Flattening: consequences for the body


  • 1The more dangerous the flat feet of adults and its consequences for the body
    • 1.1Disruption of life
    • 1.2Causes
    • 1.3Dangerous consequences
    • 1.4Methods of treatment
  • 2Transverse and longitudinal flat feet - symptoms, causes and diagnostics
    • 2.1Effect of flat feet on the human body
    • 2.2Causes of flatfoot
    • 2.3Symptoms and Diagnosis of Flatfoot
    • 2.4Degrees of longitudinal flat feet
  • 3How does flatfoot affect human health?
    • 3.1Causes, degrees and symptoms
  • 4Symptoms and consequences of flatfoot
    • 4.1Treatment of flat feet
  • 5The more dangerous the flat feet of adults and children, its consequences
    • 5.1The main complications and consequences of flatfoot
    • 5.2Flat foot and pathology of the spine
    • 5.3Than it is dangerous platypodia in adults
  • 6What is dangerous flatfoot?
    • 6.1Manifestations and stages of flatfoot
    • 6.2Flat feet in children
    • 6.3Treatment and prevention of flat feet

The more dangerous the flat feet of adults and its consequences for the body

A healthy foot is the right natural connection of the movable bones that make up the two vaults. Due to this feature, the vaults perform a cushioning function during the movements of a person, contribute to the relief of loads on the legs.

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It happens that as a result of the action of any factors or due to congenital malformations, the foot becomes flat and almost completely touches the floor surface. According to statistics, among the adult population, in women, flat feet are found 4 times more often than men.

Scientists believe that the reason for this is the weaker muscles and ligaments of the foot, which is added to the love of women for uncomfortable shoes with high heels.

It should be noted that flat feet are fraught with such diseases: osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine of various degrees, arthritis, migraine. All this is the consequences of flat feet.

Disruption of life

The manifestation of the disease is fraught with sensations of pain and discomfort during walking and at rest.

As the illness is ignored, a person brings it to the last stage, when effective treatment becomes almost impossible.

At the last stages, a person begins to complain at once to a lot of unpleasant sensations, and even whole failures of the body:

  1. Constant feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs, impossibility to walk long distances. This condition prevents you from spending time on walks, attending dances, ice skating rinks, playing football, running and practicing your usual activities. In addition, flat feet is fraught with complicating the daily routine of adults. Any strain on the legs during professional or domestic work leads to rapid fatigue and pain in the foot.
  2. Impossibility to wear regular shoes. Habitual shoes can be worn only in the early stages of flatfoot development. In more advanced stages, wearing ordinary shoes becomes unbearable. For this reason, patients with a diagnosis of flat feet rather difficult to choose comfortable and stylish shoes, because it directly affects well-being. As a rule, in the last stages only orthopedic footwear is shown. Nevertheless, any used footwear quickly wears from within, which makes its appearance unaesthetic, and further wearing is impossible.
  3. Rachiocampsis. Uneven load on the legs causes curvature of the spinal vertebrae, which leads to ugly posture and gait. Physical deficiencies in the body provoke psychological changes in a person: people become more closed, they lose self-esteem and self-confidence.


The main reasons for the development of flat feet in children and adults are as follows:

  • Elevated foot stress. This is due to excessive physical activity, constant sports, lack of full physical rest. High workloads can be caused by professional activities (wearing heavy loads, the need to constantly be on your feet). Excessive workloads are also observed in pregnant women and in people who are overweight.
  • Weakened muscles and ligaments of the foot. As a rule, due to the weakness of these elements, due to which the foot is held in the correct position, flattening of the foot develops. The weakening of ligaments can lead to an inactive way of life, "sedentary" work, especially those who are weakened by muscles aged 50 years or younger.
  • Injuries. Injuries leading to flatfoot development can be not only unsuccessful falls and bruises, but also conscious wrong actions: wearing inconvenient narrow shoes with high heels, wrong gait and other.
  • Chronic diseases. Diseases that can cause flatfoot development include: diabetes mellitus, work problems gastrointestinal tract, bone disease (in children is especially dangerous rickets), endocrine diseases system. If you do not pay attention to the effect of chronic diseases, then there may be other ailments caused by weakening of the immune system, muscles and other functioning components of the body.

Dangerous consequences

Flat feet can bring a lot of serious trouble, in addition to feelings of pain, discomfort and the inability to wear your favorite shoes. In particular, a flat foot often causes the appearance of other, more dangerous diseases:

  • Osteoarthritis of the knee joint. In the presence of this disease, wear of the cartilaginous layer is noted, which leads to friction of the joints against each other. The consequence is unbearable pain, because of which it is impossible not only to walk, but also to rest. Arthrosis appears due to the flattening of the arches of the foot, whose function is to depreciate movements. After flattening, this "duty" is transferred to the ankle joint, which for this purpose is not intended and wears out quickly.
  • Rachiocampsis. Curvature is the general name of a condition that can provoke a variety of diseases: scoliosis, kyphosis and others. At first glance, the disease runs unnoticed, however, if you do not provide the necessary treatment on time, you may have a hump on your back. Treatment includes therapeutic gymnastics, massages, swimming and other payloads. Curvature of the spine affects the work of all organs and systems, so it is important to monitor posture and back. It is necessary to develop the correct gait and posture from childhood.
  • Appearance of calcaneal spur. An unpleasant disease can arise as a result of longitudinal flat feet, characterized by the growth of the bone near the heel. The disease leads to acute pain, which appears during the pressure on the heel, in such cases it is impossible to step on the affected area, with time the gait is distorted.
  • Ingrown nail. This is one of the most common consequences of any kind of flatfoot. The ingrown nail injures healthy soft tissues around the nail plate, worsens the appearance of the legs, can cause bacterial or infectious infection. If the infection is not timely and does not lead to treatment, the consequences can be catastrophic, up to a lethal outcome.
  • Violation of the work of other bodies. It is known that on the sole there are many important points responsible for the established work of sight, hearing, gastrointestinal tract and other systems. Their improper functioning, due to the influence of flat feet, can lead to a decrease in hearing and vision, impaired intestinal function. If untimely detection of the causes of the disease, and illiterate treatment, the emergence of a state of disability.
  • The appearance of a specific "bone" on the big toe. This disease is a consequence of a flat-footed transverse type, deforming the thumb of the foot. The appearance of the "bone" entails a lot of trouble - discomfort and severe pain, especially when walking in closed shoes.

Methods of treatment

Flattening of any kind is well treatable if it is carried out in the early stages of the development of the disease. The most effective methods of treatment are:

  • Exercise therapy. The complex of therapeutic and prophylactic physical education includes: massages, gymnastics of the feet, the development of the correct gait, correction of the shape of the foot and so on.
  • Reduction of loads. One of the main conditions is the mandatory reduction of loads on the legs. A doctor can issue a certificate to school-age children and students, as well as adults, whose work involves continued physical activity. It is important to deal exclusively with feasible loads in order to eliminate flat feet.
  • Electrical stimulation. The procedure of stimulation is carried out with the help of special equipment that stimulates blood circulation in the legs by current, flushes salt from the tendons. Thanks to electrostimulation, the natural work of the ligaments of the foot resumes, which helps to heal flatfoot and return to the old way of life. However, the procedure has contraindications, which the patient must be familiarized with by the doctor.
  • Kinesiotherapy. This method is relatively new in medical practice, and is reduced to the imposition of special elastic bands on the tissues that surround the joint of the foot. Tapes are characterized by an adhesive base, due to which they are well fixed on the leg. Thanks to reliable fixation, the tapes provide a cushioning function that reduces the friction of the joints and restores the correct position of the ligaments of the foot. The method can be used to treat both longitudinal and transverse flatfoot.
  • Drug therapy. As a rule, this method is not aimed at direct treatment of pathology, but to reduce pain symptoms and discomfort sensations during walking and rest.

A source: https://NogoStop.ru/stopa/svod/chem-opasno-ploskostopie.html

Transverse and longitudinal flat feet - symptoms, causes and diagnostics

As it always happens, a person lives, does not grieve, and suddenly, for no apparent reason, he begins to ache. It does not matter what. This can be the spine, stomach or joints.

Doctors treat, the patient drinks tablets, but there is no sense, the disease does not pass. This is due to the fact that often the consequences and symptoms are treated, but not the cause, which can be very difficult to determine.

And the cause of these and many other diseases often become an ordinary platypodia.

Let's study the "experimental" in more detail and find out how to treat flatfoot and how it affects the human body

Effect of flat feet on the human body

Flat-footedness is a very insidious disease. It barely shows itself until it's too late. Normally, the profile of our foot is an arc, both in the transverse (at the base of the fingers) and in the longitudinal section (the inner side of the foot).

With developing flat feet, the foot flattenes and the arch of the foot drops downward. If the arch is straightened along the foot, then speaking of longitudinal flatfoot, and if transverse, then such a flat foot is called transverse, respectively.

It would Seem, well it was straightened out and it is fine, more steadily I shall stand, but is not present, quite the other way.

The main purpose of the foot in our body is to extinguish and amortize shock loads that occur when walking or running. The feet can be compared to the shock absorbers in the car.

What happens if the vehicle has been hit by shock absorbers? All the bumps on the road begin to affect the interior of the car and expose it to considerable wear and tear, the handling of the car gets worse, it shakes on the road, the metal breaks, the nuts are poured ...

A normally working foot extinguishes about 2/3 of the shock loads received by a person when walking or running.

With flatfoot, the impact on the joints and spine increases many times and all the strokes received during the movement only soften slightly, reach the brain and thoroughly shake it. From here there are headaches.

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In the human body, the cushioning functions of the "non-working" feet are forced to take on the spine and all the joints of the legs.

As a result, the joints begin to wear out, get sick and we get arthrosis, osteoarthritis and pelvic diseases, and the spine, compensating for the increased loads and uncharacteristic loads, trying from the last forces to save the brain from unnecessary traumatic effects, begins to bend, which leads to scoliosis, osteochondrosis, develops radiculitis and intervertebral hernia. All parts of our body are very closely related to our spine, and any disturbances caused by flat feet inevitably begin affect the work of all internal organs, as a result, there are diseases that at first glance are not related to the supporting-motor apparatus.

Flat feet become the cause of various violations of coordination of movements and balance, eventually lameness develops and all this is further aggravated by stagnation of blood in the legs, leading to such a terrible disease as varicose veins. Because of problems with the blood flow in the legs, the cardiovascular system starts to fail. And this is still far from a complete list of all the consequences of the developed longitudinal or transverse platypodia.

Here such it turns out, the cause-effect chain. It would seem that a small defect in one organ entails a failure in the work of all other parts of the body.

And the most unpleasant in all this is that a person thinks about the problem only when the spine and joints begin to ache, and hence the longitudinal, transverse or even a combination of them, which is the so-called longitudinal-transverse flatfoot has already developed and does not work laid by nature springing function of the foot.

I hope I convinced you that flat feet, this is a very serious disease and its timely diagnosis is extremely important.

Before I teach you to diagnose this disease in your body, let's try to understand the reasons for its appearance.

Causes of flatfoot

Basically, flat feet are acquired, and for a variety of reasons, and the disease can develop at any age. Congenital flatfoot is a rare occurrence, and there's nothing to be done about it, unfortunately, it's impossible to prevent it, unlike what was acquired.

Acquired platypodia is of three kinds

  • Paralytic
  • Traumatic
  • Ricket

Paralytic flat feet arise from the paralysis of the foot muscles, which is the cause of poliomyelitis.

Decreased strength of bones arising from rickets leads to rachitic flat feet.

The cause of traumatic platypodia, as the name implies, is various kinds of trauma and fractures of the foot bones, as well as damage to soft tissues directly related to it.

But still the main reason for the appearance of flat feet is our unhealthy lifestyle: low physical activity, leading to a weakening of muscles supporting the foot, obesity, shoes with heels, work associated with long standing.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Flatfoot

How to determine the flat feet? The following signs and symptoms of flatfoot do not give an opportunity to unambiguously diagnose the presence of this disease in you, but are an occasion to address to physicians.

  1. Start with the fact that just take your shoes and see how the sole is worn on it. If it is worn from the inside and the bottom of the heel is shifted inwards, I do not have very good news for you, this is one of the signs of flat feet
  2. This symptom is more of a beautiful sex. The symptom of flat feet is the presence of tenderness in the feet, if you wear shoes with high heels.
  3. The next symptom is the thickening of the foot. In this case, you have to buy shoes of large sizes, since old shoes have become small to you.
  4. Your ankles swell
  5. You are often worried about an ingrown nail
  6. You clum when walking
  7. You do not engage in special sports, but have a developed (and, conversely, underdeveloped) leg musculature
  8. You're worried about the heel spur. A rather painful thing, connected with the disease of the plantar nerve.
  9. It became difficult for you to walk or stand for a long time
  10. By the evening you have pain in your legs, accompanied sometimes by cramps
  11. Stand up with a wet bare foot on the floor. With flatfoot, the trail left will look like an insole from shoes. If you are all right, then the inner side of the foot should not touch the floor

The most accurate method to date is an X-ray study.

I myself passed it in due time, as I am the "happy" owner of this disease. When the study takes a few shots (stop under load and without) and the results, the doctor makes a diagnosis and determines the degree of flatfoot.

Degrees of longitudinal flat feet

It is most difficult to determine the first degree of flatfoot, due to the fact that there are no external changes yet and the arch of the foot is not yet flattened.

A source: http://vnormu.ru/prodolnoe-poperechnoe-ploskostopie-prichiny-simptomy-stepeni-ploskostopija-armija.html

How does flatfoot affect human health?

In our time, the question of how flat foot influences health is very relevant. Pain, swelling, ligament damage and an ugly gait are a minimum of problems that are guaranteed by flat feet. Flatfoot injures the bone system.

This entails the appearance of edema, which, in turn, harm vessels and nerve fibers. If all these symptoms will progress, then the person is threatened with immobilization.

The damping function of the foot is disturbed due to flat feet.

To eliminate the extreme load on the feet, the weight is distributed to other parts of the body. Because of this, the person bends forward when walking. Over time, more and more parts of the body suffer from flat feet.

For children, this disease is also dangerous, because their bone system is not yet formed. With a flat foot in children, deformation of bones occurs.

Therefore, it is necessary to start treatment on time in order not to start the disease.

Causes, degrees and symptoms

With transverse flatfoot, the bones diverge and the thumb deviates. This flatfoot is revealed in about 40 years. With longitudinal flat feet, the foot increases in length and begins to completely touch the floor.

This can be affected by an excess of body weight. Discover it in about 20 years. Flattening can be congenital. But due to the fact that almost all children under 6 have signs of flatfoot, it is very difficult to detect it.

Traumatic flat feet can be caused by any trauma to the foot or leg. And after poliomyelitis paralytic flat feet can develop.

It has this name because it can be transformed into paralysis of the foot muscles during progression.

The cause of the flat foot can serve as a disease, as rickets, which destroys human bones. This is due to the fragility and fragility of the bones.

The most common static flat feet. It arises from the weak muscles and bones of the foot. Absence of necessary physical exercises or standing work are prerequisites for the appearance of this type of flatfoot.

Degrees of flatfoot:

  • weakly expressed - 1 degree;
  • combined - 2 degree;
  • pronounced - 3 degree.

To start the development of flat foot pain is typical, which can be caused by long walks and a hard working day. To stop the pain, lie down with your legs up.

The first degree is characterized by: fatigue, swelling and pain with physical effects on the feet. The second degree: the foot finally becomes flat, severe pain, difficulty walking.

Third degree: very severe pain and swelling, headache and back pain, reduced ability to work, difficult to walk, use of orthopedic shoes, corns and deformities. Symptoms of flat feet:

  • wear of shoes;
  • swelling;
  • impossibility of long walks;
  • difficult movement on heels;
  • increase in the size of shoes;
  • unnatural gait and posture;
  • appearance of ingrown nail.

One of the frequent misconceptions about the plane of the feet is that it is an infantile illness. It proceeds from the fact that it is difficult for children to make out whether they have this disease or not. This is due to the fact that the children's legs are not fully formed.

This is not true, since flat feet are often a disease acquired, rather than congenital. Incorrect and converse approval, the flat foot is an exclusively hereditary disease, which can not be avoided.

By heredity, the leg structure can be transmitted, that is, initially weak muscles, but this does not mean that if the elders have a history of flat feet, they will necessarily have children.

If there is flat feet in older relatives, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the child's legs.

Flat-footedness is a disease of extremely complete people. Indeed, excess weight is a frequent cause of flatfoot development, but it can not be said that it only develops in fat people. Thin people also have flat feet.

Often it develops as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes.The flat feet developed during pregnancy is a temporary problem. A flat foot can appear during pregnancy, but by itself it will not pass.

If the disease has appeared, then it must be treated.

Flat-footedness is not a terrible disease without consequences. In no case should you start this disease. If the flat foot is not treated, then serious consequences can appear.

Osteochondrosis, varicose veins and many other diseases of the musculoskeletal system can develop. Also incorrect is the statement, then the flat feet can not affect other parts of the body.

The progression of the flat foot can cause whole-body disease.

Many people think that you can not go in for sports when you are sick. Naturally, with foot disease of the third degree, sport is contraindicated. But with the disease in the first stages, sport can even be useful.

The main thing is to choose the right set of exercises. Running is prevention of foot disease. In this statement there is a "grain of truth". The whole hitch is in choosing the right shoes.

If the sports shoes are picked up incorrectly, then running at a run will not bring anything good. Only narrow shoes can serve as a source of leg disease. Wide shoes can also hurt the foot.

When walking, shoes should comfortably fit your leg, and not let it hang out from side to side.

With easy fatigue of the legs, the first thing to do is to run to the doctor and be checked for flat feet. In adults, for this, a survey such as X-rays is used. Thanks to him you can find out information about the presence of the disease and in his presence - his degree.

For children, this study is best not to use, since it affects the entire body too much. Flat feet strongly affect the joints and spine. With a heavy load on the soles, the total weight of the body exerts an increased pressure on the knees and hips.

This occurs to compensate for resistance and leads to arthrosis.

The disease of feet affects in general health of a person and especially on the spine. Excessive pressure exerted on the back can lead to a hernial protrusion.

And it, in turn, leads to pain in the buttocks, legs and back. At the same time, flat feet threatens the development of osteochondrosis, scoliosis and spondylosis. These diseases appear in the group.

They are formed after the build-ups on the bones, muscle inflammation and blood supply disorders.

The appearance of osteochondrosis threatens the development of radiculitis in the future. Radiculitis is a well-known "joy." At the slightest movement, there is a great pain, which limits movement. And in complex forms a person can not move at all.

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When combined with flat feet and poor nutrition, frequent swelling may occur by the end of the day. This is because muscle strength is weakened due to a lack of protein and active mobility. Flat-footed women face the impossibility of walking on their heels.

With a flat foot, it's difficult to steadily hold on to high shoes. Even slight trauma leads to swelling and severe pain. The selection of the wrong shoe with flat feet can cause severe pain in the legs and back, curvature of the spine and posture violation.

When flat feet often there are hernias, arthrosis and arthritis.

Adult people often have renal failure as a consequence of flat feet.

This is due to the fact that changes in the legs lead to the widening of the veins, and this, in turn, leads to stagnation of blood and an additional burden on the kidneys. So, flat feet have a very bad effect on health in general.

First, it leads to dysfunction of internal organs. Secondly, it is a prerequisite for the development of other, more serious, diseases.

A source: http://ZdorovyeStopy.ru/deformaciya/ploskostopie/kak-ploskostopie-vliyaet-na-zdorove.html

Symptoms and consequences of flatfoot

Flat feet is a disease of the foot, in which it flattenes and loses its damping properties. When walking, the entire weight of a person is on the foot. Thanks to its ligaments and tendons, the foot softens the load, thereby reducing the impact on the legs and spine.

Normally, the foot has two arches -longitudinal and transverse.

The longitudinal passes along the inner edge of the foot, normally forming a noticeable depression, and a transverse one in the region of the fingers.

Proceeding from this, the flatfoot may be longitudinal (smoothing of the longitudinal arch), transverse (smoothing of the transverse arch) and mixed (when both arches are smoothed).

If flat feet occur, the foot is not able to absorb the load from walking and running, and this work is redistributed to the joints of the legs (ankle, knee, femur) and the spine. Additional stress on these areas leads to their greater wear, and as a result, to diseases.

By the time of its occurrence, flat feet can be congenital or acquired. Congenital flat feet are associated with various disorders of intrauterine development, weakness of connective tissue (tendons, ligaments) or muscles of the shins.

Acquired flat feet can develop at any age and can be associated with such causes:

  • Static muscle tension of the foot. With a long standing in place without movement in the muscles of the foot, excessive tension occurs, and then muscle weakness develops. This cause of acquired flatfoot is the most common and accounts for approximately 80% of all causes.
  • Injuries. Trauma of the foot, shin can be either single-stage or permanent. For example, if a long time to wear uncomfortable shoes with the wrong shoe, sooner or later a structural violation will occur in the foot.
  • Rickets. This disease is associated with inadequate production of vitamin D in the body. After having suffered rickets, the bones lose their strength and elasticity for life, and are gradually deformed under the weight of the person's own weight.

There are also many reasons that can contribute to the appearance of flat feet. Among them:

  • Obesity, overweight;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Genetically determined weakness of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • Inadequately developed muscles and ligaments of the foot due to insufficient physical development;
  • Uncomfortable shoes. When wearing narrow shoes, blood circulation in the leg is disrupted, in high-heeled shoes, the body weight is not distributed evenly over the entire foot, but is transferred to the sock, causing deformation of the foot. Contrary to the common misconception, loose shoes are also harmful, because it does not fix the foot sufficiently and supports its vaults;
  • Long load on the legs, uncomfortable working posture.

Given the norms and rhythm of modern life, almost every person is exposed to one or several risk factors for flatfoot, and each experienced the first symptoms of this disease.

What signs can indicate the onset of the disease?

  • First of all, it is pain and a feeling of heaviness of the feet, more often it appears later in the evening and passes in the morning.
  • Rapid fatigue of the legs during work (mostly standing) or just after walking.
  • Swelling of the legs in the ankles, sometimes the legs.
  • Slight deviation of the thumb of the foot outward, trampling on it.
  • Feeling of discomfort when walking on heels.
  • It can be noticed that the sole of the shoe began to wear off from the inside.
  • Earlier, normal size shoes became small in width.

Of course, these symptoms can occur with other leg ailments, but you can very easily check for yourself if you have a breach of the arch of the foot. To do this, you just have to become wet or greased with any fat feet on a clean sheet of paper.

Normally there should be a trace from the heel, toe, fingers and a thin line along the outer edge, and on the place of the inner part of the foot there must remain a clean place. If there is an imprint from the entire foot or most of it, you should consult a doctor for advice.

It is very important to suspect and recognize flat feet in the early stages of development, since this significantly affects the volume and effectiveness of subsequent treatment.

The very first manifestations of flat feet - increased fatigue and pain in the legs at night, occur before the change in the structure of the foot.

At this stage, the disease is best amenable to correction and completely reversible.

In the next stages, edema is added, the plasticity of the gait decreases, the vaults of the foot are gradually smoothed. Then the knee joints are involved, and then the entire leg, the spine.

The symptoms of varicose veins of the lower extremities are joining: edema, pain, burning sensation, heaviness, itching, visually protruding, blue veins, and back pain, especially in the lumbar region.

The foot is noticeably deformed, the thumb is significantly deflected outward.

At these stages, the disease is already incurable, it is only possible to reduce symptoms.

In addition, if the flatfoot has already begun, it will progress quickly enough, and the effectiveness of treatment and the quality of life of the patient depend on the timely diagnosis.

If you have any suspicions of flat feet, you should consult a doctor - an orthopedist.

During the consultation, the doctor examines the anatomical structure of the foot, its functional state, tone and elasticity of the musculoskeletal system. Radiography of the feet will judge the condition of the osseous part of the foot.

On the basis of the obtained data, the diagnosis of flat feet, the stage of the disease and the tactics of subsequent treatment can be established.

Treatment of flat feet

Complete recovery from flatfoot is possible only in childhood, because at this age all tissues of the body are sufficiently elastic and well restored.

From the age of 13 to 14 years, the frequency of relapse (the resumption of the disease after recovery) is significantly increased, therefore, even after the end of treatment, the prevention of exacerbations should be constantly carried out.

Treatment of flat feet should be comprehensive, aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, eliminating symptoms and improving the quality of life of the patient.

At the base of the treatment of flatfoot lies a therapeutic correction, gymnastics, the purpose of which is to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the arch of the foot to correct its shape, position, and the formation of the right gait. It is important that the correctness of the exercises is followed for a while by the doctor and corrected errors on time.

The necessary component of treatment is the elimination of violations in the entire spine. In severe cases of the disease, with serious deformities of the fingers, severe pain, patients are shown surgical treatment of flat feet.

Flat-footedness is a disease unpleasant by its manifestations and dangerous due to its consequences, violations of the whole musculoskeletal system, do not forget to take care of the health of your feet.

A source: https://spine5.com/lechenie/ploskostopie/lechenie/

The more dangerous the flat feet of adults and children, its consequences

Answering the question, what is dangerous flatfoot, it is difficult to describe all the complications that this pathology causes in the body. Let's dwell only on the most common of them.

The main complaints of adults with a flattened foot in the initial stages are pain syndrome and swelling. Pain is caused by damage to the ligaments, muscles and bone system.

Against this background, there is swelling, which squeezes other anatomical structures of the feet (vessels and nerve fibers).

The growth of these changes threatens the person with a restriction of mobility.

However, the above-described symptoms are minimal, as flat foot is threatened, as the progression of pathology increases the "interest" of other organs in compensating pathology.

For children, a flat foot is no less dangerous. Within a decade the bone system of the child is formed. That there was no deformation of bones, it is necessary to reveal changes in time.

Up to 6 years, it is still possible to effectively correct the pathology, but if it is detected at a later age, one can only strengthen the ligaments and muscles so that they can support the arch in a normal position.

The main complications and consequences of flatfoot

When your legs get tired quickly, the first thing you need to do to a person is to check for a flat arch. For this purpose, an x-ray can be used in adults.

With its help, you can calculate the angle of the arch, which is formed between the heel and the wedge-navicular joint of the front of the foot. If it is enlarged, the doctor diagnoses a flat-footedness of a certain degree.

In children under 12 years of age, radiography is best not to be used because of its poor effect on the body.

The consequences of flat feet affect first of all the joints and the spinal column.

In the first case, because of the excessive load with increasing pressure on the soles of the lower extremities, the body weight is distributed to the knee and thigh to compensate for the stability.

If this condition continues for a long time, the reserve capacity of joints is not enough.

In children, pathology can be recognized even before the onset of obvious symptoms, if both parents have the disease. In this situation, its development can be programmed (inherited), but the probability of genetic determinacy is small (about 3%).

Flat foot and pathology of the spine

Platypodia affects the whole body and threatens the curvature of the spine

Flattening leads to problems with the spine because of the need to maintain the latter's amortization function.

At first, the intervertebral discs experience excessive pressure. This is dangerous because their cartilaginous structure can break and form a hernial protrusion.

It squeezes the nerve endings, so the person will experience pain in the gluteal region, lower extremities, and also in the back.

Simultaneously with damage to the cartilaginous discPlatypodia threatens with osteochondrosis, scoliosis and spondylosis.

This group of diseases is a joint and formed after the violation of blood supply, inflammatory changes in the musculoskeletal system, bone growths.

  • Osteochondrosis (a decrease in the height of the discs between the vertebrae) threatens excessive pressure on the lower parts. The main consequences of this process are dangerous by the progression of changes in the spine.
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At the slightest attempt to straighten or lift the weight, there is radiculitis or "chamber".

What threatens sciatica, most people know - with careless turning of the body of the vertebrae "clinit so there is a sharp pain that does not allow you to move.

At a pathology the person "stiffens" in the compelled pose. Of course, radiculitis is the problem of adults. He rarely appears in children.

  • Scoliosis - displacement of the spine in the lateral plane. It is formed more often in schoolchildren. Not only flat feet lead to its development. In children, the disease occurs due to improper landing at the school desk or the wearing of a heavy portfolio.

The combination of a flat foot with scoliosis causes a change in the formation of the whole body's musculoskeletal system. Against this background, sudden attacks of loss of consciousness are frequent due to a lack of oxygen in the brain.

  • Syndrome of the vertebral artery, which occurs with spondylosis of the cervical spine, leads to cramping of the neck muscles and compression of the vertebral artery, which passes in the transverse processes of the vertebrae neck. As a result of brain tissue, there is not enough oxygen, which causes dizziness not only in adults, but also in children.

Bad influence on the occurrence of flatfoot consequences of poor-quality diet. In children, active mobility combined with a lack of protein leads to a weakening of muscle strength. It is not surprising that the child swells around the end of the day.

Than it is dangerous platypodia in adults

With a flat foot, a woman will never be able to walk on high heels. Because of the pathology, the heel support moves to the horizontal surface.

The heel bone is located on the side of the sole, so a woman can not walk steadily in high shoes.

In this case, even a small injury causes severe pain and increased swelling.

Improper selection of shoes threatens and other complications. Violation of the depreciation function affects the appearance of curvature of the spine, postural disorders, pain in the legs and back. That's why with a flat foot in adults, doctors often diagnose hernia, arthritis and arthrosis.

In a small child with a flattened foot, the ligamentous apparatus does not work well, but takes a considerable part of the shock load on self hypodermic fatty tissue, which they prevent damage to the anatomical structures of the foot, until the child learns walk.

If children have poorly developed ligamentous apparatus after 2 years, there may be problems with the choice of shoes. In such cases, doctors will prescribe orthopedic insoles.

One of the main consequences of pathology in children is the violation of the overfill. When walking, the child will rely on the heel part, which will cause further progression of the pathology. "Sharking gait" becomes a reliable confirmation of the disease.

Thus, congenital and acquired flat feet have a bad effect on foot formation in children and adults. In the first case, gross changes in the internal organs develop, and in the second case, a basis is created for the development of other diseases over time.

The stoop of the child becomes a natural consequence of the long existence of the flat arch. Remember: at a young age, flat feet can be prevented, but it is almost impossible to completely cure the disease in adults.

A source: http://legsgo.ru/ortopediya/ploskie-stopy/chem-opasno-ploskostopie.html

What is dangerous flatfoot?

The disturbance of the cushioning abilities of the foot, or, to put it simply, the flat feet, is subconsciously perceived as a childish illness. And to some extent this is true. On the prevention of pediatric flat feet, doctors say a lot, and most parents are concerned about this issue.

However, in adulthood, this disease is not less common, it's just that it attracts less attention. Even the appearance of painful sensations in the feet, swollen ankles and the formation of bone calluses ("cones") do not always force a person to seek medical help.

Many habitually write off all this for fatigue and age changes, without even trying to somehow improve their condition.

As a result of this attitude to their health, not only unpleasant symptoms and forced limitation of mobility become, but also all new diseases of the musculoskeletal system, vessels, etc.

The human foot is a very complex bioengineering device.

Her bones are interconnected by particularly strong ligaments in such a way that an arched support is formed, which softens the tremors in walking (depreciates), allows us, without hesitation, to keep the balance in an upright position (balances) and move at different speeds (jogging function). But all this is possible only if the foot design is not changed, and 2 longitudinal (along the outer and inner edges) and one cross (between the bases of the fingers) arches remain. The shape of the foot is supported not only by bones, but also by ligaments and muscles.

Unfortunately, completely healthy (correct) stops are not found at all, tk. there are many factors that cause the flattening of its arches.

Depending on the causes of development, it is common to distinguish several types of flat feet:

  • congenital - a consequence of intrauterine developmental disorders (it is rare;);
  • traumatic - with fractures of the bones of the foot and ankle, damage to the ligaments and muscles of the foot;
  • paralytic - after poliomyelitis, spastic paralysis, diseases of the spinal cord;
  • rachitic - after severe forms of rickets;
  • The acquired static - the most common variant, occurs when the foot is overloaded: when obesity, the constant wearing of uncomfortable shoes, hypodynamia, prolonged stay in the vertical position.

Whatever the reasons for flatfoot, the mechanism for its development is almost the same.

With prolonged overload, the arches of the foot are constantly in overvoltage and gradually begin to weaken (descend), as the brain immediately receives a signal from the peripheral receptors.

The answer to this is the compensating tension of the foot muscles, which try to hold the structure in the desired position, but for a long time the muscle effort is not enough, and all the load falls on the ligaments.

If the action of the deforming load continues, the ligaments also gradually stretch, and the bones of the foot remain without any support, i. E. irreversible changes develop.

The foot loses its cushioning abilities, but this does not result in the development of flat feet. Over time, in places of greatest pressure, bone outgrowths ("spurs "bones etc.) are formed, and inevitable When jerking, attempts are made to compensate for the ankle, knee and hip joints (and also spine).

Since they are not adapted to this, they quickly become damaged, and in addition to flat feet, a person develops all sorts of arthritis, osteoarthrosis and osteochondrosis.

Manifestations and stages of flatfoot

Flat-footedness, like many other diseases, for a while almost does not manifest itself.

The first symptoms that a person can notice are fast fatigue when walking and working on legs, puffiness of feet and ankles in the evenings, pain and a feeling of heaviness after a working day, an erased inner edge at the sole of the shoe or heel, an increase in the width of the foot, discomfort when wearing shoes at high heel.

Depending on the severity and severity of symptoms, several stages of flatfoot are distinguished:

  • I stage - increased fatigue when walking, feeling tired by the evening;
  • II stage - by the end of the day there is pain in the feet, there may be a short-term swelling and muscle spasm, changes in the ankle and knee joints, microcirculation and venous outflow from the lower limbs;
  • III stage - the legs quickly get tired even with a small load, the pain in the feet becomes constant, you can notice decrease in the height of the arches of the foot, the bones of the foot begin to deform (calcaneal and navicular), changes gait;
  • IV stage - the arches are sharply flattened, walking is accompanied by pain in the ankle region, the muscles of the shin and foot are spasmodic, the joints of the thumb are deformed, the mobility is markedly limited;
  • V stage - the pain persists even in the state of rest, the foot is noticeably deformed and is in the position adjusted to the inner side (the inner surface is trampled).

Flat feet in children

With regard to flat feet in children, there are several persistent misconceptions.

So, for example, it is believed that a child up to 5-6 years of flat feet can not be diagnosed and treated, and up to 3 years of such a disease in general can not be, and all the available changes are normal and with age will pass.

This is a rather dangerous mistake, provoking parents to passively wait. As a result, the most optimal period is often missed, when it would be relatively easy to correct deformation and maintain the health of the supporting motor system.

It is until 5-6 years, until the baby's bones continue to actively grow and develop, and the points of ossification are not closed, and special attention should be given to the condition of the baby's feet.

Especially it concerns the periods of active growth of an organism (3 and 6 months, and also the beginning of the 1 st, 3 rd and 5 th year of life). At such times, children with a congenital predisposition increase the risk of developing a static deformation, because ligaments are still very elastic and stretchable, and muscle strength is not enough to compensate increasing load.

Consultation of a doctor is also necessary if the child quickly gets tired of walking and starts asking for hands, trails the inner edge of the shoe, and the heel of the baby is slightly "dumped" to the side when he worth it.

Treatment and prevention of flat feet

The basis of flatfoot therapy is a special therapeutic gymnastics, which the patient must daily perform independently at home. Gymnastic complex appoints only the attending physician in view of the shape and position of the foot, the main symptoms of the disease and the age of the patient.

To maintain muscle tone and restore blood circulation, foot and shank massage, foot baths and physiotherapy (electrophoresis and phonophoresis) are very useful.

An important role in the prevention and treatment of flat feet is the use of orthopedic insoles.

They are able to perform damping functions, unload the painful areas of the foot, return it to the correct position, and in the initial stages of the disease to correct the deformations that have arisen.

With neglected forms of flatfoot, and also for treating the disease in children of the first years of life, it is used special orthopedic footwear - special shoes with high lacing, solid sole and lateral support feet.

If all these methods do not bring the desired result, and the patient continues to complain of severe pain when walking or a significant deformation of the joints of the thumb, surgical treatment. But even in this case, after the operation, the patient is prescribed a course of maintenance therapy, because Platypodia is a chronic disease.

A source: https://szmedia.ru/archive/Chem-opasno-ploskostopie.html

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