Reduced pulse at elevated pressure: symptoms and treatment

From this article you will learn: what is the low pulse at high pressure, its causes. In what cases should the condition of patients be regarded as critical. What to do in order to normalize the disturbed indicators.

Contents of the article:

  • The reasons for this condition
  • How dangerous is this
  • Possible symptoms and manifestations of
  • Necessary examinations
  • Than it is possible to help: treatment
  • Forecast

Increase in pressure in 85-90% is accompanied by acceleration of palpitation. Only in 10-15% of cases of hypertension it is normal or even slowed down. A low pulse is less than 60 beats per minute. The peculiarity is that, despite the low frequency, people with high blood pressure( more than 140/90 mm Hg) can easily feel it even on the arteries of the forearm.

Such a dissociation of these cardiovascular parameters may disturb patients in different ways. With a decrease in heart rate to 55 beats per minute, there can be no complaints and threats. A more pronounced decrease is dangerous by a violation of cerebral circulation and even threatens life. The higher the pressure and the lower the pulse, the more pronounced are the disorders in the body.

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It is possible to normalize the changed indicators. The treatment is provided by a cardiologist, a therapist or a family doctor.

Causes of this condition

The range of normal heart rate( heart rate) is from 60 to 90 beats per minute. If their numbers are lower, this condition is called bradycardia. High blood pressure( hypertension) - blood pressure numbers more than 140/90 mm Hg. Art. Pulse is a reflection of the heartbeats, so their frequency should be the same.

Normally, the adaptive responses of the body are tuned in such a way that when the pressure increases, the heart rate and pulse must simultaneously increase. Dissociation( different directions) between these indicators, when the pressure rises, and the pulse decreases, indicates the failure of regulation of the cardiovascular system.

This may be due to both physiological( regular) causes and pathological conditions( diseases).They are described in the table.

Reduced pulse in hypertensive patients as a natural phenomenon Causes and pathological conditions associated with bradycardia with hypertension
Constantly slowed, rhythmic and pulse-free pulse with a frequency of 60-55 beats per minute if the patient's condition is satisfactory and there are no complaints Rhythmic or pulse intermittentat a frequency of less than 55, there are characteristic complaints and symptoms, and the general condition is disrupted
Prolonged( years) the presence of arterial hypertension

People involved in sports

Lowering the pulse in the nightor in a cool climate

Taking medications and heart slowing substances

Severe myocardial diseases( myocarditis, ischemic disease, infarction)

Heart rate disturbances( arrhythmia)

Vascular dystonia

Diseases of the endocrine system( thyroid and adrenal glands, pituitary gland)

Syndrome of weakness of the sinus node

How dangerous is this

Increasing the pressure with a simultaneous slowing of the heart rate( pulse) disturbs blood circulation in the body. The most affected are the vital organs - the brain and the heart. Mechanisms of their defeat are as follows:

  • Against the backdrop of high blood pressure, arterial vessels spasmodize( narrowing the lumen).
  • Low contractile activity of the heart is accompanied by a slowing of the rate and intensity of blood flow.
  • All organs and tissues are poorly supplied with blood, which disrupts their normal functioning.

A combined increase in pressure( > 160/100 mm Hg) with a low pulse( less than 50) may carry a double threat if the condition is due to pathological causes. With such hemodynamics( blood circulation), myocardial nutrition sharply decreases, a stroke and a heart attack may occur, an aggravation of the slowed rhythm and even a cardiac arrest.

In the case of regular( physiological) minor changes in these indicators, there are no serious threats to health and life, since the body is able to compensate for these deviations. But even a bradycardia within 55-60 beats per minute, arising periodically for no apparent reason, should be an occasion to call a specialist - cardiologist - and a full survey.

Possible Symptoms and Symptoms

Lower heart rate less than normal is not always accompanied by complaints against hypertension( high blood pressure) - about 15% of patients are able to perform the usual work. Expressed deviations from the norm not only violate the general condition, but also threaten life. Possible symptoms are described in the table.

Symptoms of high blood pressure Symptoms of low heart rate
Symptoms of low heart rate
Headache( whiskey, nape) Dizziness, fainting
Muscle tremor in body Severe general weakness
Nausea, vomiting Feeling of air shortage
Pain in heart area Heartbeat

In order toTo assess whether the patient's condition is disturbed, you need to measure the pulse and pressure. Mechanical tonometers show only the value of blood pressure, and electronic - both indicators. Calculate the pulse can be, attaching fingers to any artery( this may be the inner surface of the forearm or shoulder, femur-inguinal region).

Heart rate measurement points

Patients with a pulse less than 50 beats per minute may experience loss of consciousness, acute impairment of cerebral circulation and stroke, heart attack, pulmonary edema, sudden cardiac arrest and death.

Required examinations

Mandatory diagnosis with a reduction in heart rate, combined with hypertension, includes the following:

  1. Examination of a specialist - cardiologist, therapist or family doctor.
  2. Electrocardiography( ECG).
  3. ultrasound of the heart( echocardiography).
  4. Holter monitoring( daily ECG recording and pressure recording).

Additionally, general, biochemical and blood tests for thyroid and other gland hormone levels, extended ultrasound and radiographic examinations may be required.

Methods for diagnosing with pulse reduction, which is combined with hypertension

Than it is possible to help: treatment

To prescribe treatment for hypertensive patients with a rare pulse can only the doctor. It is selected individually, taking into account the cause of this state. But what to do to provide emergency care, everyone should know. Common measures that can help or harm during an attack are described in the table.

Can Do not place
Lay the patient on his back, slightly raise the trunk with support under his back Walk, perform any active actions
Cover the legs with a blanket, attach a warm pad or mustard tools to them Drink coffee, tea or other drinks that can raisepressure
Drugs: Enalapril, Kaptopres, Losartan, Furosemide, Lasix, Trifas, Liprazide, Amlodipine, Corinfar, Pharmadipin, drops Zelenin Drugs: Metoprolol, Bisoprolol, Anaprilin, Verapamil, Magnesium sulfate, Adelphane, Citramon, Caffeine-bSodium benzoate
Drugs for hypertensive patients with a rare pulse

If even a slight slowing of the pulse and increased pressure are accompanied by characteristic complaints and disturb the general condition of the patients, you must call an ambulance or take the patient to a nearby hospital. Only after the examination, the right treatment can be prescribed. Perhaps to eliminate these deviations you will need:

  • a constant intake of pressure-lowering drugs( ACE inhibitors, diuretics, some calcium channel blockers);
  • staging pacemaker;
  • surgical treatment.


Modern technology allows you to restore even such paradoxical violations as lowering the pulse at increased pressure. The prognosis depends on the cause of such deviations and the condition of the cardiovascular system. Timely emergency care during the attack saves lives 95-97% of patients.

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