Marsh feared is a plant widely used for medicinal purposes, belonging to the genus of perennial.
grows mainly in swampy areas, onshore river and lake areas.
Initially, he lived in the territories of Asia, China and India, and later spread to other countries, including Europe and America.
- Content of the article:
- The appearance and composition of
- Collection and procurement of medicinal raw materials
- Rhizome in traditional medicine
- Alcohol tincture
- Application and treatment
- Official medicine
- Contraindications to the use of
On the Slavic territories, the ayr was introduced by Tatars between the 7th and 8th centuriesThese times after him were fixed the names of the Tatar potion and the Tatar grass.Also in the people of his name is reed cane, yaver, sabernik, irid root .
Healing properties of ara have been used for a long time.
Roman doctors mentioned it in their scientific works as a medicine against liver diseases( about treatment by folk methods written here), spleen, stomach, respiratory tract and eyes.
In the Middle Ages, the plant served as a disinfectant. It was ground into powder and sprinkled with purulent ulcers, and also used as a prophylaxis in the epidemics of cholera, typhus and other deadly diseases.
Appearance and composition of
Air does not have the ability to self-pollen. At home, pollination occurs through the efforts of specific insects, analogues of which do not exist outside of India.
Reproduction of the plant takes place vegetatively, that is, new shoots form in the rhizome and separate themselves.
The height of this grass varies between 50-70 centimeters. The root of the aura is thick and creeping, with a reddish shade on the outside and a white inside.
And what do you know about the useful properties and contraindications of wild rosemary? Read about the folk recipes in the article under the link.
How to cure a running nail fungus on your legs is written on this page.
The internal structure is spongy, containing a lot of knuckles, wrapped in fibers. Has a strong odor: rather peculiar, but not repulsive.
The most curative value is the rhizome of the plant. It contains a whole range of useful substances:
- compound essential oils,
- tannins,
- organic acids,
- alkaloids,
- phytoncides,
- tannins,
- resins,
- minerals,
- starch,
- aldehydes,
- vitamins necessary for the human body.
Collection and procurement of medicinal raw materials
The collection of the rhizome of ayr begins in the last days of August and ends in early September. Fresh raw materials:
is cleaned of adherent earth,
- is thoroughly washed under cold water, then the
- is then cut.
Future blanks should be cut into pieces, each of which is 15-20 centimeters in length. The cork layer remains intact .
Then the plant is dried in the shade, after which it is cleaned. Further, the roots are dried under a canopy or in special dryers, but the ambient temperature should not exceed 30 ° C.
Aira leaves are harvested in July-August and dried in the same way. The blanks are stored in bags in a dry room for up to 3 years.
Rhizome in Traditional Medicine
Root of ayr marsh is considered an assistant in the treatment of many diseases, so it is readily used in folk medicine.
The plant has the following effects:
- soothing,
- wound healing,
- analgesic,
- vasodilator,
- anti-inflammatory,
- diuretic,
- disinfectant,
- cholagogue( about herbs when bile stagnation read in this article),
- toning,
- expectorant,
- spasmolytic,
- antipyretic.
And do you know which diseases help to get rid of the tincture of Eleutherococcus, the benefit and harm of which are described in the article proposed for reading?
Pro treatment of prostate adenoma with a magnet is written here.
On the page: http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva /lekarstva/ molochko.html written about royal jelly bee in granules.
Its tinctures are used to treat tuberculosis, bronchitis, fungal skin lesions, pneumonia, mild forms of gastritis and peptic ulcer( diet and list of products).
Alcoholic infusion copes with liver diseases( treatment of the bend of the gallbladder), cholecystitis, diarrhea, removes stones from the kidneys, and also improves well-being in general.
As a medicine, take 10-30 drops three times a day.
Became popular, Ayurvedic medicine finds a marsh swamp an effective medicine.
Followers of this direction use herbal preparations with:
memory disorders,
- frequent headaches,
- epilepsy,
- neuroses,
- arthritis,
- sinusitis.
They justify their recommendations by the fact that the plant helps blood circulation in blood vessels and is effective for cleansing the body( how to cook kvass from oats) from toxins.
Alcohol tincture
The finely chopped dry billet is poured with vodka or alcohol in a ratio of 1: 5, respectively. The resulting mixture is removed to a dark dry place for one week.
Powder from ayr is drunk with heartburn, fresh cuts and suppurating wounds are sprinkled on it. In the first case, take 1/5 teaspoon of the mixture and wash it with water.
Application and treatment of
If the nasal congestion of , polyps and other seasonal diseases is blocked, inhalation of the powder of aira helps.
It helps to clear the respiratory tract, so it can be used with sudden loss of consciousness - strictly in small amounts.
To blunt the toothache, a special broth is prepared, which can be ingested or used to rinse the mouth.
The ground root is poured with hot water, allowed to stand for 10-15 minutes.
Then, the leaves and flowers of the ara are added to the root and put on a large fire for 5-7 minutes. When the broth cools, you can start using it.
In the fight against hepatitis helps decoction from the rhizomes of ayr, immortelle, St. John's wort. All ingredients are mixed in equal parts. Prepare the broth in the ratio of 1 cup of water to 1 tablespoon of the collection - boil for 5 minutes and cool.
Drink 0,5 glasses before each meal every day( 3-4 times).
Gastritis, colitis, gastric and intestinal colic are treated as follows.
One teaspoon of a finely chopped root of ara is mixed with a whole glass of hot boiled water.
The medicine is infused for a third of an hour and cleared of the herb.
Take 3-4 times a day for 0.5 cups, maintaining an interval of 30 minutes before the main meal.
A similar recipe is used with diarrhea ( how to take castor oil as a laxative is written here), only as a healing ingredient is taken the powder of aira. The waiting time for the finished infusion is also increased - 2 hours. The size of one serving is ¼ cup.
Severe intestinal infections of recede after a two-day course of calamus brewed in rice water.
Pour two cups of water into a mixture of 10 grams of finely chopped calamus and 1-2 tablespoons of rice, pre-washed.The medicine is brewed 1/3 hours on high heat, then filtered. Used as a substitute for food - the broth should be drunk warm, 0.5 cup several times a day.
Acute pain in the stomach will remove the tincture from the roots of the sapelnik and the flowers-fruits of the mountain ash.
2/3 of a tablespoon will take mountain ash, the rest is in the aire - this mixture is poured into a glass of cool running water.Hour - it is brewed at rest, after it is boiled, cooled and filtered - so the broth is prepared, which is taken in preheated form for 0.5 glass before each meal.
Treatment of pancreatitis takes a long time, during which 1-2 times a day they drink 1-2 teaspoons of the next folk remedy.
All ingredients should be dried:
- dandelion roots( slimming) and calamus( every 50 grams),
- herb thyme,
- peppermint leaves,
- nettle roots,
- hop cones( all 25 grams).
All are mixed and ground into a powder.
Five tablespoons of the resulting mixture is added to natural honey or jam( 200 grams of any), mixed and stored in a refrigerator.
The bitter glycoside contained in the roots of calamus is one of the most important reasons why folk medicine practices the use of this plant.
Infusions and decoctions effectively fight with a stomach ulcer and 12-colon, liver and gallbladder diseases.Hemorrhoids are helped by sedentary baths, if you add a rhizome of calamus to the water( at the rate of 30 g of billet per 1 liter).
To strengthen the tooth enamel and gums , a powder of root is poured onto the toothpaste - 0.5 grams per application.
If you fill a full teaspoon of finely chopped rhizome rhizome with 1.5 cups of boiling water and insist the herbal water for 2 hours, you can remove the inflammation of the gums and mucous membranes.
The received warm infusion should be rinsed every day.In acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, periodontal disease , stomatitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, you can use two recipes at once.
Oak bark and aair are used in equal parts.
Two tablespoons of raw materials are poured into a liter of hot water, mixed and boiled for a quarter of an hour.Then added sage and nettle leaves( each for a whole tablespoon).
The infusion lasts another 20 minutes, then is filtered.
The rinse aid is ready.
Root the aura cut into small pieces, boil for five minutes in sugar syrup and remove from heat.
Leave alone for the night( 10-12 hours), then boil again. Roots to pull out, dry and dissolve, if necessary, to cure the throat.
The decoction of the root of calamus soothes the nervous system of , stimulates the work of the brain( cleaning of blood vessels by folk remedies), normalizes sleep and relieves tension.
Fresh juice of this plant is instilled in the eyes of , diluted with water in a proportion of 1:10.
It is recommended for people suffering from inflammation and retinal detachment who begin to lose sight. A good prophylaxis will be the blurring of the eyelids with fresh juice of ara.
Official medicine
Official medicine confirms the curative properties of the aura, including its composition in medicines.
However, more often - this plant is produced in the form of medicinal teas and herbal dues.
Doctors recommend taking medications based on aire to patients:
- gastritis with low acidity,
- cholecystitis,
- kidney and bladder diseases,
- suffering from colic,
- for expectorant,
- carminative and disinfectant.
Positive effect shows in the treatment of sexual diseases in both women and men.
In case of appetite disorder and digestion use essential oil and an extract of aira on alcohol.
Diabetics are prescribed to consume young leaves of the plant, and those who treat thyroid gland( a review of the use of tadpole white read here) is a collection with rhizomes of aira.
Contraindications to use
Root of ayr marsh is prohibited:
- during pregnancy,
- frequent nasal bleeding,
- acute forms of gastric ulcer,
- exacerbations of kidney inflammation,
- increased gastric acidity.
The plant can lower the vascular pressure, so its use should be treated responsibly and monitor your personal well-being.Overdose may cause vomiting.
Therapeutic properties and contra-indications, when to collect, how to apply, folk recipes - all this you will learn while watching a video.