
Drops from otitis in adults

Correct use of drops in otitis: the main tips and recommendationsOtitis is an inflammatory process of the middle ear, which can occur in people of any age. Illness with rather unpleasant symptoms and complications, therefore both diagnostics and therapy should be performed by a specialist.The considered inflammatory process can arise as an independent disease and as a complication in acute respiratory viral infections.Most often, it is secondary otitis that is diagnosed, which will reveal cla...

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Amoxicillin in otitis

Antibiotics for otitisOtitis is an acute or chronic inflammatory process in various ear zones (external, middle or inner). Antibiotics in otitis are prescribed necessarily, based on the severity and stage of the process, the sensitivity of microorganisms, the degree of development of clinical symptoms, the age of the patient.Untreated ear infections require the appointment of stronger antibiotics. Sometimes it is necessary to use not one, but several types of antibacterial agents, if the path...

  • 16-Jul-2018
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How to remove ear swelling in otitis

After how much time should the antibiotic take off the ear swelling in the otitis?Answers:Stepan KuznetsovCook a pot of potatoes (in a uniform), do not drain the water to the end. Set it in front of you on a stool. You need to bend your sick ear to a saucepan and cover yourself with a blanket from the top - tomorrow you will run, and do not remember what happened... You will then sweat and steam breathe - it's for the good... While the potatoes do not cool down.Try it, it's from personal expe...

  • 11-Jul-2018
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Purulent otitis media

Purulent otitis mediaWe are used to any ear pain called otitis, but this is far from the case. In fact, purulent otitis is an inflammation of the epithelium of the mucous tissues of the airways of the middle ear. Serious illness requires a competent approach to treatment in order to avoid unpleasant complications, such as hearing loss or meningitis.Causes of purulent otitis media of the middle earAcute purulent otitis does not appear in a child who has dirty water in his ear. The causes of th...

  • 13-Jul-2018
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Treatment of otitis in children with folk remedies

Otitis in the child: symptoms, treatment, preventionWhen the ears begin to ache, even experienced parents can lose self-control from whims and tears. In order to effectively combat the disease, it is necessary to know the enemy, which is called "in person", warned - means armed.What is otitis media?Under otitis means any inflammation of the ear. Distinguish: The external ear (the auricle and the external ear canal to the tympanic membrane) whose inflammation will be external otitis. Here, the...

  • 13-Jul-2018
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Otitis of the external ear

External otitis in children and adults: symptoms and treatmentAccording to official statistics, otitis externa, the symptoms and treatment of which will be discussed in this article, are carried by 5 people per 1000 people worldwide every year. In 3-5% of people, this disease is observed in chronic form.It was noted that, despite the prevalence among residents of all countries, this disease is more likely to be found in places with a warm and humid climate. In addition, the otitis of the exte...

  • 15-Jul-2018
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Flemoxin solutab for otitis

Flemoxin soluteab - an effective antibiotic for otitisVery often after a cold or sinus infection, we feel an unpleasant tingling in the ears. In the common people it is called "shoots the ear but few know that these are the first bells to the fact that you develop otitis.The main effective treatment for this disease is antibiotic therapy. Flemoxin soluteab with otitis together with other antibiotics is one of the most effective means.This antibiotic has a very wide spectrum of action. Its mai...

  • 16-Jul-2018
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Treatment of otitis in children without antibiotics

How to treat otitis in children without antibiotics?Often parents are worried about whether it is possible to treat otitis in children without antibiotics. Otitis is an inflammation of the ear. Many children know firsthand about this disease. Often parents can not immediately identify this disease, which complicates the subsequent treatment.What is otitis media?Otitis is an inflammatory process in the ear. As the ear itself is divided into three divisions, and the otitis can be external, midd...

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Peroxide in otitis

Hydrogen peroxide with external otitis: principles of useThe unique structure of the external auditory canal promotes the development of external otitis media.This ailment can be no less irritating and painful than sore throat, sinusitis and other infectious diseases.The external ear canal is warm, dark and it is easy to wet, which makes it a very delicious environment for bacteria and fungi.Acute external otitis usually occurs due to the infection (usually bacterial, less often fungal). Howe...

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Allergic otitis in dogs treatment

Otitis in dogsThis diagnosis is quite part because of the structure of the auricle of the animal. The cause of otitis in dogs can be a variety of factors, so the first thing to go to the veterinarian and take a survey.Otitis in the dog: symptomsRecognize ear inflammation is not so difficult. You will notice the reaction of the animal when the ear contacts the objects or when stroking. Often there is secretion of secrets: it can be a liquid of grayish color, pus or even blood.When otitis in a ...

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