Otitis in dogs

This diagnosis is quite part because of the structure of the auricle of the animal. The cause of otitis in dogs can be a variety of factors, so the first thing to go to the veterinarian and take a survey.
Otitis in the dog: symptoms
Recognize ear inflammation is not so difficult. You will notice the reaction of the animal when the ear contacts the objects or when stroking. Often there is secretion of secrets: it can be a liquid of grayish color, pus or even blood.
When otitis in a dog, it is not uncommon for the symptoms when the dog starts shaking its head or tilting it, pressing the ears. The veterinarian will see the redness of the external passage when viewed. If the inflammation is in the advanced stage, then there are enlarged submandibular lymph nodes.
Otitis in a dog: what to treat?
The first thing a dog owner should know is the danger of self-treatment. Quite often people turn to the Internet and various resources for help and advice. If you find a forum describing the treatment of otitis in dogs, pay attention, but do not take it as a guide to action. You must understand that the health of your pet largely depends on your responsibility. Now more in detail about the methods of treatment.
The first thing a veterinarian must do is to take samples for research. Next, using the funnel determines the type and number of ear secretions. After this, a diagnosis is made according to the following classification:
- primary external (when there are no other diseases);
- secondary external (inflammation as an integral part of the underlying skin disease);
- idiopathic external.
In each case, the ear canal should be rinsed first. If there is a crust, they are removed with a 2% solution of salicyl-tannin alcohol, then washed with a syringe pass. All foreign bodies are carefully removed through the auricle by forceps for ear polyps. In other words, by all means it is necessary to ensure foreseeability of the auditory canal.
Further, before treating otitis in a dog, it is necessary to determine its etiology. It is characterized primarily by the state of the epidermis, the properties of the secretion and the causative agent of inflammation.
- Allergic otitis in dogs can be hereditary. Allergies to certain foods, plants or any other factors. All this leads to skin itching, irritation. Gradually, purulent discharge appears, bacterial growth is observed. First of all, prescribe a hypoallergenic diet, which will have to adhere to at least three months. Local preparations are also used to relieve inflammation and eliminate itching.
- Purulent otitis in a dog is characterized by an oily and foul-smelling secret from the ear. If not treated in time, the dog will begin ulcerative processes and perforation of the tympanic membrane. For treatment use solutions of hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid or chlorhexidine. Further in a current of two-three weeks at such otitis at dogs it is necessary to apply antibiotics. Assign Otosporin or Gentaseptin.
- Fungal otitis in dogs is more common than others. Bacteria and fungi are present in the body of the animal constantly, but under certain circumstances they can quite provoke inflammatory processes. The ear passage is treated with phosphoric acid esters. In the early stages, Gaselan 2% is used.
- Sometimes dogs have seasonal otitis. In certain periods, earwax production sharply increases, after which crusts and plugs are formed. In a consequence, a bacterial infection may develop. Here, funds like Otifree and drops with antibiotics of local action will help.
Which drops for canine ears are used for otitis and other diseases
Various diseases of the ears are quite common among pets. In addition to ear mites and allergies, it can be otitis. Especially dogs with long drooping ears are affected by them. Only the doctor can give the accurate diagnosis to the pet, but it is possible to alleviate the suffering of the animal. There are various drops for dogs (ear), with which they conduct hygienic treatment of the ear canal or treat inflammation. But if in a few days the pet does not become better, you need to go to the vet, because neglected diseases can lead to serious problems.
What are the ear drops for dogs?
Preparations for hygienic treatment should be used regularly. This will help not only to clean the auricle of the animal, but also prevent the development of inflammatory diseases. Basically these preparations are made on the basis of plant components and are absolutely safe for pets.
- Hygienic drops and lotions are widely available in pet stores, so you can choose any drug: "Bars", "" Otifri "," Otodepin "," Dewdrop ", and others.
- Ear drops with antibiotic for dogs should be used cautiously and only after the appointment of a doctor. After all, some bacteria can be resistant to such drugs, and fungi and parasites multiply even more quickly against their background. Therefore, when you use ear drops yourself, you need to read their composition. Antibiotics contain such drugs: "Otibiovin", "Surolan", "Anandin", "Odevedin" and others.
- The most effective drops that have not only antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect, but also destroy fungi and parasites. Such complex preparations will help alleviate the suffering of the animal before the diagnosis is made. You can use drops "Otoferonol", "Dekt", "Aurikan", "Bars", "Anandin Plus" and others.
- Drops from allergic diseases relieve itching and irritation. But at the same time it is recommended to exclude contact of the animal with the allergen and give inside antihistamines. To remove the itching, you can use drops "Bars", "Sophradex", "Otodepin" and others.
Ear drops for dogs from otitis
If the pet shakes his ears, constantly scratches them, feels pain, inside the ear canal is visible swelling, redness, the accumulation of sulfur, an unpleasant smell is felt, you need to show the animal to the vet. Inflammatory diseases of the ears can have different causes, and the treatment depends on it.

- With fungal otitis, it is necessary to use complex preparations based on miconazole, clotrimazole or nystatin. They will not only relieve the itching and inflammation, but also destroy the fungus. You can use such drops for the ear: "Sulrolan" (it has antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect), "Aurizon" (destroys both fungi and bacteria), "Otonazol" (effective against fungal infection, removes inflammation and itching).
- For the treatment of allergic otitis should be instilled drugs containing antihistamines or glucocorticoids: "Sofredeks", "Anauran" and others. They will help to remove itching and swelling.
- Traumatic otitis is treated with wound healing preparations. After processing the auricle, you can dig in such drops: "Otopedin", "Aurikan" and others.
- The most difficult to treat is purulent bacterial otitis. After determining the causative agent of the disease, antibiotic drops are prescribed. Treatment should be complex: the drug is instilled only after hygienic treatment of the dog's ears. Apply such drops: "Normaks", "Candibiotics", "Otipaks", "Otibiovet", "Anandin" and others.
- Ear can also be caused by ear mites. At the same time, complex treatment and application of drops having an insecto-acaricidal action is also necessary.
Drops against ear mites
Such infection is easy to determine by yourself. With an ear mite in the ear, a dark raid accumulates in the dog. In case of severe damage, liquid may appear, and the plaque will spread to the temples of the animal. The pet constantly shakes his ears and scratches them. Treatment against ticks should be done several times a day. Often treatment is long, but usually three weeks are enough. When re-infection or complications appear, it's best to show the pet to the veterinarian. For the treatment of othodecoses, such drugs are used: "Bars", "Dekt", "Anandin Plus", "Zipam", "Insectal Plus", "Amikrazin" and others.
Drops for hygienic treatment of ears
Clean your ear canal pet regularly. It is advisable to do this once a week, and animals with hanging ears - every day. This will help prevent the development of inflammation and begin treatment of parasitic infection at an early stage of appearance. There are various hygienic ear drops for dogs and cats:
- "Rosinka" is a herbal preparation containing propolis, extracts of St. John's wort, sage and marigold. It not only clears the auricle, but also removes the edema, heals small wounds.
- "Otopedin" is made on the basis of pine oil and Mullein extract and has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.
- "Phytolar Lotion-Spray" is a herbal preparation that not only cleans the auricle, but is used in the complex treatment of infections.
- Lotion "Epi-Otik" is used for hygienic treatment of the ears with otitis.
Rules for the use of ear drops
Before using any preparation, you should carefully read the instructions. It is advisable to show the veterinarian a pet so that the doctor helps in choosing a medicine.

- Before instillation of the preparation it is necessary to clean the pet's ear of crusts and sulfur;
- When processing, do not insert the cotton bud deeply, so as not to damage the eardrum;
- The drops must be warmed in the hand or in warm water;
- when instilled, the ear of the pet is pulled back, and then it is necessary to press it a little and massage it so that the drug is distributed over the entire surface;
- during the procedure it is important to praise the dog, and then give her a treat.
Ear otitis in a dog, then how to cure? ..
Killer - 78 ™
Otitis in dogs
Most often, dogs have diseases of the external and middle ear; Inflammation of the inner ear, fortunately, are relatively rare.
In otitis, the following symptoms are usually observed: the dog shakes its head, tilts it towards the lesion, scratches the ear. Obviously feels discomfort. Worried about light pressure on the base of the ear.
The ear to the touch can be hot, when viewed, noticeable hyperemia (redness) or swelling. Allocations can be from catarrhal, almost transparent, to purulent. At an acute purulent otitis the general condition of a dog worsens. She is depressed, sluggish, appetite is lowered, body temperature is increased.
Often the bacteria are caused by otitis (staphylococci, streptococci, protheus), of which the leader is Staphylococcus aureus (golden staphylococcus aureus) and fungi. This microflora is conditionally pathogenic: it can be present in the dog's body and under certain circumstances can cause various diseases, including otitis media. The triggering mechanism can be hypothermia, decreased immunity. Not the last role belongs to allergic reactions and improper feeding. Unbalanced diet, improper selection and use of dry food, abuse of sweets - these are provoking factors. One day a bloodhound with a heavy otitis, which started the day after the dog stole and dabbed the whole cake, was brought to the reception.
Another reason that can cause otitis - an ear mite (in Latin it is called Otodectes synotis). This microscopic mite parasitizes on the inner surface of the skin of the auricle, causing the strongest inflammation. In otodectomy, the dog experiences severe itching, the ear is covered with crusts, the surface of the skin is ulcerated. Mites usually infect dogs when they come in contact with patients with otodectosis by dogs and cats.
Otitis should be treated by a doctor. Only correctly diagnosed with an accurate definition of the pathogen ensures recovery. In clinics for diagnosis, laboratory tests are used - sowing microflora to identify the pathogen. When suspected of otodectosis, a microscopic examination of earwax is performed.
Treatment is assigned depending on the results of the tests. But taking into account the factors causing the disease, it should still be comprehensive. For successful treatment, medical supervision is necessary. Especially with chronic otitis, because in this case it is possible to attach a secondary infection, a change in the pathogen. Do not self-medicate. Attempts to cure otitis "by eye" or on the advice of "all-knowing" neighbors are not only unsuccessful, but also fraught with various complications.
So, for example, if a dog with bacterial otitis has to drip a drug for the treatment of otodectosis, which has cauterizing action, the doctor will have to deal not only with inflammation, but also with the consequences of a chemical burn. Cure this "bouquet" will be extremely difficult.
Some owners at treatment hope only for blockades. This very effective tool has yet a strict indication - a purulent form of otitis. Uncontrolled use of the blockade is not advisable. Drug methods well complement physiotherapy methods of exposure: thermal procedures and ultraviolet irradiation.
First aid in otitis: drip into the ear of "Sophradex", "Ottinum" or "Ottypaks." These drops will not do harm and do well to relieve pain, itching.
If the dog strongly combed the ear, crusts were formed, then they can be carefully removed with a swab with hydrogen peroxide and processed with a solution of brilliant green. "Sloshing" ear can be gently sprinkled with powder consisting of one part of streptocide and five parts of boric acid. At an elevated temperature, you can give analgin: 0.5-1 tablets, depending on the weight. And, of course, do not delay the visit to the doctor.
Than to treat an allergic otitis (scrofula) at dogs?
first of all change the food of the dog!!!! antihistamines, calcium chloride inside, and lubricate the urine with a lorinden triderm or other
Bulldog Buldogovna
1 remove allergen
2 to serve dog Execan
3 to bug the ears SUROLAN
Natalia, are you sure of the diagnosis? if there is inflammatory process it is necessary to go to the Veterinar, to make a blockade (a prick such) the dog will be much easier and the treatment will go faster. agrees with oxana it is necessary to change the food. To remove completely from a diet of a dog flour, sweet. plus even in a veterinary clinic you need to buy a syringe with ointment I do not remember what is called. In a word, do not be lazy to go to the branch. and the earlier the topic is better treatment will be. good luck, health dog.
Consult with a veterinarian
Veterinarians! What is the treatment for otitis in a dog?
Boris Agarkov
Sharpei have a great propensity for otitis due to a narrow auditory canal. For treatment, you need to clean your ears once a day, preferably a special liquid, for example epiticide. And twice a day to drip good drops of a wide spectrum of action. The best is silverol, kanaural or aurizon.
Hope ***
Masha Romanova
for half a cup of vodka, dilute 1 tablet of furacillin. clean your ears with this solution 2 times a week. during the exacerbation 3 times a day for up to 10 consecutive days. from drops. the best are OTONAZOL.. we need blockades. they are made only by the wind. 5-7 blockades every 3 days.
Matvey Caretnik
There are good drops for the ears - "Bars" are called. Helps with inflammation.
Veniamin and Elena Fedorovy
And if it is not otitis and fungus? and you will be treated for otitis and only make it worse
Larisa Churkina
And you have put the diagnosis? Maybe you should show the animal to a specialist?
Margarita Filina
Drops of Surolan in the zooptake. Before this, wipe chlorohexyl on the cotton wool.
Any type of otitis treats, regardless of the cause, caused by fungi as well.
A Bars is hard to call a cure.
Elena Kudryavtseva
I'm not a veterinarian, but yesterday we went to him - we also had a one-sided otitis, we were assigned the Canaural - they are not cheap, but the best. The instruction is applied, before use - to clean the ears with peroxide.
Do a cytological examination of smears from the skin and external auditory canal to exclude and identify causes (parasites, fungal flora, bacteria) and planting for sensitivity to antibiotics.
if the otitis is caused by an allergic reaction, then after taking antihistamines, it will also pass. But if this is an exacerbation of a chronic form, provoked by an allergy, then this is another conversation. In any case, you need to give a smear. I love Oridermil personally. But it is necessary 7 days and not less, even if the improvement comes immediately, otherwise get addictive.