Disturbance of statics of cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral spine


  • 1Displacement and instability of the cervical vertebrae or stenosis of the cervical spine: methods of treating lesions of intervertebral discs, shifts of cartilaginous tissue and bone structures
    • 1.1What is a disorder of the static function of the spine?
    • 1.2Causes of pathology development
    • 1.3Characteristic symptoms
    • 1.4Diagnostics
    • 1.5Effective methods of treatment
  • 2Violation of the static function of the spine
    • 2.1Normal condition
    • 2.2Pathology
    • 2.3Rare form
    • 2.4Pelvic pathology
    • 2.5Prevention
    • 2.6Denial of responsibility
  • 3Violation of the static function of the cervical and lumbar spine
    • 3.1What is a violation of the static function of the spine?
    • 3.2Violation of the static function of the cervical department
    • 3.3What to do?
    • 3.4Violation of the static function of the thoracic department
    • 3.5Violation of the static function of the lumbar region
    • 3.6What to do?
  • 4Disturbance of statics of the lumbar sacral spine - how to treat and prevent
    • 4.1What is a violation of the static function of the spine?
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.2Causes of the appearance of violations
    • 4.3The consequences of a violation of the statics of the lumbar spine
    • 4.4Diagnostics
    • 4.5Treatment of stenosis of the lumbosacral spine
  • 5Clinical picture of osteochondrosis

Displacement and instability of the cervical vertebrae or stenosis of the cervical spine: methods of treating lesions of intervertebral discs, shifts of cartilaginous tissue and bone structures

Physiological curves of the spine provide cushioning at various loads on the supporting column.

The more mobile the department, the higher the risk of changes in kyphosis and lordosis.

The condition of the vertebrae and discs is adversely affected by the presence of the head in one position over a long period, the implementation of monotonous movements.

Violation of the statics of the cervical spine provokes headaches, reduced motor function.

It is important to follow the rules of prevention in order to prevent displacement and instability of the vertebrae, proliferation osteophytes, damage to the intervertebral discs against the background of amplification or flattening of the natural curves of the supporting post.

What is a disorder of the static function of the spine?

The problem occurs when the intervertebral disc is damaged, the cartilage tissue shifts and the bone structures. An incorrect load on the cervical zone causes fatigue of the ligaments, muscles, supporting the optimal physiological bend.

The consequence is the development of instability between neighboring vertebrae.

The heavier the degree of defeat, the more difficult it is to maintain the correct position of the head, compression, gradual destruction of intervertebral discs, growth of osteophytes, limitation of mobility in zone of the neck.

Important points:

  • violation of the static function in the cervical region increases the likelihood of osteochondrosis;
  • the longer the spine is in the wrong position, the more degenerative / dystrophic processes proceed, the risk of changing physiological curves increases;
  • with regularity and prolonged exposure there is a curvature of the spine, relaxation of some muscle groups, overstrain of others;
  • weaker and thinner cervical vertebrae are sensitive to stress, uneven muscle tension disrupts the stability of neighboring structures;
  • the more active the muscles try to maintain the correct lordosis in the cervical region, the higher the muscle tension, the lateral intervertebral tendons can not hold the vertebrae, a slight horizontal displacement occurs elements.

Periodic repetition of small vertebra changes gradually leads to damage to the discs. A year or two or later (depending on the load, the degree of damage to the elements of the pillar, the general state of the body) develops chondrosis, then - osteochondrosis.

The danger of an early stage of the disease is the absence of negative symptoms or weak manifestations, which the person does not associate with the defeat of the cervical department.

For this reason, many patients come to see a vertebrologist or neurologist with an average degree of osteochondrosis with an active violation of the static problems of the problem area.

Causes of pathology development

Instability of the cervical spine is divided into species depending on the nature of the provoking factors:

  • postoperative type.Develop complications after surgery on the spine;
  • dysplastic type.The cause of the disorder is a congenital anomaly of vertebral structures;
  • degenerative instabilitycervical spine. Corollary of pathology of the supporting column, in particular, osteochondrosis, natural aging processes of discs and bone structures;
  • posttraumatic typepathology. The reason - injuring the cervical region with a strong head impact.

Risk group:

  • conveyor workers;
  • seamstresses;
  • office staff;
  • specialists of IT-industry;
  • all who are long at the laptop / computer screen.

Characteristic symptoms

A characteristic sign of pathology is the appearance of cerebral complications with a moderate and severe degree of disease. The more actively the osteochondrosis progresses, the greater the discomfort the patient experiences.

A set of negative signs appears:

  • headache;
  • paresthesia;
  • tingling in the neck, limbs;
  • numbness of hands, fingers;
  • dizziness;
  • for no apparent reason, nausea appears;
  • fainting is possible;
  • reduction of muscular strength in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle, hands;
  • deterioration of vision;
  • appearance of "stars "flies" before the eyes;
  • blood pressure jumps;
  • hearing loss;
  • noise in ears;
  • the pain spreads to the back of the neck, along the shoulders, passes over the back surface of the forearm.

With excess lordosis and kyphosis, the stoop appears or the head is noticeably extended forward / deflected backward, motor functions are reduced.

At the III-IV stage of osteochondrosis, spine bones develop on the spine, the patient is difficult to move the neck, although the pain syndrome is weakening.

Dislocations and subluxations of cervical vertebrae provoke pinching of nerve fibers, vertebral arteries, which can provoke cerebral hemorrhage, acute pain syndrome, problems with swallowing, breathing and even tragic consequences with prolonged absence of treatment.

The more often the head is lowered in the process of work, the higher the risk of the appearance of a little aesthetic education in the lower back.

Water hump - the growth of adipose tissue, negatively affecting the condition of blood vessels, nerves: compression of sensitive elements occurs. In the absence of treatment, the adipose grows to 5-6 cm or more.

Large education not only worsens the appearance, but also negatively affects the vessels, nerve roots, and muscle tissue.


If you have these symptoms, you need to visit a neurologist or a vertebrologist. Even mild discomfort in the cervical region may indicate the onset of disk disruption. Increased headaches are also a serious reason for examination.

Diagnostic measures:

  • Inspection, palpation of the problem area, clarification of complaints, study of anamnesis.
  • MRI.
  • X-ray of the cervical region.
  • Dopplerography of vessels.

Advice!After 40-45 years it is desirable to be examined every year by specialized specialists, even if there are no serious complaints of pain in the back and spine. The initial, often asymptomatic, stages of backbone diseases can be identified after X-rays and MRI. Early diagnosis warns of neglected cases of pathologies, when changes in cartilage, vertebrae become irreversible.

Effective methods of treatment

Therapy for the violation of the static of the cervical zone takes more than one week, the lack of timely measures provokes the transition of diseases in a difficult stage.

Fulfillment of the doctor's recommendations, an integrated approach gives a high chance of preventing irreversible changes in the discs, ligaments and bone tissue.

Important point- preventive measures, without which pills, ointments, physiotherapy will not be so effective until the cause of the pathology is eliminated.

How to restore statics of the cervical department into a norm - the basic rules:

  • The first stage is to understand what factors cause displacement of the vertebrae, disruption of the discs, kyphosis, and other pathological changes in the cervical region. You need a visit to a neurologist or vertebrologist. The doctor conducts diagnostics, indicates the causes of the disease, appoints a set of therapeutic measures;
  • arrangement of a comfortable workplace. Orthopedic chair for children
  • performing a warm-up for the neck 2-3 times during the day with sedentary work, high static loads, monotonous movements or an extremely low volume of movements, a long stay in an uncomfortable position (the head is down, the back hunched);
  • the use of a convenient device, unloading the muscles of the neck and spine. A soft cervical collar is a suitable option for people of different ages and professions;
  • control of posture. In the sitting position, the back should have a support, be flat, be in line with the head;
  • physical education, morning exercises, yoga, pilates, swimming. Suitable are all types of exercises, in which the muscles of the back and neck are strengthened, the flexibility of the pillar increases. It is important to choose the optimal complex under the guidance of a doctor to avoid overloading the weakened cervical spine;
  • correction of the diet. It is important to give up strong coffee, smoked products, excess salt and spices, a large amount of offal and animal fats, carbonated beverages. Many types of food are useful for the health of bone and cartilage tissue: poultry, vegetable oils, fermented milk products, red fish, nuts, hard cheeses, sprouted wheat. Be sure to get a sufficient amount of clean water - 2, L per day. With kidney disease, you need to reduce the amount of fluid according to the directions of the nephrologist;
  • refusal of beer, strong alcoholic drinks and cigarettes. The above names under long-term exposure impair nutrition and blood supply, transfer of oxygen to tissues paravertebral zone, spinal elements, which significantly accelerates the course of degenerative - dystrophic processes. Cartilages and vertebrae wear out more quickly, the risk of breaking the statics of the upper part of the pillar increases.

The complex treatment includes drugs:

  • chondroprotectors. Osteovitis, Structum, Chondro Sila, Teraflex Advance, Arthra, Chondroitin + Glucosamine, Moveks, Dona, Chondroitin with sponge, Chondroxide;
  • NSAIDs. Celecoxib, Nimesulide, Xefokam, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Dolobene, Naproxen, Fastum-gel, Naise, Voltaren Retard and Voltaren-emulgel, Diclofenac, Diclobene;
  • transdermal patches with different components: Voltaren, Pepper, Nanoplast Forte, Versatis;
  • muscle relaxants. Sirdalud, Baklosan, Baclofen, Tizanadin, Midokalm;
  • venotonics. Tanakan, Doppel hertz for veins, Anavenol, Bilobil, Euphyllinum, Escuzan;
  • vitamins of group B. Complex Doppel Hertz for the nervous system, Neuromultivitis, Neurovitan, Neurobex Neo, Neovitam, Milgamma, Neurorubin;
  • drugs to activate cerebral circulation. Trental, Cavinton, Venoruton, Pentoxifylline, Ginkgo biloba extract, Curantil;
  • sedatives and soothing phyto-drugs. Tincture of motherwort, valerian (tablets and alcohol tincture), broth of lemon balm, mint, Karvelis, Barbovan.

Effective procedures and treatment methods:

Disturbance of statics in the cervical region is a completely reversible condition with a timely start of treatment.

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Important point- preventive measures to prevent the transition of diseases to a more severe stage.

If a person is at risk, you need to do gymnastics for the neck every day, watch your posture, do not hump, gently knead the muscles or visit an experienced masseur.

Cope with the mixing and instability of the cervical vertebrae can only be done with a comprehensive approach to therapy. It should not be allowed that a violation of the statics of the upper spine leads to serious cerebral complications, problems with motor function. An annual examination of a vertebrologist and a neurologist after 40 years, unscheduled visits to narrow specialists with the appearance of the first negative signs reduce the risk of severe damage to the pillar.

A source: http://vse-o-spine.com/bolezni/drugie/narushenie-statiki.html

Violation of the static function of the spine

Against the backdrop of slow progress, many people do not notice degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs, which increase the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

As a result of static changes in the vertebrae with respect to each other, there is a process of twisting the spinal column, which in medicine is usually called a violation of the static function of the spine.

Normal condition

In the normal state, the spine flexes smoothly. Physiological lordosis and kyphosis promote mobility and flexibility of the joints, including the neck and lower back. It is these two sectors of the spine that account for the main burden. Lordosis and kyphosis act as shock absorbers.

Thanks to them, the thin neck is able to withstand the skull, and the waist is the weight of the whole person. With an incorrect redistribution of the load, the muscles and ligaments become tired more quickly, and an unstable state develops between the individual vertebrae.


To ensure that the disks in the neck do not stagnate and function normally, you need to regularly drive them.

If the head is constantly in an uncomfortable monotonous position, the muscle tissue relaxes. Nerve endings can be squeezed by a pressure on them, which causes a sharp pain.

With forced movement of the neck, loose muscle fibers stretch in different directions. In this case, the vertebrae are displaced horizontally with respect to each other.

Thus, mobility is disturbed, contributing to the deformation of the spine in an atypical location. The skeleton arches back, and - forward.

Pathological mobility causes a feeling of discomfort, and with pinching of nerves - headaches. And in the neglected version there is a pronounced curvature of the neck. There are three degrees of static function of the spine:

  • Light. In this case, the curvature of the vertebral column relative to the vertical position of the body is less than 30 degrees;
  • Moderate. The human skeleton in the examined area is curved from 30 to 60 degrees with respect to the rest of the body;
  • Heavy. With this pathology, the curvature of the spine is 60 degrees or more.

To correct static disturbances of the cervical spine can be done with the help of a manual therapist and special exercises. The diet needs to be enriched with food with a high calcium content.

Rare form

The most rare form of the disease is disorders in the thoracic department. The muscular corset in this zone reliably protects the thoracic vertebrae from excessive loads, and the ribs fix them, so this department is considered the most stable.

Violations of the static position of the intervertebral discs are possible as a result of mechanical damage caused by fractures or other injuries.

Displacement occurs as a result of compression fractures, especially in the region of the ribs. They are the main support of this segment of the back. The treatment of static damage is conservative.

Pelvic pathology

In the area of ​​the pelvis, the sacro-lumbar vertebrae are subjected to maximum load because it is this part of the skeleton that is exposed to the mass of the human body. The loss of static function is possible only as a result of a strong overload.

The optimal situation for the emergence of mobility of the vertebrae is a sharp lifting of the weight from a semi-bent position, with a downward slope. Especially easy are injured muscles and ligaments in weakly trained people.

It is practically impossible to notice the developing pathology at the first stages. Some time the body tries to self-repair, replacing the microcracks with a scar tissue. With an irregular load on the back, the disease will not make itself felt.


And only a strong loss of depreciation functions with curvature of the spine in the lumbar region will indicate a serious pathology.


Most often, patients complain of severe pain, up to lumbago, when making movements. The development of the disease can be prevented with the timely access to a specialist.


To avoid negative consequences from static disorders of the spine, it is necessary to learn correctly with a flat back. To strengthen the muscles in the lumbar region, it is advisable to wear soft or hard belts that support the stable state of the skeleton.

Also costs and with the help of exercise therapy or swimming. In certain cases, the doctor will prescribe a back massage.

The most common is the static function of the cervical spine, so it should be carefully listen to the body and when symptoms appear, contact a specialist immediately.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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A source: http://osteohondrosy.net/narushenie-staticheskojj-funkcii-pozvonochnika.html

Violation of the static function of the cervical and lumbar spine

Osteochondrosis, given its long, lifelong course, has clearly defined stages in its development. Their change occurs gradually, so a person does not notice a sharp increase in symptoms. But having arisen, the disease will steadily progress and lead to complications in the end.

This disease is especially acute in the lumbar spine, where there is a specific outcome - the intervertebral hernia.

In the cervical and thoracic areas, complications are not so sensitive, but more dangerous - the compression of blood vessels and nerves.

Since the "feeding" trunks of the spine are connected with the skull and the brain, their defeat will lead to a disruption in the nutrition of this important organ.

And preceded by these states are the initial stages of osteochondrosis, with which the person quietly coexists.

It is at this time there is a violation of the static function - the instability in the movements between two adjacent vertebrae.

In different departments this state manifests itself in its own way, but in its origin it always has one reason - the irrational load on the spinal column.

What is a violation of the static function of the spine?

Normally, the human spine has physiological curves - lordosis and kyphosis. Lordosis include the cervical and lumbar spine, which is the main load.

They are concave relative to the human torso, therefore they play the role of a shock absorber for various parts of the skeleton. The neck holds a skull, which has the most valuable "treasure" inside the body - the brain.

The lumbosacral segment, which holds the weight of a person, is located in the central part of the trunk.


Prolonged and incorrect loading on these departments leads to fatigue of the muscles and ligaments that support them in the position of lordosis. This leads to the development of instability between individual vertebrae:

  1. Violation of the static function is sometimes considered as the initial stage of osteochondrosis. But this is not always correct - the disease appears only against the background of lesions of intervertebral discs. Therefore, this condition can be considered as a risk factor for the development of osteochondrosis.
  2. It begins with the action of the load on the spine, which is at a disadvantage. This occurs when the posture is incorrect during work or study.
  3. Important is the duration and regularity of such influences - curvature of the back causes overstrain of some muscles and relaxation of others.
  4. The action of such a force is destructive in the vertical position of the back, when a person is sitting or standing. When working in a slope, the load on the lumbar region increases several times.
  5. The regular effect of such forces affects the compounds weaker from the nature. Uneven muscle traction shakes neighboring vertebrae, which are at a disadvantage.

Violation of the static function of the cervical department

The development of "instability" is due to the large volume of movements - we turn our necks countless times during the day. But the motor activity is even useful for the cervical department. The development of instability is associated with the presence of the head in a prolonged and monotonous position:

  • The human neck contains a large number of muscles that allow it to move in any direction. Depending on the anatomical features, certain muscles are stronger and more enduring.
  • The same type of poses or movements lead to fatigue of "weak" muscle groups, which leads to their relaxation and stretching.
  • This causes irritation of the nerve endings, which indicate to the brain for a violation of the statics of the cervical spine.
  • To hold the neck in the position of lordosis, muscle-free fibers begin to pull it in different directions.
  • With the resumption of movements, this leads to small displacements of the vertebrae in the horizontal plane. This mobility is due to the structure of the ligamentous apparatus of the spine. Front and back he is strengthened by powerful longitudinal ligaments, which hold him at the slopes. And from the sides there are only intervertebral tendons, the strength of which sometimes becomes insufficient.

Frequently repeated episodes of displacement cause the development of osteochondrosis in a few years.

An unfavorable fact is the absence of symptoms during this period - a person feels absolutely healthy.

But at this time in the intervertebral disk, located between the "weak" vertebrae, the processes of destruction begin already.

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What to do?

This condition is completely reversible, but requires immediate preventive measures.

Since it is asymptomatic, it should be started in a certain way of life.

If you are often in a sitting position, when the head is slightly inclined, this puts you at risk for developing osteochondrosis.

The main goal of prevention is muscle relaxation, which will return the cervical department the right position. Restoring normal posture becomes a primary goal, achieved with the use of certain techniques:

  1. During work, use a soft cervical collar, which will slightly relieve the muscles of the neck.
  2. Every 30 minutes, you should get up and do a little workout - head inclinations in different directions.
  3. Watch your posture during work - the back should be straight and be with your head on one line.
  4. Properly organize the workplace - you can determine if you feel comfortable with furniture or not.
  5. Relaxing massage or acupuncture can remove the spasm from muscles that are overworked during work.

Violation of the static function of the thoracic department

A similar lesion of the thoracic vertebrae occurs extremely rarely, since other mechanisms of osteochondrosis occur in this department.

The process affects the joints of the spine with the ribs, limiting the mobility of the chest.

At the same time there is pressure on the nerve roots, which leads to the appearance of characteristic pain.

The violation of statics is noted only when the skeleton of this department is affected, leading to the appearance of instability. Various fractures of bones located in this segment of the back cause curvature of the spine:

Compression fractures of the upper or lower thoracic vertebrae cause a decrease in the supporting properties. The pain and tension of the muscles lead to small displacements in the affected area.

In fractures of the scapula, there is a disruption in the work of a multitude of muscles that attach to the thoracic vertebrae. To alleviate discomfort, people take a forced pose.


Often, it turns out to be unprofitable for the correct position of the spine, which leads to a breach of statics. The most unfavorable are the fractures of the ribs (especially the multiple), which break the unity of the skeleton of the thoracic region.


They cause a strong reflex tension of the muscles of the back, leading to small displacements in the intervertebral joints.

Violation of the static function of the lumbar region

Since this segment takes over the entire mass of the trunk, the ligaments guard it from small displacements.

Mobility in the lower back is not so high, which is due to the large size of the vertebrae. Here, the loss of a static function can occur only after a strong overload.

It occurs when lifting a heavy object in a disadvantageous position - bending with an inclination forward:

  • Not all people have muscles and ligaments of the lumbosacral department are trained. In an ordinary person, they are designed only to withstand the weight of the body for various movements.
  • Lifting the gravity leads to a significant overload, which causes small stretches in the tendons.
  • Repeated episodes gradually wear out the ligamentous apparatus, contributing to the "slipping" of weaker vertebrae.
  • In the initial period, this mobility is insignificant, which is explained by the capabilities of the organism. A certain time he restores microtraumas, replacing them with scar tissue.
  • But the connective tissue is not so strong, which eventually leads to its rupture with another heavy load.
  • Developed spondylolisthesis - the displacement of the weak lumbar vertebra forward in relation to others. This condition can occur without unpleasant symptoms, but it is always the basis for the development of osteochondrosis.
  • There is a curvature of the lumbar lordosis, which softens all strokes and tremors during movements. The loss of such a "shock absorber" leads to the gradual destruction of the nearest intervertebral discs.

What to do?

Spondylolisthesis manifests itself with repeated strong exercise, leading to a feeling of weakness in the lower back.

Sometimes there is a lumbago - a sharp pain in the lumbar region when lifting the gravity. Increased sensitivity to exercise is the first sign to begin treatment.

But the disease can be prevented, especially if you are engaged in hard work:

  1. First you need to change the way you work with objects - not in the slope, but squat and lift them with a straight back.
  2. To strengthen the loins, it is recommended to use hard or soft corsets. They maintain the posture in the right position, keeping the right lordosis in motion.
  3. It is necessary to strengthen the longitudinal muscles of the back and abdominal press. Doing this is necessary at the same time - these requirements are met by swimming in the pool. Three visits per week will be enough, but training should be included in your regime for a long time. It's good if they become a useful habit.
  4. You can sign up for a general massage for the back, which will relieve stress after work. This will speed up the recovery of ligaments, which are damaged when lifting weights.

A source: http://MedOtvet.com/drugie-zabolevaniya-pozvonochnika/narushenie-staticheskoi-funkcii-sheinogo-i-poyasnichnogo-otdelov

Disturbance of statics of the lumbar sacral spine - how to treat and prevent

Chronic diseases in the spine, during which various changes in bone tissue occur, can cause other lesions during progression.

One of them is pathological mobility.

Limited mobility (violation of statics in the spine) is a rare disease, the appearance of which usually coincides with a prolonged course of chronic osteochondrosis.

What is a violation of the static function of the spine?

Normally, the spinal column is endowed with physiological curves that act as a shock absorber. The weight of a person gives a special load to the lumbosacral region.

This segment of the spine experiences numerous strains, because of its central location.

Incorrect or uneven effects on various segments of the spinal column, leads to the fact that the muscles and ligaments are very quickly tired and gradually losing their functions. This process also causes the development of instability.

People suffering from this disease, lose the ability to replicate the usual actions. Significantly deteriorating the quality of their lives, as a consequence of deterioration of sleep, deformation of the back and psychological discomfort.

Abnormal (pathological) mobility in the joint, caused by the appearance of space between the vertebrae - is a violation of the statics of the lumbar spine.

This condition can lead to compression of the vessels and nerves.

This leads to a degenerative disease of the intervertebral disc, which affects first the peripheral rings, and then the inner core.

Causes of the appearance of violations

The prerequisite for the appearance of pathological mobility is a prolonged and incorrect load on a certain part of the spine, which is aggravated by accompanying negative factors:

  • degenerative disorders in the intervertebral disc;
  • deterioration of tissue metabolism;
  • destruction of cartilage due to dystrophic changes;
  • injuries, bruises (including birth defects);
  • processes that occur against the background of progressive osteochondrosis;
  • operations on the spine;
  • violation of the formation of bones in intrauterine development.

Most often, against the background of osteochondrosis, trauma to the bones of the spine or compression fracture, there is a violation of statics in the region of the lumbosacral spine. The waist is the most stable department, but it performs a large number of functions.

If the load is heavily loaded at a disadvantage, for example, lifting a significant weight with a forward slope, there is a violation of the statics in the thoracic region of the spine. Vertebrae, the size of which is determined by the functions of the department, stabilize when carrying out the usual loads.

In the absence of training, a prolonged incorrect load leads to small stretches of ligaments, and then to the wear of the ligament apparatus.


Regular stress leads to damage to the connective tissue, which at some point does not has time to heal, and there is a rupture, which causes the vertebra to protrude in relation to the rest.


Execution of significant loads in the presence of trained muscles usually does not cause consequences of this kind. Strong overloading or performing unusual, hard and repetitive work can lead to loss of statics.

Sometimes spondylolisthesis develops (displacement of the vertebrae with a structure disorder).

Up to a certain point, it can pass without symptoms, but the curvature of lordosis (lumbar flexure) leads to the destruction of the closest discs between the vertebrae.

Also degenerative-dystrophic changes in tissues begin to occur, which lead to the development of osteochondrosis. It is believed that the vertebra with developed spondylolisthesis usually becomes the place where the intervertebral hernia occurs.

The consequences of a violation of the statics of the lumbar spine

Disturbance of statics occurs against a background of degenerative-dystrophic changes in bone tissue. The developed spondylolisthesis makes itself known at the next stress, as a rule, with severe pain in the form of a lumbago.

It will not be possible to restore the resulting bias and loss of static, they will remind themselves of all life, and the process of treatment will be to compensate for the consequences and prevent the appearance of intervertebral hernia.

At the initial stage, compensatory treatment can be limited to wearing a corset. Started, the disease leads to a long and not always successful treatment, sometimes to partial loss of ability to work.

There may also be problems with defecation and urination, manifested as false urges.

At the same time, the possibility and volume of movements in the lower back, legs and hip joint will be significantly reduced.

Pathological mobility can cause a change in gait. The risk of dislocations and fractures will increase significantly.

With severe physical exertion performed at work, the consequences will be manifested in a much more severe form, and this will lead to avoidance of this type of activity, protection of the affected area, inability to perform the usual volume works. Often the patient has to change not only the place of work, but also the way of life.


The process of diagnosis begins with a general examination and questioning of the patient, as well as with the collection of anamnesis. For differential diagnosis, the patient gives tests for blood and urine.

To confirm the initial diagnosis, an x-ray examination is used in several projections.

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Evaluation of the ligamentous apparatus and the state of intervertebral discs is given in the course of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT).

Treatment of stenosis of the lumbosacral spine

To eliminate violations of the static state of the lumbosacral department, two complex methods are used - conservative (traditional) and surgical (operational). The general method of therapy involves the mandatory wearing of specialized means. For the cervical region - this is the collar of Shantz, for others - a corset.

In unbearable pain, not being treated with analgesics, Novocain blockades are prescribed, right up to the transition to the surgical method. Prescribed NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), reducing pain and relieving inflammation.

Widely used physiotherapy, therapeutic relaxing massage, prescribed therapeutic exercises and stretching the spine. In case of pathological complications, a transition to surgical intervention is made.

A source: https://MoyOrtoped.ru/diagnostika/narushenie-statiki-poyasnichno-kresttsovogo-otdela-pozvonochnika

Clinical picture of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is the degenerative lesion of the spine. In the course of this disease, intervertebral discs, joints and ligaments of the spine are destroyed.

Osteochondrosis is an extremely common disease. The risk of developing this disease significantly increases with age, therefore, to some extent, osteochondrosis can be considered as a process of aging of the spine.

Clinical manifestations of osteochondrosis (symptoms of the disease) include static (violation of posture) and neurological disorders. In the late stages of the disease, the clinical picture is supplemented by trophic and vascular disorders of internal organs. Below, we consider the main symptoms of osteochondrosis.

Mechanism of development of symptoms in osteochondrosis
Disease osteochondrosis develops slowly, but irreversibly. In this case, the symptoms of the disease appear in strict dependence on the degree of destruction of the spinal column and damage to nerve structures.

As is known, with osteochondrosis, intervertebral discs and spinal joints are primarily damaged. The destruction of the intervertebral disc leads to a decrease in its height and protrusion of the gelatinous nucleus (an elastic body located in the center of the intervertebral disc) with the formation of a hernia.

The main symptoms of osteochondrosis, depending on the mechanism of their formation, can be divided into several main groups:

  1. Static - a violation of the shape of the spine, walking and sitting because of the instability of a certain segment of the spinal column. With a significant lesion of the intervertebral disc in patients with osteochondrosis, the pathological mobility of the spine develops (usually limited to the affected segment), which in turn leads to deformation of the spine as a scoliosis (protrusion of the spine to the side), kyphosis (pathological protrusion of the spine back), lordosis (pathological protrusion of the spine forward). Limitation of mobility in patients with osteochondrosis is mainly caused by damage to the small joints of the spine.
  2. Neurological - violation of sensory and motor (motor) innervation of peripheral parts (trunk, limbs). The main neurological sign of osteochondrosis is a pain syndrome that develops either in case of irritation or in the case of compression (compression) of the roots of the spinal cord. At the beginning of the disease, the pain is local (soreness is felt in the affected segment of the spine). When involved in the process of the back of the intervertebral disc and the formation of the intervertebral hernia, the pain spreads to the periphery - skin segments innervated by a damaged spinal cord. Knowledge of somatotypy (segmental distribution of the innervation of the body) helps to determine the site of the lesion of the spine based only on the specificity of the pain syndrome. With a strong compression of the spinal root, the loss of its function may develop - a complete loss of sensitivity in the segment of the body innervated by this spine. Motor disorders in osteochondrosis develop much less often than sensitive ones. Usually they develop with the compression of the anterior (motor) roots of the spinal cord. The type of motor impairment depends on the degree of damage of the latter - from mild paresis to paralysis. Sometimes motor disorders (for example, spastic torticollis) develop reflexively - in response to irritation of the sensitive root, a persistent contraction of muscles occurs in the affected segment.
  3. Vascular disorders can develop in two ways: due to compression of the blood vessel or due to a violation of its sympathetic innervation. The first type of vascular disorders most often develops in the cervical region, in which the cervical arteries feeding spinal cord and brain, pass in a narrow canal formed by the holes of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae. With osteochondrosis, this channel deforms due to the proliferation of connective and bone tissue. The compression of the cervical arteries is manifested by headache, periodic dizziness and even episodes of loss of consciousness. Vascular disorders of sympathetic nature develop in the case of irritation of the sympathetic nerve plexus (this part of the nervous system causes a spasm of the blood vessels). As a result, peripheral vessels undergo prolonged spasm, which in turn causes a violation of blood circulation in organs and tissues.
  4. Trophic disorders are of a mixed neurovascular nature: on the one hand, dystrophic processes in organs and tissues arise due to lack of blood, and on the other hand because of a violation innervation.

The initial stages of osteochondrosis are characterized by segmental spinal column damage. Clinical manifestations of the disease depend on the site of spinal injury.

As is known, the spinal column consists of the following segments: cervical (7 vertebrae), thoracic (12 vertebrae), the lumbar region (5 vertebrae), the sacral department (5 vertebrae) and the coccygeal department (2-4 vertebra).

Below we will consider what symptoms of osteochondrosis develop with the defeat of a certain segment of the spine.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis with lesions of the cervical spine
Static disorders of the cervical region are represented by subluxations of the vertebrae and restriction of mobility of this part of the spine.

Neurological disorders in the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are manifested in the form of pain and sensitivity disorders in the neck, shoulders and arms. Much less likely to occur pains such as cardialgia (pain in the heart) and frenikoholtsistopatii (pain in the gallbladder).

Usually, the pain syndrome covers several zones at once (for example, the nape, shoulder and arm). As a rule, pain intensifies when performing movements in the cervical spine.

The most severe disorders occur when the spinal roots are strongly compressed at this level - paresis and paralysis of the hands.


Vascular disorders in osteochondrosis of the cervical region are represented by headache, loss of consciousness, visual impairment.


Symptoms of osteochondrosis with lesions of the thoracic spine
Pain syndrome in the osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine covers the area of ​​the chest and upper abdomen.

Patients complain of acute pain in the back and side, which is aggravated during movements, as well as with changing weather and at night.

In some cases, pain syndrome with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine may be so expressed that there is a suspicion of such diseases as acute appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, renal colic.

In the thoracic spinal cord there are important vegetative centers that regulate the activity of the internal organs, therefore, the osteochondrosis of this department of the spine may be accompanied by a violation of the function of the trachea (dry cough, loss of voice), stomach ("hungry" nocturnal pains in the stomach), heart (attacks of angina, disorders rhythm).

Symptoms of osteochondrosis in lesions of the lumbosacral spine
The manifestations of osteochondrosis of this segment of the spine are in many respects similar to those of the defeat of other parts of the spine.

The most common is the pain syndrome, which in this case is localized in the lumbar region and lower limbs.

As a rule, pain is chronic and intensified when performing movements (for example, turning into the trunk).

Lumbago is one of the characteristic symptoms of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. This is a strong, "shooting" pain, which occurs mainly during physical effort and pass a few minutes after the appearance.

When lesions of separate rootlets of segments of the spinal cord, pain can be of limited nature, localized in one of the limbs or a certain part of the limb.


Vegetative disorders in lumbosacral osteochondrosis are a violation of the internal organs: urinary incontinence or retention, atony of the rectum, sexual dysfunction in men, menstrual irregularities in women.


Dependence of symptoms on the period of the disease
In the development of osteochondrosis, periods of exacerbation and remission are distinguished. In turn, the period of exacerbation consists of three phases: the phase of progression, the stationary phase and the phase of regression of clinical symptoms.

Exacerbation of osteochondrosis can be caused by physical stress, severe stress or overwork.

During an exacerbation there is an increase in all the symptoms of illness: the appearance of severe pain, disruption of internal organs, vascular disorders.

In the stationary phase of the exacerbation, the symptoms reaching a maximum of manifestation begin to gradually decline - the transition to the regression phase of symptoms.

During the period of remission, the symptoms of the disease are worn out and manifest only when performing physical exertion or when maintaining the uncomfortable position of the body for a long time.

A prolonged course of osteochondrosis leads to disability of the person. The disease itself is accompanied by considerable physical suffering, and the complications of this disease can be very dangerous to health.

Often the symptoms of the initial stages of osteochondrosis are written off to the so-called "salt deposition in the back". It should be noted immediately that such a disease does not exist. At the first occurrence of the symptoms described above, you need to seek medical advice from a doctor.

Correctly prescribed treatment can significantly slow the course of the disease and help avoid complications.


  • Zharkov P.L. Osteochondrosis and other dystrophic changes of the spine in adults and children M.: Meditsina, 1994
  • Epifanov V.A. Osteochondrosis of the spine: diagnosis, treatment, prophylaxis): Ру.для, М.: МЕДпресс-информ, 2004
  • Kamenev Yu.F. Back pain in osteochondrosis of the spine, Petrozavodsk: IntelTek, 2004

A source: http://www.tiensmed.ru/illness/osteohondroz6.html

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