The best folk remedies for nausea

Nausea is an unbearably painful condition that is felt mainly in the throat and precedes vomiting. When a person is nauseous, he feels a general weakness in the whole body, he has increased salivation and increased sweating.

Nausea is a kind of defensive reaction of the body, which is inherent in each of us by nature and can not be controlled by consciousness. The human body can react in this way to certain smells and tastes, as well as to various harmful substances that have entered the body.

Each of us in the brain has a special vomiting center, which at the right time triggers this disgusting feeling. The nerve endings receive a "signal" from the gastrointestinal receptors, which have reacted negatively to poor-quality food, to stretching the walls of the stomach or to the inflammatory process that occurs in the stomach.

And then the body can react to all this with nausea, and then with vomiting. Similarly, a person can feel a rush of nausea in a stressful situation or in the presence of diseases of the nervous system.

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Four sources of nausea are known:

  • reflex,
  • cerebral,
  • metabolic,
  • toxic.
Article Contents:
  • Possible Causes
  • Traditional Medicine Recipes
  • What is not recommended?
  • Preventive measures

Possible causes of

Nauseating can, if carcassed in transport. This is not a pathology and it is not necessary to treat it. It's another matter if it mutates regularly and without any reason. In this case, you need to go to a doctor's office.

As a rule, nausea is a sign of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But, it does not always happen. Some patients need advice from a neurologist, an endocrinologist and even a cardiologist.

There are many reasons for this state:

  1. Gastritis, gastric ulcer .In this case, the turbidity begins after each meal. In addition, the patient feels heaviness in the stomach and heartburn. The burning sensation and pain in the upper abdomen is felt both on an empty stomach and after a meal. To find out the cause of nausea, you need to do a gastroscopy, take a blood test and a biochemistry, as well as a test that will detect antibodies. In addition, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. After the results of the survey, the patient may be prescribed antibiotics. But, in any case, you will need to reconsider your eating habits. It should be excluded from acute, salty and fatty foods. The ideal option - to constantly adhere to the diet.
  2. Diseases of the gallbladder .If there is a malfunction in the work of this body, then nausea can even during eating. A person does not leave the feeling of "bursting", in the right hypochondrium there is a constant aching pain. The mouth feels a bitter taste, it hurts heartburn and excessive gas formation. Without consulting a doctor here can not do. The specialist should appoint an ultrasound of internal organs. Treatment will be conducted depending on the diagnosis. The gallbladder closely interacts with the liver, so it will also need to be checked for various pathologies. Inflammation of the pancreas. Mutters before and after eating. The abdomen is constantly swollen. On the right side, in the area of ​​the hypochondrium there is dull pain, in the mouth - bitterness and metallic taste. Diarrhea and weight loss are possible. It is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist, he should give a direction for a blood test for sugar. You also need to do an ultrasound scan of internal organs, give a general analysis of blood and feces. The patient must comply with dietary nutrition. You need to eat small portions and in no case overeat.
  3. Appendicitis .In this case, nausea is not related to eating. The patient can raise body temperature to 38 degrees. If you suspect an appendicitis, you should urgently call for emergency help.
  4. Poisoning. Intestinal infection .Every time after a meal, severe nausea occurs, which, as a rule, results in vomiting. When poisoning the headache, stomach, a person feels incredible weakness in the whole body. The temperature can rise to 37.5 - 38 degrees and there will be diarrhea( recipes for diarrhea in adults you will find on the link).If you are sure that you are poisoned, and no more than 2 hours have elapsed, try to induce vomiting. If after that the nausea did not go away, and in addition dizziness appeared - call for an ambulance.
  5. Viral hepatitis is accompanied not only by nausea. The patient's appetite is lost, and pain in the joints and liver is added to this.

These are the main causes of nausea. But, there are still factors that can cause this terrible condition:

  • Side effect of medical drugs .Any medicine can cause a nausea, and more often - antibiotics, preparations containing iron and some others.
  • Pregnancy .In women, nausea generally occurs after the thirteenth week of pregnancy.
  • Migraine .The attack of turbidity can be removed, being in the dark and with the help of drugs - triptans, which are prescribed by a neurologist.
  • Concussions of the .
  • Meningitis .This disease is accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting, high fever, headache. When these symptoms occur, you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible for hospitalization.

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How to get rid of nausea at home?

With nausea you can try to fight folk methods.

  1. Peppermint .In order to get rid of the "muddy" condition, you need to take a teaspoon of dry leaves peppermint and pour a glass of boiling water. After 1.5 - 2 hours the product is ready for use. Drink infusion should be 3 - 4 times a day before meals.
  2. Melisa .Take the dried melissa( 4 teaspoons), grind it, fall asleep in a thermos and pour steep boiling water( 2 cups).We insist 3 - 4 hours and take ½ camp 3 times a day.
  3. If the cause of nausea is various liver diseases, the following remedy will help: Chamomile, St. John's Wort, Melissus and Mint .We take all the ingredients in equal proportions and steam them with boiling water. Broth drink instead of tea during the day.
  4. Herbal collection .You can use several options for collection. The first: the root of valerian, marsh, flowers of cumin, hips, coriander, oregano. The second: mint, valerian, chamomile and cucumber. Crusts of citrus fruit .With citrus peeled off the crust, crushed it and placed in a glass dish, which poured vodka. Insist the medication for 1 week, then filter and store in a dark, cold place. Tincture add a few drops into the water.
  5. To get rid of nausea, you need to drink one teaspoon of freshly squeezed potato juice.
  6. Broth from the seeds of dill will save from approaching nausea.
  7. One of the effective means against nausea is ginger .It is added to tea, water or simply chewed in small amounts.(Read about the benefits of ginger for women and men).

What is not recommended?

If nausea is caused by a stressful situation, you should not "calm down" yourself with strong alcoholic beverages.

Pregnant women should not take off attacks of nausea with medicines, it can cause irreparable harm to the fetus.

Do not take antibiotics and other medications before the doctor determines the true cause of your poor health.

Preventative measures

Nausea can be "calmed down" by the following activities:

  • Morning gymnastics in the fresh air.
  • Before eating, you can suck a piece of ice, a slice of lemon, cherry plum, sour plum or eat a few cranberries.
  • To avoid nausea, you need to eat in the morning dry foods( crackers, drying, biscuits).
  • Do not pass. Your stomach should not feel overwhelmed.
  • Eliminate from your diet products with a strong specific odor.
  • Minimize the consumption of fatty, salted and fried foods.
  • Do not get carried away with sweet dishes.
  • Do not drink a lot of liquid during a meal, otherwise the stomach will be full. Water try to drink an hour before eating.
  • Chew thoroughly, eat slowly and in small portions.
  • You do not need to eat immediately before using medications.
  • Do not forget about oral hygiene.

Do not attempt to cope on your own with regular nausea. This can be the cause of a serious illness. Contact your doctor for help. He will establish a diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment.

Also see the video, which tells how you can get rid of bouts of nausea and vomiting at home:

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