Marjoram is a plant with a pleasant aroma and taste. Taste qualities and medicinal properties of grass are known for a long time.
Ancient Greeks believed that the plant intensifies the sexual desire: the wreaths of marjoram were presented to the newlyweds in order to strengthen the marriage.
To give their product "extraordinary power of love", local wine makers added spice to the drink.
Majorana was credited with magical properties, so the plant was used for rituals, setting fire in ritual altars.
That's interesting! The substance that gives the plant a strong aroma is still not known.
Marjoram-a long-flowered, representative of the genus Dushitsa.
Grows up to 50 cm in height.
A plant with a spicy sweetish aroma and a piquant taste in nature is found in the north of Africa, in the Mediterranean, Turkey.
On an industrial scale, spices are grown in India, Egypt, South America, the Middle East.
Distinctive features and useful properties of
Green is valued for its palatability and various useful properties. Of the leaves, fruits and flowering tops of the plant, rich in terpineols, linalool and sabinene hydrates, marjoram oil is obtained.
In addition to essential oil, the plant contains vitamins:
- group B( 1, 2, 6, 12),
- fat-soluble vitamins: A, E, K;
- carotene provitamin A( carrot use for women),
- tannins.
And what do you know about the useful properties and contraindications of the rape? Treatment of diseases by popular methods is described in the current article.
About the healing properties of celery for the human body read on this page.
It has:
- tannins,
- bitterness,
- pectin,
- phosphorus,
- iron,
- potassium,
- silicon.
Due to the high content of vitamin C, in antiquity, the plant was used to treat scurvy.
The leaves and stems of the plant include such substances as:
- Sabinen,
- terpene,
- phenol.
Marjoram was not in vain included in many diets. Spice can replace salt, so marjoram is advised to be used by those who need a salt-free diet for medical reasons:
- to diabetics( medicinal properties of flax seeds in diabetes mellitus);
- people with kidney disease
- obese( about the benefits of radish for weight loss written here).
In folk medicine
Thanks to the healing properties of herbs and the oil of marjoram, the plant has gained popularity in folk medicine. The universal composition allows using it for the treatment of diseases and bringing the emotional state back to normal.
Do you know about the benefits and harm of apricot? What are the medicinal properties for the human body have fruits and leaves written in a useful article.
How to strengthen hair from loss of folk remedies read here.
On the page: http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva / lekarstvennye-rasteniya / portulak.html there are published recipes for dishes from the porcelain garden.
Marjoram oil has calming properties and is applied:
- for headaches;
- of nervous disorders;
- stress;
- removes the alarm;
- will help to get rid of depression and irritability.
Oil is recommended for hyperactive children and people suffering from insomnia
A warm bath with the addition of a few drops of marjoram and lavender oil relaxes, soothes.
Instead of lavender, you can use bath foam or 50 grams of salt. Fatigue and aggression will remove the soothing aroma of marjoram oil, sprayed indoors with the help in the aroma lamp.
Marjoram is considered to be an effective remedy for diseases of the stomach( the popular methods of treating ulcers are written in this article), relieve pain and spasms, so it is used for stomach spasms, flatulence.
It has a beneficial effect on digestion: it improves appetite, when it is taken, the food is better absorbed, it has a choleretic effect( how to do the typing of the gallbladder).
Those who want to lose weight can also pay attention to this plant:
- marjoram has a laxative property( about the medicinal properties of plantain seeds read here),
- removes toxins and toxins.
Also has an astringent effect - decoctions are used for diarrhea.
Teas, decoctions prepared from a plant, help children and adults with colds and runny nose. Adults are recommended for prolonged sinusitis, for several minutes to lay in the nasal passages of cotton balls, moistened with a few drops of oil.
Marjoram improves sputum discharge, with a strong dry cough use inhalation.
The plant helps with various inflammations:
A decoction of the grass is rinsed with the gum bleeding.
In India, the plant is used as an anesthetic home remedy for toothache.
Marjoram has a healing effect, is applied to wounds and bruises.
Has a diuretic effect and can be used as a prophylaxis of diseases of the urinary system.
Helps with pain in muscles and joints( bay leaf recipe), relieves swelling and pain in case of bruises, sports injuries.
Due to the relaxing and analgesic properties, the plant is effective in treating rheumatic arthritis, sprains, ligaments.
Essential oil of plants, decoctions and ointment on its basis are used as lotions, rubbing, for massage.
Herbal teas normalize the menstrual cycle in women.
Marjoram helps to get rid of corns and corns .
It is necessary to mix 5 drops of marjoram and olive oil, and apply to problem areas.
The result will be visible after a few procedures.
Application in cosmetology
Plant oil nourishes, moisturizes the skin of hands - several drops of oil can be added to a regular cream.
To reduce wrinkles on the face( how to remove deep wrinkles on the forehead), it is recommended to apply compresses from the decoction of the plant.
Decoction is used to improve hair growth.
Oil can be used as a prevention of skin inflammation. Ointment, which includes marjoram, treats acne.
Basic contraindications
In addition to its beneficial properties, marjoram has contraindications.
Because of its pronounced aroma, the plant should be used with caution by allergy sufferers and while driving the car.
It is not recommended for children under 5 years of age.
Contraindications for use are:
- individual intolerance;
- pregnancy, lactation;
- diagnoses: vein thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.
Important! If long-term use of marjoram, side effects may occur in the form of headaches and a depressed state. Observe the measure.
Folk methods
The plant is actively used in folk medicine, cosmetology in the form of broths, ointments, inhalations.
Essential oil of marjoram is added in the following approximate dosage:
- for the bath is used no more than 6 drops;
- for the aroma lamp - 3-5;
- up to 8 drops mixed with 10 ml of cosmetic;
- 2-3 drops are needed for inhalation.
Tea is brewed from fresh leaves of and dried plants.
A teaspoon is brewed with a glass of boiling water.
You can drink a drink in five minutes, but not more than 2 cups a day, so as not to harm the body.
Also infusion of is made, only raw materials are taken 2 teaspoons.
The infusion is consumed 3 times a day after meals.
To prepare an ointment at home, a spoonful of dry marjoram should be thoroughly rubbed and pour a teaspoon of wine alcohol.
Mix the mixture for several hours.
Then add a teaspoon of butter and put on a water bath for 10 minutes.
Blend and cool mixture.
Remember that this ointment is not stored for long.
For the inhalation of 2-3 drops of oil are used, adding to the container with hot water. The procedure should be no more than 5 minutes.
To prepare the gruel, which is applied to the site of bruises, 5 tablespoons you need to fill 1.5 st.of vegetable oil and boil for 20 minutes.
To profile.
Cut from grass of marjoram garden apply to places of bruises.
Aromatic spice in cooking
Residents of North America, Central Europe have long been familiar with fragrant spices. It is actively used as a seasoning for cooking.
occurs in the Caucasus and in the southern regions of Russia. In the Middle East, marjoram is usually consumed in combination with salt and sesame.
That's interesting! The Arabs called the marjoram "incomparable", and in Europe - "sausage grass".Spice was used in the preparation of sausage stuffing.
And nowadays spicery as an aromatic additive in wine, beer, soft drinks, confectionery, sausages, for flavoring vinegar, tea, coffee.
Fresh leaves are added to salads, cold snacks.
Dry spices are seasoned with soups, any kinds of meat dishes.
The spice is combined with a bay leaf, black pepper, thyme, that is why it is often a part of fragrant mixtures of seasonings.
As a preservative add to marinades, sauerkraut, used in the preparation of jerky and smoked fish.
Collecting and storing
Grass is harvested in early summer, before flowering. The cut plant is collected in small bundles and dried in a ventilated room.
Only leaves are stored. They need to be torn off and folded into paper bags or a glass jar. Spice should be kept away from the light.
Marjoram can be stored for future use, it, and within three years, will not lose useful properties.
Thanks to its beneficial properties, marjoram is used both as a healing plant and as a universal seasoning.
See the video for details on using marjoram as a spice in cooking.