Leaves of the plant lovage: useful properties for men

Love from time immemorial is used in folk medicine.

In the old days, the plant was used as an antiseptic, and also as a remedy for pain in the head and shoulder girdle.

However, science does not stand still and is constantly moving in the direction of progress.

Reliable tool
  • Useful properties
  • Treatment of dependence at home
  • Features of application
  • Nuances when buying grass in the pharmacy

  • Ljubistok is recognized in several directions of medicine, including in the treatment of alcohol dependence.

    A plant is considered an effective means of getting rid of addiction.

    After the course of treatment with this plant, even hardened drinkers refuse to drink alcohol.

    But it is important not only to use this plant for its intended purpose, but also to know how it affects the body and what therapeutic effect it has.

    This information is necessary to achieve the result and avoid the deplorable consequences - simultaneously. We will talk about this below.

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    medicine Today, more and more attention is paid to studying the useful properties of medicinal plants.

    In view of the fact that new types of drugs are produced, new types of medical services and methods of influencing the body appear.

    But people do not want to trust their health science. For many, it is preferable to use the long-tried and beloved folk recipes.

    And what do you know about the benefits and harms of sea-buckthorn? Read a useful article with recommendations of traditional medicine.

    About the useful properties of walnut oil is written on this page.

    As a rule, for the treatment of certain diseases by folk methods, use herbs.

    They are also used in the treatment of alcoholism .But why such trust is rendered to natural components?

    The most important argument is the natural, natural origin of raw materials for preparations.

    In addition, the treatment of alcoholism with antibiotics and potent drugs is fraught with a number of problems.

    Medications kill our immune system( how to drink tincture of echinacea) and disable such important organs as kidneys and liver.

    Herbs, unlike medicines, do not harm your body, and therefore will act strictly according to their intended purpose.

    One of the most famous herbs in the treatment of alcoholism is lovage.

    It has a number of beneficial properties that are necessary for treatment.

    These include:

    • stimulating effect;
    • medical;
    • antiseptic;
    • has a beneficial effect on the digestive system;
    • has a number of aromatic properties.

    In addition, lovage contains a lot of useful substances:

    • sugar;
    • malic acid;
    • coumarin;
    • starch;
    • potassium.

    And what do you know about the useful properties of barberry? Read in the current article.

    About the use of rhubarb leaves is written here.

    On the page: http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva /lekarstva/nastojki/ ehinatsei.html written about the tincture of Echinacea and how to take it for immunity.

    Potassium in this plant contains an advantageous amount.

    Mainly, as scientists believe, because of the lack of this substance, people are attracted to alcohol.

    Useful properties

    Those who have long been and are fond of folk medicine, for sure, know about the useful properties of love.

    The plant struggles with dizziness, high blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, helps to get rid of obesity.

    Ljubovok is recommended for frequent constipation, and also as a diuretic.

    With diseases of the throat and ligaments, the decoction can be used as an expectorant, helping the body to get rid of the disease.

    But more often, lovage is used as a treatment for alcohol dependence.

    For decades, many works have been written and dozens of studies have been conducted, which both in theory and in practice prove that this plant is able to cure dependence.

    Today it is known that this plant was recommended not only by doctors and folk healers, but even by the healer Wang.

    But how does the plant affect the human body, letting it look at life with different eyes?

    In fact, the circumstances of the recovery are lurking not only in the elevated potassium content.

    Ljubistok, combined with a laurel leaf( good and bad), has a striking effect. After drinking alcohol, this composition of two plants causes nausea.

    The state of vomiting increases after each alcohol used. Gradually, the alcohol develops psychological disgust.

    Treatment of dependence in the home

    In order for the treatment to work, it must be thoroughly prepared.

    In modern documents on the treatment of drug and alcohol dependence there is no reference to folk medicine, but even ten years ago in the collections with recommendations for treatment contained a recipe for tinctures from lovage.

    Used in cooking is not the whole plant, but only the root.

    When mixing plant roots and alcohol, there is a strong intoxication, which can not go unnoticed and will reduce the desire to drink alcohol next time.

    To react, tincture must be properly prepared. To do this you will need the following components:

    • take a dried lovage in the amount of 100 grams;
    • another 10 grams of dried bay leaf;
    • one liter of vodka.

    Ingredients are crumbled. After this, you need to fill the resulting dried flowers with one liter of vodka. Now put the resulting broth for two weeks in a dark and dry place.

    After this, the tincture can be offered to the dependent.

    But waiting for the result can be a different amount of time.

    Someone can feel the influence immediately, and someone needs to wait a while.

    The reaction may also be different.

    So, someone has a strong attack of vomiting, and someone just feels uncomfortable.

    In any case, the systematic consumption of this drug will result.

    Eventually, after a while after taking, unpleasant sensations should occur even with a smell of alcohol.

    Only after this it is possible to say with certainty that the course of treatment with a decoction of love has been passed.

    Other recipes.

    But lovage treatment is not limited to the use of a single prescription.

    Over the years of using this plant, many other effective ways to combat addiction have been developed.

    Let's consider each of them.

    1. You will need :

    • 30 grams of sage;
    • pinch of peppermint( photo);
    • a pinch of rosemary( about medicinal properties and contraindications of leaves is written in this article);
    • 20 grams of thyme( photo of grass);
    • wormwood annual( medicinal properties and contraindications);
    • 15 grams of love roots.

    This dried flower is poured with boiling water, in the amount of 500 milliliters. The broth is cooked in a Turk for 20 minutes on low heat.

    In order to achieve the effect, take 50 to 100 milliliters of decoction three times a day for 2 months.

    2. Recipe

    You will need:

    • 30 grams lyubistoka;
    • 30 grams of thyme;
    • 10 grams of cyanosis root;
    • 20 grams of juniper berries( medicinal properties and contraindications);
    • 20 grams of horsetail.

    The collected dried flower is crumbled. Next, you need to dilute one tablespoon of dried flowers in 200 milliliters of boiling water.
    This mixture is boiled for five minutes. After that, leave it in a dark and dry place, and take it within an hour.

    Decoction drink two tablespoons after each meal. The course of treatment lasts 30 days.

    3. Another effective recipe for the treatment of addiction.

    Must be mixed:

    • valerian rhizomes( instructions for use of the tincture);
    • crane;
    • oregano( for medicinal properties and contraindications to tea read here);
    • marjoram;
    • hops;
    • calendula( how to gargle with a tincture is written on this page);
    • hawthorn( tincture).

    Pour half a liter of boiling water and put on low heat.

    Cook for 15 minutes.

    Cool, eat exactly one week three times a day.

    Do not consume alcohol or alcohol while taking the drug.

    An irreversible reaction of the body that results in dehydration and depletion may occur.

    Features of application

    Sometimes, patients themselves insist on starting to take decoctions from love, and even ask relatives to monitor the correctness of the reception.

    But another category of dependent does not want to change the way of life.

    Therefore, it is difficult to offer such a dependent tincture or a decoction.

    To do this, allow tricks and tricks.

    But before rushing into the tricks, be sure to consult with your doctor on the issue, whether this tool will not cause any harm to the body.

    Now, having received the good, you can offer a decoction or a tincture of lyubistok under the following pretexts:

    1. As an addictive, when the addict complains of ill health. Offer a drink as a tincture.

    2. If the tincture is made on vodka, then you can not offer it to the dependent one at all.

    You will put a bottle of finished liquid in a prominent place and, if the patient is in a drinking state, he will start to drink the contents.

    The reaction will not keep you waiting.

    3. If the addict has a habit of leaving stash in the form of alcohol, then substitute one of them for tincture.

    4. Offer tincture in the form of a new alcoholic beverage for testing.

    Probably, the drink will not like the dependent immediately, but after the first glass the body will get the desired effect of disgust to the proper degree.

    It is important not to overdo it with the amount of tincture consumed.

    If you left the bottle in a conspicuous place and see how the dependent person attached to it, watch the amount of drink.

    It is not allowed that the amount consumed exceeds 100 grams.

    Otherwise, this is fraught with health risks .Overdose causes death.

    If you become ill dependent, always call an ambulance, and do not self-medicate.

    In addition, be sure to check whether the patient has pyelonephritis, as well as food disorders or gastritis.

    Nuances when buying herbs in the pharmacy

    Find love is not difficult. Of course, it's best if you collected this herb yourself.

    Then you will become convinced of the healing properties.

    But if this is not possible, but you can find a lover in a dry form in pharmacy chains.

    In addition, if the season allows, ask the lovers can be in the markets of rural residents.

    Typically, lovers are collected in August - early September.

    With regard to the treatment of alcoholism lovage, then remember the psychological support.

    Drunken alcoholics for years lead one way of life, and can not change at the same time. If you help a person psychologically, then make him overcome himself and heal a new life.

    To this end, you can visit a psychologist, watch relevant films, create a welcoming atmosphere.

    If you hide from the dependent the fact of taking a tincture or a decoction, then prepare the ground in order to tell later about the big step that you did together.

    In any case, before you start using infusions with this plant, be sure to consult a doctor and a psychologist.

    Based on your individual situation, you will receive advice and will be able to save the family and the health of the dependent, bypassing the addictive habit of one of its members.

    Be sure to follow the recommendations and only then you will surely succeed.

    Take a look at the video, in which the author will tell you about the medicinal properties of lyubistok in folk medicine.