What to do with high pressure and high pulse, the causes of the problem

From this article you will learn: why there is a high pulse at high pressure, and what this may indicate. How serious is it, what must be done to bring the indicators back to normal.

Article content:

  • Reasons for this pathology: normal or not?
  • How to suspect a problem - possible symptoms
  • What to do in this situation
  • Important precautions for lowering the pulse

A combined increase in pressure and pulse is a frequent but not natural( not mandatory) phenomenon. A high pulse is a rapid pulse, which can be traced more than 90 beats per minute, is strong and intense. High pressures are considered to be 140/90 mm Hg. Art.and higher.

Simultaneous increase in pulse and pressure indicates a strong strain of the body and threatens with dangerous complications if you do not take any action to reduce. To prevent them, as well as to eliminate the main cause of occurrence, it is possible. To do this, you need to consult a cardiologist, therapist or family doctor.

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Causes of this pathology: normal or not?

Normally, the pulse and pressure are related. This connection is often one-sided: increased pressure is accompanied by a rapid pulse.

There are diseases that destroy this connection( hypertension does not cause acceleration of heartbeats), there are also pathologies in which this connection is strengthened.

All this means that increasing the pulse at the same time as pressure can be both a variant of the norm, and a sign of some kind of pathology.

When this is regarded as the norm

Regular acceleration of the pulse after the pressure increase is normal in the following cases:

  1. Psychoemotional stress: agitation, fear, stress, experience, excessive joy, euphoria. Against this background, exciting impulses from the nervous system directly and through the adrenaline system cause spasm( constriction) of the vessels and stimulate the contractile activity of the heart. When a person calms down, all the changed indicators come back to normal.
  2. Physical overstrain: hard work, sport. Temporarily increase the pressure and speed up the pulse because in such conditions the body requires more oxygen and nutrients. At rest, these needs are reduced, which leads to a pulse and pressure back to normal.
  3. Abuse of strong drinks: coffee, tea, alcohol. Coffee and tea have a general toning effect, because they contain caffeine. The products of alcohol breakdown cause stress in the body, because they are toxic and require neutralization in the liver.
Factors that lead to increased pressure and pulse acceleration

Anxiety signal of pathology

The group of underlying diseases that are most often accompanied by rapid pulse and high blood pressure include:

  • hypertension, especially in hypertensive crisis of the first type( sympathetic adrenaline crisis);
  • symptomatic arterial hypertension of various origin( endocrine( dyshormonal), renal, vascular, etc.);
  • hyperthyroidism - thyroid disease, accompanied by an increase in the number of its hormones;
  • hypercortisy( Addison's disease) - increased hormonal activity of the adrenal glands;
  • pheochromocytoma is a tumor located in the adrenal gland that secretes hormones similar to adrenaline;
  • neurogenic and psychogenic diseases - of a different kind and origin of neuroses and psychoses, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

If the increased pressure due to diseases is accompanied by a high pulse, this indicates the presence of serious threats to the rupture of cerebral vessels and myocardial infarction .This pattern is typical for people aged 45-50 years - the higher the pulse and pressure, the higher the threat of vascular complications.

How to suspect a problem - possible symptoms

There is a concept of working pressure - an indicator in which a person feels well and does not feel any discomfort. It can be both within normal and elevated figures( more than 140/90).

Even a slight excess of the usual indicator in 90% of people causes complaints. They are even more pronounced if the pulse also increases with increasing pressure. These are the symptoms:

  • headache;
  • sensation of pulsation in the temples;
  • dizziness, impaired coordination of movements;
  • flickering flies, darkening in the eyes;
  • feeling of irregularities in the work of the heart, a feeling of palpitations;
  • feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath;
  • general weakness and muscular tremor throughout the body;
  • nausea, vomiting.
Symptoms of pressure increase and heart rate acceleration

These concomitant symptoms are not strictly specific for rapid heart rate( tachycardia) and increased blood pressure( hypertension).But when they appear, you need to do a measurement and count the pulse and pressure.

What to do in this situation

The first to help with hypertension with tachycardia and without it has some differences. The table describes what to do in each of these cases - medical measures that can be provided in the order of self-help and mutual assistance, even without being an expert.

What to do with high blood pressure with tachycardia( at a pulse greater than 90 / min) What to do at high pressure against a background of normal heartbeat( less than 90 / min)
Provide fresh air, unfasten or remove tight clothing
Take a horizontal position or sit down,(rest)
Calm down, try to relax and not think about anything irritable
Drink the tablet Validol, Valerian, Persen or motherwort tincture, Phytoseda
Attach to the feet warmly( hot water bottle, warm water bottleor wrap them in the
Breathe smoothly, taking a deep breath with a subsequent slow exhalation
Gently push the eyeballs, the stomach area, massage the carotid artery region around the neck No such "vagal techniques" are necessary, and if the pulse is within 60 beats/ min - contraindicated
Take one drug from the group of high-speed beta-blockers: metoprolol, anaprilin.

Or Verapamil( Isoptin) if the pulse is irregular( irregular)

Take one drug from the group of calcium channel blockers: pharmadipine, amlodipine, corinfar.

Beta-blockers are contraindicated to

If the pressure and pulse do not decrease after 30-40 min, the following procedure is indicated:
  • ACE inhibitors( Kaptopres, Enalapril, Enap, Lizinopril);
  • Diuretics( Triface, Furosemide, Lasix).
Carry out a control measurement of pressure and pulse. If the conducted measures did not normalize the indicators, be sure to call an ambulance on the phone number 103!Further self-treatment can do much harm!
First aid for high blood pressure with tachycardia

If the attacks of hypertension, combined with tachycardia, are repeated periodically for no apparent reason, accompanied by an increase in indicators to very high figures or a sharp disability, be sure to consult a specialist( cardiologist or therapist), even if you have learnedself-liquidate seizures!

Important Features and Cautions for Lowering the High Pressure and Heart Rate

Medication correction in the treatment of arterial hypertension, accompanied by a rapid pulse, is of the greatest importance. Remember these rules for the use of drugs:

  1. When the pressure decreases, the pulse may decrease automatically. Therefore, the starting drug can be Captopril, Kaptopres, Enalapril, Lizinopril.
  2. Beta-blockers( Anaprilin, Metoprolol) equally well simultaneously reduce the pulse and pressure. Therefore, they must be taken with a pronounced increase in these indicators.
  3. Calcium channel blockers( Corinfar, Pharmadipin) temporarily accelerate the heartbeat. Therefore, they are not recommended for use as first-line drugs for the treatment of hypertension with tachycardia.
  4. The reception of strong diuretics( Lasix, Furosemide, Trifas) is justified at any pressure increase, resistant to drug correction.
  5. Do not experiment with drugs on your own, use those that best suit you and are prescribed by a doctor.
  6. High indices need to be reduced gradually( 30% of the initial value per hour).Otherwise, the reaction may be unpredictable.
Drugs to reduce high blood pressure and pulse

Please note

A strong repeated increase in heart rate and pressure is a signal of malfunctions in the body. Effective first aid only eliminates pathological symptoms and manifestations, but does not save from their recurrence. In 75-85% behind these signs is a serious illness. An early referral to a specialist, a thorough examination and adherence to treatment recommendations( regular medication, surgical treatment, diet) can completely solve the problem and protect you from irreparable consequences.

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