From this article you will receive exhaustive information about the disease sinus bradyarrhythmia: what is it, the symptoms and the ways of treatment. Contents of the article: The causes and causes of Symptoms of sinus bradyarrhythmia in children and adults Diagnosis Methods for treating sinus bradyarrhythmia Prognosis for life With sinus bradyarrhythmia( or, in other words, bradycardia), the heart rate decreases( abbreviated to heart rate)less than 60 beats p...
From this article you will find out what diseases can cause a low pulse at normal pressure. Is it always a pathology, as it manifests itself. Methods of performing the diagnosis while slowing the pulse. Treatment and prognosis for the disease. Contents of the article: Types of low heart rate Causes of low heart rate at normal pressure Characteristic symptoms Diagnosis Treatment methods Forecast A low pulse, or bradycardia, in medical practice is a conditio...
From this article you will learn: why there is a high pulse at high pressure, and what this may indicate. How serious is it, what must be done to bring the indicators back to normal. Article content: Reasons for this pathology: normal or not? How to suspect a problem - possible symptoms What to do in this situation Important precautions for lowering the pulse A combined increase in pressure and pulse is a frequent but not natural( not mandatory) phenomenon. A high...
From this article you will learn: pulse 50 is the norm or pathology, it is dangerous or not. Causes and characteristic symptoms of such a pulse. What to do with a pulse of 50 beats per minute, he needs treatment or not. Article content: Causes of heartbeat 50 Characteristic symptoms Diagnostic principles Methods of treatment when it is needed Forecast Pulse 50 is a non-expressed bradycardia. This is not an independent pathology, but a symptom of a number of di...
From this article you will learn: what to do at home with a low heart rate. When to seek medical help, and in which cases you can manage yourself. Detailed simple but effective methods of increasing the heart rate( HR) are described in detail. The content of the article: Algorithm: what to do with a low heart rate Methods of rapid pulse increase "Long-term" methods » Normally, the heart rate in an adult is 60 to 90 beats per minute. Decrease in frequency below 55-60 st...
From this article you will learn: what is a high pulse in pregnancy, how dangerous is a frequent pulse, and how to cope with it. Future mothers are a completely separate category of patients. Pulse and the rate of heart contractions in a pregnant woman is more likely than that of a woman outside the period of pregnancy. On average, in pregnant women a normal increase in the pulse is considered to be its increase in the range of 15% of the usual pulse in women( that is, up to 80-90 beats ...
From this article you will learn: is the norm a pulse of 90 beats per minute, the normal and pathological causes of such an indicator. When you need treatment, and when you do not. Content of the article: Age norms Physiological pulse increase up to 90 strokes Abnormal increase of up to 90 strokes When treatment is required The average value of the adult pulse is 60-80 beats per minute. An increase in values up to 90 beats may be a sign of the disease or a varia...
From this article you will learn: what are the medicines for tachycardia, by what principle they act, what tablets are treated for various types of tachycardia. Side effects and contraindications to various drugs that are used for tachycardia. What medications are prescribed for tachycardia Antiarrhythmic drugs Thyrostatics for tachycardia Sedative medications and tranquilizers Depending on the type and cause of tachycardia, its treatment can be both conservative and s...
From this article you will learn: what is paroxysmal tachycardia, that it can provoke how it manifests itself. How dangerous and cured it is. What happens in pathology Mechanisms and causes of Symptoms Diagnosis First aid and treatment methods Consequences and predictions of With paroxysmal tachycardia, a short-term paroxysmal arrhythmia occurs from a few seconds to several minutes or hours in the form of a rhythmicacceleration of heartbeats in the range of 140...
From this article you will learn: the essence of the disease sinus tachycardia, causes and types of pathology. Symptoms, methods of treatment. Contents of the article: Types and causes of sinus tachycardia Symptoms Treatment of Forecast With sinus tachycardia, the frequency of the sinus rhythm of the heart is more than 100 beats per minute. The normal cut-off frequency is in the range of 65-80 beats per minute. From 80 to 100 beats per minute - acceptable indicato...
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