Drug Plants

Instructions for the use of the hellebore of the Caucasus for weight loss - reviews of doctors

In the treasury of Mother Nature there is an effective means for cleansing the body - Caucasian hellebore. The plant is part of a number of dietary supplements to reduce weight and improve digestion. The main distribution area of ​​the hellebore of the Caucasus is the slopes of the mountains of the Caucasus and the forest of Adygea. The medicinal properties of The antitumor infusion For the purification of the urinary tract Recipes for those who ...

  • 01-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

Juice and powder from Jerusalem artichoke: benefit and harm in diabetes mellitus

Increasingly people's attention is drawn to traditional medicine, medicinal plants and preparations based on them. A special place in the turn of plants is Jerusalem artichoke. It is distinguished by its composition and remarkable property not to accumulate heavy metals from the soil, as well as nitrates and radionuclides, which is very valuable in our disgusting ecological situation. content of the article: What he is is composition of root crops Usefu...

  • 25-Jun-2018
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Drug Plants

Grass of curing: medicinal properties and contraindications

Pile is a herbaceous perennial plant of the Cabbage family up to 80 cm high with rosette leaves with a pleasant aroma and yellow flowers in the form of dense brushes. The flowering period of the plant is the beginning of May. Fruits have the form of bent, upwards, pods. Contents of the article: Collection, preparation, storage Chemical composition Useful properties Recipes for health In folk medicine Contraindications and harm The...

  • 03-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

How correctly to take tansy from parasites and from what worms it helps

Tansy with yellow flower baskets in the people is called "helminth" for unique antiparasitic properties. Medicine also offers effective antihelminthic drugs that scare their toxicity. But I want to win in the body of parasites without having received unpleasant consequences from medical treatment. Contents of the article: Symptoms of infection How to procure Folk recipes Contraindications for use Useful tip Symptoms of infection Severa...

  • 06-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

The use of fern fern for man

Under the name fern hides 10560 species. They are known to mankind since the Paleozoic times - this is the only ancient plant that managed to preserve such a variety of species so far. They are distributed all over the world, and differ markedly among themselves. content of the article: What kinds of used man Orlyak( Pterídium aquilínum) ostrich fern( Matteúccia struthiópteris) Useful properties Traditional medicine Healthy Eating ...

  • 03-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

Marjoram: medicinal properties and contraindications, photo of a plant

Marjoram is a plant with a pleasant aroma and taste. Taste qualities and medicinal properties of grass are known for a long time. Ancient Greeks believed that the plant intensifies the sexual desire: the wreaths of marjoram were presented to the newlyweds in order to strengthen the marriage. To give their product "extraordinary power of love", local wine makers added spice to the drink. Distinctive features and useful properties of In Traditional medi...

  • 30-Jun-2018
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Drug Plants

Therapeutic properties and contraindications of hop cones in folk medicine

Common hop is well known to people since ancient times and represents a perennial tall herbaceous plant with inflorescences in the form of cones appearing in the spring and covered with a small pollen of yellow color. Unique medicinal properties allow successfully to use cones of a plant in folk and official medicine, as well as in cosmetology. Useful properties Traditional medicine Cosmetics Collecting, storing, storing Contraindications ...

  • 06-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

Root of ayr marsh: useful properties and contraindications for tinctures and decoctions

Marsh feared is a plant widely used for medicinal purposes, belonging to the genus of perennial. grows mainly in swampy areas, onshore river and lake areas. Initially, he lived in the territories of Asia, China and India, and later spread to other countries, including Europe and America. Content of the article: The appearance and composition of Collection and procurement of medicinal raw materials Rhizome in traditional medicine Alcohol tincture ...

  • 28-Jun-2018
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Drug Plants

What is the use of acacia - medicinal properties, contraindications and application

Acacia is popular on the whole planet, thanks to its beauty, which is used in decorative plantings of city parks and avenues. Many people and do not guess about the healing properties of the "beauty", admiring her white fluffy flowers. It is the flowers of the white acacia that are filled with a lot of valuable substances for the human body, which has found application in folk medicine. Brief description Chemical composition Preparation and storage Therap...

  • 29-Jun-2018
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Drug Plants

Grass thyme: medicinal properties and contraindications of oil and tea

Thyme creeping, or thyme is a rapidly growing perennial half-shrub of the family of clear or labiate. It has a creeping stalk of red-brown color with leaves of oblong form and flowers of pink or lilac shades. Collection, storage and storage Growing in the garden plot Chemical composition Useful properties In traditional medicine Therapeutic diet The effect in cosmetology Contraindications to the application of The flowering peri...

  • 03-Jul-2018
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