Drug Plants

Grass peppermint: medicinal properties and contra-indications of tincture and tea for women during pregnancy

Peppermint is a herbaceous plant, belongs to the family. The plant was obtained by hybridization of wild mint species - aquatic and garden varieties. Peppermint is a perennial plant with a stem height of 100 centimeters. Content of the article: Chemical composition of mint Useful properties of Use in cosmetology / a & gt; Contraindications to application How to collect Popular recipes Decoction Infusion Tea Th...

  • 02-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

Grass Clover yellow: medicinal properties and contraindications for diabetes and epilepsy

Donnik yellow is a medicinal plant from the family of legumes. It is distinguished by a straight stalk, thin branches, oval peeled leaves and whiskers of small yellow flowers. Donnik grows on the fringes of forests, in fields and meadows, along roads and in ravines. It is distributed everywhere: in Ukraine, in Russia, New Zealand, Europe and North America. As and when to prepare Chemical composition Healing properties Folk recipes Water broth A...

  • 28-Jun-2018
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Drug Plants

Grass of gold-thousandth: medicinal properties and contraindications, photo, instructions for use

A thousand-acres grows on the banks of rivers, on meadows, lawns and slopes covered with grass. Less often observed near roads and sprouting in the fields, where it is considered a weed. This plant is well known to the inhabitants of Central Asia, North America and Europe. In our country is more common in the southern regions and the European part, less often - in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia and in the Altai. The story of the appearance of Short description ...

  • 03-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

Grass bearberry: medicinal properties and contraindications

Bearberry is a small evergreen shrub, belongs to the Heather family. In people, a plant, often called bear ears. Bearberry is common in North America, Northern Europe, Siberia. It is found in the mountains of Central America. content of the article: chemical composition healing capabilities plants Useful and therapeutic properties Application in folk medicine, a decoction alcohol tincture Infusion of leaves on the water Home Recipes ...

  • 06-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

Is it possible to drink chamomile during pregnancy: indications and contraindications

Chamomile pharmacy is one of the most valuable medicinal plants, it is unique in its composition and useful effect. Many preparations are made on its basis, and in the national medicine many recipes are known that help with a variety of diseases. Women appreciate chamomile as an indispensable natural remedy, relieving a whole range of gynecological problems. But during pregnancy, this herb is not so harmless .It has certain properties that limit, and in some cases complet...

  • 28-Jun-2018
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Drug Plants

Application of juniper - medicinal properties and contraindications of essential oil

Juniper - coniferous evergreen shrub or tree from the family of cypress trees, up to 20 meters high, unique properties of which have been known since ancient times. Under favorable conditions, the plant can live up to 3000 years, blooms in early summer, fruits appear in late summer or early autumn. The chemical composition The usefulness of The chemical composition The usefulness of The folk medicine With gout With gastric ulcer and m...

  • 03-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

Leaves of the plant lovage: useful properties for men

Love from time immemorial is used in folk medicine. In the old days, the plant was used as an antiseptic, and also as a remedy for pain in the head and shoulder girdle. However, science does not stand still and is constantly moving in the direction of progress. Reliable tool Useful properties Treatment of dependence at home Features of application Nuances when buying grass in the pharmacy Ljubistok is recognized in several directions of ...

  • 08-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

Sugar from stevia, benefits and harm in diabetes mellitus

Stevia is an herb that grows in South America and is a natural sweetener. Admirers of a healthy diet hotly loved the honey grass of Paraguay and use it instead of sugar in all dishes and drinks. How to use How to use Instead of sugar For weight loss Decoctions and infusions In cosmetology Contraindications Unlike chemical sweeteners, stevia is absolutely natural,and has a mass of useful properties. At the end of XX...

  • 02-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

Useful properties and contraindications of Helba, methods of taking for the treatment of diseases

There is a claim that helba can successfully replace 1000 medicines. Since ancient times, it is considered a panacea for various diseases, today it has taken a strong place in the diet of adherents of a healthy diet. It is known as fenugreek, fenugreek hay, camel grass, shamballa, Greek hay. Has a pleasant nutty aroma, is a spice. What is useful? Nutritional and caloric value of Is there any harm and contraindication? Ways of using in folk medicine Tha...

  • 01-Jul-2018
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Drug Plants

Krovohleb medicinal: medicinal properties and contraindications, instructions for use

The medicinal krovohlebka has many names. Among them: a hernia, button, medical bloodsucker, black-beetles, as well as a common red-head. The original name of the herb is translated from Latin as "stopping blood", perfectly characterizing its main healing property. Time of collection Procurement process Pharmacological properties Traditional medicine recipes Decoction of roots Infusion of water Infusion of rhizomes on alcohol There ...

  • 05-Jul-2018
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