Reference Book Of Medicines

The antidepressant Venlaksor

Venlaxor in its structure to any existing group of antidepressants does not apply. Antidepressant therapeutic effect and mechanism of action on the body and is due to its ability to enhance the transmission of nerve impulses. Both the active substance itself and its metabolite EFA are inhibitors of the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine and weak inhibitors of dopamine uptake. On this page you will find all information about VENLAXOR: the full instruction on the application for this med...

  • 10-Jul-2018
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Reference Book Of Medicines

Powder Baneocin

Baneocin is an antibiotic that is used only externally. The medicine is successfully used for the treatment of dermatological diseases, in gynecology, in the practice of doctors - otolaryngologists, as well as pediatricians. Efficiency and high safety allow using it for the treatment of children, including newborns. On this page you will find all information about Baneocin: the full instruction on the application to this medication, the average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete a...

  • 12-Jul-2018
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Reference Book Of Medicines


Perindopril is a reliable treatment for hypertension and cardiac failure caused by various causes, including renal ailments. It is used for ischemia of the heart, it is prescribed to hypertensive patients of advanced age and suffering from type II diabetes mellitus. It belongs to the group of ACE inhibitors, it is a prodrug, from which an active metabolite perindoprilat, and is prescribed for patients with various heart diseases and hypertension. Perindopril lowers blood pressure, remains ef...

  • 13-Jul-2018
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Reference Book Of Medicines


Chondrolon is a chondroprotective drug used to regulate metabolic processes in the cartilaginous tissue, pain relief and slowing down the development of degenerative diseases of the spine and joints. The scope of this drug is degenerative diseases of the spine and joints. By their structure chondroprotectors are fragments of natural cartilaginous tissue, which are required for the formation and maintenance of the articular cartilage in the "working" state. They have a moderate analgesic effe...

  • 11-Jul-2018
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Reference Book Of Medicines

How to take probiotic Bifiform capsules

Bifiform is a complex prebiotic antibacterial drug. The main function of the drug is the rapid recovery of a healthy microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is suitable for adult patients, and for babies, and for newly born babies. Does not cause any obvious side effects or negative effects. On this page you will find all information about Bifiform: the full instruction on the application for this medicine, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogs of the drug,...

  • 15-Jul-2018
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Reference Book Of Medicines


Nitrosorbide is a medicinal product used in the field of modern medicine for the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases associated with cardiovascular system disorders. Expands peripheral vessels, while reducing the oxygen demand of the heart muscle. It has a corona-dilating effect, reduces the volume of incoming blood to the right atrium, reduces the pressure of a small circle of blood flow, redistributes the coronary flow of blood. This medication helps to eliminate shortness of ...

  • 14-Jul-2018
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Reference Book Of Medicines


Meteospasms are classified as combined medicines that have an antispasmodic effect, and also reduce the formation of gases in the intestine. Alverin, which is one of the components of the drug, is able to influence the tone of the musculature of the intestine, thereby ensuring the removal of spasm. The second component, simethicone, has a protective function due to the fact that it can cover the walls of the mucosa of the digestive tract. In addition, it grinds large intestinal blisters into...

  • 10-Jul-2018
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Reference Book Of Medicines


Halixol is an expectorant. The main active substance of the drug - ambroxol, is an active metabolite of bromhexine and belongs to the benzylamine group of mucolytic substances. The drug intake can dilute sputum, increase the production and increase in the activity of hydrolytic enzymes that break down the connections between mucopolysaccharides of sputum. The drug does not cause excessive secretion, reduces spastic hyperreactivity of the bronchi and contributes to the development of surfacta...

  • 10-Jul-2018
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Reference Book Of Medicines


Drops Sofraks is a drug for topical application in ENT practice, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. The drug Sofradex has a bactericidal and antibacterial action of a wide spectrum due to gramicidin and framicetin, is active against such Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms. Anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and antipruritic effect has a glucocorticoid - dexamethasone. As a result of instillation into the eye, pain sensations, burning sensations decre...

  • 14-Jul-2018
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Reference Book Of Medicines

Vicair Tablets

Vikair has established itself as a medicinal product used for the treatment of ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. The drug has a combined effect, has an astringent effect on the cells of the mucosa shell, helps to relieve spasm and muscle relaxation, reduce the strength and intensity of painful sensations. On this page you will find all information about Vicair: the full instruction on the application to this medicinal medium, average prices in pharmacies,...

  • 13-Jul-2018
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