this can, in the long run, lead to serious stomach diseases. This leads to the appearance of such complaints as abdominal pain, heartburn, bloating, belching, problems with the stool and much more.

More often than not, many people think about proper nutrition when developing stomach diseases. The digestive tract of a healthy person is able to digest any food, but the abuse of harmful products can change this situation. Keep the stomach healthy is possible, and help in this diet. And what foods are good for the stomach?

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What is good for the stomach?

Diet for the stomach includes not only a list of allowed and prohibited foods, but also the diet itself. Experts recommend eating food every two to three hours. At the same time, the amount of food eaten should be small. Approximately all the food you eat should be placed in your palm.

No wonder dieticians are advised to get up from the table with a slight sense of hunger. Specialists say that the normal volume of the stomach is 250 grams, so eat more is not worth it. Overeating, you will stretch the stomach. Interestingly, the organ has hyperelastic walls, so when we eat more, the stomach increases in size, it can even be seen visually.

But in order for the walls to return to their previous state, it will take about two weeks.

Overeating negatively affects the work of the stomach

But how not to overeat? If half an hour before eating you drink a glass of natural water, then you will eat less. In addition, the pace at which you take food plays an important role. It turns out that the signal to the brain about saturation comes to the brain in about 20 minutes. If you hurry, then for sure you will eat more than you need.

Also interesting is the fact that the energy after eating food is enough for about three hours, no matter how much we ate. If we eat a lot, but at great intervals, the body in this case begins to postpone "stocks", which is expressed in problem areas on the waist and hips.

Do not forget about the importance of sufficient fluid intake. All the processes in our body are due to water. In addition, the liquid helps to remove harmful substances from the body. Some justify the low consumption of water by lack of thirst, but it is worthwhile to understand that when you want to drink water - this already indicates dehydration.

The main thing is to develop the habit of drinking water! Just do not confuse water with food. Consumption of yogurt, juice, soup, sweet mors is all food. In addition to it, you should consume enough natural water without gas. Just do not drink the eaten food with water.

As soon as the food enters the stomach, the digestive juices begin to break it, if at that moment they drink water, it will dilute them, which will slow down digestion, which means that the food lump will stay in the stomach much longer. First dishes are served, and then - the second. This contributes to better functioning of the stomach and the absorption of nutrients.

Experts do not recommend drinking water with water, this leads to dilution of gastric juice

Recommendations that improve the functioning of the stomach

Human food habits affect not only his health, but also his health. An important role is played by a combination of food. Fermentation in the stomach poisons the entire body so that this does not happen, experts recommend adhering to the rules of separate nutrition.

Certain enzymes are required to assimilate a particular product. An acidic medium is needed to digest protein foods. Starchy food, on the contrary, is split under alkaline conditions, while acidity will only interfere with the normal digestion process.

Important! The combination of light food with foods that are longer digested, will lead to the fact that the stomach will start fermentation.

Consider examples of incompatible products:

Diet if the stomach of
  • has a major food and fruit. Many people perceive fruits as a dessert and use them after the main meal. But you can not do this categorically. The fact is that fruits are light foods that are quickly digested. If you use them together with other products, the process of digestion slows down and they begin to wander in the stomach. Remember, fruit is a separate product, and use them better in the morning;
  • proteins of animal origin and starch. Many of us like to eat chicken with potatoes, vermicelli with sausages or cutlets with rice porridge. For the gastrointestinal tract, the combination of these products is a heavy mixture, since a collision of various digestive enzymes occurs;
  • tea and milk. Casein, part of the milk, blocks the antioxidants found in tea;
  • carbohydrates and proteins. For example, porridges with meat products;
  • carbohydrates with fermented milk and dairy products. Harmful will be considered porridge with milk, bread with kefir;
  • coffee and rye bread. Ingredients in rye bread, B vitamins, are poorly digested due to the action of caffeine.

Starchy foods( cereals, bread, pasta) go well with greens, vegetables and fats. Protein food is ideally combined with vegetables and seeds. Vegetables promote better absorption of proteins by removing toxic substances. Proteins also go well with fats.

It is better to combine animal proteins with fats of the same group, and vegetable fats - with proteins of plant origin.

To improve the state of the sick stomach, the separate food

helps What can you eat?

In case of stomach problems, the following products will be useful:

  • honey accelerates digestion processes. It is interesting that the product can be used for stomach diseases with both increased and reduced acidity. In the first case, it is recommended to take honey one spoon before meals, washing down with warm water. With reduced acidity it is better to eat after eating, with cold water;
  • bananas envelop the stomach and even heal small sores;
  • potatoes. The composition of this vegetable includes enzymes that contribute to the recovery of the mucous membrane. You can use potatoes in any form;
  • oat porridge normalizes the processes of digestion and envelops the mucous membrane;
  • sour-milk products have a beneficial effect on the work of the stomach and intestines;
  • oranges improve gastric motility;
  • flax seed is a source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. They include vitamins of group B, as well as vegetable proteins. Flaxseeds contribute to the complete absorption of nutrients. Experts recommend for the prevention of gastritis to use flax, soaked in water;
  • whole-grain bread should be a mandatory product of the daily diet. Its use promotes better digestion of food;
  • berries contain fiber, quickly digested, well absorbed by the body. They include vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. You can eat gooseberries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries;
  • avocado is known for its healing properties in relation to the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. Soft structure and the presence of fiber allow it to be used by patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract( GI tract).Avocado can be used to make healthy sauces;
  • apples not only improve digestion, but also bind toxic substances;
  • cabbage contains a large amount of fiber, which causes the gastrointestinal tract to work more intensively.

Oatmeal is an ideal dish for patients with stomach pathologies

In diseases of the digestive system, it is best to use the most natural methods of cooking foods. The health of the gastrointestinal organs can be helped by steaming, stewing, grilling, as well as eating raw fruits and vegetables. Whereas fried foods, on the contrary, harm the stomach. Fats complicate digestive processes, slow down the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates, and some nutrients during frying and completely destroyed.

What is better to eat on an empty stomach?

Overnight, a person can lose up to a liter of water, this together with breathing, and then trips to the toilet. To replenish water supplies in the morning, it is important to drink two glasses of water on an empty stomach. In twenty minutes you will feel cheerful and burst of energy.

Let's consider a rating of products which it is better to give preference in the morning:

  • eggs are a source of protein and vitamins. Their consumption gives a feeling of satiety, as a result for the whole day you can eat fewer calories;
  • porridges are a source of microelements and organic acids, and are also well digested. Porridges contain complex carbohydrates, which gives a lot of energy;
  • buckwheat porridge stimulates the work of the digestive tract and is a source of protein, iron and vitamins;
  • corn porridge provides a long feeling of satiety, and also normalizes the composition of the intestine;
  • sprouted wheat triggers the intestines;
  • honey helps to awaken the body and provide energy for a long time.

What can not be eaten?

Now let's talk about products harmful to the stomach. These are chips, crackers, nuts. These products include saturated fats and a large amount of salt. This is a high-calorie food, which is low in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Fried cakes and whites. They contain a large number of "empty" calories.

It is forbidden to use instant vermicelli, it contains a large amount of starch, salt and seasonings. It is believed that the abuse of such products leads to obesity and endocrine disorders. Also need to abandon fast foods, carbonated drinks, chocolates with fillings, sweet coffee drinks.

Abuse of fast food can lead to such serious stomach diseases as ulcer

What is better not to eat on an empty stomach?

The first meal is significant, because the food is sent to an empty stomach. That is why it is important to take care that it is not only useful, but also does not harm your health. Some foods can not be eaten on an empty stomach.

Read also:
Nutrition for gastritis and ulcer
Menu after removal of stomach in cancer

Consider a list of prohibited foods:

  • citrus. Orange juice can serve as a "start" to the development of gastritis. It is better to eat oatmeal porridge, and after it an orange, but in no case on an empty stomach. Citrus fruits, eaten on an empty stomach, heavily load the liver;
  • bananas. Their use can lead to a violation of the potassium-magnesium balance, because of which all day you will feel sluggish;
  • raw vegetables contain acids that can corrode and irritate the walls of the stomach, leading to gastritis;
  • cold drinks slow down digestion processes;
  • yogurt. The use of this product on an empty stomach will not harm you, but it will not bring any special benefits, since in the morning the body does not need additional bacteria, it is better to drink it in the evening or throughout the day. In addition, hydrochloric acid simply kills all useful bacteria;
  • tomatoes contain tannic acid, which can lead to hyperacid gastritis and even peptic ulcer;
  • coffee on an empty stomach will irritate the gastric mucosa and help to increase the level of acidity;
  • sweets. In the morning, the pancreas is not yet able to produce enough insulin, necessary for the breakdown of sugar.

Bananas on an empty stomach will irritate the walls of the stomach

Diet for stomach pains

Gastralgia can indicate a variety of diseases. So, constant aching pains, which intensify one hour after eating, most often speak of chronic gastritis or gastroduodenitis. Severe acute pain can be a sign of an oncology or an "acute abdomen".

Cramping girdle type most often occurs with pancreatitis. If the unpleasant sensations are accompanied by dizziness and loss of consciousness, then you can suspect a peptic ulcer. This cramping pain appears several hours after eating. The initial sign of gastritis can be sharp stitching pains.

Treatment of patients includes not only medical therapy, but also dietary nutrition. Gentle diet is the most important condition for a speedy recovery. Do not think that you can not eat anything. Food can be varied, just do not forget about prohibited products and avoid them. To begin with, we will consider products and dishes that are useful for exacerbating the pain syndrome:

  • yesterday's bread;
  • rubbed soups, including dairy and vegetable;
  • steam cutlets;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • beets;
  • cauliflower;
  • steam omelet;
  • jelly, fruit puree, jelly;
  • honey and marshmallows;
  • rose hips, loose tea, cocoa with milk.

Rubbed soups are useful in exacerbating gastric pain

Consider an approximate diet menu for gastralgia:

  • breakfast. Oat porridge on milk with honey;
  • snack. Protein omelet with dried bread;
  • lunch. Vegetable soup puree boiled fish;
  • afternoon snack. Baked in the oven apple;
  • dinner. Macaroni from hard wheat varieties with stewed vegetables;
  • two hours before bedtime you can drink a glass of warm milk with honey.

Now let's talk about those products that should be deleted from your diet: fresh pastries, muffins, sour fruits, strong broths, marinades and canned food, ice cream, alcohol and soda, radish, sorrel, spinach.

So, dietary nutrition is of great importance in the treatment of stomach diseases. The way you eat today will affect the state of your stomach tomorrow. Of course, literally the next day the stomach will not refuse to work, for some time it can still withstand the load, but this will not always be so.

Do not forget to drink enough liquid, eat small portions every two to three hours. Consider the rules of separate food and do not use incompatible products at the same time. In your diet should be a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits.

Oatmeal is a wonderful product that helps even with gastritis and peptic ulcer. When there is gastregia, immediately consult a specialist for an accurate diagnosis. And let the right food will be for you not a temporary phenomenon, but mainly life!