How to take wheat germ - good and bad for the body

It is always necessary to maintain the vital forces of the body.

If this does not occur in the summer and autumn, as fresh fruits and vegetables are daily on the table, then in the winter and spring the question of an additional source of vitamins is acute.

One of the most popular, amazing and budgetary ways to maintain health is eating sprouted wheat grains.

  • Contents of the article:
    • A deposit of vitamins and trace elements
    • Chemical composition of
    • Useful properties of
    • Possible harm to
    • For women

    A storehouse of vitamins and trace elements

    Let's talk about the benefits of this unusual product, consider the situation when you need to find an alternative source of the necessary nutrients.

    Today, many of us are of the opinion that eating germinated grains of wheat is a newfangled trend that vegetarians recommend to society.

    But in fact this is not true at all. In ancient times in many parts of the world people made elixirs of life from wheat sprouts, they were fed by mighty warriors and spiritual teachers, yogis and commoners.

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    There is mention of the benefits of sprouted wheat even in Ayurveda. Still Hippocrates used this product as one of their means of treating their patients.

    And the grandparents could not do without the germinated grains:

    • was added to cereals( good and bad for oatmeal for health) and soup,
    • cooked nourishing and useful kissels,
    • baked bread( a recipe from amaranth flour) and flat cakes.

    Only one conclusion arises - the germinated wheat is an amazing and useful product.

    And what do you know about the benefits and harm of pears for human health? All its properties are described in a useful article.

    What useful properties is possessed by the gentian pasture read on this page.

    Chemical Composition

    Each grain of wheat with sprouts includes:

    • About 70% carbohydrates, in the form of starch, dietary fiber and disaccharides.
      About 14% of protein( of which only 8 are interchangeable and as many as 12 are irreplaceable).
      About 3% of fiber.
      From 2 to 2.5% of fatty acids and directly the fats themselves.
    • If we talk about contained mineral substances, they are represented in the form of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, sodium, manganese, celene and iodine.
    • Wheatgrass contains vitamin B.
      Vitamin E, nicotinic and ascorbic acids are present, as well as a significant amount of vitamin D.
    • Sprouted wheat contains enzymes that participate in the cleavage process: proteins under their influence are converted into useful amino acids, ordinary fats are degenerated into fatty acids, and carbohydrates cease to be themselves and become easily digestible sugars - a multitose.

    A unique feature of wheat grains is that, until they start to shoot, there are not so many useful substances in its composition.

    But, as soon as sprouts begin to appear - the amount of useful vitamins and minerals increases many times.

    This can be explained by the fact that dry wheat is in a "dormant" state, and that which begins to grow - in the active, because in it the beginning of a new life arises and the grain gives all its life forces to the germ.

    When a person uses them for food, useful substances enter the organism, ready for a full-fledged maximum digestion, which means that the body's own resources are saved.

    Useful properties of

    Among all the useful properties of wheat sprouts, we distinguish only the most basic.

    • Restoration of weakened hair , brittle nails, problem skin( medicinal properties of herb celandine).
      People who eat wheat every day, notice these improvements first.
    • Provides the cleansing effect of on the body.
      Fiber, contained in wheat germs, is not fully absorbed by the human body.
      It swells in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby creating a sponge effect, absorbs toxic substances into you and takes you outside.
      The intestinal microflora and its contractility with regular consumption of wheat germ are improved and such a problem as constipation is eliminated.
    • The stones ( about the prevention of the appearance in the gall bladder is written here in the kidneys and the liver are treated under the influence of the nutrients of wheat germ.)
    • Do you know what benefits bilberry brings to the body? Read about the healing properties of berries, leaves and twigs in a useful article. About the useful properties of blueberries in pregnancy is written here.

      On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva / lekarstvennye-rasteniya / araliya-manchzhurskaya.html about the preparations from aralia Manchurian.

    • The product helps to normalize the increased gas formationintestine, eliminates inflammatory processes in it
    • Sprouted wheat is a good remedy for diarrhea
      The starch contained in the composition has a binding effect
    • Group B vitamins have a beneficial effect on brain nerve cells, so germinated wheat is an antidepressant that will help not give instresses.
    • Sprouts that contain large amounts of magnesium, excrete cholesterol from the body.
    • Normalizes blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension.
    • Helps to cope with the problem of anemia - anemia( how to brew and drink the dog rose correctly).
      The iron in wheat germs is three times more than in beef meat. This property is enjoyed by vegetarians.
    • Protein composition gives energy to the muscle tissue of the body, so it is useful for people engaged in heavy physical labor.
    • Activates the brain processes of , increases concentration of attention, improves the ability to memorize new information.
    • Broth from germinated wheat - a means of combating yeast-like fungi( helps with thrush and galling).
    • The visual acuity of is improved.
    • The work of the thyroid gland is adjusted( it is written about the use of tan powder in white in this article), problems with hormones come to naught with the regular use of wheat sprouts.
    • Promotes the normalization of metabolic processes in the body, regulates the level of sugar contained in the blood, reduces the amount of insulin( the use and harm of apricot in diabetes).
    • Sprouted wheat is used in the therapy of tumor diseases in women with polyps, cysts and phyroma).
    • Increases the protective functions of the body, improves immunity.
      Promotes the removal of toxic substances that have accumulated in the body, as a result of taking strong medications.

    To support your body, to benefit him, follow the tips for the preparation of wheat germ:

    1. The length of each sprout should not exceed 4 mm.
      Otherwise, the taste of sprouts will be bitter, and useful properties - minimal.
    2. Store the product can be no more than 24 hours in a cool place, so the idea of ​​stocking up for future needs to be discarded.
    3. To see the first positive results from sprouted wheat, you need to be patient: you need to consume it every day for at least three months.

    Possible harm to

    Even such a useful product has contraindications, including:

    • Children under 12 years of age.
    • Stomach ulcer and / or duodenum( in view of the sufficient content in ascorbic acid sprouts).
    • Postoperative periods.
    • Individual gluten intolerance.

    Germinated wheat grains can not be consumed simultaneously with dairy products( useful properties of koumiss) - they are not compatible with each other, since they cause an increased accumulation of gases in the intestine. It is impossible to eat honey two hours before and after taking sprouts.

    If you do not have contraindications, then remember that the grain must be of high quality!

    Buy on market trays is unacceptable - only in pharmacy chains or specialized stores.

    Before putting the seeds to germinate, they must be thoroughly rinsed under running water, and then rinsed again with boiled water.

    After washing the grain with water, those that float to the surface - clean - they are empty and will not germinate. If within 48 hours the grains have not given germs, then they can not be eaten.

    You can not use dark, blackened grains.

    Daily it is shown to eat up to 100 g of germinated wheat and soon there will be visible improvements in health!

    Each grain should be thoroughly chewed, swallowed not chewed, unacceptable, because then the grain is not digested by the body and there will be no benefit from it.

    For elderly people , who have a problem with chewing, it is recommended to prepare healing milk from wheat germ.

    For this, using a blender or meat grinder, the germinated grains are crushed and the resulting mass is poured with warm boiled water.

    For 100 gr of grains - 250 ml of boiled water. Elderly and people with serious health problems should divide this volume into three doses. In this case, a weak pancreas will not experience a serious load.

    For women

    For women who have problems with the gynecological part of , it is indicated to consume the germinated grains of wheat in a larger quantity - up to 150 g per day.

    This volume is divided into two receptions( morning and evening).It is recommended to use on an empty stomach or, after two hours, after the last meal.

    Eating sprouted cereals has come to the modern world from Tibet. The healing effect of the simplest folk remedy has won many supporters of a healthy lifestyle. But in everything it is necessary to observe the measure. Remember this condition - always!

    The comments of ordinary people and doctors on nutrition of wheat germinated are collected in the proposed video.

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