Causes of varicose veins, its symptoms and features of elimination

Varicose veins are one of the oldest diseases of all that are known to mankind.

Mention of it is found in the writings of Avicenna, Hippocrates, Paracelsus and other legendary healers, and the Italian scholar Marcello Malpighi devoted it to the study for many years.

Pathology can affect any organs where there are large veins( stomach, esophagus, male testicles), but most often varicose veins of the lower extremities. Let's talk about the causes of varicose veins on the legs, the methods of its diagnosis and elimination.

Contents of

  • 1 About varicose veins of the lower extremities
  • 2 Why appears, risk factors
  • 3 Classification
  • 4 Danger and complications
  • 5 Symptoms of
  • 6 When should I see a doctor?
  • 7 Diagnosis
  • 8 Treatment
  • 9 Forecasts and prevention measures

Varicose veins of the lower extremities

Varicose veins are an irreversible expansion of the veins due to a malfunction of the valves involved in the circulation of the veins of the lower extremities. With normal muscle contraction and relaxation, it energetically moves upward from the valve to the valve, but when the

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veins expand, the valves stop closing and the blood flow slows down , leading to a number of clinical symptoms.

Subsequently, the venous walls become weak and thin, and they remain so even after improving blood circulation.

According to statistics, from the symptoms of varicose veins on the feet of today suffers every tenth man and every third woman aged 30-40 years .Among the leading countries in the prevalence of pathology are the developed countries of Europe, where it is diagnosed in 30-40% of the population;The least frequent varicose occurs in Africa and Asia( about 0.1%).

Why there are risk factors for

The exact causes of the development of the disease are not known, but most specialists of lean toward the hereditary theory of : people with a history of cases of varicose veins are at risk. Also to the factors provoking the development of pathology, include:

  • sex accessory .Women are prone to varicose veins more than men - it is associated with an increasing venous load during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as with the intake of hormonal drugs;
  • bad habits and overweight .Smoking, abuse of fatty foods and alcohol have a negative impact on the process of blood circulation in the body, increase the burden on the veins and can cause the corresponding violations;
  • working conditions .People who because of the characteristics of their profession are forced to stand or sit motionless for a long time( hairdressers, sellers, waiters, office workers) suffer from this disease more often than others;
  • excessive physical exertion .Another category of people who are at risk of developing varicose veins are those who engage in heavy physical labor or some power sports( for example, weightlifting);
  • uncomfortable clothes or shoes .Clinging, restraining movement of clothes and shoes with high heels also contributes to worsening of venous blood flow.

Classification of

Most often( in 75-80% of cases) the disease affects the trunk and branches of the large saphenous vein, in 5-10% - a small subcutaneous, and in 7-10% of patients, both veins are involved in the process.

In the clinical course of varicose extension of the lower extremities, specialists distinguish two forms and four groups.


  • descending - the process spreads from top to bottom down the large femoral vein, starting at its mouth;
  • ascending - the disease begins at the foot and is caused by the disruption of the valvular apparatus of the deep veins.

Groups :

  • subcutaneous or intradermal pathology, not burdened by venous discharge;
  • segmental with reflux on perforating and superficial veins;
  • common with venous reflux( by superficial and perforated veins);
  • enlargement with reflux on the deep veins.

The degree of venous insufficiency is divided into four main stages of varicose veins:

  • 0 - the symptoms of the disease may be present, but it is not determined by diagnostic methods;
  • I - for this stage there is a transient puffiness, a syndrome of "heavy legs", the appearance of a "vascular asterisk;
  • II - the appearance of persistent edema that appear in the evening, changes in the color of the skin, eczema;
  • III - the presence of trophic ulcers, including non-healing.

Danger and Complications

The risk to the health and life of the patient is not the disease itself, but the complications that it causes. These include disturbance of the nutrition of the skin, because of which can form trophic ulcers and erysipelas of the , as well as the most dangerous complication - thrombophlebitis. It leads to increased thrombosis, as a result of which blood clots, detached from the venous walls, can disrupt the work of internal organs, and in the most difficult cases cause the death of the patient.

In addition, dilated vessels with thin walls are at risk of mechanical damage, which can cause serious bleeding.

Symptoms of

The first symptoms of the disease are the heaviness and fatigue in the legs, which usually appear in the evening and decrease in the prone position. The veins acquire a cyanotic shade and stand out on the surface of the skin, the "spider veins" of appear( web of dilated capillaries radiating through the skin), and the characteristic feature is that the venous pattern disappears if the limbs are raised higher( for example, put on a chair).

Over time, varicose veins become more pronounced, appears as small nodules or large conglomerates of .

Unpleasant symptoms intensify and disturb patients even at night, soft tissue swelling appears most often in the area of ​​the feet, shins and ankles, as well as the feeling of flailing in the legs and cramps in the calf muscles.

In the absence of adequate treatment, varicosis progresses, skin becomes dry, seals and dark spots of appear, and subsequently trophic ulcers. With the development of thrombophlebitis, the veins become bright red, cord-like, and painfully densified when palpated.

When should I see a doctor?

Many people ignore the first signs of varicose veins, writing off them for normal fatigue. This greatly complicates the treatment of the disease and can lead to the most serious consequences, therefore should be addressed to a phlebologist doctor immediately after the onset of symptoms of - a constant feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs, changes in the color of veins and skin, edema, "vascular asterisks"etc.

Often to clarify the picture of the disease, patients require the advice of other specialists: a therapist, gynecologist, vascular surgeon.


The diagnosis of "varicose limbs" is set after a comprehensive examination, which includes:

  • general blood test - by the number of erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes and hemoglobin level, it is possible to judge the violations of blood clotting and the presence of inflammations;
  • ultrasound is the most effective method for detecting affected vessels and venous sites;
  • rheovasography is performed in order to determine the insufficiency of blood supply to tissues( the so-called rheographic index), on the basis of which it is possible to determine the stage of the disease;
  • phlebography , during which a contrast agent is injected into the veins, after which the condition of the venous system is assessed using an X-ray apparatus;
  • physiological tests of ( Trianov-Trendelenburg test, Gakkenbruch test) provide an opportunity to judge the functioning of the valvular apparatus of superficial veins.

Treatment of

In the initial stages of varicose veins with it, you can fight with conservative methods: taking medications, using ointments and gels, wearing compression linen, moderate physical activity. To correct cosmetic defects, patients can be recommended minimally invasive surgery or laser treatment.

In more neglected cases, it is possible to get rid of varicose exclusively by surgical intervention, and its type is selected individually for each specific case.

Forecasts and prevention measures

Since varices is an irreversible process of , it is not necessary to speak about complete recovery in this case. But with timely diagnosis, adequate treatment and prevention, patients can completely get rid of unpleasant symptoms and lead a full life.

Among the preventive measures of varicose include a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and rejection of bad habits .People who are forced to stay in the same position for a long time are advised to avoid crossing their limbs, from time to time perform simple exercises, bend and unbend legs and do an easy massage to improve blood circulation.

In his spare time, it is necessary as often as possible to take walks in the fresh air and engage in moderate physical activity.

Ladies who follow fashion or work dress code and constantly go to shoes with heels should change them to more comfortable shoes from time to time.

The same applies to uncomfortable clothes , because even pulling underwear can cause blood circulation disorders and the appearance of varicose on the legs in women.

Varicose veins of the lower limbs are now considered a widespread disease, which is often not given much importance.

It is very important to remember that such inattention to the health of your feet can cost a person not only working capacity, but also the life of , whereas in the initial stages varicose quite successfully can be corrected by the most simple methods.

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