Reference Book Of Medicines

Dyvaz tablets

Being an antihypoxic and antioxidant drug, the preparation of Divaz is able to exert neuroprotective and anxiolytic effects on the body. Active components of the drug have a stimulating effect on brain cells, stabilizing the integrative manifestation and restoring interhemispheric connections in the brain. On this page you will find all the information about Divaza: full instructions for use for this medication, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogs of the drug, as we...

  • 18-Aug-2018
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Reference Book Of Medicines

Maalox tablets and suspensions: instructions for use

Maalox is a medicament that has a mixed effect, characterized by antacid, choleretic, enveloping, carminative, adsorbing action, which has a beneficial effect on the functions of the stomach and esophagus. The drug returns the patient to the usual comfort and ability to enjoy the pleasures of life again. Use it should only according to the instructions and on the advice of a doctor, although it is available on sale without a prescription. Clinical and pharmacological group Antacid preparatio...

  • 21-Aug-2018
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Reference Book Of Medicines

Fluid-lowering drug Crestor: instructions for use

Crestor - a medical product used to combat excess cholesterol of various types. From the point of view of pharmacology, they are referred to the group of stanin funds. It is recommended to take the drug when diagnosing hypercholesterolemia of a homozygous family type, atherosclerosis, which requires a decrease in cholesterol. The drug has lipid-lowering and hypocholesterolemic effect, which becomes noticeable within a week after the start of treatment. The crucifer is effective in diabetes m...

  • 11-Aug-2018
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