Instructions for the use of the hellebore of the Caucasus for weight loss - reviews of doctors

In the treasury of Mother Nature there is an effective means for cleansing the body - Caucasian hellebore.

The plant is part of a number of dietary supplements to reduce weight and improve digestion.

The main distribution area of ​​the hellebore of the Caucasus is the slopes of the mountains of the Caucasus and the forest of Adygea.

The medicinal properties of
  • The antitumor infusion
  • For the purification of the urinary tract
  • Recipes for those who want to lose weight
  • Body cleaning
  • External application of
  • Medicinal properties

    • Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract.
    • Normalization of intestinal function.
    • Cleaning of the kidneys from sand and salts.
    • Removal of excess cholesterol from the body.
    • Normalization of blood pressure.

    Decoctions and infusions from the hellebore of the Caucasus are used in antitumor therapy: in cysts, fibroids, fibromas, mastopathy, in men with prostate adenoma.

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    Flavonoids contained in the plant normalize metabolism, so the hellebore tea is considered a useful assistant in losing weight.

    The less common name of this perennial plant is the family of buttercups - Christ's, or Christmas Rose.

    The height of the stems of the hellebore is up to half a meter, they are crowned by large pale green flowers. The plant blooms relatively long - from mid-March to the end of June.

    Fruits look like leathery leaflets with elongated spouts, filled with oblong black seeds.

    And what do you know about the beneficial properties and contraindications of anise? Read the useful article under the link.

    About contraindications Garcinia Cambodian is written in this article.

    In folk medicine use the rhizomes of the hellebore of the Caucasus, harvested immediately after the seeds are shed.

    This part of the plant contains the highest concentration of glycosides - organic compounds useful for the heart muscle.

    Antitumor infusion

    The hellebore infusion is a popular alternative treatment for malignant tumors.

    It is certainly not a panacea for cancer, but judging by the responses, it makes it possible to significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease.50 mg.crushed rhizomes of hellebore pour 50 ml.boiled water and insist for 8 hours.

    The rejected infusion is taken in one dose, on an empty stomach, at least 2 hours before meals.

    In this concentration, tincture is taken within 3 days.

    If during this time there were no side effects, on the 4th day tincture is prepared already from 100 g. Hellebore.

    Subsequently, the dosage of the medicinal plant should be increased by 50 g daily.

    Infusion of hellebore gives a mild laxative effect, which is not considered a side effect.

    But if during treatment with hellebore there is an exacerbation of chronic ailments, the dosage should be reduced to the minimum( 50 mg.).

    The maximum duration of the therapeutic course is 10 months.

    For the purification of the urinary tract

    The substances contained in the plant stimulate the natural cleansing of the intestine and "expel" sand from the urinary tract well.

    Also hellebore will be useful for patients suffering from chronic constipation due to a lax effect.

    Flavonoids of the hellebore of the Caucasus softly stimulate intestinal peristalsis, acting like a glycerin enema.

    For the purification of the urinary tract and intestine, hellebore powder is used with honey.50 mg.powder should be mixed with half a teaspoon of fresh honey( candied will not work) and eat before going to bed.

    Do you know the medicinal properties and contraindications of red mountain ash? Read the article "clicking" on the link.

    About the wintergreen in gynecology is written here.

    On the page: http: // hatha-joga.html it is written about the basic asanas of hatha yoga.

    The taste of this mixture is quite specific, bitter-sweet.

    The morning will be able to evaluate the result of the hellebore action - the treatment will be natural and not painful. The course of treatment for this prescription is from 1 to 6 months.

    Recipes for those who want to lose weight

    Thanks to the cleansing effect of hellebore on the body, the Caucasian hellebore will help everyone who aspires to get rid of excess weight.

    It effectively, but delicately cleans the circulatory system and internal organs from toxins and toxins, thereby restoring metabolic processes.

    The frostbite for weight loss is taken in two ways:

    • as part of various dietary supplements;
    • in the form of a powder.

    If everything is clear with the first method, then concerning the second one many people are interested in the question: how exactly should the hellebore powder be taken? It is used in any convenient way:

    • in dry form, mixing with honey;
    • in the form of infusion( the necessary dose of the powder is dissolved in 50 ml of boiled water and insist for a quarter of an hour).

    The dosage of the powder varies during the course of purification:

    • 1-10 day - 50 mg;
    • 11-20 day - for 100 mg.;
    • 21-30 day - for 150 mg.

    Subsequently, if no side effects are shown, the dosage is increased to 200 mg.

    The maximum duration of the course, including the first month, is six months. You can repeat the course only after a month's break.

    The application of the Caucasian hellebore for weight loss includes the following nuances:

    • powder mixture or infusion taken only on an empty stomach, upon awakening;
    • in parallel can not take calcium-containing supplements and medications;
    • is not recommended to use laxatives;
    • requires careful monitoring of the diet. Regular overeating will reduce the cleansing effect of hellebore by no.

    Body cleaning

    Procedure is contraindicated:

    • for pregnant and lactating women;
    • people suffering from ischemic heart disease;
    • to people with chronic diseases of the gallbladder( about the treatment of inflammation with folk remedies written in this article);
    • to people with an individual intolerance to hellebore.

    To determine individual intolerance of the drug is easy - side effects( nausea, vomiting) will appear at the beginning of admission.

    A prerequisite for weight loss with the help of hellebore caucasian - correction of diet and regular exercise.

    To remove excess weight with a single powder will not work.

    External application

    Extract from the hellebore rootstocks in grape seed oil is used for the treatment of chronic rhinitis and sinusitis.

    You can buy it without a prescription in any pharmacy kiosk.

    The product is used as nasal drops in dosage:

    • children from 5 years - once a day for 2-3 drops;
    • adults - 2 times a day for 3-5 drops.

    Instillations( instillations) are made before the symptoms of nasal congestion and maxillary sinuses disappear.

    Also hellebore oil is used to alleviate the symptoms of chronic joint and spine diseases.

    The product is gently rubbed into the area of ​​problem areas. Similarly, oil is used to treat stretch marks after losing weight.

    In case of allergic reactions( reddening, itching, rash) in the area of ​​application, the treatment for the Caucasian hellebore oil should be discontinued.

    Another popular external tool based on this plant is ointment from hellebore and white foot.

    It is prescribed for the treatment of external skin lesions and thyroid diseases:

    • hypothyroidism( treatment with folk remedies);
    • hyperplasia;
    • nodular goiter and other forms of goiter( about the application of the root of the tinderweed white in the thyroid gland read here);
    • thyrotoxicosis.
    Remember that Caucasian hellebore is considered a poisonous plant.

    When treating people's prescriptions on its basis, you should strictly observe the dosage, and if signs of intoxication manifest, stop taking it immediately.

    The healing properties of the hellebore caucasian on the body, see in the video.

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