Orvi Symptoms and Treatment in Adults

How and how to treat ARVI in adults: drugs, drugs and complications

If there was a defeat of the respiratory system due to the virus, it is an acute respiratory viral infection.

In the cold period of the year the likelihood of contracting SARS increases several times. Approximately 60 to 80% of people are ill every year with a cold.

Small children and adolescents are most susceptible to viruses, since the immune system is not yet fully formed.

How can I get sick?

Often, the diagnosis of SARS is put to the patient after he has been in contact with a sick flu or parainfluenza. There is a risk of transmission of infection during a conversation, a kiss, a handshake. For this reason, the virus infection spreads very quickly in crowded places: crossings, metro, shopping centers, educational institutions. The mechanism is simple:

  1. the sick person coughs;
  2. viruses fly with sputum and saliva;
  3. fly in the air.

Usually dust particles along with viruses do not reach the person immediately. They first settle on the floor, and only then they rise into the air.

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Poor environments and excessive humidity become a favorable environment for viruses and bacteria. Especially often this is observed in autumn, spring and winter. Epidemics of acute respiratory viral infection can be easily explained by lowering the temperature indexes, supercooling the body. In addition, it is in the autumn-winter period that people suffer from:

  • beriberi;
  • weakening of the body.
Orvi in ​​the adultInfections affect the organs of the upper respiratory tract, causing inflammation, coughing attacks, and pain. Immediately the body temperature rises, which indicates the involvement of bronchi, alveoli in the inflammatory process.

If a rhinovirus infection has started, the patient will feel a chill, a pain in the muscles, a stuffy nose. Breathing is possible only after instilling a drop in the nose. However, drops can not be used for a long time.

In order not to infect other members of the family, the patient must:

  1. wear a special gauze dressing;
  2. Use only your personal hygiene items;
  3. systematically process them.

Otherwise, the whole family will fall ill within a few days.

Since the main source of infection is slime and saliva, you should not only wash your personal items as thoroughly as possible, but also hands with soap.

With seasonal outbreaks of morbidity, one should refrain from contact of hands with the lips, face, do not touch the nose.

How to distinguish influenza from ARVI?

As you know, ARVI is a group of diseases caused by a virus. Such diseases are transmitted by a drip and are accompanied by:

  • general weakness;
  • chills;
  • lacrimation;
  • increased sweating;
  • an increase in temperature to 38 degrees.

The patient feels constant pain in the joints, a headache.

Almost 80% of cases fall after contact with a patient with respiratory infection.

The peculiarity of the problem is that the body simply can not develop a stable immunity to viral infections, as they constantly mutate and adapt quickly to new conditions. Therapy of acute respiratory viral infections always occurs according to the standard scheme: temperature reduction, the use of antiviral drugs, antihistamines, vitamin preparations.

The flu is a more dangerous and insidious disease, and it can be hard to treat. It has long been no secret that more and more people have become increasingly diagnosed with outbreaks of influenza that take hundreds and thousands of lives.

Scientists know about 200 viruses, but the most common are:

  • pork;
  • avian;
  • Spanish.

The main difference from the usual viral infection in a particular infectious and severe course. The incubation period for influenza is 2-3 days. At this time the sick person does not suspect about his illness and infects dozens of people around him.

Symptoms of influenza are very similar to manifestations of acute respiratory viral infection, but proceed in a more severe form. There is nausea, vomiting, intoxication, headache.

In some cases, the flu is accompanied by sleep disturbances and even hallucinations. After infection with the flu, the patient must be isolated. He is shown:

  1. strict bed rest;
  2. antiviral drugs;
  3. adequate symptomatic therapy (drops in the nose, cough syrups).

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor may order the delivery of tests. The virus can be calculated with the help of a serological reaction, antibodies.

Such studies are quite expensive and are used only to confirm an epidemic or an influenza pandemic.

Symptoms of ARVI

Once a certain causative agent of a viral infection has entered the body, it needs time to begin active reproduction and harmful effects on the body. Usually the incubation period lasts no less than 2 days. After this time, the classic symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection begin, respiratory damage.

The first signs of an acute respiratory viral infection will be:

  • rubbing in the eyes;
  • increased total body temperature;
  • a situation in which the eyes and runny nose water;
  • Perspiration in the throat, dryness, irritation, sneezing;
  • increase in the size of the lymph nodes;
  • sleep disorders;
  • coughing attacks;
  • changes in the voice (if the mucous larynx has become inflamed).
SARS in an adultWhen the eye is affected, photophobia, inflammation of the mucous conjunctiva is observed. As with influenza, there is a risk of hallucinations.

The patient will experience symptoms of intoxication. They manifest themselves after catarrhal symptoms and pass earlier. You should know that the intoxication syndrome is more serious and complicated. It proceeds against a background of chills, increased temperature, vomiting, loss of consciousness. Often there is a headache.

In acute viral diseases, the nose also suffers: light discharge from the mucous membrane appears. They can be of low viscosity. At the end of the disease the exudate acquires a yellowish tinge. It is required to use drops in the nose.

Every patient has ARVI in his own way. It directly depends on the strength of the immune defense, the state of the respiratory system.

Especially dangerous are viral diseases for diabetics, people with heart failure. And relatively healthy people, the common cold can lead to dangerous complications if the disease is transferred "on its feet". Therefore, for a speedy recovery is better:

  1. adhere to bed rest;
  2. apply drops in the nose.

If the signs of the virus and the flu, for example, headache, dizziness are strong, then this is especially true.

To help the patient should give him drugs to lower the temperature and call a doctor. There is no need to treat a viral infection in the hospital. At observance of instructions of the doctor she perfectly passes or takes place and in house conditions.

Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in adults

When infected with viruses in about 10% of cases, the disease is mild. Depending on the stage of the disease and the infection, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

Several pathogens are known:

  • adenovirus;
  • rhinovirus;
  • metapneumovirus;
  • coronavirus;
  • paragripp;
  • syncytial virus.

The diagnosis will be determined according to the general epidemiological situation and the symptoms of the disease. If an epidemic of a specific virus has been announced, the first patients have already been tested, then it is likely that the rest of the affected population is infected with the same infection. According to statistics, the diagnosis is confirmed without costly research.

To treat ARI is required antiviral agents, analgesics. If the temperature rises above the level of 38 degrees, it must be knocked down. Preparations against the temperature are presented in pharmacies in a wide range.

But, if the temperature does not rise above 38, then doctors do not recommend to reduce it. Each patient should be aware that it is at such temperatures that the body cures the virus. Do not take medicine from the heat.

Treatment provides mandatory wet cleaning with the use of antiseptic. Ventilate the room, humidify the air, and wash the dishes with hot water.

Preparations for the fight against ARVI

drugs that help in the treatment of ARVIWhen a viral infection is prescribed to take antiviral non-steroid drugs, for example, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac. They will relieve the pain.

There is a need to take antihistamines, vasoconstrictive drops in the nose, drugs for sore throat, for coughing. Take all the drugs you need in the complex. It will be possible to facilitate breathing, soften cough, relieve tension from muscles, and stop the inflammatory process.

When after the acute respiratory viral infection and influenza the bronchi are affected, antibacterial therapy with antibiotics, phytoncides is carried out. If only a viral infection is detected, antibiotics are not needed, because they are not able to affect the virus!

With inadequate treatment or its complete absence, complications are possible:

  • pneumonia;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • bronchitis.

Already, depending on the severity of the patient's condition, prescribe to take appropriate medications and vitamin preparations, drops.

Treatment with folk remedies

Unconventional medicine offers its vision of the therapy of viral infections, and influenza and acute respiratory infections in particular. Such recipes are used at home as an auxiliary method of treatment.

So, the first symptoms and manifestations of ARVI and influenza will recede, if in the room where the patient is located, decompose a large amount of grated onions and garlic. The phytoncides that make up these vegetables kill viruses and bacteria.

You can do inhalation over a container with hot water. To increase the effectiveness of the liquid, add a chive of garlic, pine needle extract, fir oil, eucalyptus. Also on the basis of these oils do drops in the nose.

When ARVI developed and bronchitis, it is shown to take decoctions of medicinal plants:

  1. succession;
  2. ledum;
  3. marshmallows;
  4. mother and stepmother;
  5. liquorice root.
treatment of ARVIWith parainfluenza and laryngitis, inflammation in the larynx is treated with rinses. For this purpose it is good to make broths of chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula.

If there are signs of pharyngitis and adenovirus infection, the pharynx is inflamed and there is pain, it is useful to do inhalations, gargle with solutions with essential oils, apply drops in the nose.

The first symptoms of the disease pass, if on the nose and forehead do compresses of water and vinegar in a proportion of 1 to 2. Such procedures will help reduce heat. From a strong cough will help a hot foot bath with the addition of mustard powder. They can be done only if the body temperature is not increased!

The most popular and old method to treat ARVI and flu symptoms should be called inhalation over the decoction of potatoes.

From the cough get rid of compresses from boiled potatoes. The recipe is simple:

  • The cooked vegetable is put on gauze;
  • kneaded, sprinkled with alcohol;
  • put on the chest.

The compress is covered with food film, towel. Keep it will take from 30 to 50 minutes. This remedy is effective, the cold passes very quickly. Especially if you drip further into the nose.

During treatment, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. It can be warm milk, raspberry tea, berry juice, mineral water without gas, broth of hips of wild rose. From a long cough it is useful to use warm badger fat, honey with aloe juice, milk with butter.

What is the risk of infection?

In the absence of treatment or non-compliance with bed rest, dangerous complications of acute respiratory viral infection and influenza can develop. Osteitis, pneumonia, purulent inflammation in the sinus of the nose, myocarditis, inflammation of the brain, constant headache are rapidly joining the disease.

It may well after acute respiratory infections worsen chronic diseases. There are many cases when the transferred cold gives a serious complication to the kidneys, provoking pyelonephritis. Often, viral infections lead to inflammation in the larynx, pharynx, bronchi.

If you do not treat bronchitis at its very first stage, the chronic form of this disease develops, respiratory and heart failure. Details about why to treat ARVI, in the video in this article.


Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in adults

Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in adults

The most common and painful topic for every person and for every family in the autumn-winter period is ARVI. During the epidemic, 8-9 people out of 10 can get sick. By respiratory viral infections are meant diseases of the upper respiratory tract caused by a group of viruses. There are about 250 kinds of viruses that can lead to the development of acute respiratory viral infections.

The primary factor in the development of the disease is the hypothermia of the body and, as a consequence, a decrease in overall immunity. Subcooling of the lower extremities is of great importance.

Prevention of ARVI

If you do not want to hurt follow a series of recommendations:

  1. Adhere to a regular, rich in vitamins and protein nutrition.
  2. Be sure to get enough sleep, you can sleep 1-2 hours a day.
  3. Try not to get into stressful situations.
  4. Come home - wash your hands immediately with soap and water. Rinse thoroughly with soap and nasal passages.
  5. In public places, hospitals, pharmacies, shops do not hesitate to put on an ordinary disposable mask.
  6. Drip 2-3 drops of beet juice into the nasal passages.
  7. 2-3 times a day instill the drug Grippferon.
  8. Lubricate the nasal passages with Oksolin Ointment when going outside.
  9. Take 1 tablet of Dibazolum for 2 weeks.
If the virus has penetrated the body

As a rule, at first a period of the first unclear, weak symptoms appears. Weakness, coughing, runny nose, a sore throat, an aching in the muscles of the body, a small subfebrile condition. What can be done first thing at home? So, treatment of acute respiratory infections in the home suggests:

  1. It is very good to wrap it up and sweat in a dream.
  2. Rub feet with vodka, and put on warm dry socks.
We are treated at home

Next, we turn to treatment of acute respiratory infections with folk remedies.

We drink warm tea with honey and ginger:

  1. For a glass of tea, put one hour. l. rubbed ginger and the same piece of honey.
  2. All this is thoroughly mixed.
  3. You need 2-3 glasses of this tea drink.

You can put dry jars on your back.

Treatment of acute respiratory infections in adults involves the fact that you need to properly sweat. Therefore, we use tea with diaphoretic herbs:

Ortho treatment with folk remedies
  • Linden blossom;
  • elder;
  • raspberries.

If the acute respiratory viral infection proceeds without temperature, then the following simple method can be used for treatment:

  1. We collect half a glass of water
  2. We drip there 5 drops of iodine.
  3. We're drinking.
In case of further development of the disease

Traditional medicine in this situation recommends taking:

  • immunomodulators;
  • antihistamines;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • multivitamins.

Remember that before you start the treatment standards for ARVI in adults, it is better to consult a district doctor. He will be able to prescribe the optimal regimen for ARVI treatment in adults.

One of the proven antiviral drugs that allow for effective treatment of ARVI in adults is Viferon in a dosage of 50, 00 units. It contains ready antibodies for suppression from viruses. The drug of a similar group is Kipferon. Take this drug for 1 candle, rectally 2 times a day.

Another proven drug is Isoprinosine. It has antiviral nonspecific action and reduces immunosuppression of viruses. It is taken in a dosage of 500 mg for a period of 5 days.

Rapid treatment of acute respiratory viral infection in adults allows the use of antibiotics. However, as a rule, they are prescribed in the presence of complications of the disease.

From vitamins take large doses of ascorbic, up to 1 gram during the day.

Vasoconstrictors are recommended for use in obstructed nasal breathing.

To antihistamines we will refer:

  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Tavegil;
  • Loratadin et al.

Take 1-2 times a day.

Please note that cough preparations should be taken only on the advice of a doctor. Because it is necessary to assess the type of cough. However, lozenges containing sage are allowed.

Also warm milk with Borjomi in the same proportions will help.

Do not forget about the wet cleaning of the room up to 2 times a day, and also airing up to 4-5 times a day.

It is recommended to drink plenty of liquids to detoxify the body (up to 2 liters of fluid). It is very useful to drink:

  • milk with lemon and honey;
  • cranberry, raspberry, cranberry fruit drinks;
  • compotes;
  • citrus juices.

The patient needs to provide sufficient food with protein food: broths, vegetables and fruits, seafood. It should be eaten often, but fractional.

And most importantly - you need bed rest for the patient. Complications, as a rule, develop if the cold is transferred to the legs. These are defeats:

  • heart;
  • kidney;
  • brain;
  • lungs and others.


Symptoms of ARI and ARVI in children and adults. Treatment

Every year in the cold season, millions of people around the world suffer from diseases caused by viruses. The first symptoms of ARI - headache, weakness, nausea, fever, - cause discomfort and interfere fully with life. How correctly to treat acute respiratory infections? How to reduce the incidence of diseases in children? Our article will help you make up an optimal algorithm for fighting viruses.

What is ARVI and ARI?

Almost 90% of infectious diseases are ARVI - a group of diseases caused by acute respiratory viral infections. For example, it can be reovirus, respiratory syncytial, adenovirus, rhinovirus, parainfluenza virus, influenza. They differ from each other in their nature, specificity of organ damage.

symptoms of orzARI is an acute respiratory disease that is caused by a virus or bacterium. Symptoms of ARI in adults are expressed in the form of a cough, runny nose, high fever, lack of appetite. This is the outer shell of the organism's struggle with the disease, because we can not see the internal processes, nor can we analyze their dynamics.

The main difference between ARI and ARVI is its nature, essence. Such diseases occur due to harmful bacteria, hypothermia, whereas SARS have a purely viral origin. In addition, this term combines and exacerbation of chronic infections, colds, complications after them.

Why does an acute respiratory infection occur?

Now science knows more than 300 viruses that cause ARVI. The air-drop method of transmission promotes the rapid and easy spread of the disease. Infection through common things, dirty hand skin happens less often.

Symptoms of acute respiratory infections directly depend on the location of the inflammatory process. Depending on which part of the airway the virus has infected, doctors diagnose:

- pharyngitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx);

- Rhinitis (damage to the nasal mucosa);

- laryngitis (inflamed larynx);

- tonsillitis (tonsils suffer);

- bronchitis, bronchiolitis (inflammation of the bronchi, bronchioles).

Symptoms of SARS and ARI in children and adults

Symptoms of acute respiratory infections and ARVI in children and adults are the same: fever, runny nose, cough. If you just chilled on the eve and felt unwell, then you, most likely, have an ORZ. After all, ARVI occurs only on the basis of infection by a certain virus from another person. On the mucous membranes of the person's airways there are many bacteria (do not confuse with viruses). After hypothermia, a long stay in a draft, heavy physical exertion, cold drink is created an additional load on the body, which provides favorable conditions for the activation of bacteria. Symptoms of ARVI and ARI can appear in a few hours or days, it all depends on the type of virus.

Algorithm of actions with increasing temperature

The rise in body temperature arises from the active development of immunity of special substances that will fight the virus (interferon, antibodies). This is not the root of the problem, but the indicator of its availability. To bring down the temperature, you need to help the body lose heat, that is:

  1. Drink plenty, which will ensure normal sweating. Especially useful are compotes of berries, dried fruits, tea with raspberries.
  2. Ensure the optimal temperature in the room (not above 18 degrees). When inhaled, cool air will also require heat recuperation, which will help bring down the temperature.

Remember! Symptoms of ARI in children can not be alleviated by methods such as cold bath, wet sheets, ice-warmers. When the body feels cold, there is a spasm of blood vessels in the skin. As a result, the blood flow and heat release slow down. The skin, of course, will become cold, but the internal organs will suffer from an even greater temperature. The only exception to this rule is the simultaneous intake of antipyretics. But as self-sufficient methods of lowering the temperature, they are not that inefficient, but even dangerous.

Orz without temperature symptoms

The methods described above should suffice to provide favorable conditions for the body to fight the disease. But if the fever provokes convulsions, does not fall, the indicator of 39 degrees lasts more than an hour, then taking medications is simply necessary. Remember that their effectiveness directly depends on your compliance with two basic recommendations: abundant drinking and the presence of cool air in the room.

OCR: symptoms and treatment

The most safe and proven antipyretic drugs most doctors consider:

- "Paracetamol" (analogues: Panadol, Eferalgan, Tylenol).

- "Ibuprofen" ("Brufen", "Nurofen").

It is worth remembering that although these medicines have been tested by time and experience, they will not be effective against powerful viruses. Therefore, when the temperature rises, it makes sense to take them, but at the same time to track the dynamics of the patient's condition. If the symptoms of acute respiratory disease do not last a long time, then it is no accident. Therefore, immediately consult a doctor for a full diagnosis.

symptoms of Orz in adults

ORZ without fever: symptoms

As a rule, acute respiratory diseases that occur without temperature are caused by rhinovirus. The reason is that the area of ​​the nasopharynx is most open to him. We inhale cold air, over time there is a spasm of blood vessels, protecting the mucous mucus is produced less intensively, which creates favorable conditions for the introduction of viruses.

There is also an opinion that such a state is an indicator of good performance of the immune system. After all, the infection is suppressed without the involvement of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the thermoregulation of the body (also during the acute respiratory infections without temperature). Symptoms to look out for:

- runny nose;

- cough;

- weakness in the muscles.

The insidiousness of acute respiratory infections without temperature is that the disease can not be given due importance and is simply not cured. And this leads to various complications, including bacterial (otitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, tracheitis).

How to overcome a runny nose?

The appearance of liquid discharge from the nose is the first sign of a virus attack. As in the case of fever, the common cold is not a problem, but an indicator of its presence in the body. Thus, our body tries to localize the source of harm in the nasal passages and not allow it to penetrate the respiratory tract. In addition, such hated snot contain special substances that kill the virus.

symptoms of orz in childrenIn order not to lower their effectiveness, never let the mucus dry. To do this, drink a lot and breathe cool, necessarily not dry air (the +22 criterion). If the nasal passages become completely dry, the person begins to breathe only the mouth, which leads to the disappearance of mucus in the lungs and obstruction of the bronchi (one of the common causes of pneumonia).

Treatment of acute respiratory infections of rhinovirus nature

Symptoms of ARI (including the common cold) can be alleviated if:

- cool air;

- plentiful drink;

- moistening the nasal passages with drops, which will not allow the mucus to dry out (with saline solution, nasal drops, etc.).

In case of a cold in the viral nature, do not drip into the nose:

  1. Antibiotic solutions.
  2. Vasodilating drops ("Nazol", "Naftizin", "Sanorin"). The fact is that they provoke the disappearance of mucus. At first glance, it becomes easier for a person. But the absence of discharge from the nose provokes swelling of the mucous membrane. Accordingly, again it is necessary to drip drops to feel relief, but it will not come, and the symptoms of the rhinitis will not fully diminish the symptoms.

Remember that the symptoms of ARI in adults (including the common cold) is a protective reaction of the body to the appearance of viruses and bacteria. It does not need to be purposefully treated. Immunity will cope with the problem itself. Just need to be able to properly and in time to relieve the symptoms of the common cold.

Cough: how to treat

Coughing is a natural reaction of the body to a stimulus (in the case of acute respiratory infections, a viral nature). It cleans the lungs of mucus and helps restore normal breathing.

orz symptoms and treatmentAlthough phlegm cough and pushes out as an unsafe environment for viruses and bacteria multiplication, but this does not mean that it is necessary to achieve its complete drying. Such an action, as in the case with the common cold, will lead only to the disappearance of special enzymes with antiviral effect and bronchial blockage. Therefore, the previous recommendations: cool air and abundant drinking are also relevant in the fight against the symptoms of coughing.

What is dangerous self-treatment?

Never prescribe yourself a cough medicine yourself. Symptoms of acute respiratory infections may be of different nature. Not knowing the true cause of its occurrence, you can not feel the benefits of the drug and, it is likely, only aggravate the situation. The fact that the cough is intended to help the body in the fight against the virus, it is not the root of the problem, but rather, vice versa. Therefore, what medicine to choose: oppressing it or provoking increased expectoration, you should only tell the doctor!

After all, in case you need to get rid of excess phlegm in the respiratory tract, you can, on the advice of friends, buy a drug that depresses cough, resulting in the following: sputum does not expectorate, bronchi is clogged, bronchitis or pneumonia begins. And instead of the cured throat, we get a serious illness requiring a long course of antibiotic therapy.

Cough should not be removed at any cost, but to ease its symptoms, stop the infection in the throat and not let it sink lower. In anticipation of a doctor, you can take "Bromgexin", potassium iodide, "Lazolvan". But a full-fledged treatment should be prescribed by a qualified physician after the examination.

Features of the course and treatment of ARVI in children

symptoms of orgi and orzIf for adults ARVI is not so terrible, then the situation is different with children. Immunity is not yet formed, often weakened, and there are quite a few negative factors of the external environment. The respiratory infections themselves are not as dangerous as the risk of their complications. Almost every third sick child is susceptible to them: from the central nervous system, respiratory, cardiovascular. The fewer years the child, the more dangerous the complications.

In most cases, the baby starts to get very sick during the initial period of visiting the kindergarten. This is facilitated by the sad tendency of instability of immunity. To restore it, watch for a complete diet, give vitamins and make vaccinations on time. These simple truths help you reduce the incidence of the disease.

Another nuance of the course of ARVI in children is the occurrence of secondary immunodeficiency (or immune imbalance). It appears when, against the backdrop of almost retreated disease, the weakened immunity does not have time to recover, as a result, the body becomes very vulnerable to bacteria and viruses that successfully attack it.

Orz without temperature symptomsPrevention of SARS will help you less often to get sick and improve immunity. Try to avoid meeting with infected people, very crowded places. In winter, drink vitamins, eat well. And you will definitely feel the effect.

Symptoms of acute respiratory disease in a person is important immediately to notice and start treatment on time to avoid complications. With a sharp and high temperature rise, always consult a doctor, do not waste precious time. If the cold does not pass 5-7 days, you need to conduct a deeper analysis of the symptoms and adjust the treatment.


How to treat ARI in an adult

Acute respiratory diseases (ARI) are very widespread, they occur in any season, especially often in the cold season. ORZ in adults can be caused by a variety of pathogens, but most often - viruses, which number about 170 species. The most common viruses are parainfluenza, influenza, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial. All of them are transmitted by airborne droplets, and each of the pathogens affects one or another part of the respiratory tract, for example, the influenza virus - the trachea, adenovirus - pharynx.

But not always ORZ cause viruses, according to statistics, in about 30-50% of patients the development of this disease provoke bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, legionella, meningococcus), mycoplasma or chlamydia. In this case, the patient is prescribed antibiotics, which are selected individually depending on the pathogen.

Pathogenesis: what happens in the body of a sick person?

ORZ is usually transmitted by airborne dropletsInfection occurs only by airborne droplets from a person who has an acute respiratory disease. After this, the virus begins to multiply in the respiratory tract, resulting in thousands of virions (virus particles). Virions seize new areas of the respiratory tract, actively multiply on them, which causes necrosis and mothballing of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree. The vastness and severity of lesions depends on the pathogenicity of the virus, as well as the state of human immunity.

Adenovirus and bacterial ARI have some peculiarities. So, with this type of disease, the very fact of infection is missing. The fact is that most of the pathogens of bacterial ARI are part of the conditionally pathogenic microflora, which is constantly present in the airways of a healthy person. And adenoviruses have the ability for a very long time to survive in the human body. That's why doctors are convinced that adenoviral and bacterial ARDs develop as a result of a sharp decrease in the protective forces of the human body.

Usually, in adults, such a disease as acute respiratory disease does not last long, it proceeds benignly. But against the backdrop of this disease, other chronic pathologies of the respiratory tract, which can lead to serious secondary bacterial complications, can become aggravated. To combat such dangerous consequences, the patient will have to take antibiotics.

Signs of acute respiratory infections of the viral etiology

Symptoms of the disease appear after the end of the incubation period, which can last from several hours to several days. One of the main signs of ARI is fever, which usually appears on the first day of the illness and begins with a chill. The temperature can rise to high values ​​- 38-40 degrees. The duration of the fever may be different, depending on which type of ARI is observed in the patient, for example, with rhinovirus infection, unlike influenza, the temperature rise will be insignificant and short-lived.

Symptoms and treatment of adult acute respiratory disease

Along with fever, there are symptoms of general intoxication, such as pain in the muscles and joints, headaches (in the forehead, temples, superciliary arches), weakness, aches in the body. Sometimes the pain is localized in the eyeballs, it can increase with the movement of the eyes or with pressure on them. Some patients have lacrimation, photophobia. In the elderly, the symptoms of the disease may include dizziness, a tendency to fainting. If ORZ runs in severe form, then there may be nonsense, insomnia.

Rhinovirus infection is characterized by symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, as well as discharge from the nasal passages, which at first mucous and watery, and some time later - mucous and grayish, and sometimes and puffy. This ORZ in adults can be accompanied by a sore throat, hoarseness and a feeling of heaviness in the head. Respiratory syncytial infection in adults is quite rare. It is characterized by the defeat of the lungs and bronchi in the form of bronchitis and pneumonia. In this case, the patient has symptoms such as shortness of breath, cough with phlegm and high fever.

The flu always begins acutely. In addition to fever and general intoxication of the patient, such symptoms as perspiration, pain and sagging behind the sternum, dry coughing are disturbing. The skin of the face and neck are hyperemic. The arterial pressure goes down, the pulse goes away. Sometimes, nosebleeds may occur. If such symptoms appear, you should definitely consult a doctor, because the flu can lead to serious complications, such as pulmonary edema, cerebral edema, and infectious-toxic shock. It is also often complicated by pneumonia, otitis and sinusitis, which are often used to combat antibiotics.

Adenovirus infection is accompanied by the defeat of not only the respiratory organs, but also lymph nodes and eyes. In this form of ARI, a white coating appears in the form of films or strands on the palatine tonsils. There are also such symptoms as pronounced puffiness of the eyelids, conjunctivitis, intestinal distress, enlarged lymph nodes and large-scale rash. This ARI can lead to the development of pneumonia.

Symptoms of parainfluenza are very similar to those of influenza, but the disease lasts longer, and all symptoms are much more pronounced. The patient experiences a dry, and sometimes coarse ("barking") cough, pain when swallowing, and even shortness of breath due to swelling in the vocal cords and their reflex spasm. Treatment of the disease should begin immediately, because already on the fourth day, the patient can develop pneumonia or bronchitis.

Enterovirus infection or summer flu is manifested by fever, enlarged spleen and liver, lymphadenopathy, nausea, abdominal pain. If the virus has spread throughout the body with blood flow, then on the hands and feet there is a rash, limbs become swollen, and in the mouth there are sores. If treatment does not start on time, then encephalitis and meningitis may develop.

Signs of acute respiratory diseases not viral etiology

If the disease caused chlamydia, the patient has fever, intoxication, tracheobronchitis, enlarged liver and spleen. For 2-4 days, pneumonia occurs, so treatment should be started as early as possible. If the patient has respiratory mycoplasmosis, then in addition to the high temperature and the phenomena of general intoxication, he will be troubled by tracheobronchitis and rhinopharyngitis. To prevent unpleasant consequences, the patient will have to take antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.

As a rule, the acute respiratory disease of bacterial etiology develops in people with chronic respiratory illnesses. Usually, the disease occurs gradually, intoxication and fever are not severe. But perhaps a severe course with pronounced intoxication and fever, which can lead to serious complications, such as, for example, pneumonia.


Before starting treatment, it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis in order to clarify the diagnosis. The patient is given a clinical blood test, and, if necessary, rapid diagnostic methods are also used. Occasionally, an exciter is detected by PCR.

The serological method is also used, which is relatively simple and accessible. In the course of the study, laboratory specialists check the paired sera, which were taken in the first days of the disease and after 5-7 days. Antibodies to viruses that are causative agents of the disease are found in various reactions. The diagnostic sign is the increase in titres four times or more.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of acute respiratory infections in an adult

If the patient's condition is not severe, then his treatment is at home. During the period of fever it is necessary to observe bed rest, drink more. A sick person should be isolated from others while treatment is under way, as he is contagious. Be sure to call a doctor, because only he can decide what to treat the patient.

If the disease is a viral etiology, then antiviral drugs with antiviral activity (kagocel, reaferon), as well as antipyretic and combined drugs (fervex, paracetamol, antigrippin, rinsasip). On the appointment of a doctor, use interferon. The treatment also includes the use of vasoconstrictive drops from the common cold (nasivin, vibrocil), oxolin ointment and vitamins (ascorutin, ascorbic acid, multivitamin complexes).

Sometimes doctors on the patient's question on how to treat the disease, recommend the use of homeopathic drugs (aflubin, influsicide). If bronchospasm develops, then bronchodilators (euphyllin, teopek) are used. In the early days of the disease, treatment may include antitussive drugs, both narcotic (codeine) and non-narcotic (glauvent). To improve sputum discharge in the following days, bromhexine is used. With adenovirus infection to get rid of conjunctivitis in the eye instilled oxolin or deoxyribonuclease.

If the disease has a bacterial, chlamydial or mycoplasmal etiology, then it is necessary to take antibiotics. Only a doctor can prescribe suitable antibiotics after the pathogen has been identified. It is impossible to take antibiotics independently, as they can cause a number of side effects, including such dangerous ones as anaphylactic shock. If the disease of the viral etiology is complicated by pneumonia, then antibiotics (amoxiclav, cefazolinum and so on) are also prescribed.

If the course of the disease is severe, and also if complications arise, the patient may be hospitalized in an infectious hospital. The question of what to treat it in this case solves only the doctor, depending on the severity of the patient's condition. In this case, not only antibiotics, but also hormonal drugs can be used.


For the prevention use interferon (intranasal). During the epidemic, you can wear a face mask, which should be changed every two hours. If you want, you can get vaccinated against the flu. It is also necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and, when the first alarming symptoms appear, consult a doctor with the question of how to treat the disease.


ORVI without temperature in adults: good or bad, how to treat ARI

Most adults associate infectious diseases with high fever.

Typically, a temperature greater than 37 degrees often occurs, as a consequence of the body's struggle with bacterial infection and viruses in ARI.

Doctors advise not to take the pill from the temperature, if it does not exceed 38 degrees. However, often there are SARS and ARI without signs of temperature, it is important to understand why this happens.


As you know, the normal temperature is 36.6 degrees. Sometimes in adults people can fluctuate up to 37 degrees.

Infection without temperature in most cases suggests the following:

  • weakening of the immune system,
  • depletion of body reserves,
  • infection is introduced because of a decrease in resistance.

Often low indices show that a person does not have a moral or physical rest, and there are also problems with the protective function of the body, which will then be indicated by symptoms.

SARS without temperatureWhen the immunity function starts to work badly - this is due to the developing infectious disease. For example, if a virus or other microbial infection alternates between adults, then the body does not have time to recover, because it is weakened by the previous pathology.

The sharp outbursts of a new disease (even ARI) often become an excessive burden on the immune system, even for adults, which affects the inadequate reaction of the body's thermoregulatory apparatus.

In some cases, the virus infection is without temperature, if there is dysfunction of the hypothalamus, which is often a case of strong intoxication of the body.

One of several functions of the hypothalamus in adults is the control of thermoregulation in the body. As is known, the hypothalamus is very sensitive to the effects of toxic substances. This department of the brain is responsible for the stability of the internal environment of the body.

During poisoning, which is considered an integral part of ARVI, in adults a temporary malfunction in the functioning of the hypothalamus may occur, which will affect the work of the thermoregulatory system.


Symptoms without a temperature are not specific, so to determine a person's normal temperature is difficult enough without a thermometer.

You can talk about ARVI in adults if there are the following symptoms even without the temperature:

  1. rhinitis, shortness of breath with nose, mucous discharge,
  2. soreness of the throat, swelling of the nasopharynx,
  3. sneezing,
  4. a dry cough that turns into a damp,
  5. Muscular pain, sensation of aches all over the body.

The majority of acute respiratory infections begin with sore throats, mucous secretions from the nasal cavity and general weakening. Since the temperature is at the usual level or is understated, the person observes:

  • apathy,
  • drowsiness,
  • irritability.

If in ARD the normal temperature becomes lower (hypothermia), you should consult a doctor.

Cough with SARS without fever

cough for orgiFirst you need to understand why there is a cough with ARVI. Cough is a protective reaction of the human body. With the help of a cough reflex, the airways want to get rid of sputum and reduce the irritation of the respiratory organs due to the products of the vital activity of bacteria and viruses.

If cough is present in ARI and ARVI, but there is no temperature, then patients often do not carry out treatment and continue to lead a familiar life.

This situation is dangerous because a person is the source of infection, and the disease itself can flow into a bacterial pathology.

When coughing with influenza increases, it can be a consequence of the spread of inflammation in the lower parts of the respiratory system, which must be urgently treated.

If the temperature does not go up in the future, then this indicates serious problems with the immune system. It can be argued that the body does not struggle with the problem, but the human condition worsens.

It is necessary to consult a doctor to begin treatment immediately, as in adults this condition can be complicated by bronchitis and pneumonia. In addition, the acute process can become chronic, which provokes pharyngolaringitis or protracted bronchitis.

If a person coughs best to consult a doctor regardless of the presence or absence of temperature. It is easier to prevent dangerous complications than to treat them.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosing ARI without temperature is more difficult than ARI. Elevated temperatures are part of the symptoms of classic viral disease.

If there is no temperature, then these signs of ARVI should be checked:

  • when and how the infection manifests symptoms,
  • what kind of cough,
  • how sputum and mucous fluid are secreted.

It should also be assessed whether there is a negative epidemiological situation in the region, in places of study or work.

To accurately identify the type of pathogen will require laboratory tests that detect viral antigens. In this case, use of the immunofluorescence reaction or the detection of antibodies to viruses.

To clarify the diagnosis and treat the disease, removing the symptoms, it is sometimes necessary to conduct a serological reaction in paired sera, they are withdrawn at the beginning of the disease and in the process of eliminating the disease.

Treatment of acute respiratory infections without temperature

Orvi treatmentAs mentioned earlier, the absence of temperature in ARVI very often indicates insufficiently strong immune defense.

That is why it is necessary first of all to support immunity, for example, to provide a person with rest, to protect from psychoemotional stresses and additional stress.

Treatment also involves a full diet and recovery of sleep.

If there are severe symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection and general weakness of the body, the treatment involves warming procedures:

  • drink a warm drink,
  • take hot foot baths,
  • wrapped in a warm blanket,
  • warm your feet with a warmer and wear warm socks.

Such treatment can be used alone or combined together. You should warmly dress, avoid drafts and regularly ventilate the room so that the infection has less chance of getting into the body.

To maintain and strengthen immunity, it is worth taking adaptogenic drugs, for example, tinctures:

  1. ginseng,
  2. echinacea,
  3. Schizandra,
  4. Eleutherococcus.

You can take these drugs for a month or two.

For the immune system to function fully, it is important to adequately supply the body with all microelements and vitamins. For normal life of the body it is necessary:

  • balanced eating,
  • take multivitamin funds.

Symptomatic treatment for ARVI and ARI with normal temperature is characterized by the use of medicines. It is necessary to begin treatment with antiviral drugs no later than on the second day after the onset of a malaise:

  1. drugs-inhibitors of neuraminidase: Relenza, Tamiflu,
  2. adamantane series: Remantadine,
  3. interferon inducers: Cycloferon.

To treat a runny nose follows vasoconstrictive nasal sprays or drops: NOC spray, Naphthysine. When coughing, it is good to take expectorant (mucolytic) remedies: solvine, mucaltin and others.

In addition, if there are alarming symptoms, then you can drink multivitamin funds or ascorbic acid, after consulting with a doctor.

The video in this article with Dr. Komarovsky answers the question about ARVI and the absence of temperature.


Prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in adults: drugs

Do you know what should be the treatment of ARVI in adults? Drugs in this disease can be different. However, taking them in certain doses is recommended only after consulting a doctor. If you can not visit the hospital in the near future, you can get rid of colds at home, without the use of pharmaceuticals.

Orvi treatment in adults

In this article, we will tell you in detail how to treat ARVI in adults. Drugs against this ailment will also be presented to your attention. In addition, you will learn how to protect your body and not get sick in the winter or autumn.

general information

The standard of ARVI treatment in adults is known to many. After all, this is the most common disease that an incredible number of people face each year, especially in the autumn-winter period. According to statistics, during an epidemic of acute respiratory infections, approximately 8 people out of 10 can get sick. And it should be noted that not always such a disease passes without a trace. A fairly large number of people develop complications. To avoid this, doctors recommend not to delay treatment, but to fight the disease immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms.

What is ARVI?

Before I tell you about the most effective regimen for treating ARVI in adults, it should be told what kind of disease it is.

Viral respiratory infections are ailments that affect the upper respiratory tract. As a rule, such a deviation is caused by a group of viruses. To date, there are about 250 species. They lead to the development of acute respiratory viral infection in an adult.

standard of care for adults

Causes of the disease

As already mentioned above, the standard of ARVI treatment in adults is known to a large number of people. But it is better to know not how to fight this disease, but how to avoid the very occurrence of the disease. For this purpose it is necessary to reveal the reasons of development of ARVI.

The primary factor in the occurrence of such a deviation is supercooling. If you have been in the cold for a long time or have become very wet under the autumn rain, the consequence will be a general decrease in immunity. In a few hours, and maybe even a few days, you will begin to feel chills, stuffy nose and other cold symptoms. It is at this point and should begin treatment of ARVI in adults. Drugs in this case need not be prescribed by a doctor. After all, you should only increase immunity again, and for this, ordinary vitamins (especially vitamin C) may be appropriate.

What if the virus has penetrated the body?

Rapid treatment of ARVI in adults is the only possible solution, due to which the disease will not continue its development. If the virus still penetrated the body, then immediately take a number of urgent measures. For this it is recommended to dress warmly, and then drink herbal tea with honey and lie under a warm blanket. Also, some doctors advise taking a shock dose of such a drug as "Paracetamol" (2 tablets at once).

As a rule, after the described actions (usually the next morning) all the symptoms in the form of weakness, cough, runny nose, sore throat and aches in the muscles of the body pass very quickly. But that these signs do not return to you again, it is recommended to maintain their immunity by taking vitamin complexes and consuming fresh fruits and vegetables.

effective treatment for adults in adults

Further development of the disease

Now you know what should be the effective treatment of ARVI in adults. But the above advice is recommended to apply in practice only if you have an initial stage of the disease. After all, with its further development, they will not help you.

Unfortunately, most people mistakenly believe that all the symptoms of a cold will go away on their own, without using any effort in the form of home or drug treatment. This reckless decision plays a fatal role in the fate of the patient. Symptoms start to increase, and a person's condition worsens. As a result, a patient with a mild cold gets to a hospital bed. That is why with the further development of the disease it is recommended to take all necessary medicines and vitamins without fail.

What drugs to use for treatment?

Effective treatment of ARVI in adults involves the use of such tools as:

  • immunomodulators;
  • antihistamines;
  • antiviral agents;
  • multivitamins.

Before proceeding to the standard treatment of ARI, it is better to consult a therapist. After all, only an experienced doctor will be able to assign you the optimal scheme and quickly get rid of the ailment.

adult regimen

So how to get rid of ARVI? Treatment in adults (drugs from viruses are named below) is reduced to taking an antiviral drug. To such an effective tool can be attributed "Viferon". This is a powerful medicine that contains ready-made antibodies that suppress viruses. Also in the pharmacy you can buy a similar product "Kipferon". This product is sold in the form of rectal suppositories. They must be used in an amount of 1 pc. twice a day.

Another proven means is "Isoprinozin". The medication has a nonspecific antiviral property, decreasing the immunosuppression of viruses. This drug should be taken at 500 mg per day for five days.

Reception of antibiotics

What else can be the treatment of ARVI in adults? The drugs presented above are good at curing colds. But if you need fast treatment, doctors can prescribe antibiotics. Although such funds are usually prescribed only in the event of complications. Otherwise, you can quickly recover from a common cold, but get many other problems associated with dysbiosis, etc.

What vitamins to take?

To increase your immunity and quickly get rid of all the symptoms of SARS, it is recommended to take more vitamins. The first in line should be ascorbic acid in a dose of 1 g per day. You can also purchase a whole complex that will support your immunity.

rapid treatment for adults in adults

If the cold is accompanied by the strongest cold, then you should use vasoconstrictor drugs. And antihistamines include:

  • drug "Dimedrol";
  • medicine "Loratadin";
  • drug "Tavegil" and so on.

Take medication twice a day.

Home treatment

To drug therapy has become more effective, some experts recommend combining it with folk recipes. For this, a generous drink is recommended (up to about two liters of liquid). This therapy will remove all the phenomena of intoxication of the body.

Orvi treatment in adult medicine

So, with ARVI it is very useful to drink:

  • warm crimson, cowberry, and cranberry fruit;
  • milk with honey and lemon;
  • various compotes from dried fruits;
  • citrus juices.

Also, do not forget about wet cleaning in the room and its regular airing. As for the menu, the patient needs to provide protein food, which should include weak meat broths or seafood. In addition, it is required to introduce into your diet fresh fruits and vegetables.

What can be complications?

The most important thing for a cold is bed rest. After all, if you decide to move the disease on your feet, it is unlikely that any treatment will help you. Moreover, if you do not comply with bed rest, ARVI can progress, as a result of which you are at risk get complications that will certainly affect the heart, brain, lungs, kidneys and other organs.

Treatment and prevention of ARVI

Now you know how to cure yourself and your loved ones from ARVI. However, we recommend that you better prevent the disease, rather than taking a large number of different medications later.

So, if you do not want to get sick, then be sure to follow the following recommendations.

treatment and prevention
  1. Eat a meal rich in vitamins.
  2. Be sure to get enough sleep.
  3. Avoid stressful situations.
  4. In public places, wear a one-time mask.
  5. Lubricate the nasal passages with oxolin ointment.


SARS is... Acute respiratory viral infection: prevention, treatment

Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) is a disease that affects the human respiratory system. The main cause of the disease is contact with viruses. The path of transmission of viruses is airborne.

The epidemic

Prevalence of ARVI

Disease of ARVI is widespread everywhere, especially in kindergartens and schools, work collectives. Increased risk of infection have young children, the elderly and people with a weakened immune system.

The source of infection is an infected person. The high susceptibility of people to viruses leads to a rapid spread of the disease, the SARS epidemic is quite a frequent phenomenon all over the world. Untimely treatment of the disease can lead to various complications.

Outbreaks of respiratory-viral infections occur all year round, but the ARVI epidemic is more often observed in autumn and winter, especially in the absence of quality prevention and quarantine measures to identify cases of infection.

Causes of ARVI

The cause of the development of the disease is respiratory viruses, which differ in a short incubation period and rapid spread. The source of the infection is a sick person.

Orvi this

The virus of ARVI is afraid of disinfectants, ultraviolet rays.

The mechanism of development

Getting into the body through the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract or the conjunctiva of the eyes, the viruses, penetrating into the epithelial cells, begin to multiply and destroy them. In places where viruses are introduced, inflammation occurs.

Through damaged blood vessels, getting into the bloodstream, viruses are carried throughout the body. In this case, the body secretes protective substances, the manifestation of which are signs of intoxication. If immunity is weakened, it is possible to attach a bacterial infection.


All respiratory-viral diseases have similar symptoms. At the beginning of the disease a person has a runny nose, sneezing, pershit in the throat, body aches, the temperature rises, appetite disappears, a liquid stool appears.

Prevention of adults in adults

Symptoms of SARS in a child can develop rapidly. Quickly increases intoxication, the baby is shivering, vomiting, pronounced hyperthermia. Treatment should be started immediately to avoid possible complications.

Signs of individual viral infections

Determine parainfluenza can be on mucous discharge from the nose, the appearance of a dry "barking" cough, hoarseness of the voice. The temperature does not exceed 38 ° C.

Adenovirus infection is accompanied by conjunctivitis. In addition, the patient may experience rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis.

With rhinovirus infection, the symptoms of intoxication are pronounced, the temperature may not rise. The disease is accompanied by abundant mucous discharge from the nose.

For respiratory syncytial viral infection, not pronounced catarrhal symptoms or bronchitis, strong intoxication are characteristic. Body temperature remains normal.

What is the difference between the flu and ARVI?

ARVI begins gradually, the development of the flu is rapid, a person can even indicate the time when he felt ill.

In acute respiratory viral infections, body temperature rises slightly, no higher than 38.5 C⁰. The flu is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature to 39-40 C⁰. The temperature in this case is maintained for three to four days.

In acute respiratory infections, the symptoms of intoxication are virtually nonexistent, the person does not shiver and does not throw into sweat, there is no strong headache, pain in the eyes, photophobia, dizziness, body aches, working capacity remains.

Symptoms of children

With flu, a strong runny nose and nasal congestion are absent, this is the main symptom of ARVI. The disease is accompanied by reddening of the throat, with a flu such a symptom is not always observed.

In ARVI cough, discomfort in the chest occur at the very beginning of the disease, may be mild or moderately pronounced. The flu is characterized by a painful cough and chest pain that appear on the second day of the disease.

Sneezing is typical for the common cold, there is no such symptom in the flu, but there is redness in the eyes.

After a flu, a person can feel a weakness, a headache, and fast fatigue for another two to three weeks, after such an infection, such symptoms are not preserved.

Knowledge of how the flu differs from ARVI will help a person to assess their condition and take the necessary measures in time to help quickly get rid of the disease and avoid complications.

What are the symptoms of ARVI should alert

Immediately, you need to see a doctor when the temperature rises to 40 ° C or more, which does not get knocked out by febrifuge preparations, in case of mental disturbances, intense headache pain and inability to bend the neck, the appearance of rashes on the body, shortness of breath, cough with colored sputum (especially with a trace of blood), prolonged fever, swelling.

What is the difference between flu and orgi?

An appeal to a doctor is also necessary if the symptoms of acute respiratory infections do not disappear after 7-10 days. Symptoms of acute respiratory infections in the child require special attention. If any suspicious symptoms occur, you should immediately seek medical help.


The diagnosis is made by the attending physician after examining the nasopharynx and examining the symptoms. In some cases, complications may require additional research, for example, chest X-ray. This helps to eliminate pneumonia.


A frequent complication of acute respiratory viral infection is the attachment of a bacterial infection, which provokes the development of inflammatory processes: bronchitis, otitis, sinusitis, pneumonia. The disease can be complicated by the attachment of a urinary tract infection, pancreatitis, cholangitis.

If the disease occurs with pronounced intoxication, the result may be the development of convulsive or meningeal syndromes, myocarditis. Possible neurological problems, such as meningitis, neuritis, meningoencephalitis. After the transfer of acute respiratory viral infections, complications can manifest themselves exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Disease Orvy

In children, a frequent complication is a false cereal.

To minimize the risk of complications, treatment should begin on time, performing all the doctor's prescriptions.

How to treat

The treatment mostly takes place at home. The patient should adhere to the semi-post regimen, follow the milk-vegetable vitamin-enriched diet, use a lot of fluids to dilute sputum, stimulate sweating, reduce toxins.

But in a furious modern pace, few people follow this rule, preferring to tolerate a cold "on their feet," and relieve unpleasant symptoms with symptomatic means. The danger of this approach to treatment is that often symptomatic preparations for cold contain phenylephrine - a substance that increases blood pressure and causes the heart to work for wear. In order to avoid complications of colds, you need to choose medicines without components of this kind. For example, "Antigrippin" (better from "Natur-product") is a preparation for cold without phenylephrine, which eliminates unpleasant symptoms of ARVI, without provoking an increase in pressure and without harm to the heart muscle.

In the treatment of antiviral drugs, drugs to increase immunity, antipyretic, antihistamines, drugs that help to sputum, vitamins. Locally used vasoconstrictor, which prevents the reproduction of the virus on the mucosa of the nasopharynx. Such treatment is important to carry out at the initial stage of the disease.

Preparations for ARVI treatment

In the fight against the causative agent of the disease, antiviral drugs are effective: Remantadine, Amizon, Arbidol, Amiksin.

Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is necessary to reduce body temperature and reduce pain. Such medicines include "Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen", "Panadol". It must be remembered that the temperature below 38 ° C does not get off, because at this temperature the body activates its protective forces.

Antihistamines are needed to reduce signs of inflammation: congestion of the nose, edema of the mucous. It is recommended to take "Loratidin", "Fenistila", "Zirteka". Unlike first-generation drugs, they do not cause drowsiness.

Nasal drops are necessary to reduce swelling, eliminate nasal congestion. It is worth remembering that it is not possible to use such drops for a long time, since this can provoke the development of chronic rhinitis. Drops are used no more than 7 days, 2-3 times a day. For long-term treatment it is possible to use preparations based on essential oils.

Remedies for sore throat. It is best in this case to help rinse the throat with the use of disinfectant solutions. For these purposes, you can use sage, chamomile. Rinse often, every two hours. Effective use of disinfectant sprays - "Geksorala", "Bioparox", etc.

Orvi is infectious

Cough medicines are needed to dilute sputum. This is helped by the use of "ATSTS", "Mukaltina", "Bronholitina", etc. It is important at the same time to drink a lot of fluid, which also contributes to the dilution of phlegm. The remedies that suppress coughing can not be used without prescribing a doctor.

Antibiotics are not used in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, it is necessary only when the bacterial infection is attached.

In addition to medicines, the effective use of physiotherapy, inhalation, massage techniques, foot baths.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are very effective in treating ARVI. This can be a supplement to the basic treatment and helps to cope faster with the disease. You can use the following recipes.

Not bad helps infusion of fruits of viburnum and linden flowers, which must be crushed and mixed. Two tablespoons of the collection should be poured in 500 ml of boiling water, insist for an hour. The obtained infusion is consumed before going to sleep.

The onion and garlic can be cope well with the disease, which you can simply eat. Both in prophylaxis and in treatment it is useful such a remedy: several cloves of garlic and half a teaspoon of juice are consumed after a meal. You can arrange in the room cut onions and garlic and inhale their vapors.

Very effective remedy for honey and lemon juice. To make it, bee honey (100 g) is mixed with the juice of one lemon and diluted with boiled water (800 ml). The product must be drunk throughout the day.


What is the prevention of ARVI in adults and children? To strengthen the defenses of the body you need to temper, lead an active lifestyle, walk in the fresh air, do not neglect rest, avoid stress, and also observe hygiene (wash hands, vegetables, regularly do wet cleaning indoors).

Prevention of Orvi in ​​adults requires adherence to the correct diet. The menu should be dominated by natural products. To maintain the intestinal microflora and strengthen the immune system, dairy products are useful. In addition, the diet should be present fiber.

For prophylaxis, you can take antiviral drugs or get vaccinated. Although it is impossible to completely protect yourself with vaccination, as the viruses constantly mutate. Vaccination is recommended for children who attend kindergartens and schools, employees of medical institutions.

In the period of epidemics, it is recommended to limit visits to public places, to strengthen the immunity to take natural remedies or antiviral drugs at the recommended dosage.

If preventive measures have not helped you avoid infection, take care of your recovery, as well as the people around you. Since ARVI is contagious, do not forget to cover your mouth and nose, coughing and sneezing, airing the room, if necessary, wear a gauze bandage. If you follow these measures, the disease will quickly leave your home.


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