The child's knees ache: what to do?


  • 1Pain in the knees of children and adolescents: causes, rapid diagnosis, what to do?
    • 1.1Home Diagnostics
    • 1.2Reasons for invisibility
    • 1.3Or maybe we just grow?
  • 2The child's knees ache: causes, consequences, what to do
    • 2.1Causes
    • 2.2Injuries
    • 2.3Overload
    • 2.4Infection
    • 2.5Congenital diseases
    • 2.6Diseases of the blood
    • 2.7What should parents do?
  • 3The child has a knee pain: causes and treatment
    • 3.1Rapid growth and Osgood-Schlatter disease
    • 3.2What causes pain?
    • 3.3Other causes of pain
    • 3.4Arthritis
    • 3.5Congenital pathology and neuritis
    • 3.6Rubbing and Massage
    • 3.7Treatment of acute arthritis
    • 3.8Knee joint: the causes of pain in it
    • 3.9Pay attention to complaints
    • 3.10Overstrain
    • 3.11Injury of ligaments
    • 3.12A small conclusion
  • 4What causes knee pain in a child - causes and proper treatment
    • 4.1Why there are pains in the knee of a child
    • 4.2Valgus and varus deformities
    • 4.3Injury of cruciate anterior ligaments
    • 4.4Osteochondritis of dissecting type
    • 4.5Osgood-Schlatter disease
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.6Instability of the patella
    • 4.7Sinding-Larsen-Johansson disease
    • 4.8Pelvic pathology
    • 4.9Juvenile arthritis
    • 4.10Diagnosis of knee diseases in a child
    • 4.11Features of treatment of pain in the knees of a child
    • 4.12Consequences of knee pain in children
  • 5The child has a knee pain - what should I do?
    • 5.1Osgood-Schlatter disease
    • 5.2Traumatic injury
    • 5.3Inflammatory processes
    • 5.4What should I do if I have pain in my knees?
  • 6Why knees ache in a child: the causes of joint pain in adolescents
    • 6.1Diagnostics at home
    • 6.2Hidden Reasons
    • 6.3Can the pain in the joints of children be associated with the growth and development of the body?

Pain in the knees of children and adolescents: causes, rapid diagnosis, what to do?

If the mother of three children has a stronger psyche than a carefully trained FSB agent, the parents of the first-born naive and fearful, as recruits - every complaint and every nuance can lead them out of the emotional equilibrium. And the child's constant complaints of pain in his knees and can at all serve as a reason for panic: if suddenly joints are damaged or, worse, any congenital anomaly?

In fact, pain and discomfort in the knees of children are not very rare, because mobile games, curiosity, which makes you climb trees and abandoned buildings, contribute to getting abrasions and bruises. Unformed and constantly growing musculoskeletal system of the child also causes such features as overstrain of ligaments and muscles, which contributes to the obtaining of tendon stretches.

Very often, the cause of pain is a normal injury, but it does not always happen

Home Diagnostics

Active advancement on a career ladder and weight of "adult" affairs not always allow to take the child to the doctor without delay: maybe, will bother and will cease.

But if you always rely on this statement, you can miss the onset of a serious pathology - the period in which the treatment is most effective.

Therefore, it is extremely important to determine how serious a pain can be and what is their source.

  • Begin a home diagnosis with the establishment of the facts, whether the kid was injured - maybe he slipped or fell during games with peers, hit the back of the bed, in an attempt to quickly jump into it after turning off the light.
  • Inspect and gently probe the affected knee: redness and local skin temperature increase, swelling and swelling are signs of an inflammatory process.

The presence of abrasions and scratches on the knees allows you to unmistakably determine the source of pain. The situation is much more complicated if children repeatedly complain that "it hurts from within" without any apparent circumstances.

Injury of the knee in the child is not an excuse to refuse examination, especially,if the pain does not pass within 2-3 days. Because the damage can be more serious and profound than just a scratch or bruise:

  1. Sprain. Children and adolescents undergo constant, active growth of bones, joints and ligaments undergo regular changes. Stretching often does not go without medical assistance and can for a long time serve as a source of discomfort.
  2. A crack in the thigh bone - a frequent consequence of bruises and falls - also requires compulsory consultation with a traumatologist.
  3. Tendovaginitis - inflammation of the tendon sheath of the muscles of the thigh and lower leg, accompanied by severe pain in the knee region. Such processes contribute to deformation and contracture of ligaments, therefore, without the application of gypsum or longi (removable gypsum bandage), treatment will not do.
  4. A break in the meniscus, joint trauma and displacement of the knee cap are accompanied by very strong pain: children can not even stand on their legs. The assistance of surgeons and trauma specialists in such cases should be urgent.

Reasons for invisibility

Now, when arthrosis is diagnosed in 20 years, osteochondrosis at 30, and the whole world is seized with fear of cancer, the appearance of pain in the children's knees for no apparent reason scares even more than the sprains, dislocations and cracks of the bones together taken. Why does it hurt if the baby does not fall and do not hit?

Among the causes invisible, the most common are physical overloads - long walks or excessive intensive activities of adolescents in the gym often result in soreness in the knees and lower leg, in the evening. Do not overlook factors such as excess weight and flat feet - they cause an increased strain on the joints of the feet, in view of which children get tired faster and may well appear pain.

In such cases, it is very important to choose the optimal physical activity.

Intensive training with excessive excess weight for children does not always become the best solution: an already high load on The knee joint is aggravated by the need for constant movement - this helps to injure and deform the joints and ligaments.

Or maybe we just grow?

To testify that the child is growing, can not only fly in a dream, but also pain in the knees. Till the age of 12 the children's organism intensively grows and develops, tissue differentiation occurs.

Especially from the rapid growth of the affected legs - their vessels do not yet have sufficient elasticity, the circulation of blood on them is normal only if the active movement.

Pain that indicates growth often appears in the evening or at night, at a time when the flow of blood is slowing.

During an active growth of pain in the knee area may arise due to the unnatural growth of bones, vessels, ligaments ...

To help the child cope with such pains can be with the help of massage: the tissues warm up, the circulation of blood in them increases, and the pain recedes.

Severe diseases, such as gout and rheumatism in children and adolescents, are practically not registered, because for the appearance of serious changes in tissues takes a lot of time.

Nevertheless, to identify the cause of discomfort and adequately assess the need for medical care is very important, because incorrect diagnosis at tender age can cause contracture of ligaments, joint deformity and violation mobility. If you have any doubts, immediately lead the child to the doctor - modern professional Diagnostic methods will help to answer the question "why" and start treatment as soon as possible (when necessity).

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The child's knees ache: causes, consequences, what to do

An ordinary child who is almost constantly on the move can have knees ached. The knee joint is very easy to damage.

There are so many different in nature joint pain.

But, if it is a question of children, it is possible to name the certain list of the reasons which provoke occurrence of painful sensations.


If a child has a knee ache, then something is wrong with the joint. Perhaps a dislocation, or inflammation of the cartilaginous tissue. Let's look at some of the most common factors that cause soreness in the knee joint area.


Because children are very mobile due to their age and lifestyle, the very first cause of pain under the knee may be his injury. Injuries can also be of different types - these can be dislocations, fractures, ligament ruptures, sprains, and other injuries.

But this is more relevant to the consequences of knee injury.

It is also interesting that children and parents can not always immediately answer the question, was it traumatized knee, because the first can be carried away by games, and the latter can not follow every movement of the son or daughter.

Moreover, it often happens that the pain begins to disturb after a certain time, even after a few days. Therefore, often doctors direct them to a picture to exclude or confirm a fracture or other damage.


In childhood, overloading the knee joint can also cause the appearance of soreness.

Prerequisites can be very much, they include long running, climbing stairs, cycling and other factors.

Children themselves are very difficult to understand that the overload of the joint is fraught with consequences that will have to endure.

Overloading is not treated, doctors can say that the knee joint is less stressed. Time is needed for the pain to pass. Parents in this case can feel sorry for the child, do not strain again, anoint it with ointment "athlete" or similar means.


Infectious diseases can provoke soreness in the knee joint area. This is one of the most dangerous causes that need to be identified in a timely manner, then proceed to eliminate it.

Symptoms of infection may be limited movement, if you notice that the baby is all less movement of the knee or movement causes severe pain, then you can call an ambulance help.

The later you contact a specialist, the more serious the consequences. Children can even develop arthritis and in the future this disease will bring them a lot of different kinds of complications.

Congenital diseases

There are some congenital malformations of the fetus, which are difficult to identify after childbirth or in the first months of a child's life. They will begin to manifest themselves when the baby starts walking alone.

In most cases, such developmental defects can not be independently determined, this should be handled by specialists.

The main thing is to understand and ask for help in time.

Sometimes five-year-olds can undergo an operation that will eliminate the causes of soreness and return them to a healthy life.

Diseases of the blood

Causes of pain under the knee can also become some blood diseases. These include leukemia. Knees in children can ache even at night.

Symptom of this disease can be pain of the knee joint, which is increasing with time.

Maybe even so, that the child will stop getting up from bed, complaining of pain.

Parents begin to independently treat the knee in all possible ways and ointments, but this will not bring relief, but will only lose valuable time that could be spent on treatment.

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What should parents do?

To understand why the knee hurts, you can talk with the child, figuring out whether he fell today, hit? If the child hurts under the knee in the daytime and at night, and the parents can not determine the cause, it is necessary to seek help from the doctors. A traumatologist or orthopedist will help determine the cause, prescribe adequate treatment or preventive measures.

However, first aid can be provided by parents:

  • Help the child can anesthetic and ointment, you can also apply a bandage, if it is overload.
  • If this is external injuries, then first aid is disinfection with the help of hydrogen peroxide, you can anoint with greenery.
  • If the leg has swelling and swelling, then it can be removed with a cold compress.

The doctor after the consultation will put a preliminary diagnosis. To confirm it, you will need to take an X-ray, take a blood test.

After this, it is possible to diagnose with high accuracy the causes, from which preventive measures or treatment are prescribed, up to surgical intervention.

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The child has a knee pain: causes and treatment

Children can often hear complaints of pain in the knee. It can be a sign of a serious illness. After all, in addition to ARVI and stomach upset, there are many other diseases.

Therefore, it is important to monitor the manifestation of even the slightest symptoms that disturb the child. Because they can be a sign of a more serious illness. Why does the child have knee pain? This question can not be answered unambiguously.

Since the causes of pain in the knee joints, a lot.

For most children, pain in the knee is not a sign of the disease. With age, it passes. But nevertheless there are inflammatory diseases of knee joints or systemic arthritis in children. If the disease is detected in time and consistently treated, then success in therapy is guaranteed.

Sometimes the child may miss the attention of the parent. Therefore, complaining of pain in his knees, he may need parental involvement.

Often children simulate pain, because they lack parental affection, especially this constantly arises in preschool age.

If this is so, then usually the pain arises when the parents are busy with something and do not pay attention to the child. If he plays or is engaged in communication with other children, then his discomfort does not usually bother him.

Rapid growth and Osgood-Schlatter disease

The child has a knee pain at night or before bedtime. This usually affects older preschoolers or adolescents.

This is due to the fact that during this period the child grows rapidly, and, consequently, his bones also grow. In such cases, the pain affects not only the knee, but also the shin.

The Osgood-Schlatter disease shows similar symptoms when there is no inflammation in the joint, and after a few months it disappears.

What causes pain?

There are different factors that provoke pain in the knee. We will now consider them:

- Increased activity during the day.

- Intensity of movements, especially during sports activities, can also lead to pain in the knees. In obese children, this happens more often. Because the load on the joints is higher.

- When there is an overload of knee joints, the pain will remain the next day.

- After a fall or injury, a fracture or a crack in the knee joint is possible. In this case, the knee swells, swells, the child receives complaints of severe pain, there is the inability to move the foot.

- If the elastic cartilages are displaced or damaged, the mobility will be limited permanently.

- With tumors, osteomyelitis and other pathologies of the joints, the knee also aches in the child. What to do in such cases, only the doctor will say. In this case, inspection and control may also be required.

Other causes of pain

The most common reason why a child has a knee pain is a trauma. And even the most simple can lead to serious consequences. Because children's joints and bones are very fragile.

If there is inflammation or knee joint damage, the child will also feel pain. This may be the initial stage of arthritis, which arose after a fall or injury.

When the baby falls, it can hit a hard surface, and this blow will be enough to cause inflammation or injury to the knee joint.

The impetus to the occurrence of arthritis can be an infectious disease, such as tonsillitis (tonsillitis).


If the red knees of a child and there was swelling in their area, then this is the first manifestation of acute arthritis. Juvenile arthritis can be dangerous because the symptoms with this disease do not immediately manifest. And there can be no obvious inflammation.

Everything can begin with the fact that the child has a knee ache when he wakes up in the morning or rises the stairs. Diagnosis of this disease is possible only after radiographic examination and blood donation for several types of tests. After this, an adequate treatment can be prescribed.

This disease can occur when the immune system is weakened, and its causes are not completely investigated. But there is an opinion, however, nothing confirmed, that the development of the disease can provoke preventive vaccinations.

Congenital pathology and neuritis

If pathologies of joint development are congenital, the pain in them during movement can become permanent. When the ligament slowly develops, it interferes with walking, and the child always has a knee pain.

Therefore, you need to consult a traumatologist and a surgeon. Also, the cause of pain can be neuritis, that is, when the nerve is pinched or inflamed.

If this happens, then you need to contact a neurologist.

Rubbing and Massage

Than to treat a pain in a lap? The more experienced parents, who passed through this, know that from the nocturnal complaints of pain in the knees, rubbing with warming ointment will help. Suitable, for example, "Star" or "Doctor Mom." You can also do massage with warm hands. It will bring relief and help the child to go to sleep.

A fall or stroke can lead to a rupture or sprain of the ligaments, which will be characterized by pain. How to treat your knees after such incidents? The knee is fixed with an elastic bandage. Also, you need to contact a trauma clinic for advice to a traumatologist.

Than to treat a pain in a lap? With motor activity in a teenager, pain under the knee may start unexpectedly and without cause. This may be a manifestation of Osgood-Schlatter disease, a small massage will help here.

Treatment of acute arthritis

If a child has a knee ache and, in addition, there has been swelling, redness, and also high fever, this indicates that inflammation is manifested, and it is necessary to visit a doctor.

Treatment of acute arthritis should be started immediately. Usually, medications are prescribed that will relieve inflammation, and compresses with Dimexidum. The child needs peace, vitamins and drink. The joint must be controlled. It is also necessary to record any manifestations of arthritis.

Knee joint: the causes of pain in it

To determine why a child hurts a knee, you need to know how the joint itself works. Between the upper and lower bones of the knee are two discs (meniscus). They share these bones.

Ligaments, tendons and muscles fasten the bones of the thigh and lower leg. A cartilaginous tissue covers the surface of bones inside the knee joint.

It is necessary to absorb impacts and provide a sliding surface so that when moving there are no painful sensations.

So why can a child have a knee? Because of the fact that there was a trauma or infection spread to this area. But stretching ligaments can heal without the intervention of doctors after a certain period of time.

Knee structures (cartilage, tendons, periarticular bags) can be damaged. And it will cause pain in the knee. Also, such discomfort will be present if various knee structures are damaged.

Pay attention to complaints

Often, because of solving their problems, parents do not pay attention to the child's complaints, which can lead to such a dangerous disease as chronic arthritis. It can cause damage to the joints, heart, eyes and lungs. Therefore, timely access to a doctor not only will cure the child, but also save his life.

To date, such a disease as arthrosis, is often detected in 20 years, and osteochondrosis - at 30. Therefore any complaints of the child can frighten parents even more. Especially if for them there are no visible reasons.


So why can there be pain in the knee? If there was a long walk or very intense physical education, then, perhaps, there was an excessive load on the body, in particular, on the joints. On the area where the pain appeared, you need to wind the elastic bandage.

If these symptoms recur, you need to carefully select the load for the child. In this case, it is necessary to take into account all factors: both excess weight, and flat feet, and so on.

Injury of ligaments

How to treat your knees when traumatizing and deforming the joints and ligaments? First you need to pay a visit to a traumatologist who, after X-ray diagnostics, will determine the severity of damage to the knee joint. Prior to this, you need to fix your foot so that you have the least possible load on it.

A small conclusion

Now you know why the child may have pain in the knee area. As you might have noticed, these can be serious diseases.

Therefore, when the first complaint of the baby is better to take him to the doctor and conduct a diagnosis in order to exclude the presence of serious pathologies.

After all, at the initial stage it is easier to cure this or that disease.

A source: http://.ru/article/284645/u-rebenka-bolit-koleno-prichinyi-i-lechenie

What causes knee pain in a child - causes and proper treatment

Many young children like moving games, where you can run and jump a lot. But plenty enough to play catch-up does not work, if the knees hurt the child.

How to recognize the presence of such a problem, and understand that the crumbs are concerned with the painful sensations in the knees? And how can you help a child who has knee pain? This article will tell you about this.

Why there are pains in the knee of a child

The pain in the lap of a child is most often due to the high physical activity of a small fidget. The knee is one of the most important joints in the human body.

Throughout the day, the knee joint experiences tremendous stresses from large bones that it connects to each other.

Actually, it is because of this that young children and adolescents complain of pain in their knees.

In children of different ages, the causes of painful sensations in the knees are often specific. The following table shows the main factors that make the child's knees ache.

Answering the question of worried parents about why the child has knees ache, doctors most often point to such a factor as trauma. Damage is not significant, but this does not mean that they do not need to pay attention. The musculoskeletal system in children is not yet formed, and therefore small injuries in the knee area entail a strong dislocation or fracture of the joint. If the pain in the knee area occurs after the injury, it helps the specialist immediately guess the cause of its occurrence. Contact with the child in the hospital is if there are the following symptoms that occur after injuring the knee: blue skin; OK noticeable edema; the sensitivity of a part of the limb below the knee is lost; the movement of the leg in the knee is severely limited, the limb It does not straighten or bend; painful sensations do not go away after a few days; Pain in the knee is so strong that it interferes with to the child to go. Girls with age 10 years and older (13-18 years) often diagnosed with a displacement of the knee cap, which occurs against the background of minor traumas. They can subsequently be repeated with heavy loads on the knee joints.

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Inflammatory process

If a child complains of sudden, sudden and severe pain in his knees, this may indicate an acute inflammation in this area. If the inflammatory process has passed into a chronic form, then the pain may temporarily cease, and then again make themselves felt, gradually increasing.

The main causes of inflammation in the knee joints in children are:

  • Arthritis of an infectious type that develops due to infection in the child's joint;
  • septic bursitis - when the infection affects the joint bag;
  • children's rheumatism - manifests itself quite rarely in a strong form, and is unlikely to lead in a small age to strong changes in the joint;
  • tendonitis - due to severe overloads tendons become inflamed; osteomyelitis - the inflammatory process develops in the joints of the lower extremities of the child;
  • juvenile arthritis, which is caused by inflammatory processes, provoked by autoimmune disorders.

If the knee of a child hurts because of articular inflammation, then it is necessary to immediately identify the causes of pathological processes and eliminate them in a timely manner.


Complaints of pain in the knee often occur in a child who is actively involved in sports. They are the result of strong overloads on the knee joint (in particular, if you have a lot to jump, run or ride a bicycle). Excessive strain on the legs and knee joints also result from excessive weight. Complaints about pain and discomfort in the knees often begin in adolescents who want to quickly lose excess pounds with intense physical activity.

Overloads negatively affect the condition of articular surfaces, tendons and muscle fibers, causing them to be injured. At the outset, the symptoms of the pathology are poorly expressed, can be felt constantly, arise immediately after sports, or grow with time. Most often the child feels pain in both legs, which, with the continuation of overloads, begin to progress.

Pathologies of development

If your child complains of pain in the knee area, the cause of discomfort can be pathological conditions, birth defects. In this case, the importance is both violations of the structure of the knee joint itself, and the pathology of the development of any other part of the foot. If pathologies of development exist in the lower extremity, then they can cause the development of the following adverse conditions:

  1. pathology of the development of the knee meniscus;
  2. flat feet; the defect of the development of the hip joint, which provokes the infringement of the femoral nerve;
  3. anomalies in the structure of the joint of the lower limb; the appearance of neoplasms, tumors and cysts;
  4. Osgood-Schlätter disease, which develops mainly in adolescents aged 11-15 years, and its symptoms are more pronounced in the evening or at night.

Pathologies of development of the knee joint are manifested usually after the baby begins to walk. But sometimes they can be seen in older children (5 years and more).

Age-related changes in the child's organism

A feature of development in adolescents aged 10 years and older is their body's ability for rapid, intense growth. But it is worth noting that not always the development of all the elements of the musculoskeletal system (tendons, muscle ligaments, bones, nerves, vessels) occurs in a harmonious and harmonious way.

Because of this, the adolescent's legs and knees ache. Determine that the child's joints hurt because of the active growth and development of the musculoskeletal system, it is possible on the following grounds:

  • painful sensations occur mainly at night;
  • some relief comes after massage and rubbing ointments with a warming effect (this is due to increased blood circulation);
  • pain can occur only in one leg; unpleasant sensations in the knee of a child appear at night, after previous physical exertion in the daytime (for example, sports training or long-term walking);
  • the child is at the age when the body is actively growing (preschoolers up to 5-6 years and adolescents 10-15 years).

There is also a more detailed classification of the causes that cause the appearance of pain in the knees of children of different ages.

Valgus and varus deformities

Develop due to incorrect loads on the feet. For example, valgus deformities are characterized by an X-shaped arrangement of legs relative to each other.

In this case, the knees fall inward, the pathology is accompanied by flat feet, and the middle gluteal and posterior tibial muscles are weakened. Varus deformities are clubfoot.

This pathology is characterized by the location of the legs in the form of the letter "O weakened gastrocnemius and adductor muscles.

Pain in the knees often arise due to their over-extension, weakened muscles of the abdominal walls or the progression of lordosis in the lumbar spine.

Painful sensations in front of the knee joint. If your child is too active, pain may occur in the anterior part of the knee joint. Unpleasant symptoms intensify at times of physical activity (for example, when a teenager runs or plays football).

Injury of cruciate anterior ligaments

Violation of knee joint stabilization, provoked by abrupt changes in the direction of movement and stops during sports children's games, is one of the most common knee injuries in mobile children.

Osteochondritis of dissecting type

High physical activity of the child provokes a rupture of cartilage and bone layer located under it, as a result of which necrosis of the condyle tissues in the femur develops.

Due to the fact that the pathology does not differentiate immediately with muscle stretching, the articular surface continues to collapse, as well as flexion and extension of the knee - is sharply limited.

Osgood-Schlatter disease

If the knees hurt a teenager, this may indicate the development of Osgood-Schlatter disease.

It is associated with the intensive development of the child's body and body. Pain with such a pathology is often localized in one knee, accompanied by a strong edema.

Even the slightest touch to the affected area causes extremely unpleasant sensations.

Instability of the patella

The patella is located in the groove of the femur, and when it dislocates or subluxations, it leaves it, causing sharp and sudden pain in the knee.

Sinding-Larsen-Johansson disease

Develops in adolescent boys, actively involved in sports. It is accompanied by strong swelling and pain in the patella.

Symptoms of this disease can occur in girls 8-10 years old.

Long running or jumping causes stretching of the tendon of the knee cap and the development of inflammatory processes.

Pelvic pathology

Unpleasant and painful sensations in the knees can be caused by pathological conditions of the hip joints.

This is because, in comparison with the hip bone, the knee joint is located closer to the surface.

Pain in the knees of children aged 4-10 years also occur due to hip dysplasia, hip fractures, septic arthritis, femoral necrosis

Juvenile arthritis

The hands and feet of a patient with juvenile arthritis

The presence of such a pathology is indicated by an increase in body temperature, accompanied by a strong restriction of movement in the knee joints.

Juvenile arthritis belongs to rheumatic diseases and develops, as a rule, in children under 2 years old.

The disease develops due to the immune pathology, in which the tissues of the body and joints are primarily affected.

Painful sensations occur after exercise or in the evening. Their enhancement occurs after awakening, manifested not only near the knees, but also in the region of the ankles, jaws, wrists and neck.

In the morning hours, the affected joint becomes so stiff that the baby can not normally bend and unbend his leg. In this case, the presence of inflammation is indicated by edema and redness on the affected area.

Even in the case when an accurate diagnosis is not made, the characteristic symptomatology will help to determine the relationship with the named pathology. The probability of such a disease is highest in preschool (5 years) and in adolescence (slightly older than 10 years).

Diagnosis of knee diseases in a child

It often happens that parents can not immediately take their child to the hospital if the baby begins to complain of pain in the knees.

In this case, you can diagnose the problem at home.

Parents should understand that with such complaints it is necessary to find out the cause of their occurrence as soon as possible, so that the situation does not worsen.

What should parents do to determine the cause of pain in their child's knee?

  1. The first thing to ask is when there was pain, whether it was accompanied by any injuries?
  2. Next, you should examine and feel the affected leg crumbs. If there is a tumor or edema in the knee area, redness is observed, this indicates a developing inflammation.
  3. More difficult is the situation, if the knee of the baby hurts from the inside, and on the skin around it there are scratches, abrasions and bruises.

In any case, do not give up the medical examination, especially if the pain does not stop several days in a row. After all, they can arise due to cracks in the bone, fractures of the meniscus, sprains, inflammation in the muscles of the lower leg and thigh.

Small children need to be hospitalized with such symptoms immediately on the "first aid and those to whom is already 6-7 years old, you can give an anesthetic at home and then take it yourself hospital.

Features of treatment of pain in the knees of a child

If the baby complains of pain in the knees, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

The specialist will study the problem, put an accurate diagnosis, and then appoint a therapeutic complex of anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, ointments and compresses.

Depending on the complexity of the condition of the small patient, he may be assigned a course of exercise therapy, which will help restore mobility to the knee joint.

Very part of children is assigned special orthopedic footwear. To buy this is best in specialized stores - like this one.

In particularly difficult cases, surgical intervention is performed, and rehabilitation, prevention and post-operative treatment are conducted in a specialized sanatorium or dispensary.

The complex of examinations with aching pain in the knee is appointed by the doctor, depending on the reasons that triggered her appearance.

Basically it includes such procedures:

  1. X-ray examination;
  2. MRI;
  3. CT scan.

Based on the results of such a survey, the doctor develops an individual treatment plan for a small patient.

Consequences of knee pain in children

Pain in the knees of children in the absence of timely medical care can have serious and adverse consequences.

  • The accumulation of fluid in the joints, because of which edema develops, there is an increase in their size. In this case, the doctor performs a puncture, removing the pathological fluid.
  • Dislocation or fracture The kneecap is most susceptible to injury when falling. As a result of a strong mechanical impact, a fracture may occur, due to which there is limited movement.
  • Bursitis - swelling in the knee, caused by an infection in the open wound. It is treated only through surgical intervention.
  • Violation of the integrity of the meniscus (located in the knee joint plate). If the child is not given the necessary help, the changes in the shape of the meniscus will be irreversible.
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If a child is injured in the knee area, then only a professional doctor can correctly assess his condition. To prevent the development of serious conditions after trauma, it is advisable to take the child to a preventive examination in the hospital at least once every few months.

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The child has a knee pain - what should I do?

What to do, when there is pain in the knee joints in children what to do, parents usually get to know the doctors, but in some cases there is nothing serious in these pains and you can manage it yourself. You need to contact doctors when the pain is strong or persists for a week or more. The reasons for which a child's knee joints hurt one or both legs are very diverse.

Osgood-Schlatter disease

For this reason, pain in the knee joint usually occurs in a child of 10 years. It is localized under the knee cups in front. The disease was first described by the scientist Osgood, and then Schlatter made it.

There is pain in the knees of the child with this violation in girls with 8 years, and in boys a little later - after 11 years. The real reason why this disease develops is because of a jump or a spurt in development. Pain can appear in one or both laps at once.

Traumatic injury

All kinds of injuries are common causes, which hurt the knees of children 4-7 years old. Unexpected damage usually provokes direct knee strikes or unnatural twisting, bending or falling on the knees.

Puffiness, bruising and soreness are serious and develop in a few minutes after the injury. Nerves with blood vessels in such injuries are squeezed and damaged.

The injuries that cause pain in children 5-8 years old are very diverse:

  1. Sprains, dislocations and other injuries of ligaments with tendons.
  2. Ruptures of elastic cartilaginous tissues.
  3. The destruction of the cup. Fractures in children are infrequent, because they have a small body weight and from a simple fall, such injuries are rare.
  4. Dislocated calyx over the knee.
  5. The displacement of the joint is one of the infrequent injuries in the case of serious injuries.

Inflammatory processes

To provoke pain in the knee joint in a child in 2 years or older can have different inflammatory and degenerative processes. They can be injured and children fall regularly.

Also can not exclude bacterial diseases, among which tonsillitis and tonsillitis. Ironically, they sometimes provoke the development of arthritis.

In acute form they are accompanied by swelling, pain and redness of the knees.

Juvenile arthritis, which causes pain in the knee joints at rest, even in toddlers 2 years old, is not always accompanied by obvious symptoms.

Sometimes the knees hurt only in the morning or after climbing the stairs.

Outwardly, no changes are visible, and they can be detected by X-ray examination and a comprehensive blood test.

It is impossible to exclude such causes of pain in the knee joints in a child up to 2 years old, as congenital pathologies. The case of underdevelopment of ligaments impedes normal walking, and for treatment, consultation with a surgeon and a traumatologist is needed.

What should I do if I have pain in my knees?

First, it is determined why there was pain in the knee joint in a child in 4 years or another age, and then a suitable treatment is prescribed. Therapy is selected by an experienced physician, but there are certain techniques to facilitate the condition before the diagnosis and treatment.

When the pain in the knee joints has appeared due to injury, it is necessary to apply cold, ensure peace and apply a bandage.

If inflammation is possible, self-medication is not recommended. If the pain is clearly expressed, local painkillers will help.

We must try to get to the clinic as soon as possible.

The main thing is to limit the child with pain in the knee joints from high activity. When the knees hurt a child 5-9 years only at night, and their reason for rapid growth, will help massage or rubbing with ointments.

Do not take in head to ignore the complaints of the baby for pain in the knees, regardless of the reasons. It should be remembered that effective therapy is possible only after a professional examination conducted by an experienced specialist.

If a child has knee pain at night, to relieve discomfort you need to rub the sore spots with ointment with a warming effect. It can be Doctor Mom or an ordinary Starlet, but in general a useful effect will be given even by warm Mom's hands.

When the knees hurt after falling or hitting, it's possible to stretch or rupture the ligaments. In this case it is important to fix the knee with an elastic bandage, and then go to the reception to the trauma clinic.

When the cause of the arisen pain in the knees in a child from 4 to 11 years in the inflammatory process, the doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and compresses with Dimexide. The child needs peace, copious drink and vitamin complex. The treatment process should be monitored by the attending physician.

Remember, to what doctor to address, when a child has knee pain, what causes pain, and how to get rid of the discomforts that have arisen.

A source:

Why knees ache in a child: the causes of joint pain in adolescents

Today, pain and discomfort in the knee in adolescents and children is quite common. After all, a child loves outdoor games, it is interesting to him everywhere to climb and learn something fascinating and new, and this often leads to various injuries.

In children, the body is constantly growing and developing, so their musculoskeletal system is not formed.

This feature leads to a systematic overstrain of muscles and ligaments, which often leads to sprain.

Diagnostics at home

The life of parents is always overloaded with work and a lot of household chores, so if a child complains that his joints ache during walking or at night, then adults do not always manage to immediately take him to hospital. After all, often moms and dads think that this is another minor dislocation or abrasion associated with excessive childish curiosity.

However, in this case, it is possible to miss the development of a serious joint disease. By the way, to treat diseases in which the knees hurt, it is easier and more effective at the initial stage. For these reasons, it is extremely important to establish what danger knee pain can cause and why it appears.

Home diagnostics should begin with a survey in which the child needs to find out whether he has received any injuries, for example, during games with other children. After that, you need to gently touch the child's legs. If the knee is red, swollen, and the affected area is fever, then it is the symptoms of inflammation.

The presence of scratches and abrasions in children on the knee makes it possible to immediately determine the source of pain. The situation can become more complicated if the children constantly complain, that the knee causes no harm inside.

When the joints are damaged in the child, the examination can not be refused, and especially if the leg hurts more than three days. After all, in this case, the trauma can be much more significant than the usual bruise or abrasion:

  • A crack in the femur is very often due to falls and bruises. In this case, a visit to a traumatologist is mandatory.
  • Sprain. Teenagers and children undergo regular growth of bone tissue, so their ligaments and joints are constantly being changed. Pain in a child with a sprain of the ligament does not go away by itself, so you can not do without medical help.
  • Meniscus rupture, displacement of the patella, joint damage - these phenomena are accompanied by severe pain, often the child does not get to stand on his feet. In this case, you can not do without the help of a traumatologist and a surgeon.
  • Tendovaginitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the tendon sheath of the leg and thigh muscles. In this case, children have severe pain in the knee. This pathology leads to deformation and contracture of the ligamentous apparatus. Therefore, it is necessary to make plaster casts or apply longi.

Hidden Reasons

So why does the child suffer from joint pain, if this pathology should develop in older people? Today, the diagnosis of arthrosis can be made in 20 years, and osteochondrosis - at 30 years. Moreover, children are increasingly diagnosed with oncological diseases.

Therefore, the occurrence of causeless pain in the knee alarms much more than stretching, abrasions or dislocations. So why do pains occur in the leg, if the child does not bump and fall?

There are so-called invisible reasons, which include a strong physical load, for example, prolonged absenteeism or excessive exercise. This leads to uncomfortable sensations in the knee joint and ankle.

Also, attention should be paid to such causes as flatfoot and overweight. So, the joints of the leg are subjected to a heavy load, as a result of which the child becomes fatigued and the pain intensifies.

After all, in this case, the knee joint receives a double load, which causes deformation and traumatization of ligaments and joints.

Can the pain in the joints of children be associated with the growth and development of the body?

In fact, unpleasant sensations in the knee area may also indicate that the child is simply growing. Up to 12 years, the children's body is rapidly developing as a result of which the tissues are differentiated.

In particular, the lower extremities suffer from intensive growth, since their vessels are not yet elastic enough.

Therefore, circulation in the legs can be normal only in the case of mobility.

Pain syndrome, accompanying the process of growth, usually occurs in the evening and at night, when blood circulation worsens.

To get rid of unpleasant sensations in the knee, the child needs to do a massage. Thanks to this procedure, the pain goes away, the blood flow is activated, and the tissues warm up.

Severe pathologies - rheumatism of the joints or gout in adolescents and children almost do not develop, as for the onset of degenerative changes in the tissues should take a long time.

But nevertheless to define the factor of occurrence of a pain and adequately to estimate need of the help of the doctor is very important measure. After all, an incorrect diagnosis in childhood can lead to impairment of motor functions, deformation of joint tissues and contracture of ligaments.

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