How to treat gout on legs? Different methods and recommendations

On the Internet, more and more queries are being recorded - what is gout on the legs?

Answer: gout is one of the variations in inflammation of the joints, when excess uric acid in the form of crystals are deposited in them.

This type of arthritis is most often observed in men, especially in the lower extremities.

Consider the manifestations of this disease in more detail.


  • 1Causes of joint disease
  • 2Symptoms of joint disease
  • 3Treatment by various methods
      • 3.0.1Home Treatment
      • 3.0.2Ointments and creams for topical treatment
      • 3.0.3Medication Methods
  • 4Other methods

Causes of joint disease

At forums dedicated to health issues, people publish photos of legs that are disfigured by gout, and ask what it is and how to deal with it. An unpleasant illness does not bypass a single category of the population; do not think that it affects only the older generation - modern statistics show that the gout has long "grown younger" and covers almost all age group.

What are the causes of gout on the legs of so many people?

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The increase in the diagnosis of gout is associated with several factors:

  • significant changes in the diet of mankind are not for the better (many salty, sharp, meat, fish products);
  • an increase in the level of injuries in the modern world;
  • increase in the use of alcohol.

Salt can also be deposited in joints as a result of prolonged stresses, consequences of operations and frequent intake of certain types of medications.

Symptoms of joint disease

The disease is especially marked on the joints of the legs, because they are more stressed than the upper limbs.

Often it all starts with pain in the big toe, in which the salt begins to be deposited in the first place. Signs of gout on the legs begin to manifest gradually - before her attack, a person feels nervous, lack of appetite.

The peak of manifestation usually comes at night, expressing itself in ever increasing pain, which in a couple of hours becomes unbearable. The tissues around the affected joint swell, the skin reddens and stretches. The patient's fever rises, chills begin.

During the day the pain is not so noticeable, but at night it returns again with the same strength.

In the joints, a crunch is felt, which is another sign of the deposition of salts in the joint bag. These symptoms of gout on the legs last more than a week, sometimes increasing to such an extent that the joints lose mobility.

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Treatment by various methods

Often patients do not yet know what gout is and how dangerous it is, and the curvature of the joints in the big toes is just an unpleasant cosmetic drawback.

But it is worth remembering that the rest of the joints will be affected, the pain will begin to grow, the joints of the body will cease to be flexible, and the urinary tract and kidneys will also suffer from the deposition of salts.

At the first symptoms it is necessary to start prevention and treatment of gout on the legs.

Different methods of treatment, applied collectively, will help get rid of the deposition of salts.

The only thing you should not forget about - all methods of treatment must first be agreed with the doctor.

Home Treatment

Very effective for the relief of pain and swelling of the salt baths for gout feet.

Here are some of them:

  1. To prepare this tray, use sea salt from the pharmacy, but if you can not buy it, you can use the usual food. The course of application lasts about 2 weeks. Hot water, approximately 60 degrees, is saturated with salt in doses - 1 tbsp. for 1 liter of water. Keep feet in water for 15 minutes, while adding hot all the time.
  2. A bath with soda and iodine removes pain and removes salt deposits. For 2 liters of warm water, pour 2 tbsp. l. soda and pour 1 hour. l. iodine.
  3. Baths with decoction of chamomile, iodine and salt - 100 g of salt are poured into 5 liters of strong decoction of chamomile, after its dissolution, add 5 ml of iodine.

Other folk methods that help to cure gout on the leg are also no less effective with proper application.

Ointments and creams for topical treatment

With gout on the legs, ointments and creams are widely used.

Here is the description of the most popular of them:

  1. Butadionein the ointment it relieves pain, swelling and inflammation. It is applied several times a day, but with the first application it is necessary to ensure that there are no allergic manifestations. This ointment from gout on the legs removes the morning stiffness of the articulations of the foot, increases their flexibility.
  2. Fullflexwell helps in neglected situations. In its composition there is birch tar, which has an anesthetic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and salt effect. There are practically no contraindications to its use.
  3. Vishnevsky ointment- a traditional, time-tested tool. When our grandmothers and grandfathers had a question - how to treat gout on the leg - they resorted to it.
  4. Fastum Gel- He relieves pain not only in the back, but also in the inflamed joints.
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Medication Methods

In addition to ointments and creams, there are other methods. But with the question of how to treat gout medically, you should first consult a doctor. After receiving the recommendations, you can start to expel the disease.

Remember that with an independent choice of medications you can make a mistake in choosing a drug and only aggravate the disease.

Recovery of sick people is possible with the use of antibiotics, which stop the disease and carry out preventive treatment. All drugs are purchased strictly according to the doctor's prescription, because only he can determine how much the joint and surrounding tissues are affected.

What you need to know about the treatment of gout with medicines:

  1. For medicamentous treatment of gout on the legs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are taken.
  2. Severe forms of the disease requires the use of corticosteroids.
  3. Colchicil is known as the oldest, proven remedy for gout. As soon as the first symptoms of the disease appeared, literally in the first hours, it should immediately begin to use it, as the effectiveness of treatment depends on the speed of use. But it has many contraindications - you can not use more than 4 grams of tablets per day. In no case can you combine the reception of colchicil tablets and its intravenous infusion.
  4. Allopurinol significantly reduces the formation of uric acid and its crystals, dissolves salts, helps to remove most of the acid in the urine. It is not an anesthetic, but it effectively treats the disease itself, so if you think how to get rid of gout on the leg, allopurinol will help better many other medicines. But you need to be careful, as there is a risk of damage to the liver and kidneys and increase the pressure.

Other methods

You can apply compresses, use home and pharmacy ointments, trays with medicinal herbs and medical solutions.

Also, non-pharmacological methods of physiotherapy have proved to be very good - exposure to UHF, heating of affected areas with electrophoresis, ultraviolet treatment of a diseased joint.

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Not bad help mud packs, applying therapeutic clay, wrapping with hot paraffin.

But remember - any procedure can not be absolutely safe, and before you do something, when there was gout on your legs, you need to get the doctor's consent.

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