How to treat flux in the home

Flux is the common name of purulent inflammation of the periosteum, periostitis. This is a frequent complication of pulpitis or periodontitis. Pain with such a pathology is very strong. Requires surgical treatment from a doctor (which doctor heals, read in the article), but there are ways to reduce the manifestations of flux in the home.

  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • What to do?
  • Through how many passes the flux
  • Can I remove the tooth with a flux
  • Flux in children
  • Flux of milk teeth
  • Possible folk methods of treatment
  • How to quickly remove a tumor
  • For quick treatment
  • In pregnancy
  • If the cheek is swollen
  • Than rinse your mouth
  • Soda
  • Flax-seed
  • Lemons with strawberries
  • Cat's foot during flowering
  • Plantain and sporich
  • Acupuncture
  • Mixture of sea-buckthorn and tar
  • Tincture of red or Siberian elder in a hot form
  • Cleaner with the addition of aloe
  • Lard
  • Lime honey
  • Antibiotic treatment of flux
  • What to do for prevention
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Possible reasons:

  • The presence of caries, which a person ignores and does not cure;
  • inflammatory process is localized in the free space of the connection of the gum and tooth;
  • there was a trauma.

Regardless of the cause that caused this condition, the consequence will be an infection and a purulent inflammatory process. First, a person's food stays in the pocket between the gum and tooth. Over time, it begins to decay. Because of bacterial infection develops purulent inflammation. It provokes it and mechanical damage to the gum.


The main symptoms in the formation of flux are:

  • swelling of the gums;
  • pain with pressure and at rest;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • elevated temperature;
  • general weakness and malaise;
  • the opening of the mouth is often difficult;
  • painful to swallow, chew.

What to do?

Get rid of the flux on the gums can be surgically. Under local anesthesia, an incision is made and drainage is established to divert purulent masses. The dental canal is cleaned and left open for about five days. Then rinse the damaged cavity again. First put a temporary seal and prescribe antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, after a few days - a constant, prescribe vitamins and immunostimulants.

Through how many passes the flux

The flux itself will not disappear. Definitely requires his treatment or dissection. The early stage can develop into a more complex form - a purulent inflammation of the entire jaw. At the first signs it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. At home, you can only alleviate painful symptoms.

Can I remove the tooth with a flux

If the tooth is in good condition and has no damage, the dentist will try to keep it. The doctor will perform the operation (dissect the gum, clean the wound and put the drainage). If the tooth has cracks and impassable channels, crumbles, is damaged, then it must be removed. Each doctor tries to avoid voluminous surgical intervention and keep the patient's tooth.

After the extraction of the tooth, periostitis may form, in the people it is called a flux. An abscess is formed, which must be removed. Purulent formation is opened, then washed with antiseptic solutions. After surgery, antibiotics are prescribed. The most common are Ampioks and Lincomycin.

Flux in children

What should I do if the baby's gum is on the gums? In no case do not use warming compresses, and doctors do not recommend frequent rinses to avoid getting the infection into the body. If the child often develops a flux - pay attention to the immunity of the baby. Do not self-medicate, perhaps the patient has an abscess that requires surgery.

At home, the child can be helped:

  • solutions for rinsing (dilute in a glass of warm water for 1/2 teaspoons of salt and soda);
  • drink anti-inflammatory infusion (5 cloves garlic pour 1 liter of water);
  • remove puffiness (pour dry on the spot of inflammation of dry cloves or prepare a salt solution with a few drops of iodine, moisten a cotton swab in it and apply to a sore spot);
  • anesthetize with infusions (based on herbs of sage and St. John's wort).

Flux of milk teeth

Correct treatment with a flux of baby teeth for a baby will be able to appoint a doctor. Most often this problem is solved surgically. During operation, the milk tooth can be removed or saved. Doctors try to do without tooth extraction, since they believe that this can affect the growth of the indigenous "deputy".

After an operation the doctor appoints a number of procedures:

  • rinsing;
  • reception of antibacterial drugs;
  • vitamins;
  • means to improve immunity.

Flux is characterized by severe inflammation and pain, can quickly worsen, spread to neighboring organs. Many people postpone going to the dentist, but this is an irresponsible decision. After all, the inflammation will intensify. At the initial stages, if the flux has appeared, the methods of home treatment will help.

Possible folk methods of treatment

Flux is so serious that you can not do without visiting a doctor. The patient will not be able to diagnose by himself, and the disease will progress. But there are situations when you need to act quickly (at night, while traveling). In such emergency situations, various home, folk methods of treatment will help.

Important!How to quickly cure the flux at home can read in our article.

How to quickly remove a tumor

Known recipes are rinses infusions and broths of herbs:

  • mix 10 g of sage, nettle, roots of oak and aureus, pour 1 liter of hot water, let it brew for 2 hours, strain and warm infusion rinsing the oral cavity 2 times a day;
  • 2 tbsp. L Calendula flowers pour 500 ml of boiling water, put infused for 1 hour;
  • brew separately green tea and sage, combine and add 1/2 h. l. salt.

For quick treatment

Applicants for opening the abscess with flux:

  • to make a cake of warm milk, rye flour and honey, put on a sore spot;
  • bulb bake in the oven, make onion puree, put it in gauze, make a swab and attach to the sick gum.

You can use the prescription ointment: you need to mix the resin, vegetable oil and honey in equal proportions, heat the mixture on fire, not bringing to a boil, carefully mix, cool and lubricate the swollen gum.
After applying the ointment, rinse your mouth.

In pregnancy

Flux in bearing a child requires immediate treatment. You should consult a dentist, you may need to open an abscess or remove a tooth. After treatment, the doctor will prescribe physiotherapy and multivitamins. It is necessary to rinse the mouth:

  • 1 hour l. soda and dissolve the same amount of salt in 200 ml of warm water;
  • 30 drops of tincture (eucalyptus, marigold, cloves), stir in 150 ml of water.

If the cheek is swollen

With severe edema from discomfort, you can get rid of such methods:

  • apply cold compresses for 20 minutes every 2 hours;
  • take an anesthetic drug;
  • rinse the oral cavity with medicinal herbs (advantage is given to sage, chamomile, St. John's wort).

Than rinse your mouth

Recipes of folk remedies:

  • 2 tbsp. l. bark oak pour 500 ml of boiling water, allow time to stand until cool, rinse 4 times a day;
  • 1/4 cup chopped yellow acacia pods pour 200 ml boiling water, boil for 5 minutes and put for 20 minutes to infuse;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sage pour 250 ml of boiling water, wait until the infusion is at room temperature, rinse 4 times a day.


Soda is one of the popular food products used in inflammatory processes. With a flux, it helps to get rid of swelling and redness. Apply soda with flux in two ways:

  • solutions for rinsing (5 g of salt and 5 g of soda diluted with 200 ml of warm water, rinse the mouth cavity up to 8 times a day);
  • lotion (5 g of baking soda wrapped in a sterile bandage and attach to the inflamed section of the gum, leave for 2 hours, perform the procedure 3 times a day).


You need to take 40 grams of flax seed and warm it in a dry hot pan. Screw into cloth and tighten. Apply to the sore spot from the side of the cheek. This way will relieve the pain. However, one should know that warming procedures can increase purulent inflammation.

Lemons with strawberries

When mixing these fairly acidic foods, you can add natural honey. Such a folk method can reduce inflammation, enhance the effect of other medicines.

Cat's foot during flowering

You need to dry the plant, then grind it. Then wrap in paper and start smoking. Emitted smoke should be directed to the affected area. Of course, you can not smoke at full strength. Here it is important to smoke the affected area. Dentists do not recommend this method to combat flux because of its questionable effectiveness.

Plantain and sporich

Herbs are taken for 20 g and 40 g respectively. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. A few hours to insist, and then, to relieve the inflammation, drink three times a day.


Of course, this is not a home method, but you can go to a special medical office and act on certain points with needles. They will increase the flow of blood to the gums. Such an unconventional method of flux treatment is popular in China.

Mixture of sea-buckthorn and tar

It is necessary to take 20 ml of tar and shredded sea-buckthorn, gently mix. Turn the gruel into gauze and lay between the gum and cheek. Try not to swallow, endure 30 minutes.

Tincture of red or Siberian elder in a hot form

Will help get rid of the symptoms of inflammation, when they are particularly acute. 50 grams of elderberry berries pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, cook for ten minutes over low heat. Decoction to drink, pre-strain.

Cleaner with the addition of aloe

To treat the described state, this agent is also used. Grasses crush and mix, put in gauze, and put between the gum and cheek. Keep two hours during which pain must pass.


A popular method is how to treat the flux in the home. You need to cut off a piece of fat, free it from salt. Apply to the gums to the site of pain localization. The pain should pass for half an hour. The effectiveness of lard fat as an analgesic is also highly questionable.

Lime honey

On the Internet, you can often find a recipe that uses honey and nails. Honey is heated a little and put in it an old rusty nail. Then the nail is removed, and the honey is applied to the gum. It is assumed that such an effect can lead to breakthrough of the flux. In this case, obligatory rinsing of the mouth with tincture of calendula is required. Doctors are strongly advised not to resort to this method because of the high risk of additional infection of the gums. In this way, you can even get tetanus.

You can mix half the tablespoon of ordinary sugar, black pepper and salt. All pour 200 ml of vinegar. Then preheat, pour into a glass with warm water. With such a solution rinse your mouth.

Three large spoons of sage are mixed with the same amount of mustard powder. Add a glass of boiling water and insist an hour. Rinse the mouth mixture up to ten times during the day.

Antibiotic treatment of flux

Selection of medicines, including antibiotics, with a flux is a doctor. They are most effective at the initial stage of the disease. Often appoint:

  • Amoxiclave is a broad-spectrum drug used for various diseases, according to the instructions 2-3 times a day;
  • Ampioks - injections requiring strict dosage are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance;
  • Lincomycin - has an antimicrobial effect, accumulates in the bone tissue, take 2-3 tablets daily for up to two weeks;
  • Tsifran - the course of treatment varies from the complexity of the disease, it is contraindicated for children under 16 years old;
  • Doxycycline - the most common semisynthetic antibiotic with a flux, I take 100 mg.

Important!We have already written about the treatment of flux with antibiotics!

What to do for prevention

All these methods will help reduce the symptoms of flux in the home. But give up self-treatment. First you need to visit a doctor. When this is not possible, folk remedies help to stop pain and stop inflammation. To completely get rid of the flux, going to the doctor is mandatory. You should also remember about prevention, so that this state does not arise.

If there is tooth decay, it requires compulsory treatment. After all, bacteria destroy teeth, which leads to inflammation. Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day, additionally after eating, treat them using dental floss. Rapid treatment requires the deposition of dental calculus.

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