Green onion feathers: benefit and harm to the body

As an independent dish, it is almost not used, but it is an indispensable ingredient in many "spring" salads.

The gastronomic properties of onions were discovered in ancient Mesopotamia. Nomads often met on their way direct green shoots with fruits in the form of white bulbs.

One day, one of the shepherds decided to try them on the tooth and was surprised at the pleasant spicy taste of the green shooters. Later, green onions were brought to Egypt and Ancient Greece, where they planted whole plantations.

In cooking, green onions perform a decorative function, thanks to a rich color and external resemblance to feathers, it is used to decorate various dishes.

Chemical composition

Onions would not have won such a love of humanity, if not for its health benefits.

Its microelement composition includes a long list of useful compounds:

  • essential oils with phytoncides;
  • glucose;
  • organic acids;
  • is kaempferol.

In shoots of onions there is a high concentration of glucinin, a plant hormone that can lower blood sugar.

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The plant is rich in ascorbic acid( vitamin C), without which the normal course of oxidation-reduction processes is impossible.

Vitamin C in the human body:

  • stimulates the mechanisms of hematopoiesis,
  • stabilizes the permeability of small blood vessels,
  • helps the immune system to suppress inflammatory processes.

Adequate intake of ascorbic acid into the body allows to strengthen immunity.

And what do you know about the useful properties and contraindications of mustard oil? Read the folk recipes and recommendations for its use in the article after clicking on the link.

About the effectiveness of olive oil from stretch marks during pregnancy is written on this page.

Of the other vitamins in high concentration in green onions are:

  • B1( thiamine).
    An indispensable participant in protein, lipid and water-salt metabolism.
    It is necessary for stabilization of cardiovascular and digestive functions, normalizes the work of the central nervous system.
    The intake of vitamin B1 improves intestinal peristalsis, stimulates appetite( which herbs reduce is written in this article).
  • B2( riboflavin).
    The lack of this vitamin affects the functioning of all body systems.
    It is important for the synthesis of a number of hormones and red blood cells, it is a catalyst for metabolic processes that convert carbohydrates and lipids into energy.
    Riboflavin is especially needed for people whose activities are associated with physical stress.
  • B6( pyridoxine).
    Increases the absorption of unsaturated fatty acids, participates in metabolic processes.
    Like calcium, pyridoxine strengthens the cardiovascular system.
    This vitamin is especially important for pregnant women( useful properties and contraindications to prunes), becausehe is able to reduce the negative reactions of the body to an overabundance of estrogen in the first trimester( the same toxicosis).
  • PP( nicotinic acid) .
    It is necessary for normalization of amino acid metabolism, participates in more than 50 kinds of reactions of transformation of fats and carbohydrates into energy.
    Nicotinic acid stimulates the production of gastric juice, stabilizes intestinal peristalsis, inhibits inflammatory processes in the body.
    In therapeutic doses, vitamin can improve the production of bone marrow by red blood cells.
  • E( tocopherol).
    A vital antioxidant that neutralizes the effect of most toxins( read here for alcohol poisoning).Improving cellular nutrition, the vitamin slows down the aging of the body.
    It also strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves blood circulation( about cleaning vessels with folk remedies written on this page).

Properties of onion

It is possible to list all the properties of green onions useful for an organism for a very long time, because this plant is a copy of the most important for the metabolic processes of micro- and macroelements.

Let us dwell on its main qualities, proved by both scientific research and people's experience:

  • Strengthening the body during seasonal infections .
    Phytoncids contained in shoots and bulbs destroy most of the microbes that are rampant at the onset of colds:
    • streptococci,
    • pneumococci,
    • dysentery and tubercle bacillus.
    • For those who already had a cold to catch cold( treating the common cold with folk remedies at home), one should inhale the smell of chopped onion lobules - this will not only kill germs, but will also strengthen the airways.

  • And what do you know about folk remedies for a cold in pregnancy? Than you can quickly cure an ailment written in a useful article.

    About the benefits and harm to the health of black currant is written here.

    On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva / lekarstvennye-rasteniya / konskij-shhavel.html
    is written about the medicinal properties of horse sorrel.

  • Purification and dilution of blood .
    Onion is an effective and affordable means for preventing atherosclerosis.
    A mixture of onion juice with honey in the same proportion take 3 times a day for 30 days.
  • Rid of freckles and traces of acne.
    In green shoots of onions in high concentration carotene is present, contributing to the cleansing of the skin.
    Juice of onion feathers is removed post-acne( traces left from acne), and rubbing your face with a cut onion helps to lighten freckles.
  • Increased potency of .
    It has been proven that green onion pens stimulate spermatogenesis( the formation of male sex cells), and it is also considered a natural aphrodisiac.
    Exciting properties of this plant( the benefits and harm of walnuts for men) were noticed by the ancient Greeks.
    The philosopher Pliny wrote that it pushes even the most listless husbands into the arms of Venus.
  • Getting rid of migraine .
    Phytoncides contained in essential oils( benefit and harm of anise) plants, are able to penetrate the body and through the respiratory tract.
    They are able to help with a headache, for this you need to deeply inhale the smell of a freshly cut bulb several times.
  • Wound healing .
    Onion juice compresses are used to treat poorly healing wounds, abscesses, inflammations.
    Also onion is a natural anesthetic for aspen bites. If a freshly squeezed juice is immediately rubbed into the bitten place, the pain will not even have time to manifest itself.
  • Weight Loss .
    There is a special onion diet, which provides daily consumption of onion soup.
    Strictly speaking, it's not exactly onion, becausein it there are different vegetables: cabbage, Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes, celery( about the benefits of juice for men written here), but the basic component is the onion.
    Thanks to its ability to break down fats for a week following a diet, you can get rid of 3-4 kg of excess weight( see the article in this article for the benefits of radish for weight loss).
  • Saturation of the body with vitamins in beriberi.

Damage to green onions

It would seem that with such a number of useful properties, the plant can not harm anyone. But still, and he has side effects.

First of all - this is an increase in gastric acidity.

Due to the active production of gastric juice, stimulated by the use of onions, the symptoms of certain ailments may worsen:

  • of stomach and duodenal ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • pyelonephritis.

Therefore, people suffering from these diseases should consume green onions with caution.

The specific smell of green onions, unpleasant for most people, can not be called harmful, but it is nevertheless associated with a certain discomfort.

Each time "zazhevyvat" onion chewing gum is harmful, it also raises acidity. Instead of chewing gum neutralize onion smell from the mouth will help fried( better even burnt) bread crust or fresh parsley.

Look in the video about the useful and harmful properties of green onions for human health.

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