Treatment of lumbar intervertebral hernia without surgery


  • 1Treatment of lumbar intervertebral hernia without surgery
    • 1.1Complex treatment is the key to successful recovery
    • 1.2Intervertebral hernia and traditional medicine
  • 2Vertebral hernia: symptoms and ways of treatment
    • 2.1How to cure a hernia without surgery
    • 2.2Medication
    • 2.3Physiotherapy
    • 2.4Physiotherapy exercises (video)
    • 2.5Folk recipes
    • 2.6Acupuncture and Manual Therapy
    • 2.7Prevention of herniated lumbar spine
  • 3Treatment of intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region without surgery (at home)
    • 3.1Treatment in hospital
    • 3.2Home Treatment
    • 3.31. Physiotherapy
    • 3.42. Folk remedies
    • 3.53. Correction of a way of life
    • 3.64. Food
    • 3.7Let's sum up the results
  • 4Hernia of the lumbar spine - treatment at home, medicinal and folk remedies
    • 4.1What is a lumbar spine herniation
    • 4.2Treatment of a hernia of the lumbar spine
    • 4.3Methods of treatment
    • 4.4Without surgery
    • 4.5LFK with hernia
    • 4.6Exercises
    • 4.7Exercises of Bubnovsky
    • 4.8Exercises with elastic bandage for the spine
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.9Preparations
    • 4.10Miorelaxants with a hernia of the lumbar spine
    • 4.11Manual therapy
    • 4.12Operative treatment
    • 4.13Treatment of the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region by folk remedies
    • 4.14Prevention
  • 5How to treat a herniated spine without surgery? Intervertebral hernia: causes, methods of treatment
    • 5.1What is the intervertebral disc?
    • 5.2Causes of the problem
    • 5.3Main Risk Factors
    • 5.4Prevention
    • 5.5Symptoms
    • 5.6Complications
    • 5.7Localization
    • 5.8Treatment of the spine without surgery
    • 5.9If surgery is indispensable
    • 5.10Changing the way of life

Treatment of lumbar intervertebral hernia without surgery

During periods of exacerbation of a hernia in the lumbar spine can bring a lot of inconvenience. Unpleasant symptoms and severe consequences of this disease are many, but you can be cured. Depending on the size and location of the hernia, conservative and surgical methods are used.

Surgical operations are appointed with a strong squeezing of nerve fibers and irritation of the ligaments of the spine, when sensitivity and motor activity is impaired. In the absence of neuralgic symptoms, options for non-surgical treatment are used.

Consider the most popular and effective.

Complex treatment is the key to successful recovery

Bed rest, analgesic therapy, blockades of vertebral discs, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage - all this actively used in the pathology of the spine and helps to get rid of not only the symptoms, but also from the hernia. If improvement was not seen 6 months after the active use of traditional methods, the question arises of the operation. This is an extreme measure, the main emphasis is on the classical scheme of conservative treatment. It is aimed at stopping the pain and passes in stages.
At the first stage, medications are prescribed. After the pain was managed to tame and take control, bed rest is replaced by a regime of limited activity.

Hernia is not going anywhere, the body adapts to its presence and develops new stereotypes for it. The chance that the hernia will resolve, is, but it happens rarely.

Help the body to adapt to unusual conditions for him, help massage and special exercises.

They normalize the work of the muscular corset. Gymnastics can be done at home, but it's better and safer under the supervision of doctors.
Improve the state without surgery helps manual therapy. A good specialist will remove the disc offset.

This will restore blood circulation in the adjacent segments of the spine.

Restore the efficiency of the spine helps sanatorium treatment. There are many institutions that specialize in the treatment of this particular pathology. Effective procedures under the supervision of specialists give good results.

Our readers recommend

For the prevention and treatment of hernia, our regular reader applies the method of the treatment that is becoming popular and is recommended by the leading German and Israeli orthopedists.

Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention.

To increase blood circulation and to remove inflammation in the affected hernia lumbar region, cryotherapy is prescribed.

This method assumes local cooling with liquid nitrogen.

Acupuncture restores metabolism, which is disturbed by the appearance of intervertebral hernias.

Support the backbone help. Corsets and bandages relax the muscles and relieve tension.

To get rid of pain in hernia of the lumbar region can be compresses, herbal tinctures, oils and rubbing.

Folk remedies relieve pain, in combination with other methods help to avoid operations. It is also convenient that you can be treated at home

Intervertebral hernia and traditional medicine

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, traditional medicine offers a means for internal use. They are few, mostly herbal infusions.

Chamomile, promelnik, sabelnik, bark of aspen, dried papaya - these plants are considered the most popular with a hernia of the lumbar region. They are used as the main component of tinctures and require acute application.

Many plants have side effects, allergic reactions are possible, this must be taken into account in the treatment.


The main advantage of folk remedies is the possibility to be treated at home, but the doctor should be aware of your actions and the recipes used. All methods of treatment are negotiated, and the recommendations of a specialist should be given priority.


Means for external use with hernias of the spine have a more stable and quick result. Consider the most popular and affordable for the domestic environment.

    • Horse fat. This tool is known for a long time. Today, it is rarely used, preferring more accessible methods. Horse fat is simply cut into pieces, applied to a sore spot, fixed with adhesive tape, and held for at least two days. Those who have tried note the rapid action of the remedy. Pain passing 2-3 hours after application.
    • You can try clay white or red. Raw materials are bred with water, they make cakes and put them to the place affected by the hernia. In the clay, you can add honey, birch leaves, Kalanchoe. After a week of such treatment, the stiffness of the movements and painful sensations pass.
    • Healing plants. In the treatment of hernias of the lumbar region the oils of St. John's wort, comfrey and birch are good. They rub their spine in front of the massage. All oils can be easily prepared at home. Birch oil is made from young leaves. They are poured with corn oil and insist for a week. Similarly, comfrey oil and hunterfish are made. Grass, mixed with any vegetable oil, is defended in a dark place.
    • The Kalanchoe has a wonderful healing effect. A sheet of a plant is simply applied to a sore spot at night.
    • Many good reviews about garlic compresses. Chopped garlic (300 grams) is poured with alcohol (150 grams) and insists for at least 10 days. Compresses are made from the resulting mass.
    • Honey - the most popular product in folk medicine is actively used to treat intervertebral herniation of the lumbar spine. With its help make compresses and rubbing. The most effective for relieving pain and inflammation is the combination of honey and mummies.

Useful therapeutic baths. When the lumbar region is affected, special mixtures are recommended. Baby soap (10 g.) Is mixed with pharmacy turpentine (100 g.) And salicylic alcohol (1 tbsp.).

For one water procedure add 2-3 spoons of the mixture. The bath should not take more than 10 minutes, the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. You can add to the bath hay, rubbing, needles, lavender.

After the procedure, it is desirable to do an easy massage with the use of honey or healing oils.

It is important to know! If the use of folk remedies is worsening of well-being, it is better to refuse them.

Folk remedies are a gentle, but unsafe way of treating the intervertebral hernia at home.

The risk is always, the probability of complications is not excluded. Being just an addition to the main therapy, folk medicine recipes can speed up recovery, but they are unable to relieve you of the disease.

Trust only proven, safe means and do not refuse the help of doctors.

  • All means have been tried, and nothing has helped?
  • Are you in constant pain?
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will give you the long-awaited well-being!

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Vertebral hernia: symptoms and ways of treatment

Vertebral hernia is the resultdisk damage between vertebrae, which acts as a shock absorber.

When a fibrous ring ruptures and the jelly nucleus escapes, acharacteristic protrusion.

The mainreasonsThis phenomenon is:

  • Osteochondrosis. In youth, the cartilaginous tissue contains enough liquid and collagen to maintain its functions and strength. However, age-related changes lead toof cartilage dystrophy, increasing the likelihood of rupture of the intervertebral disc. Aging of the organism is inevitable, but lack of exercise andfeatures of professional activity(sedentary work) contribute to the development of osteochondrosis.
  • Injuries.As a result of a bruise or just an inadvertent movement on the intervertebral disc, cracks and tears may appear.
  • Hereditary predisposition.The ruggedness of the cartilaginous tissue can be laid genetically, so you should be careful and take preventive measures if the intervertebral hernia is a family diagnosis.

Cartilage dystrophy also contributes toBad habits and unbalanced diet.

Avitaminosisand poorcollagen food- a common cause of osteochondrosis.

Asmokingnegatively affects the condition of bone and cartilaginous tissue,preventing learningnutrients.

The main symptomvertebral hernia ispain, since the change in the anatomical shape of the spinal column due to the protrusion of the disc is the causeinfringement of nerves.

It hurts not only the adjacent area of ​​the spine. For example, a hernia of the lumbar region often leads to pinchingsciatic nerve and development of sciatica.

Painful sensations in this case spreadfrom the waist to the heel.

As the disease progresses, othersigns:

  • Vertebral Syndrome- the result of constant tension of the musculature of the back with a hernia. Characterized byintense pain and various disorders of postureand mobility. Muscle spasm leads tocurvature of the spinein one direction and prevents the full extension in the lower back, and the gait becomes insecure.
  • Radicular syndromeis a consequence of a violation of innervation and nutrition of tissues when pinching the spinal nerves. The lumbar spine is connected with the pelvic organs and the muscles of the lower half of the body. It is notedweakness of the leg and thigh muscles, their partialparalysis and loss of sensation.Intermittent claudication often occurs. From the side of the organs of the small pelvis are markedviolationsprocesses of bowel and bladder emptying, gynecological diseases, decreased libido and impotence.
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How to cure a hernia without surgery

Operative intervention with rupture of the intervertebral disc is an extreme measure. Required only if availableserious complications, not amenable to conservative treatment. In most cases, the following methods of therapy are successfully used.


The main task of a doctor diagnosing an intervertebral hernia is the removal of pain and inflammation. For these purposes, the following groups of drugs are used;

  • Analgesics.Depending on the intensity of pain, appropriate drugs are prescribed. So, with moderate pain, enoughParacetamol or Aspirin. If they prove to be ineffective, stronger drugs likePentalgin and Nurofen. With unbearable pain, the attending physician can prescribe narcotic drugs (for example,Proxiphene or Tramadol).
  • For the removal of inflammationit is reasonable to useNon-steroidal medications Indomethacin and Diclofenac. They also successfully cope with the pain syndrome.
  • Muscle relaxants Tolperil or Midokalm, affecting the central nervous system, eliminate muscle spasms and, accordingly, also reduce pain.
  • B vitamins are necessarily prescribed, contributing to the maintenance of the functions of the nervous system. You can take complex medications or make intramuscular injections.

In addition, various external means are used in the form ofointments and gels. They are applied to the affected area and have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory or anesthetic effect.


After elimination of acute symptoms, a lumbar hernia is prescribed physiotherapy.

Especially effectivemassagewith the use of essential oils,mud bath wraps.

Of the hardware methods,electrophoresis, magnetic and ultrasound therapy, the effect on the affected area by laser radiation and acoustic waves.

The listed procedurescoursesand significantly improve the overall condition of the patient due to the removal of inflammation and pain syndrome.

Physiotherapy exercises (video)

Another obligatory component of complex treatment. Since the main cause of hernia is hypodynamia and, consequently,weak back muscles, regular exercise will help fullyrecover without surgery.

Knowing what exercises you can do with a hernia of the spine of the lumbar region and constantly engaged, you will formdurable muscular corsetandprevent relapsedisease.

Folk recipes

The recommendations of alternative medicine are reduced to the use of variouswarming compressesand admissionfortifying compounds.

Cope with pain and inflammation with a herniated spine with the help of home remedies is quite possible.

However, it is possible to include certain recipes in a complex of therapeutic measures only with the permission of the doctor. The most effective are:

  • Heating compresses of horse fatare made for a period of 12 hours to 2 days. With this, the pain recedes within an hour. Fat is evenly distributed on a piece of polyethylene and superimposed on the waist. It is desirable to fix the compress with a band-aid and insulate it with a handkerchief or scarf.
  • For the preparation of effective tinctures from the rhizome of the sabelnikyou need 300 grams of crushed raw material to insist on vodka (pour so that covers the roots) for at least 3 weeks. After filtering take on a tablespoon three times a day, after a month's break, the course should be repeated for prevention.
  • Triturations using tinctures on horse chestnuts are also effective.For 500 ml of vodka, 15 crushed fruits are taken, 10 pods of hot pepper, 50 grams of St. John's wort and rhizomes of white lily, a pharmacy vial (50 g) of ammonia are added. After two weeks of infusion, rub the waist several times a day for 7 days.

Acupuncture and Manual Therapy

In combination with medicines and gymnastics have a good therapeutic effect. Qualified chiropractor totalFor several sessions can remove the painand return the mobility of the lumbar region.

Acupuncturein the modern version is acombination of traditional acupuncture with the impact of electrical impulses.

The methodology is rapidly gaining popularity due to high efficiency.

Prevention of herniated lumbar spine

To avoid long-term treatment and surgery on the spine,Healthy food, paying particular attention tonutritional and vitamin valuesdaily menu.

If the family often diagnoses intervertebral hernias,Cautionrefers tolifting weights and strengthening the muscles of the backwith the help of special gymnastics.

Movement and Sports- the main preventive measure for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. If you are moderately and regularly engaged, information on how to cure a herniated lumbar spine without surgery you will never need.

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Treatment of intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region without surgery (at home)


  • Treatment in hospital
  • Treatment at home
  • Outcomes

Treatment of herniation of the lumbar spine is carried out in two ways: conservative (without surgery) and surgical.

With the help of surgery, you can permanently get rid of a hernia, but there is a risk of complications, and after a successful operation, a long rehabilitation period is always required.

Therefore, many patients avoid surgical intervention, agreeing to it only in extreme cases.

As an alternative to surgery, conservative methods are widely used in the treatment of hernia:

  • medications,
  • manual therapy,
  • physiotherapy,
  • massage,
  • physiotherapy,
  • special diet,
  • correction of lifestyle,
  • folk remedies.

All these drugs are used in combination with each other, which greatly increases the effect and eliminates most of the painful symptoms.

Therapeutic physical training is one of the main methods of combating the intervertebral hernia

In the absence of pronounced neurologic disorders (immobility of the legs, disorders of the pelvic organs), it is possible to achieve improvement in more than 70% of patients.


The treatment plan should be appointed by a neurologist or an orthopedic trauma specialist - then it will be possible to achieve a positive result without surgery.


Treatment of intervertebral hernia without surgery can be carried out both in a hospital and at home.

Treatment in hospital

In the presence of acute and severe symptoms of the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region (painful pains, neurological disorders), usually first it is recommended to conduct a course of treatment in the hospital, where the patient is assigned bed rest and medications (painkillers, anti-inflammatory).

After relief of acute symptoms in a hospital, spinal traction (skeletal traction, underwater traction), physiotherapy and manual therapy are performed.

After discharge, the patient continues treatment of the intervertebral hernia at home.

Modern apparatus for skeletal spinal traction

Home Treatment

To achieve significant improvements in the treatment of lumbar hernia at home, it must be understood that treatment at home does not at all imply self-treatment.

Self-medication with intervertebral hernia is extremely dangerous and fraught with the development of serious complications.

Be sure to consult with your doctor about the possibility of using certain methods.

The four most effective methods of treating herniated lumbar spine at home:

  1. physiotherapy,

  2. folk remedies,

  3. correction of lifestyle,

  4. diet.

1. Physiotherapy

Regular execution of simple exercises that strengthen the muscular corset and increase the mobility of the spine is one of the main components of success with conservative intervertebral hernia therapy.

With the help of gymnastics alone, one can stop pain in the back and prevent it from reoccurring, to regain the former flexibility and mobility, the ability to move freely and actively, without fear of sudden lumbago.

Gymnastics should be performed daily for 30-40 minutes (can be in two or three sets), gradually increasing the load. Sharp movements, exercises with twisting or concussion of the spine are contraindicated.

2. Folk remedies

Folk remedies in the treatment of intervertebral hernias are used to eliminate pain syndrome. In acute and very severe pain, they are ineffective, but they are good enough to relieve stupid, aching and permanent pain in the lower back and back.

Here is a characteristic of popular and effective means:

(if the table is not completely visible - turn it to the right)

3. Correction of a way of life

Correction of a way of life is a removal of the reasons of occurrence of an osteochondrosis of a backbone and the factors provoking formation of a hernia.

  • Patients should avoid any excessive stress on the spinal column: do not lift the gravity, do not be too long in a sitting or standing position, women need to give up shoes on heels.
  • During the day should ensure unloading the spine: lie on your back on a flat hard surface, hang on the crossbar.
  • In the presence of obesity - to normalize weight.

Turnik - excellent prevention of osteochondrosis and hernia

4. Food

With the intervertebral hernia, limit the use of fatty, acute, smoked, alcohol. These products can exacerbate inflammation and provoke pain.

Increase use:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables (rich in vitamins);
  • fish, fermented milk products (calcium);
  • holodtsa, bone broth (contain the substances necessary for cartilage tissue).

Drink 2 liters of fluid per day.

Let's sum up the results

While achieving persistent improvement and relief of the main and most painful symptoms of the intervertebral hernia, the need for operation disappears - certain recommendations will have to be observed for life, otherwise the risk of relapse (the return of symptoms hernia). Medicinal preparations, massage, manual therapy and physiotherapy are not always needed - they are used in courses for prevention or exacerbations. But here the curative gymnastics should be conducted daily, the correction of nutrition - also "lifelong."

Also remember that only if the causative and provoking factors of the formation of the intervertebral hernia are eliminated, its treatment without surgery can be successful.

Svetlana Larina

(the block below can be scrolled to the right to the end)

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Hernia of the lumbar spine - treatment at home, medicinal and folk remedies

If a person has a herniated lumbar spine - treatment should begin immediately to prevent complications.

Doctors recommend a combination of the use of painkillers and exercise exercise therapy for discharge of discs.

More precise recommendations can be given by the specialist after examination of the patient.

What is a lumbar spine herniation

In medical terminology, a hernia in the lumbar region is a rupture of the vertebral column or fibrous ring, cartilage, displacement of the pulpous nucleus.

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There is a pathology as a result of uneven load on the vertebrae, causes pain in the lower back, gives to the legs, fetters the motion and can lead to a disabling condition.

The vertebrae of the lumbar spine in the number of five pieces serve for depreciation, connected by intervertebral discs. When a hernia arises, the disc protrushes, this squeezes the nerve and causes pain, which must be removed as soon as possible.

The following factors are called the causes of the hernia of the spine of the lumbar spine:

  • increased loads;
  • congenital features of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • abnormality of the pelvis;
  • radiculopathy;
  • sciatica nerve inflammation;
  • injuries;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • bad habits;
  • osteochondrosis, scoliosis.

In humans, the disease manifests itself by the following symptoms and signs:

  • stiffness in the lower back;
  • weakness in the big toe;
  • pain in the upper part of the legs;
  • goose bumps;
  • After a long sitting, your toes grow numb.

If the symptoms are found in time, then the treatment will be successful and effective.

It is important not to miss the moment when you can still limit yourself to medicines, conservative therapy, prevent surgery.

The goal of the treatment is the elimination of pain, strengthening of the muscular corset, elimination of subluxations of the vertebrae, which can provoke the growth of pathology.

Treatment of a hernia of the lumbar spine

It is important to begin treatment of pathology in time and consult a doctor at the first symptoms. The danger of a neglected hernia of the spine of the lumbar region without timely treatment by doctors calls the following risks for the whole organism:

  • circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs;
  • gynecological problems, malfunctions of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • problems with urination;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • compression of the nerve root;
  • dryness and flaking of the skin, a decrease in the sensitivity of certain areas;
  • backache in the sacrum;
  • Limitation of mobility up to paralysis of the legs.

If the first signs of the disease are found, it is recommended to visit a therapist or neurologist who will examine the patient and prescribe either a conservative treatment or they will be sent to a surgeon and a neurosurgeon. The latter conduct a study of the spine with the help of magnetic resonance imaging, in the presence of indications, prepare the patient for surgery or prescribe a different treatment.

Methods of treatment

How to treat a herniated spine of the lumbar region, the doctor chooses, depending on the neglect and severity of the case. Methods of therapy:

  1. Conservative - the vast majority of cases are treated by these methods, including exercises, reception medicines (analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), the installation of droppers. Sometimes therapeutic blockades are used. Auxiliary methods of treating hernia are massage, therapeutic home gymnastics, physiotherapy procedures.
  2. Surgical intervention is an extreme measure of treatment, it is prescribed only according to strict indications (medication is not helped by pain, hernia affects the work of internal organs). Remove pathology by microdiscectomy, endoscopic method.

Without surgery

Treatment of herniated lumbar spine without surgery includes the following methods of getting rid of the disease:

  • LFK is a complex of exercises aimed at the development of muscles and ligaments;
  • use of medicines;
  • Acupuncture - the effect of micro-needles on biologically active points;
  • manual therapy - "directing" the discs with your hands;
  • reflexotherapy - for the activity of tissues and organs, improving metabolism;
  • general massage - to improve muscle tone, improve immunity, can alleviate the condition of the patient.

LFK with hernia

After the disappearance of pain in the prone position, exercise therapy is prescribed for hernia of the lumbar spine.

It is carried out to improve blood circulation in the affected area, normalize muscle tone.

Exercises lying on the back, abdomen, side and knee-wrist rest for 10-12 repetitions are performed, slowly, smoothly. The duration of the training is 10-40 minutes. Here are some effective exercises:

  1. Holding your hands along the body, bend your legs. Straighten the right leg, simultaneously take your left hand, repeat with the other side.
  2. Lie on your back. Holding your hands behind your head, bend your legs, slowly straighten your right, put it on your left knee. Straighten, repeat on the other side.
  3. Hands bend at the elbows, put your feet on the width of your shoulders, place a small pillow under your waist. Rotate with stops and brushes in a circle.
  4. The starting position, as in the first exercise, put the left heel on the right knee, repeat with the other side.
  5. From the prone position, unbend the foot towards you, reach back with the heel to stretch the back surface of the leg.


To strengthen and develop the functional capabilities of the spine the following exercises with lumbar hernia have been developed:

  1. Lying on your back, stretch your arms along the torso, bend your legs slightly. Strain the abdominal muscles.
  2. The starting position, as in the first paragraph, just stretch the legs. Raise the body, without lifting your legs from the floor, lower the body.
  3. Legs bend, lie on your back, stretch your right arm forward, putting your wrist on your left knee. Bend the left limb, while holding the resistance by hand.

Exercises of Bubnovsky

Known physician-kinesiologist Bubnovsky has developed his complex of exercises to eliminate the consequences of herniated lumbar spine:

  1. Birch is the starting position lying on the back, hands are raised upwards. The doctor fixes the legs with a cable to the MTV trainer, the person lifts the pelvis with his legs to the perpendicular position to the head.
  2. Birch on the contrary - everything is exactly the same as in the first position, only to turn the legs on the simulator.
  3. Exercise with one fixed foot - lift the leg without bends.
  4. Frog - Lie on your stomach, hands forward, ask the doctor to fix on one leg a simulator with a weight. Bend the leg, simulating the movements of the frog.
  5. Using the block - lying on your back, move up and down with a straight leg, lift the weight.

Exercises with elastic bandage for the spine

To conduct training to strengthen the muscles of the lumbar spine in the treatment of hernia, use elastic bandages. They are fixed for the fixator, they take the free ends with their hands and do the following exercises:

  1. Fix the bandage below the waist, bend forward, keep your back straight. Take your hands back without bending your back.
  2. Stand in the middle of the bandage, holding the ends in hands. Raise your hands to your shoulders, trying to overcome the resistance.
  3. Sit on the bench, fix the legs under it, fix the bandage on the belt. Back up, bend your elbows and lead behind your back.


To relieve pain, improve blood circulation, tone muscles and return the waist to a normal state, doctors prescribe the following drugs:

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - relieve pain during exacerbation, inflammation, reduce fever. These include tablets Diclofenac, Movalis.
  2. Hondoprotectors and preparations with hyaluronic acid - strengthen the structure of intervertebral cartilage. These are Alflutop, Teraflex, Caripain, Rumalon (the extract is made from cartilage and joints of animals).
  3. Homeopathy - strengthens the protective actions of the mechanism, it is used only in combination with other medicines.
  4. Glucocorticoids - relieve severe pain, this is Diprospan, Dexamethasone.
  5. Enzymes - remove blood clots, remove puffiness.

Miorelaxants with a hernia of the lumbar spine

To relax the muscles with intervertebral hernia use muscle relaxants. They stop pain, are injected intramuscularly. Midokalms improve blood supply, soften vertebral discs.

These include Pentoxifylline, Trental - relax the smooth muscles of the brain arteries.

In the treatment of herniated lumbar lumbar spine are used in conjunction with vitamins, activators of muscle activity and biogenic stimulants.

Manual therapy

If you have a spinal hernia in the lumbar region - the treatment may include manual therapy, which consists of manual techniques to correct the pathological phenomenon in the joints.

The purpose of this method of therapy is to restore the normal position of the vertebrae, discs, and circulation. Experts distance the surface of the joints from each other, act strictly on specific areas to restore the mobility of the spine.

The session lasts half an hour, the course is 10-15 procedures every two days.

Operative treatment

The extreme measure of treatment of the herniated spine of the lumbar spine is surgical intervention.

Indications for it will be complete or partial paralysis with a violation of the internal organs, including the spinal cord.

Also, the operation is performed if conservative therapy does not help or worsen the patient's condition, and the muscle weakness grows. There are two methods of performing operations on the lumbar spine herniation:

  1. Disco - a simple non-traumatic operation, in which the surgeon cuts off the hernia from the damaged disc.
  2. Laminectomy is a complex operation, in which part of the bone tissue of the vertebra is removed, the narrowed intervertebral foramen or the canal of the spinal cord expands. It is characterized by a long rehabilitation period.

Treatment of the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region by folk remedies

If the complex treatment in the form of manual therapy and taking medications helps, then you can strengthen the effect of traditional medicine.

Decoctions of herbs and ointments will help reduce pain, reduce swelling.

If the hernia of the lumbar spine is progressing, treatment with folk methods can be as follows:

  1. Tincture of the root of the sabelnik - dry raw material is poured with alcohol, it is insisted for three weeks, it is applied three times a day before meals on a spoon of tincture in a third of a glass of water. Local use of tincture can be mixed in dimexide. To rub her, the affected area and lower extremities are recommended.
  2. Ointment with comfrey - mix half a kilo of fresh comfrey root with the same amount of melted pork fat, warm, pour alcohol in the volume, l, cool. Apply compress under a warm cloth for 30-40 minutes or overnight.
  3. Compresses with aloe and honey - mix the fresh juice of the plant with liquid honey and alcohol in the proportion 3, infuse the day. Soak gauze with a mixture, apply on the lower back and the area of ​​the affected formation for an hour under a warm cloth.


If the treatment of the spinal hernia of the lumbar spine has been successful, it is important to follow the following expert recommendations to prevent relapses, complications and exacerbations:

  • avoid unnecessary strain on the back;
  • To observe the change in the functioning of the spine;
  • follow the posture, do not spend a long time in a sitting position;
  • smoothly and slowly sit down from a lying position and get up from the sitting position;
  • to get out of transport without sudden jolts;
  • sleep on an orthopedic mattress or a wooden shield under an ordinary mattress;
  • wear orthopedic corset;
  • avoid hypothermia, wear a belt of dog hair.
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In addition, to prevent the emergence of a herniated spine in the lumbar part, doctors recommend the following rules:

  • walk more;
  • do sport;
  • follow the posture;
  • work on the computer, sitting on a chair;
  • with a long sitting to take breaks and get up, do gymnastics;
  • carefully approach the lifting of weights, distribute the weight evenly;
  • sleep on an orthopedic mattress;
  • include chicken, beef, fish and dairy products in the diet;
  • to refuse from roast, canned, sharp;
  • quit smoking.

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How to treat a herniated spine without surgery? Intervertebral hernia: causes, methods of treatment

The spine is considered the basis of human health.

And the normal functioning of individual vertebrae directly depends on the state of the intervertebral discs, which play the role of peculiar pillows.

At any physical load, the distance between the vertebrae should be maintained. During jumps or lifting of the weight, the disc acts as a shock absorber.

What is the intervertebral disc?

The distance between the individual vertebrae is filled with a special cartilaginous tissue. This is the intervertebral disc. Inside it there is a pulpous core of a jelly-like consistency. Substances that make up the core make the disc elastic and elastic.

For a number of reasons, the walls of the intervertebral disc may lose their elasticity. Becoming less elastic, they cease to hold the nucleus. When protruding the contents beyond the disc, an intervertebral hernia develops, causing pain and discomfort.

The disease is pretty insidious. The problem is that the hernia can develop simultaneously in several places. According to statistics, only 20% have one intervertebral hernia.

Photos show that the disease most often develops in two or three places.

Causes of the problem

Unpleasant consequences can lead not only to an incorrect lifestyle, but also a genetic predisposition.

Often the violation of salt metabolism in the bone apparatus leads to the development of an intervertebral hernia.

A trigger mechanism for the development of the disease can also be poor sleep and stressful situations, malnutrition and bad habits.


Untimely treatment of the spine leads to complications in the form of tumors and hernias. In order for it to function correctly, it is worth paying attention to the work of all organs. Any, even a minor ailment can cause serious problems.


The main source of nutrition for the intervertebral disc is muscle.

In the absence of physical exertion, valuable substances enter the spine in insufficient quantities. As a result, the disc becomes loose and less elastic.

Soon there is an intervertebral hernia (photos of people suffering from this ailment are presented in the article).

Main Risk Factors

A person who leads a healthy lifestyle, most often does not have problems with either the spine or other organs.

But, unfortunately, there are factors that can not be influenced. Special attention should be paid to the spine of people who have suffered severe viral diseases.

Trauma to the spine can also lead to the appearance of a hernia.

According to statistics, problems with the spine are more common for women. This is due to a number of physiological features.

Herniated cervical spine in women is often found in middle age.

The disease develops quickly enough, and for treatment often requires surgical intervention.

Age is considered another risk factor. After 50 years, the intervertebral discs become less durable. The walls of the organ cease to fix the contents. As a result, the intervertebral hernia develops. The reasons for this may be completely unrelated to the patient's lifestyle.


Any disease is much easier to prevent than after a long time to treat it. Not an exception and problems with the spine.

Particular attention should be paid to the muscular corset, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the body in question.

Simple physical exercises will contribute to its normal functioning, and the hernia will not be terrible.


An effective training for a muscular corset can be called slopes. It should be remembered that when bending, the intervertebral discs are under immense strain.


Therefore, exercise should be done only after a slight warm-up. Running at a moderate speed and sit-ups are an excellent training for the muscles of the back.

You can call walking on the stairs effective.

To not have to learn how to treat a herniated spine without surgery, it is worthwhile to constantly monitor your posture. This is especially true when working at a computer. The back should be always straight. The workplace should be equipped with a special computer desk and an armchair.


Often, pain in the back is often attributed to a cold or stretching of the muscles. In fact, the unpleasant sensations that are caused by the appearance of a hernia, to be confused with anything else is almost impossible.

Discomfort can appear after a sharp lifting of the gravity or in the wrong position at the desk. Even dull, prolonged pain may indicate that an intervertebral hernia has appeared.

Treatment, reviews about which the most different, usually takes a lot of time. That's why when you have unpleasant sensations, you should contact a specialist.

Back pain with a hernia can be of an increasing nature. First, it does not prevent the patient from fully fulfilling his duties.

With sudden movements or coughing, discomfort can increase and grow. Often the pain gives in the leg or arm. As a result, a person can no longer move normally.

A little subsides the pain only while in bed.

Huge discomfort brings a lumbar spinal hernia. Treatment in any case should start immediately, so as not to aggravate the situation.


In addition to direct manifestations of the disease, there may be symptoms such as a decrease in sensitivity on the affected area or its complete absence.

A person can observe the intense work of the sweat glands. The skin becomes dry and irritable.

The body temperature will be reduced, and small swelling will appear.


In the most severe cases, neurotrophic disorders occur in the area of ​​the hernia. Due to the fact that muscle atrophy, weight loss is observed. In the case of increased pain, the patient can not normally straighten his arm or leg.


Ailment in the severe stage will require considerable financial costs, since it will not be possible to treat a spinal hernia without surgery. To avoid surgical intervention will help only timely access to a specialist.


Treatment of the disease the doctor can begin only after a complete examination and diagnosis. First of all, the specialist must determine the severity of the ailment, as well as its localization. There are intervertebral hernia of cervical, thoracic and lumbar divisions.

The most common is the lumbar spinal hernia. Treatment of the disease in most cases does not involve surgical intervention.

Muscles of the waist are very heavy when carrying weights. It is no coincidence that the discs in this department wear out in the first place. Problems also arise in people with excessive weight.

Big weight can be called the main risk factor for the development of ailment.

Such a load, like tilting the head and its slopes, promotes the development of a hernia in the cervical region. The most common defeat in this place is due to injury.

The height of the cervical vertebrae largely predominates over their width. In addition, the individual elements of the spine in this location have a special anatomical shape.

Therefore, the spine in this area is the most fragile.

The question of how to treat a hernia of the spine without surgery in the thoracic department is rare.


This zone is additionally stabilized by the ribbed frame. Disks here practically do not wear out.


Hernia can occur only in case of hormonal failure or as a result of a serious injury.

Treatment of the spine without surgery

First of all, the removal of the hernia will be aimed at preventing the displacement of the vertebrae. The doctor must take away the pain and help the patient return to a normal lifestyle.

In the early stages, the ailment is eliminated without surgery.

Specialist can be prescribed medication, manual therapy, massage, as well as a special set of physical exercises.

The main importance is therapeutic massage and a small physical load. Medical treatment has an auxiliary character. Drugs prescribed by a doctor help to reduce pain only. Some drugs can be effective only in the early stages of the disease.

A small intervertebral hernia, the causes of which are very diverse, can be easily eliminated by static loads. With the help of a special device, the spine is stretched axially. This allows you to put in place the vertebrae and reduce manifestations of the disease.

If surgery is indispensable

Running cases require prompt intervention. Thanks to modern techniques, the intervertebral hernia is easily and quickly removed. The laser allows you to perform the operation as effectively as possible.

The needle is inserted into the affected disc, and then a laser light guide is installed. With the help of the latter, the liquid inside the disc turns into steam. The operation helps to reduce the internal disk pressure.

This eliminates the intervertebral hernia. Treatment, reviews about which only positive, takes only 30-40 minutes. Term of hospitalization of a patient after an operation does not exceed three days. Complications with the use of modern techniques almost never arise.

Changing the way of life

In order not to wonder how to treat a spinal hernia without an operation, first of all you should reconsider your lifestyle. Weight reduction, outdoor exercise and proper nutrition will contribute to the health of not only the spine, but the whole body.

It should be remembered that the ailment examined does not appear immediately. Pain and other unpleasant symptoms appear only when the problem is already running. Excellent prevention can be an annual examination of a specialist and moderate physical activity.

A source: http://.ru/article/164245/kak-lechit-gryiju-pozvonochnika-bez-operatsii-mejpozvonochnaya-gryija-prichinyi-metodyi-lecheniya