Rapid cough treatment with folk remedies in children and its further prevention

Children are the most precious thing that we have. And parents are trying in the literal sense of the word "to blow off dust particles from their beloved children".

We, the adults, are very upset when the kids get sick.

Article content:
  • Possible causes
  • Types of cough and its symptoms
  • How to treat an unpleasant symptom?
  • Etiology of children's cough
  • Prevention measures

Many, especially young mothers, are ready to run to the doctor with the question: "Why does the child cough" even if there is no particular reason for it. And this is quite normal, because there is no such mother in the world who would not give everything that she has to ensure that her baby was always healthy.

The pharmacological industry does not stand still, it is developing dynamically. On the shelves of pharmacies there is a large number of different preparations for cough. But, not always the most expensive - the best.

If treated without the advice of a doctor, then you can cause irreparable damage to the health of the baby. In order for the treatment to be effective, first of all it is necessary to try to determine the underlying cause of the disease( in this case, coughing) and then to start eliminating the symptoms of the disease.

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Cough is a consequence of the reflex process. With its help the patency of the airways resumes. And he is born because of involuntary irritation of a certain area of ​​the brain.

Cough alone is not a disease. Sometimes getting rid of it is very difficult.

Possible causes of

Coughing in a child can be triggered by various factors.

  1. First of all, this is viral infections of .Many infants of 7 to 13 years of age have infectious diseases of the throat several times a year. And this disease, as a rule, is accompanied by a cough, which lasts from 2 to 3 weeks. Sometimes it is very difficult to cure it. In the autumn - winter period, children cough very often.
  2. The cause of the cough may be a disease such as bronchial asthma .When the disease is mild, the child is not very concerned about shortness of breath. In the case of severe form, at night or with intense stress on the body, the baby begins to cough heavily.
  3. Coughing can cause cigarette smoke or odor of chemicals .
  4. Cough can occur as a result of pneumonia or in the case of oncological diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Types of cough and its symptoms

Cough is of two kinds.

Physiological .This is a common phenomenon, which should not cause concern. It is not a consequence of any disease. Its purpose is to remove the slime accumulated there from the respiratory tract. When physiological cough does not increase body temperature.

Infants can cough because they have a foreign body in their respiratory tract. It can be anything: low-quality toys, hair, a feather or other small subjects which have appeared nearby, and mum has not had time to remove them far away. And playful handles of newborns are all pulled into the mouth. In this case, you should try to take the item yourself out of the baby's mouth or call an ambulance.

Pathological cough. It arises because of such diseases as angina, acute respiratory infections, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and so on. Just cause a cough in children may constriction of the bronchi( this condition is called bronchospasm).Coughing in children can trigger household allergens, pet hair. When eliminating the cause, the cough passes.

Sometimes the cause of the cough are worm .The fact is that some types of worms parasitize the lung tissue and thus irritate the respiratory tract. Inside the larva gets airborne.

Most often in children, cough develops against the cold .It develops for several hours, while, as a rule, the temperature rises. Over time, the cough changes its character - from dry to wet. The parents' task is to monitor these changes.

With dry cough there is no sputum. Usually he wears an intrusive, heartbreaking, paroxysmal character. This type of cough is with whooping cough. He is so powerful that the baby has vomiting.

With wet cough , sputum is excreted. In this case, the attack occurs immediately after the mucus is gone. This cough has another name - "productive".Slime completely does not need bronchi. So they try to push it out. If the mucus does not leave for a long time, it significantly slows down the healing process.

With pharyngitis , cough is transmitted by an unpleasant sensation in the throat.

Laryngitis is accompanied by a dry, "barking" cough after which the voice becomes husky.

When tracheitis , a cough is loud and the child complains of chest pain.

When bronchitis is observed chest cough, the baby coughs very loud and painful. Sputum is released in large quantities.

Influenza. With this disease the child does not leave dry, tearing and relentless.

Treatment of diseases with tincture from vinegar, honey and garlic.

Whether it is possible to warm a nose at a genyantritis, and how it correctly to do or make? Read in this article.

How to treat an unpleasant symptom?

In order to speed up the healing process, you need to adhere to a certain diet. The child needs more milk porridge, dietary mashed potatoes. Effectively fighting the cough of grape juice is an excellent natural expectorant. In juice you can add honey, lemon juice or lime.

To reduce the intoxication of the body and increase its resistance can be through phytotherapy. Treatment with pine buds. To prepare the composition take a half liter of milk, boil it and add 1 st.spoon of pine buds. It persists for an hour. The child should be given to drink it at 50 grams every two hours. If the baby is allergic to milk, it can be changed to water, and pine buds - to spruce shoots. In a day the cough becomes much softer.

  • Black radish with honey .This recipe is known for a long time. Our grandmothers also used it successfully for cough. Radish cut into thin pieces or tinder on a grater and mix it with honey. After a while, a useful syrup is released. This remedy should be given to children several times a day. If the child is allergic to honey - act very carefully.
  • Honey with onion .You need to take one large bulb and pass it through a meat grinder or beat it in a blender, then add a spoonful of honey. The mixture can be heated in a water bath until the honey dissolves completely. The medicine is given to children 1 tablespoon 2 to 3 times a day until the cough disappears completely.
  • You can calm the dry, "barking" cough with carrot juice in a 1: 1 ratio with sugar syrup.
  • Kalina with honey .Berries of a Kalina should be cooked with honey no more than 3 - 4 minutes. Take 5 - 6 times a day on a dessert spoon and mix with warm water or tea.
  • Figs cooked in milk - excellent cough remedy for children. The agent is drunk in a warm form before going to bed.
  • Good expectorant - fresh cabbage juice with sugar .
  • If a child is being persecuted by persistent cough, he needs to give a mixture from the root of the dioecious nettles , which is brewed in sugar syrup. Take 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day, drink the medicine with warm water or milk.
  • To get rid of a babies cough, it can be given such a composition: take a teaspoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of anise seeds and a pinch of salt. The mixture is filled with 1 glass of water and boiled for 2 minutes. Let's cool down, filter, take the baby every 2 hours on a teaspoon.
  • Etiology of cough in children

    It is impossible to do so that the child never coughed.

    Children quickly pick up various infectious diseases, because they have weak immunity.

    But adults must take preventive measures.

    • Hardening of .Children should walk a lot in the fresh air, they do not need to overheat. The temperature of the air in which the baby is located should not be more than +22 degrees. Older children need to be allowed to walk without shoes in nature. A good method of hardening is a swimming pool and active sports.
    • Wet humidification in the room and humidification of air .In the nursery, air humidity should be 70%.Dry air has a negative effect on the mucosa. Humidity in the room can be increased by an industrial humidifier.
    • Rational and proper nutrition .The child should have a balanced menu, which is dominated by vegetables, fruits, cereals.
    • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene .A child needs to be taught from an early childhood to wash hands before eating and after every walk on the street.

    Preventative measures

    • In the room in which the child spends most of the time should be clean. From his room you need to remove carpets and soft toys.
    • In the nursery should be as often as possible to ventilate.
    • The baby should not come into contact with household chemicals and detergents.
    • Allergies can be caused by pets.
    • Power. New products in the baby's diet should be gently administered very carefully.

    If the parents adhere to all of the above recommendations, the disease will proceed in mild form.

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