Chest bruise: symptoms, treatment and consequences


  • 1Chest bruise: is it treated or "goes by itself"?
    • 1.1Chest bruise: causes
    • 1.2Chest bruise: symptoms
    • 1.3Chest bruise: diagnosis
    • 1.4Chest bruise: treatment
  • 2Symptoms of chest contusion, treatment (at home)
    • 2.1Symptomatic of damage
    • 2.2Diagnosis of a chest injury
    • 2.3Complications
    • 2.4First aid
    • 2.5Treatment of trauma
  • 3What to do if the chest is bruised?
    • 3.1The essence of pathology
    • 3.2Symptoms
    • 3.3First professional help
    • 3.4Medication
    • 3.5Folk remedies
    • 3.6Therapeutic massage and gymnastics
  • 4Treatment of a chest injury
    • 4.1Causes
    • 4.2The main symptoms of trauma
    • 4.3Possible consequences of injury
    • 4.4Diagnosis of the disease
    • 4.5Treatment
    • 4.6Ointment from injury
    • 4.7Home Treatment
  • 5What to do with a chest injury: first aid and treatment
    • 5.1Consequences of a chest injury
    • 5.2Symptoms and Diagnosis
    • 5.3What to do if the chest is bruised?
    • 5.4How to treat a chest contusion at home

Chest bruise: is it treated or "goes by itself"?

Contusions in the daily practice of a trauma doctor are common.

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Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a person who has not received a bruise in his life.

A bruise is a trauma caused by excessive physical (mechanical) impact on a particular tissue or organ.

The main difference of this damage from a partial or complete fracture is the preservation of the integrity of the injured organ.

In addition, it should be noted that it is impossible to bruise the bones.

Injury to organs and soft tissues.

Fortunately, the absolute majority of bruises do not pose any significant danger to the life of the patient, however, in spite of this are accompanied by a lot of unpleasant sensations. So, sometimes the pain syndrome with such injuries is so pronounced that the patient himself suspects having a serious injury.

Contusions of the chest stand in the traumatological practice is not in the first place, but still constitute an impressive proportion of cases.

Sometimes contusions of the chest proceed with a minimal symptomatic complex, because a person simply does not consult a doctor.

Yet this is more likely an exception and more often than not such traumas are difficult to miss.

Injuries to the chest as a whole (bruises in particular) are extremely dangerous injuries. To understand the cause, you need to turn to anatomy.

In the chest are vital organs, such as the heart and lungs. A blow to the sternum (regardless of its strength) is always dangerous and can lead to unpredictable consequences.

The medical literature describes cases of delayed development of a life-threatening symptomatology, as well as urgent conditions, up to cardiac arrest.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that often bruises of the chest are accompanied by injuries of the ribs (fractures, cracks).

It is clear that the described injury is not harmless. Therefore, everyone should be aware of health issues and know exactly what to do if such a nuisance has occurred - who to turn to and how to minimize the consequences.

Chest bruise: causes

According to medical statistics, chest contusions are relatively rare (about 10-15% of all cases of treatment to a traumatologist with a bruise). This is understandable: the causes of injury, although not specific, but are also rare. Among them:

• Car accident (constitutes the vast majority of cases, about 80%). Especially often, the drivers suffer from a bruise: in a head-on collision, the risk of hitting the steering wheel is great.

• Fighting. The bruise of the chest is provoked by a blow to the chest (usually a blunt object or fist).

• Falling from a height (for one reason or another).

• Other household reasons. There are fewer occurrences. Among them - falls in domestic conditions, while playing sports, etc.

If we talk about the immediate cause of the injury, it is typical for any injury. Contusion of the chest arises from excessive mechanical influence on the tissues located in this area (muscles).

There were no demographic differences between the patients. A relationship exists between the frequency of injury and occupational activity. As it was said, drivers suffer more often.

Chest bruise: symptoms

The symptomatic complex is strictly individual and depends on two factors:

• The severity of the injury (the stronger the injury, the quicker the symptoms will appear and the more intense will be their course).

• The age of the injury.

In addition, the symptoms are divided into general and local.

Symptoms of chest contusion are specific and include the following manifestations:

• Pain in the place of injury. As a rule, the intensity of pain is high. Pain blunt, aching, can be throbbing.

Pulsating pain after a trauma of the sternum is an alarming sign, as it can indicate both the damage to the nerve endings and the heart lesions.

Painful sensations persist in a state of rest and intensify during movements. Also, pain can become stronger with breathing, coughing and even talking.

• Development of a hematoma. Hematoma is formed at the site of damage to the soft tissues of the sternum. The appearance of the bruise is associated with the destruction of the surrounding capillaries and subsequent bleeding into the subcutaneous tissue. Hematoma can spread to the area beyond the damage.

• Swelling of the site of injury. Any damage to the tissues is accompanied by fluid accumulation and build-up swelling.

Both the hematoma and the swelling begin to develop from the moment of getting the damage.

Unfortunately, rarely a bruised chest injury is an isolated trauma. The anatomical proximity of the lungs, pleura, and heart causes a high risk of their damage.

Most bruises are accompanied by:

• Contusion of ribs.

• Fractures of the ribs (complete and partial).

• Contusions of the lungs.

If the brisket injury is complicated by other injuries, the symptomatology will be more pronounced. In this case, we observe:

• Pain of high intensity with inspiration, palpation and even light touches.

• Problems with breathing (may indicate problems with the lungs or accompany the bruise chest or ribs: the pain syndrome is so severe that the patient can not make a full inhalation).

Even worse are the bruises, which are accompanied by damage to the lungs or pleura. They are fraught with the development of severe complications, among which:

• Pneumothorax.

• Hemotorax.

If, as a result of the injury, large blood vessels of the sternum, abdominal cavity or lungs, a dangerous hematoma is formed: the blood is poured into the pleural cavity and, not finding an outlet, thickens. Such a condition in medical practice is called hemothorax. The hemothorax is accompanied by serious increasing violations of breathing, as well as a pronounced general symptomatology: headache, weakness, etc.

With pneumothorax, a large amount of air penetrates into the chest cavity, resulting in the compression of the lung and its "caving". Pneumothorax is accompanied by characteristic manifestations:

• Serious breathing problems.

• Increased blood pressure, reduced heart rate.

• Development of subcutaneous emphysema (as a result of air penetration into the subcutaneous tissue).

• The general severe condition.

Both described conditions are extremely dangerous and require immediate medical intervention.

If the volume of lost blood is great, the patient develops signs of anemia.

Chest bruise: diagnosis

If a chest injury has been received, you should consult a traumatologist or surgeon.

Diagnosis of a chest injury is not difficult. Where it is more important to exclude the presence of concomitant injuries of the ribs and organs of the chest: these can be life threatening states.

At the primary reference to the expert the standard diagnostic strategy includes:

• Anamnesis. The doctor asks the patient about his general condition, the conditions of injury, and then can make a general impression of the injury.

• Inspection. The status of the thorax is visually assessed: the shape and size, the presence or absence of deformation (usually observed with the injuries of the ribs), the size of the hematoma is confirmed or eliminated.

• Palpation. Carried out with caution, as the pain syndrome with a bruise is pronounced. Allows you to assess the presence of broken ribs.

• Radiography of the chest cavity. It is used to evaluate the bone structures of the chest cavity.

• MRI. It is prescribed and carried out with suspicions of damage to the organs of the chest cavity. MRI enables you to visually assess soft tissues and blood vessels, exclude or confirm internal hematomas.

• CT. Appointed for a more subtle evaluation of bone structures, if after the radiography there are questions.

A specific list of diagnostic measures is determined by the doctor.

Chest bruise: treatment

The treatment of the chest contusion itself is conservative, but it is by no means appropriate to approach it "through the sleeves". With a marked injury, accompanied by the development of hematoma and pain syndrome, you should definitely consult a doctor.

The fact is that dangerous symptoms (breathing disorders, up to its stop, violation of cardiac activity) can be delayed and manifest after 1-2 days.

The essence of the treatment is to remove the pain and inflammation. As a rule, it is enough to use a combination of analgesic (analgesic drugs) and anti-inflammatory drugs.

The following drugs are used:

• Baralgin.

• Ketorol.

• Nyz.

Withdrawal of an acute period takes from 7 to 14 days.

At the end of the course of treatment, physiotherapy (electrophoresis, magnet) is prescribed.

A bruise complicated by hemothorax or pneumothorax is treated only surgically.

In the task of surgical treatment of complications of chest contusion, removal of blood or removal of accumulated air in the chest cavity is included.

In both cases, treatment should be carried out as quickly as possible: there is a risk of irreversible changes on the part of the lungs.

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Thus, it is not easy to call a chest contusion easy.

In most cases, this is a serious injury, requiring a serious attitude to yourself, because the consequences of it can be the most unpredictable. In all cases it is recommended to consult a specialist.

He will select the necessary complex of diagnostic measures and determine the strategy of treatment. Self-medication in this case is dangerous.

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Symptoms of chest contusion, treatment (at home)

Significant damage to tissues and organs due to mechanical impact, but not leading to serious disruption of their structure in the chest area, occurs with a frequency of 15% among all bruises. The brisket bruise itself is not dangerous, but in severe cases, ribs, heart, lungs, pleura suffer, and internal bleeding may develop. The likelihood of complications is high.

Symptomatic of damage

Causes of a chest injury: falling, punching with a heavy object, collision. During the mechanical action, a short-term deformation of the upper body occurs due to pressure exerted on it.

In this case, skin injuries, intercostal muscles, subcutaneous fat layer are injured. Rib shift damages tissues and organs from the inside. The symptomatology of the disease manifests itself simultaneously with the infliction of injuries.

Their intensity and character depend on the degree of damage and impact force.

The main symptoms of a chest injury:

  • acute pain, intensifying during coughing, laughter, attempts to take a deep breath;
  • hematoma - a consequence of rupture of small blood vessels;
  • edematous tissue - the result of fluid accumulation;
  • traumatic shock (in severe cases).

Symptomatic damage to internal organs and damage to the integrity of bones is supplemented by pallor of the skin, shortness of breath, dizziness. Sharp pain can cause shock and stop breathing.

The contusion of the sternum is not dangerous, it has similar signs with a bruised chest. The sternum is an important part of the human skeleton, it performs the closing function, combining the ribs into a single frame. A fracture of the sternum is always accompanied by trauma to the internal organs.

Diagnosis of a chest injury

Diagnose the bruises of the chest by interviewing the injured physician about the cause of the injury, the nature painful sensations, general well-being, measurement of arterial pressure, palpation, examination of damaged areas body. In the presence of symptoms indicating the development of complications, an x-ray examination, ultrasound diagnosis, additional laboratory tests are prescribed.

To determine the degree of severity of the injury, only a doctor can use the results of a comprehensive diagnosis. How long will it hurt in the chest? The answer is yes.

The final recovery after a chest injury occurs approximately 6 weeks after the injury, if all the recommendations prescribed by the physician were observed.


With a favorable outcome of the injury, the consequences are minimal - hematomas and soft tissue edema do not require special treatment. Medical consultation is mandatory. It is important to diagnose serious complications in time.

If the victim after a while ceases to breathe, falls into a faint, it is supposed, that a chest contusion on the left provoked a malfunction in the work of the heart, which may entail a clinical death.

The contusion of the thorax to the right is no less dangerous, complicated by rupture of the pleura and lung.

Symptoms that indicate internal injuries:

  • unbearably strong pain with a light touch, a change in the position of the body and bone crepitation (crunch) indicate a fracture or crack in the rib;
  • impaired breathing, pallor or cyanosis of the skin, lowering blood pressure - signs of hemothorax, hemorrhage to the pleura due to rupture of blood vessels;
  • chest enlargement, rapid pulse, drop in cardiac pressure - a consequence of subcutaneous emphysema, rupture of the pulmonary pleura, air from the lung to the subcutaneous layer;
  • shortness of breath, shortness of breath, cyanotic skin, hemoptysis, heart palpitations, dry cough are manifestations of pneumothorax - lung rupture.

First aid

Emergency situations happen all over the place. Everyone should know what to do with a bruised chest. The first aid before the arrival of the doctors is aimed at alleviating the condition of the victim:

  • a traumatized person is conveniently arranged in a semi-sitting position, provide him with complete peace;
  • To reduce the mobility of the ribs during breathing, a fixative bandage will help;
  • cooling compress on the affected area is imposed to reduce edema, stop internal vascular bleeding;
  • with intolerable pain, local anesthetics are used.

Treatment of trauma

The complex of therapeutic measures depends on the severity of the injury. To treat a simple chest injury, the victim is recommended to exclude physical activity, to ensure complete rest. Prescribe drugs and procedures that remove symptoms.

At an average degree also carry out treatment in house conditions.

During the first day after the injury is received, coolants are applied to the bruised side for 5-10 minutes, apply resorptive, anesthetic ointments and gels ("Troxevasin "Heparin ointment "Lyoton").

The next day you can use warming ointments, the "Finalgon" will do.

With severe pain, pain medications are taken (Baralgin, Tempalgin, Spazmalgon) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen). The appointment of physiotherapy procedures will accelerate the process of recovery. To treat a bruise is better integrated, using the methods of traditional and traditional medicine.

Indications for hospitalization and the surgical method of treatment are complications.

With the development of hemothorax, subcutaneous emphysema, pneumothorax, cardiac arrest, it is impossible to eliminate the patient's life threat with conservative treatment.

Appropriate resuscitative measures and surgical intervention are carried out only in clinical settings with subsequent rehabilitation therapy.

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What to do if the chest is bruised?

Traumatic injuries of the chest are very common. The reasons can be quite a lot - it happens when you fall, hit, collide with a solid obstacle.

To avoid complex consequences, you need to contact a traumatologist in time. However, in simple cases, the chest contusion is treated at home.

The essence of pathology

A chest contusion is a condition that occurs after a trauma to the upper body. The code for the ICD-10 is S20-S29. Chest injuries. With a strong impact, there is a risk of lung and mediastinum.

In general, chest damage is divided into two main categories - open and closed. In most cases, closed injuries are observed, which are characterized by the absence of a wound on the surface of the skin.

This category includes the following:

  • trauma without bruising on the skin;
  • bruises with possible damage to the internal organs - the heart, blood vessels, lungs;
  • traumatic asphyxia - it is characterized by suffocation as a result of severe squeezing.

Closed injuries without significant damage account for approximately 73% of the total number of chest lesions. Half of this amount is accompanied by fractures.


Ignore the bruise of the chest is impossible, because its manifestations appear immediately after the impact.

The main symptoms of injury include the following:

  • sharp pain syndrome, which increases with inspiration;
  • formation of bruising and cyanotic skin tone in the injured area;
  • swelling of soft tissues;
  • compaction in the affected area.

If the injury has resulted in serious damage, the symptoms are more pronounced. At the same time the skin turns pale, there are dizziness, dyspnea. With severe pain, there may be a shock and even a stop of breathing.

Do not massage the heart in this situation, because this procedure will only aggravate the patient's condition. If the right side is struck, there is a risk of lung damage.

Many people are interested in what is dangerous for damage to the chest.Any injury can cause serious health consequences.

Thus, with the development of hemothorax, a large amount of blood accumulates in the pleural cavity. After a short period of time, it folds.

This is due to the defeat of the vessels of the abdominal cavity, lungs. With severe hemorrhage, anemia may increase. To get rid of the coagulated blood, it is necessary to perform a surgical procedure.

With pneumothorax in the chest area, a large amount of air accumulates. In this case, the lungs are squeezed and reduced in size.

With a broken rib there is a risk of air getting into the subcutaneous tissue. This condition is called subcutaneous emphysema. In this case, the intercostal vessels are damaged, which leads to severe bleeding.

To identify this condition, it is worth paying attention to such symptoms:

  • impaired breathing;
  • decreased heart rate;
  • increase in pressure;
  • progression of subcutaneous emphysema;
  • cyanosis of the skin;
  • general deterioration of health.

First professional help

First aid for a chest injury must be provided - this is what determines the effectiveness of subsequent therapy.

Immediately after getting the injury you need to perform the following actions:

  1. To prevent the spread of puffiness, it is necessary to apply cold to the affected area. You can use a water bottle or a cold towel.
  2. With a bruise, you can completely make a squeezing bandage around the sternum. Thanks to this it will be possible to reduce the pain syndrome. You should also drink anesthetic drug. In addition, it is advisable to contact a traumatologist who can eliminate internal injuries.
  3. When squeezing or shaking the victim should be laid so that the head was at the top. It is also important to unbutton the clothes on your chest. The consequences will pass on their own - the patient has enough to rest and drink warm tea. When squeezing, there is a risk of nausea and vomiting, clouding of consciousness. In such a situation, you should pull out the tongue and call an ambulance.
  4. When the pleura or lungs are damaged before the doctor arrives, you need to clear the mouth of vomit, bloody and mucous secretions. When the tongue sinks, you need to open your mouth and pull it out. When vomiting occurs, the head is inclined to the side. To bring the victim to consciousness, they give him a sniff of cotton wool soaked with ammonia. When breathing is stopped, artificial respiration is performed.
  5. In case of fracture of the ribs, a tight bandage should be applied to the breast. For this, you can use bandages or a towel.
  6. With open trauma, the wound needs to be treated with iodine, and then apply a bandage to stop the bleeding.
  7. In case of penetrating trauma with an open pneumothorax, first of all, close the hole with a sterile cloth, then apply a tight bandage, fixing it with adhesive plaster.
  8. When an open wound with heart damage should be treated with iodine, and then apply a bandage.
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In any case, it is strictly forbidden to remove any objects from the wound. In case of complicated damage, you need to call a doctor as soon as possible.


In simple cases, treatment is carried out according to the standard scheme. So, what to do with a bruised chest? In the acute post-traumatic period, cold compresses are applied to the damaged area. This helps prevent the appearance of swelling and bruising.

To cope with the pain, use pain medication. Most often take funds from the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They include Ibuprofen, Indomethacin.

All movements of the trunk during this period should be limited as much as possible.

It is forbidden to apply pain medication constantly because they have many side effects. How to treat a bruise in this situation? For this purpose, you can use a special ointment.

Correctly selected preparation provides elimination of swelling, resorption of hematomas and pain relief.

Therapeutic ointments are used in such cases:

  • In the damaged area there was an edema;
  • there are no open wounds on the skin;
  • the hematoma extends beyond the affected area;
  • without touching the injured area, the pain syndrome does not appear.

To cope with the symptoms of injury, you need to use these categories of medicines:

  1. Anti-inflammatory ointments. Thanks to their application, it is possible to stop the pain syndrome and eliminate the inflammatory process. Most commonly used drugs such as Diclofenac, Ibuprofen. Such substances are used only in the absence of skin lesions. They need to be applied lightly to the site of the injury up to 4 times a day. When the seal appears in the damaged zone, the ointment is used more often, since the absorption is significantly reduced.
  2. Ointment with a skin. This substance has pronounced anti-inflammatory and resolving characteristics. Thanks to the use of the drug, it is possible to stop pain syndrome, stimulate the regeneration of tissues and eliminate puffiness.
  3. Ointment with heparin. This ingredient provides for resorption of clots that appear with bruises, and normalizes the work of capillaries. Usually this drug is used in combination with snake venom, which has warming properties.

Many people are wondering whether the bruise of the chest will last for a long time. It all depends on the degree of damage. Doctors do not recommend using ointments for more than 1 week.

If the pain persists after this period, this indicates a serious injury.

Folk remedies

In order to cope with the symptoms and consequences of a chest injury, effective folk remedies can be used as a supplement to traditional therapy:

  1. Herbal tincture. Take 20 grams of bearberry leaves, a hernia, horsetail, bean pods, birch buds, cornflower flowers, spongy grass and an elmous twig. The resulting mixture is mixed with 500 ml of vodka and left for 3 days. Then every day used as a compress.
  2. Violet tincture. Take 30 grams of dried flowers of violet and burdock root, 20 grams of leaves of Veronica and the root of wheatgrass. The resulting composition is mixed with 1 liter of vodka and left for 5 days. Strain and use for compresses that make at night.
  3. Lamb and nettle infusion. To prepare the product you need to take 100 grams of Ledum and nettle. Mix the herbs with 100 ml of vodka and leave for 4 days to insist. After this, pour the pomegranate juice and leave for another couple of days. Do compresses for 2 weeks.
  4. Tincture of birch buds. To make a useful product you need to mix 100 g of birch buds and 50 g of barberry. Pour the contents of 100 ml of vodka and leave for 5 days. A strained means to use for compresses that do in the evenings. The course of therapy is at least 10 days.
  5. Tincture of aloe and hemlock. To begin with, mix 50 grams of balsam and 70 grams of hemlock leaves. The resulting composition, pour 300 ml of vodka and leave for 4 days. After this, pour 3 tablespoons of aloe juice and insist another couple of days. It is important that the age of aloe is at least 3 years. Then the tincture can be filtered and used for compresses for a week. Since hemlock belongs to the category of poisonous plants, it is important to use caution when applying it.
  6. St. John's wort and oak bark tincture. To make it, you need 30 g of St. John's Wort, 20 g of bark and the same number of leaves of the althea. All the ingredients should be crushed and mixed with 500 ml of vodka. Insist 4 days. Ready to filter and use every day for compresses. Treatment should last 2 weeks.
  7. St. John's wort and alder. To prepare a remedy, you need to take 20 grams of bark of alder and St. John's wort, as well as crushed leaves of hemlock. The resulting composition is mixed with 500 ml of vodka and left for 3 days. Use for compresses for 3 weeks.

Therapeutic massage and gymnastics

Initially, massage is done just above the affected area - this helps to activate the outflow of blood from the bruised area. The second hand needs to process the neck and waist in parallel.

During the first 4-5 sessions, avoid contact with affected areas, gradually approaching them. The duration of the procedure should start from 5 minutes, gradually increasing to 20.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you can use the mummy. To do this, a small amount of the substance is ground on the affected area. You need to do this within 1 month. Also, the mummy can be taken inside, mixing in equal parts with a decoction of cumin.

If the bruise is complicated by fracture of the ribs, the mummy can be combined with rose oil. This mixture significantly accelerates the coalescence of bone tissue.

Physical loads are resolved not earlier than 1-2 months after the injury - it all depends on the severity of pain. In this case, you can gradually begin to perform therapeutic exercises.

In the first weeks after the injury, breathing exercises with a contusion of the chest. It helps to strengthen the muscles, normalize the general condition and improve the flow of blood into the body of the patient.

Contusion of the chest - a serious enough injury, which can lead to damage to internal organs. However, in simple cases, this condition does not pose a particular health hazard.

It is quite possible to cope with it independently, using medicines and folk remedies.

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Treatment of a chest injury

A bruised chest is a fairly common injury in the medical field. The disease is the flow of blood from the damaged vessels. Soft tissues in case of a bruise increase in hemorrhage.

The tumor of the damaged area is also characteristic. The impregnation of tissues with blood subsequently forms hematoma. Blood can pass into nearby areas.

An example is hemarthrosis, when blood is poured into a nearby joint located.

The hemorrhage in small vessels stops arbitrarily after five minutes. In large vessels - more than a day. The hematoma acquires a color depending on the period of the injury. So, fresh hematoma is cyanotic color, after 3-5 days - blue-yellow, after six days-yellow color.


The most known causes of injury are:

  1. Dull blows to the chest.
  2. Falling from height.
  3. Collision with anything.

Contusion of the chest arises from damage to its soft tissue. The pleura and lung tissue are most often affected.

Pulmonary tissue is defeated by the pressure of the thoracic bones. This chest wall is not damaged.

Air contusions can cause injuries to lung tissue.

The main symptoms of trauma

The main symptoms of injury are as follows:

  • Sharp pains in the thoracic region. Pain has the property of intensifying in the case of a deep breath.
  • Hematoma on the affected area. Hematoma may be accompanied by swelling.
  • Impossibility of palpation of the damaged site. Such a case occurs with concomitant fracture of the ribs. The pain becomes unbearable.
  • Stop breathing and loss of consciousness. As a consequence - stop cardiac function.

When there are such symptoms, you can say that this is a clinical death. In this case, the patient is placed in the intensive care unit. In general, such symptoms are characteristic for serious cases, as well as combined.

Symptoms of damage to the pleura and lung tissue: the emergence of subcutaneous emphysema, hemothorax, and pneumothorax. Minor, but no less important trauma symptoms: low blood pressure, shortened pulse, blueness of the skin.

All trauma symptoms can be similar to other diseases. Therefore, when the first symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Possible consequences of injury

In the case of severe chest injury, negative consequences occur.

These are considered and the occurrence of seals on soft tissues, as well as hematomas in the thoracic zone.

These consequences can cause women's cancer, but only if there is a genetic predisposition.

With a bruise in the heart, complications arise.

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Thus, a bruise becomes the source of a thrombus when the vessels in the tissues of the organ have been affected. This may cause necrosis, heart attack, stroke.

It is not rare that such diseases form a lethal outcome. Not only heart disease is the result of a bruise.

Diagnosis of the disease

To conduct a diagnosis and to reveal the presence of a bruised chest - it will not be very difficult. If there is any doubt about the presence of a more serious injury (fracture, damage to the internal organs), the doctor prescribes special examinations (X-rays, etc.).

First aid:

  • The initial treatment is as follows:
  • To provide the patient with peace.
  • Make a cold compress and put on the affected area.
  • Cold compress should be changed every 20 minutes.
  • Call the doctors.
  • If necessary, take an anesthetic drug.

With the help of a specialist doctor, the risk of further negative consequences is significantly reduced.

The doctor conducts the examination, and only after confirmation of the diagnosis appoints the appropriate treatment.


Basically, the bruise of the chest involves the use of a tight bandage. The bandage reduces body movements during inhalation and exhalation, which significantly helps to remove painful sensations.

The medical dressing can also be applied at home. After applying bandages to the patient give complete rest. Treatment with anesthesia lasts one to two weeks.

In the absence of complications, the doctor can prescribe ointments that help to eliminate swelling, pain and bruises. Cases of damage to the lungs with bone fragments are not uncommon.

Thus the blueness of lips is marked. This case requires immediate treatment in the hospital.

Ointment from injury

If a bruise is necessary, more serious local treatment should be used than in the situation with bruises. So, use ointments and gels.

The most effective way to treat a chest contusion is the use of an ointment based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances.

Ointment should be applied to the affected area in three steps during the day.

In case of damage to the skin, ointment is prohibited, in order to avoid additional inflammation and irritation. In this case, an antiseptic and a cold compress are necessary. With a large swelling and tightening of the subcutaneous tissue, ointment is applied more often, because of less absorbability.

Home Treatment

The dull trauma of the chest forms painful sensations, radiating into the back area. Also, pain can resemble angina. Before treating the bruise of the chest, first of all you need to do an x-ray of internal organs to detect the presence or absence of their damage.

To treat a bruise at home can be using sheets of plantain or wormwood. Treatment is the imposition on the damaged zone of plant leaves or finely chopped wormwood. When wormwood dries, it can be replaced with a new one or moistened with water.

Treatment of a bruise can be performed with a variety of herbal infusions, wraps, compresses and lotions. To treat a bruise with warming agents is permissible not earlier than a day after its cooling. Treatment with alcoholic tinctures contributes to the elimination of edema, as well as painful sensations.

One of the ingredients of alcohol tincture is vodka. In addition to half a liter of vodka, you need 20 gr. leaves: bearberry, twig, sporis, horsetail, hernia. And the same number of flowers cornflower, stigmas corn, birch buds, bean pods.

Finely chop the ingredients and mix. Four spoons of the resulting mixture pour vodka and leave to infuse for three days. The finished medicine is filtered and superimposed on the affected area for four hours.

The cure is carried out for 7 days.

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What to do with a chest injury: first aid and treatment

Contusion of the chest - a dangerous injury in which the soft tissues of the chest are injured. Damaged muscles, skin, subcutaneous tissue, and sometimes internal organs, which are located behind the chest.

In order to recognize and prevent the development of complications in time, it is necessary to start treatment of the chest contusion immediately. To do this, you need to have information about how to provide first aid in case of a chest injury and what to do next.

In this article we will tell you about the symptoms, consequences, causes and treatment of a chest injury.

The main causes of the bruise are strokes caused by a blunt object or directly by a person, traffic accidents. Often there are bruises of the chest when falling, collision, etc.

After striking or falling, the chest is deformed for a short time. At this time, the skin, subcutaneous cage, chest muscles and intercostal muscles are injured. With a strong effect, trauma to internal tissues also occurs.

Correspondingly, the vessels are injured on the site of the injury, which leads to the appearance of edema. Often, the bruise of the chest is combined with a bruised rib or a fracture.

Read in this material recommendations for the removal of pain in the fracture of the ribs.

Consequences of a chest injury

Since the integrity of tissues and muscle structures is disrupted, the victim feels severe pain.

If other soft tissues are damaged, inflammation develops. When untimely treatment, it can spread to other tissues.

If the vessel bursts, then there is a bruise (hematoma).

A possible injury to internal organs or damage to blood vessels is the most dangerous consequence of a chest injury.

Especially dangerous is the bruise of the chest on the left - a traumatism of the heart vessels may occur, which will cause the post-traumatic thrombus.

If the injury - a bruise of the chest - touched the lung, then the development of symptoms of respiratory failure. To avoid dangers, it is necessary to start timely treatment and not neglect it.

If the affected person has a decrease in heart rate, increased blood pressure pressure, weakening of breathing, blueing of the skin, it must be immediately delivered to hospital. These are signs of complications and contusion of the lung and pleura.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

You can determine the bruise of the chest by yourself. It has pronounced symptoms that you will definitely notice:

  • Swelling in the area of ​​damage;
  • Hemorrhage;
  • Sharp pain, which increases with a deep breath;
  • Impaired respiratory function;
  • Appearance of bruises and bruises;
  • The skin in the area of ​​damage becomes hot touch;
  • There is redness at the site of injury.

It is only the doctor who can diagnose how much the chest injured the injured person. For this, a visual examination is carried out, as well as a radiographic examination.

However, if you have contraindications for an X-ray, be sure to inform the doctor about it, which will determine the procedure for collecting an anamnesis in a particular case.

On the basis of the findings, a specialist can make a final diagnosis, determine the integrity of the ribs and sternum, and determine whether pneumothorax or hemothorax has developed.

What to do if the chest is bruised?

The first help in case of a chest injury is the call for qualified medical care and full immobilization of the injured person. It is necessary to alleviate the condition of a person and to make sure that he does not move. It is best for the victim to take a position half-sitting.

On the injury site, apply a pressure bandage to relieve pain. For this, take any cloth and tie it around the chest of the victim over the place of injury. The knot should be bandaged from the opposite side of the injury. Be careful that the dressing is not tied too tightly.

To reduce swelling and pain after a brisket injury, apply a cold compress to the injury site. Avoid hypothermia.

To do this, apply a cold compress for 15-20 minutes every 2 hours.

If the victim after a bruise chest suffers severe pain, it is recommended to give him an analgesic.

How to treat a chest contusion at home

With uncomplicated injuries, it is possible to treat chest contusion at home. The main thing is to clearly and timely fulfill all the prescriptions of the doctor, then hospitalization will not be required. Treatment of chest bruises at home implies compliance with the following recommendations:

  • Limit the movement of the trunk;
  • Cold packs apply to the injured place for 2 days;
  • After 3 days, start applying warming compresses, lotions and warm baths. This is necessary for removing the edema and getting rid of bruises;
  • Use ointments with anti-inflammatory effect (Fastum gel, Nays gel, Finalgel, Valtaren emulgene and others);
  • In a week it is necessary to begin treatment by physiotherapeutic procedures in order to speed up the process of tissue healing;
  • If the pain does not pass and even intensifies, then it is necessary to consult a doctor for the provision of qualified care. Perhaps you need to restore the vessels surgically.

It is also possible to treat chest contusions with folk remedies. For example, at home, prepare an ointment from honey and fresh aloe juice.

Mix the ingredients in equal proportions, moisten the bandage with the resulting ointment and attach it to the damaged area for an hour. Repeat in the morning and in the evening.

Another recipe for home treatment of a chest injury is a warming alcohol tincture.

Within 3 days, insist a mixture of, vodka and 100 g of herbs (you can take the mother-and-stepmother and flowers of oregano).

And then use as a medical compress for the whole night. The duration of the course of treatment is at least 2 weeks.

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