Instability of the cervical spine: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Instability of the cervical spine and symptoms
    • 1.1Anatomy, causes and types of condition
    • 1.2What are the symptoms of cervical spine instability?
    • 1.3Diagnosis and treatment of instability of the cervical spine
    • 1.4Prophylaxis of the cervical spine
  • 2Instability of the cervical spine: symptoms and treatment, a set of exercises and gymnastics, contraindications
    • 2.1Definition of concept
    • 2.2Anatomical structure of the cervical spine
    • 2.3Classification
    • 2.4Causes and factors of development
    • 2.5Clinical picture: symptoms
    • 2.6Diagnostic Methods
    • 2.7Instability of the cervical spine - treatment
    • 2.8Medication
    • 2.9Pharmacological treatment of pain syndrome
    • 2.10Physiotherapy methods: electrophoresis, massage and other
    • 2.11Physiotherapeutic methods used for treatment - gallery
    • 2.12Acupuncture
    • 2.13Physiotherapy
    • 2.14Therapeutic exercises, exercises - video
    • 2.15Surgery
    • 2.16Prognosis and complications
    • 2.17Prevention
  • 3Instability of the cervical spine and its treatment
    • 3.1Step One: An awareness of the essence of the problem and its identification
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.2Step Two: Identify the type of stability disorder and treatment tactics
    • 3.3Step three: the clear implementation of all the items of the curative program
    • 3.4Immobilization of the neck
    • 3.5Observing the motor mode
    • 3.6Balanced diet
    • 3.7Medication Therapy
    • 3.8Novocaine blockades
    • 3.9Massage and manual therapy
    • 3.10Physiotherapy
    • 3.11Physiotherapy
    • 3.12Operative treatment
  • 4Instability of the cervical spine
    • 4.1Symptoms
    • 4.2Types of instability
    • 4.3Instability in children
    • 4.4How to diagnose spinal instability
    • 4.5Treatment
    • 4.6Preventive maintenance of instability of a backbone
    • 4.7Treatment exercises for prevention
  • 5What is the instability of the cervical spine: symptoms and treatment of excessive mobility of the vertebrae
    • 5.1Causes of pathology
    • 5.2Symptomatology
    • 5.3Classification
    • 5.4Diagnostics
    • 5.5Instability of the cervical spine in children
    • 5.6What threatens the pathological process
    • 5.7Effective methods of treatment
    • 5.8Conservative therapy options
    • 5.9Gymnastics and exercise therapy
    • 5.10Operative intervention
    • 5.11Prophylactic recommendations

Instability of the cervical spine and symptoms

Instability of the cervical spine

The cervical spine, consisting of seven vertebrae, is the most mobile part of the skeletal framework of the human body.

The instability of the cervical spine, the symptoms and treatment of which is well studied by medicine, indicates a disbalance between the vertebrae. This pathology occurs more often, and in different age groups of people.

Anatomy, causes and types of condition

The instability of the cervical vertebrae indicates a disbalance in the stability and mobility of the spine of the vertebral column.

Due to mobility, a person is able to move his head, while the cervical section, experiencing the strongest dynamic and mechanical load, provides stability due to the binding apparatus, intervertebral cartilage joints and the vertebrae of the cervical department.

It is generally believed that the main factors leading to disruption or unbalance of the cervical vertebrae are as follows:

  • Hereditary predisposition, when instability of the cervical spine in children and / or adults is laid down at the genetic level.
  • Previously injured vertebrae, joints and other elements of the skeleton in the cervical region.
  • Prolonged physical strain on the neck.
  • The fragility of the vertebrae due to a weakened mineralization of the bone structure - the so-called osteoporosis.
  • Violation of the ligamentous apparatus due to systemic inflammatory processes in connective tissues.
  • Infectious damage to the bone structure in the cervical spine, for example, osteomyelitis or tuberculosis.

Proceeding from this, the following types of instability of the cervical department are determined:

  • posttraumatic form;
  • dysplastic form of the disease;
  • degenerative type of instability of the cervical spine.

What are the symptoms of cervical spine instability?

I would like to note that, as such, the instability of the cervical spine, its symptoms, The greatest degree is manifested in children of adolescence and in older people (after 65 years). The incidence rate among middle-aged people is no more than 25%, and mainly among the male part of the population. Typical complaints when referring to specialists are:

  • dizziness and / or headache;
  • painful syndromes in the neck - any tilt or turn causes unpleasant acute pain;
  • lumbago in the neck, or radicular syndrome, when nerve endings are involved;
  • numbness of the neck;
  • restrictions in mobility, which is due to a decrease in muscular activity;
  • rapid fatigue in the neck when walking and / or in a sitting position.

All these symptomatic signs require adequate diagnosis and appropriate medical response measures.

Diagnosis and treatment of instability of the cervical spine

The basic diagnostic measures are based on the patient's complaints, his data on the neurological status, medical examination and modern methods of instrumental examination.

In addition, differential diagnosis involves methods of laboratory research. The most effective and accurate way of diagnosis is X-ray scanning.

Magnetic resonance imaging and / or computed tomography allows you to accurately determine qualitative disorders in the ligament apparatus of the cervical spine.

In some cases, the use of myelographic methods of diagnosis is recommended. Treating instability is a complex and time-consuming process.

If the initial phase of the disease is quite enough traditional medical therapy, curative physical culture, massage and physiotherapy, then in more severe (neglected) cases surgical methods are used correction.

Conservative treatment involves the use of pharmacological drugs aimed at eliminating pain syndrome, vasodilating and anti-inflammatory effects.

Some specialists in the field of neurology recommend cervical corset, which helps to reduce muscle atrophy and restore its tone.

Operative intervention is a complex surgical process of restoring the functional stability of vertebral elements, using special corrective structures.

Causes instability causes

Prophylaxis of the cervical spine

An important role in the rehabilitation process of restoring the healthy functionality of the spine, is prevention in the postoperative period.

It is recommended not to allow sharp movements of the head and neck, for sleeping use an orthopedic mattress without a pillow. Choose the most gentle mode of physical impact on the neck and be sure to follow the posture.

For any manifestations of discomfort, you should consult your doctor.

Take care of yourself and be well!

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Instability of the cervical spine: symptoms and treatment, a set of exercises and gymnastics, contraindications

Diseases of the joints and the spine are now common not only among adults, but also among children.

These pathologies can not only significantly reduce the quality of life, but also lead to serious consequences until complete immobilization.

Such diseases include instability of the cervical spine.

Definition of concept

The human spine has several departments in its structure.

The greatest mobility has articulations in the neck part, consisting of seven separate bones.

The vertebrae of this department are smaller than all others in size, connected with each other by means of strong joint discs and longitudinal tendons.

The first vertebra (atlant) has a special anatomical structure, is directly connected to the occipital bone of the skull and provides the head inclinations. The second is called axial, also differs in form from the others and is a necessary link for making head turns.

The anatomical cervical section is designed by nature so as to maintain a balance between mobility and strength, ensuring the head is maintained in an upright position.Inside the vertebrae is located the spinal cord, in which at this level all the nerve fibers that connect the brain to the muscles and internal organs pass.

Anatomical structure of the cervical spine

The cervical department consists of seven vertebrae and ezhzhpozvonochnyh disks, strengthened by ligaments Most often, instability occurs at the level of the first and second cervical vertebrae Intervertebral discs at the cervical level have great strength. Quite often the instability of the cervical region leads to compression of the vertebral artery feeding brain

Instability of the cervical spine is a medical term describing the increased mobility of bones and articulations of the spine, accompanied by severe pain syndrome.

Pathology occurs both in childhood and among adults. The risk group is children from two to seven years.


Pathology is divided into several main types:

  • post-traumatic instability caused by mechanical damage to the vertebrae, joints and ligaments;
  • dysplastic instability, characterized by an initial disruption of the structure of bones, joints and ligaments;
  • degenerative instability, developing against the background of age-related changes in the tissue of the vertebrae, intervertebral discs and tendons;
  • postoperative instability, which develops after performing surgical interventions on the spine;
  • Combined instability, in which there are several of the above reasons.

Causes and factors of development

The most common cause of instability are the effects of trauma.

In adulthood, the mechanism of damage can be different: a traffic accident, playing sports.

In childhood, the vast majority of cases is a consequence of birth trauma. In this case, the following factors play a role:

The main cause of cervical instability is trauma

  • features of the anatomical structure of the mother's birth canal;
  • Concomitant diseases of a pregnant woman, not related to the bearing of the fetus;
  • anomalies of the anatomical structure of the fetus;
  • mismatch in the size of the fetus and pelvis of the mother;
  • individual character of all stages of the process of birth. The main cause of instability of the cervical spine in children - birth trauma

Dysplastic instability is observed at any age.In this case, the basis of the disease is a violation of the anatomical structure of the connective tissue of the tendons and intervertebral discs at the microscopic level. Pathology has a hereditary character in most cases. Defect genes leads to loss of elasticity of ligaments and discs and the emergence of instability.

The main cause of dysplastic instability is the pathology of connective tissue at the microscopic level

Degenerative instability is the lot of adults.

With the passage of time, in every person the connective tissue loses water, the bone substance becomes brittle, which leads to excessive mobility of the cervical spine.

Additional factors in the development of the pathological process are the following:

  • sedentary sedentary labor;
  • overweight;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • malnutrition.

The danger is not the disease itself, but the possible damage to the spinal cord at the cervical level, which can result in complete immobility of the hands and feet.

The severest consequence of instability of the cervical region is complete immobility

Clinical picture: symptoms

The symptoms vary somewhat depending on the age of the patient.In children, the clinical picture of the disease consists of the following symptoms:

  • increased irritability;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • attention deficit;
  • memory reduction.

In adult patients, the disease occurs with the development of the following symptoms:

  • debilitating headaches;
  • numbness of the posterior surface of the neck;
  • numbness of the upper limbs;
  • pain when turning and tilting the head;
  • periodic episodes of dizziness; otovruzhenie - a consequence of compression of the vertebral artery
  • increased blood pressure;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased tension of the neck muscles.
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Diagnostic Methods

To establish the correct diagnosis it is necessary to conduct the following activities:

  • examination of the doctor with a thorough clarification of all the details of the onset and development of the disease;
  • determination of motor and sensory function to identify the involvement of fibers of the spinal cord;
  • X-ray in the positions of maximum flexion and extension of the head for visualization of instability; Radiography of the cervical section in different positions - the gold standard of diagnosis
  • computer (magnetic resonance) tomography allows you to accurately study the structure of the vertebrae, disks and joints; agnitelno-resonance tomography - the main method of visualization of vertebrae, discs and spinal brain
  • electroneuromyography allows you to visualize the passage of a nerve impulse from the spinal cord to the muscles.

Differential diagnosis is performed with the following diseases:

  • compression of the vertebral artery;
  • migraine;
  • inflammation of the arachnoid - arachnoiditis;
  • hypertonic disease.

Instability of the cervical spine - treatment

Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis under the supervision of a neurologist.The complex approach is used in the therapy of the disease.


To treat the pain syndrome caused by the instability of the cervical spine, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • Analgesics: Analgin, Ketorol, Ibuprofen, Dexalgin. Medicinal substances for convenient use have various forms of release: ointments, gels, therapeutic patches, solutions for injections, tablets;
  • vitamins: Thiamin, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine;
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, Meloxicam.

Pharmacological treatment of pain syndrome

Diclofenac in ampoules - the main treatment for pain in acute periodVoltaren in the form of plaster - a modern way to eliminate pain Riboflavin contains vitamin В2Припарат Пиридоксин contains vitamin B6Meloxicam - a selective anti-inflammatory drug with a minimum of side effects Diclofenac in the form of an ointment - an effective external agent for pain relief

Among the means for treating the instability of the cervical spine, the Novocain blockade stands apart. The anesthetic with the help of a syringe with a long needle is sent to the site of the pathological focus.

Novokainovaya blockade is a method of targeted delivery of an anesthetic in the pathological focus

Physiotherapy methods: electrophoresis, massage and other

Physiotherapeutic methods are effective for the elimination of pain and inflammation:

  • artificial creation of immobility (immobilization) is carried out with a pronounced pain syndrome by wearing a special collar. The term for which the method of treatment is assigned is determined by the physician individually; Mobilization - the first stage of therapy of instability of the cervical spine
  • infrared radiation has a pronounced thermal effect;
  • electrophoresis allows you to deliver drugs directly into the pathological focus;
  • UHF laser and magnetotherapy have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect;
  • mud treatment has a warming effect and improves blood circulation;
  • massage helps increase blood circulation in the area of ​​the vertebrae and neck muscles.

Physiotherapeutic methods used for treatment - gallery

Electrophoresis - a method of drug delivery to the pathological focus with the help of electrocuteLaserotherapy - an effective method of treatment light energy UUV-therapy has anti-inflammatory effect Mud therapy has a positive effect on recovery nerve tissue


Acupuncture (acupuncture) is an ancient method of treatment. At the heart of this method of therapy lies the impact on the active points of the body by setting special needles. The duration of the session is from 20 to 30 minutes. Performed exclusively by a specialist.


Medical gymnastics is an important component of therapy. Exercises are aimed at developing the muscles of the neck and spine. Classes are conducted under the supervision of instructor-methodologist after the elimination of the expressed pain syndrome. After training, exercises are performed at home.

Approximate complex of therapeutic gymnastics:

  1. The development of the neck muscles is facilitated by the usual turns of the head to the right and to the left. Exercise is performed at a slow pace of 10 slopes in each direction.
  2. For the purpose of improving the motor function of the cervical spine, head rolls are used. The chin is maximally brought to the chest, in this position, movements are made to the left and to the right. Exercise is performed at a slow pace of 10 rolls to each side.
  3. The development of the mobility of the first cervical vertebra is facilitated by alternating the inclination of the head forward and backward. Exercise is performed at a slow pace of 10 slopes in each direction.
  4. This exercise is performed at a moderate pace. From the initial position of the arm standing on the waist, an attempt is made to maximize the blades.

Therapeutic exercises, exercises - video


Surgical intervention is rarely performed only in the case of proven anomalies in the structure of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

Operative treatment - a spondylodease - consists in implantation of an artificial metal structure from plates and fixing elements, which prevents excessive mobility of the spine.

The method of surgical access and the type of anesthesia are selected individually by a neurosurgeon.

Spondylodesis - the main type of intervention for instability of the cervical spine

Prognosis and complications

With a timely diagnosis and the appointment of an adequate treatment, the prognosis is favorable. In severe cases, the following complications may develop:

  • intensive pain syndrome;
  • impairment of motor function;
  • Sensitivity disorder;
  • decrease in muscle mass (atrophy);
  • complete immobilization.


To prevent the formation of pathology, the following measures are used:

  • healthy diet;
  • dosed physical exercise;
  • industrial gymnastics;
  • convenient workplace;
  • Observation of a doctor in sports at amateur and professional level.

Instability of the cervical spine is a serious disease, with untimely diagnosis leading to paralysis of the muscles of the limbs and damage to the internal organs. Treatment of the disease is a long and persistent process. The disciplined execution of all medical recommendations is the main key to the success of the treatment of this pathology.

  • Elena Timofeeva
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Instability of the cervical spine and its treatment

Despite the rare occurrence, instability of the cervical spine is a rather painful problem for society. This is due to the fact that its removal presents great difficulties.

In most cases, the sick person remains alone with this pathology, especially when solving the issues of medical tactics. After all, none of the specialists can guarantee the success of the upcoming health events.

Therefore, it is so important before making a decision when choosing a method of treatment to get to know the effectiveness and consequences of each of them.

Step One: An awareness of the essence of the problem and its identification

Normally, the mobility of the cervical spine segments is very high. It is caused by the summation of small amounts of displacement of each vertebrae relative to each other.

If the adjacent vertebrae violate the permissible boundaries of interposition, this does not increase the motor activity of the neck and head, but reduces it.

Violation of the stability of the spine in the cervical region is nothing more than its inability to perform habitual, and sometimes vital movements.


The fault is dislocations, subluxations, displacement of the vertebrae, caused by the inconsistency of the musculo-ligamentous and articular-disk apparatus designed to ensure normal mobility and stability of cervical vertebrae.


In this case, there are symptoms such as severe pain in the neck, deformity with impaired mobility of the head and neck. The most important criterion for establishing a diagnosis is the transient nature of these symptoms. They arise suddenly on the background of overcoming structural elements of the cervical spine of a certain type of load.

A correct diagnosis is not always easy to establish, which causes unsuccessful treatment. This is due to the existence of hidden forms of impaired stability of the spine in the cervical region.

They are able to occur atypically, acquiring a mask of various diseases (vertebral artery syndrome, myelopathy, diskalgia, etc.)

) In this case, there are nonspecific signs: headaches, dizziness, impaired coordination of movements, neck muscle tension, numbness of the posterior surface of the head and neck.

Even instrumental diagnostic methods are not always sufficiently informative. Therefore, the diagnosis should be determined taking into account the smallest trivialities and subtleties that the patient is obliged to inform the doctor.

Radiography of the cervical spine in different positions is the main method for diagnosing its instability

Step Two: Identify the type of stability disorder and treatment tactics

With regard to the choice of treatment tactics, the instability of the cervical spine can be viewed from different positions:

  • Instability in the form of periodic pathological (excessive) mobility of the vertebrae, which is itself eliminated after the termination of the provoking factor. There are no marked structural rearrangements or deformations of the spinal column. There is only a pain syndrome in the neck region of varying severity. In such patients there is a weakening of dense and soft tissue structures (ligaments, muscles, articular cartilage and discs). The reasons for their occurrence must be clarified, and the treatment is directed at eliminating provoking factors and strengthening weakened elements (exercises, massage).
  • Instability in the cervical spine in the form of a violation of normal anatomical relationships between vertebrae, which is not eliminated on its own. In this case, there is a pronounced pain syndrome in combination with visible deformation, x-ray or tomogram, deformation, dislocation, subluxation of the vertebrae. The mere fact that they are not eliminated on their own speaks of deep structural rearrangements of the vertebral segment. Therefore, treatment should be aimed at correcting the disturbed anatomical interrelations between the vertebrae and preventing their recurrence.
  • Instability of the cervical spine, which is of a persistent nature. In this case, there is a local or general curvature of the vertebral axis. It intensifies against the background of the exercise of the load and is accompanied by an unexpressed pain syndrome. Most of all, such disturbances of stability are reflected in the form of a sharp restriction of mobility of the head and neck. Such patients need force manual or surgical correction methods.
  • Combination of any kind of disturbances in the stability of the cervical spine with osteochondrosis and hernias of intervertebral discs. Such patients require a differentiated approach to treatment with the definition of a prevalent disease. With large intervertebral hernias, regardless of the type of instability, surgical treatment is recommended. In all other cases, the choice of treatment should depend on the type of instability.

Step three: the clear implementation of all the items of the curative program

Treatment of instability of the spine in the cervical region is represented by such methods:

  • Immobilization of vertebrae with a special collar;
  • observance of a gentle motor regime;
  • balanced diet;
  • drug treatment;
  • implementation of Novocain blockades;
  • massage and manual therapy;
  • strengthening exercises and complex physical exercise;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • surgery.
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Immobilization of the neck

Achieves by using collars of rigid or soft construction. The choice of the product is made by a specialist taking into account the type of instability. The implication of immobilization is to provide the weakened vertebral segment with additional reinforcement.

In this way, functional stability is achieved. The hard collar limits the motor activity of the neck to a greater degree than the soft one. It is used for a limited time in severe forms of instability and in the postoperative period.

The use of a locking collar is one of the key points in the treatment of vertebral stability disorders

Observing the motor mode

Movement in the cervical spine should be limited. Excludes sharp turns and inclinations of the head, axial load on the neck, which lead to the appearance of pain and displacement of the vertebrae.

Patients should remember this, especially in the early period after achieving positive dynamics against the background of treatment. On the other hand, the complete exclusion of motor activity over a long period of time leads to atrophy of the musculo-ligamentous and osteoarticular apparatus of the spine.

Therefore, the movements should be comparable to the actual capabilities of the spine.

Balanced diet

One of the important elements of the curative program.

The cause of instability in many cases are degenerative processes in the bone and connective tissues against the background of insufficient intake of nutrients (osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, muscular dystrophy and others.

) Therefore, in the diet of patients included food containing high concentrations of calcium and other microelements, vitamins, protein (vegetables, fruits, nuts, berries, dairy products, meat dishes, eggs).

Medication Therapy

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Treatment with medication with instability of the cervical spine is purely symptomatic.

The drugs used in the group of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs (tiliphene, ketones, analgin, movalis, etc.) have only a temporary effect. They are indicated in the presence of persistent pain syndrome.

In the presence of muscle spasm of the neck, muscle relaxants are used (midokalm, sirdalud).

Many patients are shown a long-term use of chondroprotectors - drugs for strengthening intervertebral joints (structum, teraflex, chondroitin complex, etc.)

Novocaine blockades

Local administration of local anesthetics (longocaine, novocaine, lidocaine) to the painful points of the neck with instability of the vertebrae is shown in rare cases.

Indication can be a pronounced pain syndrome or muscle spasms, not docked by taking pain medications.

With osteochondrosis and deformities of the spine, blockages involving an anesthetic with a steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (kenalog, hydrocortisone, diprospan) are used.

Massage and manual therapy

One of the key treatments for instability. With the help of massage, muscles and spine ligaments are strengthened. Manual techniques allow you to eliminate the acute subluxation of the cervical vertebrae and remove muscle spasm.


Exercises from the complex LFK best to choose with a specialist. The main principle that must be observed is the gradual increase in the volume and strength of the movements performed.

Exercises are simple and can be done several times a day. If positive results are achieved, they can be performed with additional devices (rubber bandage).

Exercises can be:

  • bending of the head with simultaneous pressure on the forehead with both hands, creating counteraction;
  • extension of the head with simultaneous resistance to the occipital region;
  • lateral inclinations of the head with resistance to the corresponding temporal region;
  • rotational turns of the head with counteraction of hands alternately in both directions;
  • the initial standing position with slight retraction and simultaneous extension of the neck to the back. In this position, by bending the neck, the chin is pulled to the sternum (they do not need direct contact).

Correctly selected exercises - the key to successful treatment of cervical vertebral instability

Exercises are performed 8-10 times each with a delay of muscle tension for 5-7 seconds. If necessary, their number and execution time may increase or decrease.


It is an addition to exercise therapy and massage. Methods of electrophoresis, miostimulation, magnetotherapy, water procedures are used. By increasing the blood flow in the muscles, their strengthening, reducing spasm and pain syndrome.

Operative treatment

It is used either in the presence of severe deformity with a stable vertebral instability, or in the absence of the effect of conservative measures. It consists in the artificial creation of stability by fixing the adjacent vertebrae with a metal plate (spondylodesis).

Treatment of violations of the stability of the spine in the cervical region is a multi-stage, consistent and long-term process. The more timely it is launched, the better its results.

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Instability of the cervical spine

Instability of the cervical vertebrae is not considered to be the most common disease, at least in adults. Unfortunately, signs of instability are found in infants. Circumstances of getting the disease:

  • suffered trauma in the child during childbirth;
  • degenerative-dystrophic changes: protrusions, intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis;
  • not strengthened ligament apparatus in the child;
  • postoperative disruption of vertebral stability;
  • disturbed fetal development in terms of bone and cartilage tissue.

To fully understand the essence of the disease, we will briefly consider the structure of the cervical spine:

  • number of vertebrae - 7;
  • mobile and loaded department - realizes turns, inclinations and other kinds of movement of a head;
  • small vertebrae of the spine in comparison with the rest;
  • low vertebral strength;
  • through the orifices in the processes of the vertebrae, the vertebral arteries that go to the brain pass;
  • brachial nerve congestion.

As a result of injury or excessive strain on the neck, there may be instability of the cervical vertebrae - when the vertebrae in the cervical spine are characterized by abnormal mobility, and are excessively displaced to each other friend. Vertebrae squeeze the spinal cord, vertebral arteries, which can lead to dangerous deviations in human health. The displacement of vertebrae by 3-4 mm is considered a sign of the disease.
This is due to a weak muscular corset and vertebral ligaments, which are beyond the power Keep the vertebrae within their maximum amplitude and maintain them in the correct and safe location.

This can be compared with the scales - mobility and stability.

Only in a balanced position is the healthy state of the spine. When the balance is inclined towards a decrease in stability, hypermobility of the vertebrae is manifested.


Symptoms of cervical instability are difficult to distinguish from other diseases due to the similarity of symptoms, which depend on many factors:

  • level of displacement of vertebrae;
  • the age of the patient;
  • health;
  • level of physical development.

In general, the disease manifests itself as follows:

  • pain in the neck after a sharp turn, tilt the head;
  • pain in the occiput;
  • stiffness of muscles;
  • limited movement;
  • a feeling of numbness in the fingers;
  • visually determined deformity of the spine;
  • abnormalities in the supporting function of the neck;
  • blood pressure jumps.

Types of instability

  1. Degenerative instability - appears under the influence of osteochondrosis, when the structure of the disk is fragmented, which reduces the fixing function of the disc. Also, the reason is not enough nutrition with trace elements of the cartilaginous tissue.
  2. Dysplastic - deviation from the normal development of the cervical region, congenital pathology, which in time can appear as a hump.
  3. Post-traumatic - the result of a fracture, dislocation and strong impact.

    Often this type is diagnosed in a child due to mistakes of midwives. Displacement of disks up to 2 mm is considered acceptable, and more is included in the risk zone for the progression of the disease.

  4. Postoperative - temporary instability included in the rehabilitation period after surgery.

Instability in children

Instability of the cervical spine in children is the result: birth injuries, umbilical cords, developmental disabilities, etc.

Immediately identify the instability is almost impossible, the symptoms appear by the 4th year.

With instability of the cervical vertebrae, the child exhibits the following symptoms:

  • Memory impairment;
  • Nervousness;
  • Anxiety;
  • Broken attention.

If you notice a child such symptoms you need to go to a specialist for examination and undergoing a comprehensive medical examination.
Instability of the cervical spine in children with proper treatment is well amenable to correction.

How to diagnose spinal instability

Let's consider the main stages used for diagnostics:

  1. Collection of symptoms with further filling in the anamnesis.
  2. Visual examination of the cervical region for the presence of severe deformations of the vertebrae and evaluation of the degree of limitation in motion.
  3. Instability of the spine is also investigated by hardware methods: X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography and myelography.
    Diagnosis is an important tool for diagnosing and building a plan for further treatment.


Timely and complete treatment of instability of the cervical spine should be performed under the supervision of an experienced doctor.
Instability of the cervical part in the treatment, which is used by many methods:

  1. Use a collar for the neck that performs a fixing role. The period of use of the collar is approximately 2 months 2 hours a day. Also, it is also prescribed to do special exercises for instability of the cervical spine, selected by a specialist taking into account the physical capabilities of patients. Exercises must be done necessarily so that the muscles do not atrophy during the time of collar socks, on the contrary gained strength.
  2. Kinesiology - allows you to return the vertebrae to the site, by stretching the spine. After the course of the vertebra, it is not uncommon to get a normal position.
  3. Gentle mode when moving - the patient needs to control their movements with the neck - no sharp movements in the form of turns or inclinations, everything should be done smoothly and slowly.
  4. Proper nutrition - the observance of the balance of microelements in food, i.e. a variety of food: sea fish, fresh vegetables, fruits, etc.
  5. Drug treatment - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - diclofenac, ketones and others.
  6. Novokainovaya blockade is used in cases when drug treatment does not bring relief, the essence of the blockade is in the fact that the nerve end of the affected area is injected with novocaine and "cuts off" this site, bringing relief from the absence pain. It also helps to clarify the overlapping symptoms.
  7. Massage and manual therapy - will strengthen the muscles and ligaments, and manual therapy will ensure the correct location of the cervical vertebra. Attention, these procedures are basic and important!
  8. LFK with instability - the specialist selects and shows how to do exercises with instability cervical vertebrae, they are usually light and should be performed several times a day, gradually increasing load.
  9. Physiotherapy - procedures that carry an intensifying function to exercise therapy and massage. Methods of physiotherapy: magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, acupuncture, water procedures, etc.
  10. Operative treatment is an extreme case, when the above methods do not bring a lasting result and there is a threat in violation of the functioning of human organs. The essence of the method consists in the operation of spondylodesis, in which the instability of the spine is limited by the use of a transplant.
    With unstable vertebrae, self-medication, folk medicine and to wait while itself "will be tightened" - treatment with the skilled and the qualified doctor - unique correct choice!
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Preventive maintenance of instability of a backbone

Do not allow the body to subcool under which inflammation of the nerve endings may occur.

It is necessary to regularly engage in exercises, visit fitness clubs, swim in the pool.

More to walk in the fresh air, to control the posture when sitting at the computer. For tone, contrast shower is useful.

Treatment exercises for prevention

  1. Put the palm on the forehead, and strain the muscles of the neck to press on it - 3 times for 7 seconds. Move the hand to the back of the head and press in this position as many times.
  2. Put your palm on the right temple - press on the palm of your hand 3 times for 7 seconds. Do the same exercise on the left side.
  3. We keep the head and the shoulder straps straight - we turn the head to the maximum possible angle in one direction and the other - we do it 5 times.
  4. We bend the head so that the ear touches the shoulder - 5 times in each direction.

It is recommended to undergo physical therapy under the supervision of an experienced physician who controls the process and can adjust the technique of performing the exercise.

A source:

What is the instability of the cervical spine: symptoms and treatment of excessive mobility of the vertebrae

The instability of the spine in the cervical region is a pathology in which excess mobility of the vertebrae is observed in this section.

Nuisance is not common, but it gives the victim a lot of inconvenience, can cause serious pathologies, even to death.

The cervical region includes a mass of important nerve endings, an artery that nourishes the brain, any disturbances in this zone have a dramatic negative effect on the general condition of the patient. In time, see a doctor, start appropriate therapy, reducing the likelihood of various complications.

Causes of pathology

The cervical spine is important for the functioning of the whole body. This zone has absolutely opposite properties, which ensures the normal functioning of the cervical region.

On the one hand - mobility, which allows a person to make circular motions, turn it in different directions. On the other hand - the stability of the cervical vertebrae, which is preserved in various positions of the body.

Instability in this zone is a rare and dangerous event, requiring immediate therapy.

Instability of the spine in the cervical region is formed against a background of various negative factors:

  • traumatic injuries, including birth trauma. The cervical spine is more prone to various lesions against the background of a weak and small muscular corset, small vertebrae, their low strength;
  • the course of degenerative-dystrophic processes in the cervical region. Often occurs cervical osteochondrosis, which affects the intervertebral discs, leading to pathological changes;
  • surgical intervention in the cervical zone. Postoperative instability occurs infrequently, is formed as a result of a violation of the integrity of bone complexes during manipulation. The physical exacerbation of the situation during the postoperative period;
  • incorrect formation of spinal tissues during intrauterine development;
  • degeneration of the intervertebral disc on the background of excessive physical exertion.

Before starting therapy it is important to find out the negative provoking factor, otherwise relapse of pathology can not be avoided.


Excessive mobility of the cervical region is manifested by a mass of specific symptoms:

  • Initially, the patient complains of periodically appearing pain in the cervical region. Over time, they become longer, intensify after loads. The cause of discomfort are muscles that are in a spasm condition, compression nerve endings;
  • the severity of the symptoms depends on the age, individual characteristics, degree of damage to the cervical zone. In most cases, the pain syndrome is accompanied by headaches, dizziness. Pain can spread to the occipital region, scapula, upper limbs, hands and fingers;
  • disorders of sensitivity are accompanied by twitching of the upper limbs, numbness, problems with blood circulation;
  • lumbago, radiculitis - an integral part of the instability of the cervical spine. Muscle tissue is in constant tension, which contributes to the progression of the pathological process.


The instability of the spine (not only the cervical zone) is divided into several species, depending on the negative factor that caused the pathological condition:

  • posttraumatic appearance.Instability of the vertebrae is formed as a result of a previous trauma (dislocations, subluxations, vertebral fractures);
  • postoperative appearance.Excessive mobility of cervical vertebrae is formed against the background of surgical intervention in this zone;
  • dysplastic.Appears against the background of an anatomically irregular structure of the vertebral column in the cervical region;
  • degenerative.Formed as a result of the course of degenerative-dystrophic processes, for example, osteochondrosis.

Note!Independently trying to get rid of trouble is strictly prohibited. It is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner, because it is rather difficult to help the victim in neglected situations.


To find out the exact cause of discomfort will help specific diagnostic manipulations:

  • examination of the patient, palpation of the localization area of ​​the pathological process;
  • X-ray in several projections (to determine the degree of damage to the cervical vertebrae in various positions of the body);
  • the presence of acute pain, a long course of pathology obliges doctors to conduct a number of additional studies (MRI, CT) to assess the degree of damage to blood vessels, nerve tissues, muscles.

Instability of the cervical spine in children

In most cases, excessive mobility of the vertebrae in the cervical region in toddlers is the result of birth trauma. A clear connection has been established between labor and cervical lesions.

Often the cause of the pathological process are the following negative factors:

  • turn the head of the fruit around the axis to a large degree (up to 180);
  • a large fruit (more than three and a half kilograms);
  • the woman has narrow birthmarks;
  • rapid delivery, insufficient labor activity;
  • mistakes of doctors (overly strong sipping of the fruit for the head). The pathological process is accompanied by a characteristic crunch of vertebral discs. In most cases, this situation is observed when using obstetric forceps.

At a later age, the causes of instability of the cervical vertebrae are injuries, severe strokes in this area.

In case of detection by the parents of impaired motor activity, drowsiness, torticollis, other signs of trouble, it is important to contact the doctor in time.

The instability of the cervical spine may be indicated by the unusual temper tantrum, nervousness of the child, and sleep disturbances.

What threatens the pathological process

The pathological process accelerates the course of osteochondrosis, leads to the formation of joint arthrosis. Pain syndrome is getting stronger, accompanied by the patient not only when lifting weights, other physical exertion, is constantly (in the morning it feels sharper than in the evening).

Absence of therapy leads to deterioration of hearing, vision, sleep is disturbed, problems with coordination appear.

A person constantly complains of lethargy, there is excessive anxiety, which prevents working in the usual way.

In some situations, the body tries to compensate for the instability of vertebrae by the growth of osteophytes. With this state of pain subsides, but the cervical region loses its mobility.

Effective methods of treatment

The danger of excessive motor function of the cervical vertebrae is that the pathology is perfectly masked for other ailments, can proceed in a latent form.

Only an integrated approach to the disease will help to find out the cause of the pathological condition, to prevent serious complications, including disability of the patient, death.

Conservative therapy options

In most cases, doctors prefer to use conservative methods of treatment. The operation is required in neglected cases, when other methods did not give the desired therapeutic effect.

Conservative therapy includes several aspects:

  • To prevent the displacement of the vertebrae in the neck zone will help a special supporting corset. The product has a positive effect on the patient's well-being, and he stops pain symptoms. To pick up the necessary cervical collar of Shants, the doctor will help, taking into account the peculiarities of the course of the pathological process, the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • taking pain medication. In some cases, novocain blockades of the spine are used for therapy. With regard to excessive mobility of the cervical vertebrae, NSAIDs are used;
  • physiotherapy (magnetotherapy, acupuncture, laser irradiation). Therapeutic massage also allows you to cope with the trouble;
  • Spinal traction. Manipulation should be conducted by an experienced physician, otherwise the situation may worsen.

Gymnastics and exercise therapy

Complex LFK picks a medic. There are several effective exercises:

  • put your hands on your waist, lift your shoulders slowly up, then take them back, while trying to touch elbows with each other. Perform several repetitions of the exercise;
  • use elastic band. Secure one end to the surface, sit on a chair, wrap another around the head, wiggle movements begin to bend back;
  • chin press to the chest gradually roll over it. Do all the manipulations slowly.

Operative intervention

Stabilize the spine with the help of a doctor's surgery recommended in the following cases:

  • severe pain syndrome, which is difficult to cope with, or the patient does not tolerate prescription medications;
  • presence of complications (compression of nerve fibers, intervertebral hernia, subluxation of vertebrae);
  • short duration of remission, frequent exacerbations of the pathological condition.

With regard to the instability of the cervical vertebrae, a method called spondylodesis (anterior and posterior) is used.

The essence of manipulation is that physicians fasten a special plate in front or behind, which stabilizes the vertebrae, reduces pressure on the nerve roots.

Often, these two methods are combined to produce a persistent therapeutic effect.

Prophylactic recommendations

Preventive emergence of instability in the cervical vertebrae will help preventive recommendations:

  • minimize the risk of domestic and sports injuries. From accidents no one is insured, but when traveling make sure to fasten;
  • exercise, allowing to maintain muscles in a tonus;
  • timely treat diseases of musculoskeletal tissue;
  • Do not strain the cervical spine, take regular breaks while sitting;
  • Avoid sharp turns of the head, lifting weights.

Instability of the spine is a serious problem requiring medical intervention. Take care of your health, listen to the doctor's recommendations.

- a set of therapeutic exercises, which are recommended to be performed as part of complex therapy for instability of the vertebrae in the cervical region:

A source:

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