Inflammation of the lungs is transmitted

Lung inflammation: causes and at-risk groups

Inflammation of the lungs, otherwise called pneumonia, is a disease of one or both of the lungs, which can be caused by various pathogens.Prior to the discovery of antibiotics, mortality from pneumonia was extremely high - one-third died. Modern medicine is able to cope with the disease itself, if it is diagnosed in time, but can not affect its spread in any way. In the world millions of people get pneumonia every year, 5% of them are deadly.

Signs and symptoms of pneumonia can range from moderate to severe, depending on factors such as the type of germ that causes the infection, age and general health. Moderate symptoms and signs are often similar to a cold or flu, but lasts longer.

The main symptoms and signs of pneumonia are:

  • Fever, which is manifested by excessive sweating and chills.
  • Cough, which causes sputum.
  • Pain in the chest with breathing and coughing.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Fatigue.
  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

In infants and infants, the symptoms of infection may not appear. Sometimes they may have vomiting, fever and coughing, restlessness and fatigue, lack of joy and energy, shortness of breath, which also hinders the consumption of food.

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If the patient is over 65 years old or suffers from poor health and immune system, then their temperature may be below normal. Elderly people who are already diagnosed with pneumonia may experience a sudden loss of memory.

A visit to the doctor is necessary when the temperature rises to febrile temperature, an impassable cough, especially with a purulent expectoration. With a disease such as pneumonia, the causes of the occurrence significantly affect the age categories. Read also "The temperature without symptoms of a cold in an adult".

There are several groups of risk, which shows an address to a doctor at the first sign of pneumonia:

  1. Children under 2 years oldwith the initial signs of the disease.
  2. Adults over 65 years of age.
  3. People with weakened immune system. People who have HIV / AIDS, who has had organ transplants, who take steroids in the long term are in danger.
  4. People undergoing chemotherapyor a treatment that suppresses the immune system.
  5. For some elderly people and people with heart failureor chronic lung problems, pneumonia can quickly become life-threatening disease.
  6. Chronic illness. It is most likely to get pneumonia if the patient already has asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or heart disease.
  7. Smoking. Smoking damages your immune system and the body is harder to fight bacteria, it provokes pneumonia.
  8. Hospitalization.

Most often, pneumonia is provoked by bacteria.

A special place is occupied by viruses and in rare cases, fungal infection.

Microbes that cause infection usually get through air vapors.

In rare cases, pneumonia can develop from an infection that has penetrated the body in a different way, for example, when bacteria enter the lungs through the circulatory system.

The most common cause of inflammation is mild in adults - a streptococcus.

This form of the disease is called pneumococcal pneumonia.

In more rare cases, the causes of pneumonia are other types of bacteria:

  • Haemophilus influenzae.
  • Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Mycoplasma pneumonia - an outbreak tends to occur every 4-7 years, common among children and adolescents.

Atypical pneumonia, occurring less frequently, is caused by chlamydia, mycoplasma, legionella.

Viral pneumonia has recently become more common, accounting for 50% of all cases.

In addition to viruses and bacteria, the development of pneumonia can be facilitated by other factors that cause specific forms of the disease:

  • toxic pneumonia;
  • drug pneumonia;
  • fungal pneumonia;
  • parasitic pneumonia.

The more rare causes of bacterial pneumonia are:

  • Chlamydial psittacosis, or parrot disease, causes a rare form of pneumonia called ornithosis, which can be transferred to people from infected birds such as parrots, long-tailed parrots, pigeons, canaries and wavy parrots.

    This pneumonia is also called "parrot fever" or "parrot disease".

  • Legionellosis pneumonia, or legionellosis, Pittsburgh pneumonia, legionnaires' disease.

    This is a rather unusual form of pneumonia, caused by Legionella - a kind of pathogenic gram-negative bacteria.

The most common causes of pneumonia are viral and bacterial infections. The causative agents of bacterial pneumonia may include:

  • Pneumococcus;
  • staphylococcus aureus;
  • Haemophilus influenzae.

Often, inflammation of the lungs occurs against the background of flu and cold, and it is explained by the fact that the immunity weakened by the disease creates comfortable conditions for penetration into the lungs and active propagation of pathogens that previously could not overcome the protective barrier organism.

In a special group of risk are people whose immunity suffered or did not have time to get strong enough:

  • children under two years of age;
  • aged people;
  • patients with immunodeficiency;
  • oncological diseases;
  • people who underwent surgery, general anesthesia and artificial ventilation.

As you noticed, the causes of the disease can be different, and, therefore, there is no universal treatment for all cases. A thorough examination is necessary, which will accurately determine the pathogen. Only then the doctor will be able to draw up a scheme of adequate treatment that will avoid harmful consequences.

The inflammatory process in such an important organ as the lung is dangerous for its complications, which without proper treatment can lead to a fatal outcome:

  • pleurisy (inflammation of the pleura);
  • destruction of lung tissue;
  • pneumothorax (rupture of the pleura with the subsequent ingress of air into the pleural cavity);
  • pulmonary edema;
  • abscess of the lung (filling of its parts with pus).

The risk of these complications is very high, so self-medication can not be dealt with categorically. At the first symptoms of pneumonia it is important to consult a doctor, because it is developing rapidly.

Most often they are similar to cold and flu symptoms:38-39,5 degrees Celsius, cough, shortness of breath, general weakness, severe fatigue, headache, chest pain, especially when trying to take a deep breath. But unlike the flu, with pneumonia on day 3-4 of the disease, the symptoms do not go down, but only intensify, sputum with blood veins may appear. This is a fairly clear signal for action, when it's time to take tests and carefully examine the doctor.

Increasingly, there are cases of pneumonia without symptoms, when the background of the inflammatory process does not even increase the temperature.Cough is also not the most revealing symptom - it may not be, if the focus of inflammation is away from the main airways.

Is pneumonia transmitted by airborne droplets?

Many microorganisms can cause pneumonia. The most common are bacteria and viruses in the air. The human body usually prevents these microbes from infecting the lungs, but sometimes microorganisms overpower the immune system, even under conditions of excellent health.

Treatment of pneumonia at home is not the best solution.The disease is treacherous and better round the clock surveillance by health professionals, because the baby's condition can suddenly deteriorate. To prevent this from happening, the child is pierced with antibiotics, physiotherapy, and physical education. After recovery, the child must be registered in the clinic, where for a year for his condition, doctors are observed. If the disease does not go completely and comes back, the child is diagnosed with Chronic pneumonia.

The causes of pneumonia are classified according to the types of microbes that cause it, and places where you can get infected.

  • Acquired outside the hospital pneumonia

    Acquired pneumonia outside the hospital is the most common type of pneumonia, caused by:

    • Bacteria, bacteria-like organisms and viruses. Mycoplasma causes a more moderate manifestation of pneumonia, in contrast to other types of pathogens. Walking pneumonia is a term used to describe inflammation of the lungs that does not require adherence to bed rest. Mycoplasmal pneumonia is just that type.
    • Fungal infection. This type of pneumonia is the most common manifestation among people with chronic health problems or a weakened immune system. And also in people who inhaled a large amount of fungal bacteria by airborne injection.
  • Acquired in hospital pneumonia

    Some people get pneumonia during their stay in the hospital and treat another disease. This type of pneumonia can be severe, because the bacteria that cause it can be more resistant to antibiotics. People who are on artificial oxygen supply, often used in intensive care units, are at a higher risk of getting sick.

  • Acquired in medical institutions of pneumonia

    In this case, bacterial infection occurs in people who live in long-term social protection institutions or have been treated in outpatient clinics, including renal dialysis centers. This type of pneumonia can also be caused by a bacterial infection that is more resistant to antibiotics.

  • Pneumonia of desire

    Pneumonia of aspiration appears when the patient inhales food, drink, vomiting or saliva into the lungs. Aspiration is more likely if something breaks the passage of these substances into the lungs, for example brain trauma or problems with the pharynx, as well as the abuse of alcohol or drugs.

Lung inflammation develops as a complication from another disease, or occurs independently. In infants, pneumonia is a complication of the flu or cold. They affect the increase in the number of microbes, and they provoke pneumonia. The incubation period of pneumonia is a week. At this time, inflammation occurs in the lungs, and the disease does not remind itself of itself.

Inflammation in a child will have the following symptoms: pallor, fever, heavy breathing. With such symptoms, the child will recover within two weeks.

  • This form of pneumonia is more easily tolerated by children who have good physical development, and timely treatment has been started.
  • If everything is left to its own devices, then pneumonia can take the form of medium gravity and heavy.
  • Symptoms of mild-to-severe pulmonary inflammation: severe blanching, frequent coughing, increased breathing, high fever (38 C), and general weakness of the body.

This development of the disease is treated within a month. But if the inflammation is noticed on time and timely measures are taken, the treatment period will be reduced to 20-25 days.If time is lost and treatment is not performed, then the inflammation of the lungs flows into a severe form. This poses a threat to the life of the child and the recovery of the baby will be extremely long.

  • Symptoms of severe inflammation: a strong temperature (40 C), pronounced blueness in the area of ​​the lips, nose and nails, severe shallow breathing.
  • With this form of the disease, oxygen starvation begins, the vital processes of the organism are disrupted.
  • Perhaps the beginning of other inflammatory processes.

Depending on the course of the disease and the attendant factors, treatment can be both outpatient and requiring hospitalization. After determining the cause and type of pneumonia, antibiotics are selected that can kill the pathogen.

More commonly prescribed antibiotics of a broad spectrum of action, but in some cases specific drugs are required, because bacteria have learned to adapt to new conditions and often show resistance to those antibiotics that used to be successful with them fought.

In the case of viral origin of pneumonia, some antibiotics may be powerless, they are combined with antiviral drugs.


Folk remedies like inhalations, mustard plasters and other things can only be used in conjunction with traditional medicines and only in consultation with the attending physician. They are not able to cope with the serious inflammatory process independently, and they can even aggravate the situation.

When the disease is diagnosed and treatment is prescribed, it is important to make every effort to help the body cope with the infection.

To do this, it is enough to follow the simple rules known to everyone:

  • bed rest for the entire duration of the illness;
  • compliance with the diet (nothing fatty, roast, spicy, difficult to digest, minimum salt);
  • categorical refusal to smoke for the entire duration of the illness;
  • abundant drinking;
  • Respiratory gymnastics (if it is not contraindicated by the doctor).

Postponed pneumonia does not give stable immunity, so repeated infection with the same type of disease is likely. Vaccines have been developed against certain types of pneumonia, and some of them are suitable for children from the age of two who are at risk. You can ask them from your therapist.

During periods of exacerbation of respiratory diseases or in contact with a sick pneumonia, you should often wash your hands with soap.Restorative effect will have a healthy lifestyle, quitting smoking, a proper diet and moderate physical activity.


Inflammation of the lungs: contagious or not?

Inflammation of the lungs is a very dangerous disease, cured only under the supervision of a doctor and only in a medical institution.

After using inflammatory processes in the lungs with the help of drugs, complications of pneumonia can develop in the body.

Quite often, people who have suffered pneumonia, remain foci of sclerosis in the lungs, that is, spikes are formed, and in some areas of the lungs there are spikes.

As a result, the person develops oxygen starvation, his immunity is weakened, the body can no longer resist infection.


At the very beginning of the disease, the patient is likely to show signs of toxicosis. Sometimes complications in the form of heart failure and peripheral circulation disorders are possible.

Infectious or not inflammation of the lungs?

If pneumonia has developed as a result of complications of acute respiratory viral infection or influenza, it is almost impossible to get infected from a sick person by airborne droplets. The thing is that during the illness in the respiratory organs of a sick person a large number of bacteria accumulate, which when sneezing or coughing enter the environment.

It is at this moment that a healthy person can become infected with a disease that has become the main factor for the development of pneumonia in a sick person, it can be an influenza virus or ARVI.

Therefore, if a healthy person has contracted the flu from a patient with pneumonia, then it is not necessary that he also has pneumonia. After all, the main role in this is the immunity of a person who actively struggles with all diseases.And if the immunity is weakened, then there is a chance of getting a complication of the disease and possibly the development of pneumonia.

Therefore, with such a form of pneumonia, it is simply impossible to catch airborne droplets. However, if a person has caseous pneumonia, that is, where the pathogen has become tuberculosis, then in this case pneumonia will help to transmit to a healthy person even during a conversation. However, it is possible again with weakened immunity.

How do you get pneumonia?

Inflammation is bacterial, viral and fungal, with pronounced pneumotrophy, etiology. Infectious fungi are streptococci, staphylococci, influenza viruses, mycoplasmas, Candida fungi, and respiratory viruses. Regular pneumonia is the result of the progression of inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. However, rarely, the development of the inflammatory process occurs only in the lung tissue. Inflammation of the lungs can not be called viral changes in the lungs, as pneumonia and changes in the lungs are treated in completely different ways.

The most frequent way of spreading is bronchogenic pathways, rarely pathogens are transferred by blood, sometimes by lymph.

It is interesting

Signs of pneumonia, depending on the bacteria that caused it, do not have constancy. But still the main signs are: fever, chills, a strong cough. With the manifestation of pneumonia, there may be pain in the chest during breathing, intoxication and often there is shortness of breath.

The data that are obtained by examining the patient depends on how extensive the lung lesions are. The less damage, the more not noticeable the changes, and the more these same lesions, the more we can say about pneumonia, and it becomes more dangerous.

The main risk factors for the onset of pneumonia are:

  • cold;
  • low immunity;
  • damage to lungs by poisonous substances, which causes suffocation;
  • as a result of burns of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, inhalation of gaseous substances that irritate the upper respiratory tract, for example dichlorvos.

The most common cause for the development of pneumonia is bacteria, which in turn can trigger other infectious diseases, chemical effects or allergies.

  • Inflammation of the lungs, which was caused by a viral or bacterial infection, can affect people of all ages, but older people are more susceptible to this disease due to their age.
  • Another cause of the development of pneumonia may be the inhalation of chemical toxic substances, which may be due to trauma in the lungs. This type of pneumonia is called chemical.
  • In the most rare cases, pneumonia develops against a background of a fungal infection and with specific types of fungi.
  • Sometimes the development of pneumonia becomes a consequence of inhaling the allergen, so this species is called an allergic alveolitis. Infection with this virus can be after inhaling dust, moldy hay or mushrooms in a damp room.

The risk of contracting pneumonia may depend on a person's physical health, age, risk level, from the state of the immune system, as well as from the presence in the body of specific viruses, bacteria, fungi and their effects.

Some people believe that pneumonia can be caused by the fact that a person froze in cold weather or was exposed to rain, but this is misleading.

How is pneumonia transmitted?

The risk group of people who can very quickly become infected with any form of pneumonia include:

  • pregnant women;
  • people with weakened immunity;
  • patients with influenza, acute respiratory infections, ARVI, other viral infections;
  • people with drug or alcohol dependence;
  • those who take hormones;
  • nervously depleted people suffering from depression;
  • patients with chronic diseases, it is renal failure, diabetes, asthma and so on.
If pneumonia has a contagious form, then it can be infected by airborne droplets.

After all, in the body of a sick person there is a huge number of pathogens that go outside during coughing or sneezing.

And if a healthy person inhales these microbes, they immediately begin to act in his body.

The incubation period of the disease lasts about2-5 days.During these days a person does not feel any visible signs of the disease, but later a slight increase in temperature begins, which grows into more.

The second variant of infection with an infectious form of pneumonia is a household method. After all, viruses settle on the objects around us and can be viable for 4 hours. Therefore, if a healthy person touches his hands to an infected object, and then begins to eat or rub his eyes, then pneumonia is provided to him.


Pneumonia is a contagious disease?



It depends on what it appeared - there is simply a catarrhal-weakened variant, but there is a nasty-viral-viral. Ask your colleague, explain your fears, I think she does not want to harm your children, let them say for sure, contagious or not. Although once at home, and not in a hospital, most likely, for others is not dangerous.

Oksana Gerasimova

No, not contagious ...

Free Sweeper

Yes. And transmitted by airborne droplets. In the common people, pneumonia.

Personal Cabinet Removed

YES it is unreal!

Evgenia Loginova

No. Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs. It is not transmitted in any way! Quietly visit!

Dmitriy Sergeevich

not, infectious is the inflammation of the lungs to another

Personal Cabinet Removed

No (if it's exactly pneuma)

Vovchik I

Pneumonia, it is in the people pneumonia. I was sick. For a long time, and my husband took care of me, he would at least have something!

Uncle Vitya

it's an elementary inflammation of the lungs!
there is little good, but there is no infectiousness ...
kissing, however - I do not recommend... this is another charge of bacteria for the patient.


Pneumonia. Pneumonia, or pneumonia, is a group of diseases that is characterized by inflammation of the lung tissue. This diagnosis means that the inflammatory process in some area struck the finest, most delicate pulmonary vesicles-alveoli, complicated their work - to saturate the blood with oxygen and to release it from the carbon dioxide. The urgency of the problem of pneumonia lies in the persisting high incidence. There remains high hospital lethality.
Predisposing factors to the disease of bronchitis or pneumonia are chronic inflammatory and suppurative processes in the lungs, chronic foci of infection in the upper respiratory tract, decreased immunity, hereditary factors. The main mechanisms of development of chronic bronchitis include hypertrophy and hyperfunction of bronchial glands with increased secretion of mucus, which increases the viscosity of phlegm. Under these conditions, the ciliated epithelium does not provide emptying of the bronchial tree, the drainage of the bronchi occurs only with coughing. Disturbance of the drainage function of the bronchi promotes the emergence of an infection whose activity and relapses are largely dependent on local bronchial immunity.
no ot sebja dobavlu-mozet byt parazitarnaja gforma

Munzwir Barkashev

If you do not kiss then there is no


No pleurmonia is not a contagious disease, it's just a cold. This is not a disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets.


No, it's not contagious. just a man caught cold, then froze, started. This is a lung disease that is not transmitted. Visit your colleague.

MARGO 1234

there is not contagious unless it becomes tuberculosis. but this process is lengthy.

Katya Katya

No, it's not contagious. My friend was ill with pneumonia, I have nothing, I'm not sick.

Inflammation of the lungs is contagious?



Inflammation of the lungs can be caused by bacteria and viruses (herpes virus, atypical pneumonia). Infection with bacterial pneumonia is unlikely, but what about interstitial viral pneumonia... remember the epidemic atypical in China a few years ago.


no, this is not a viral disease



Zoryana Alyabyeva

Of course not




No, e is infectious! This is not a viral disease! It's sitting inside the human body, it's bad for him!

Plut 163

This disease is not transmitted by airborne droplets, but also by some other measure.

Artemiy Lipilin

Currently, this is a great rarity, but even at the end of the nineteenth century there were epidemics of pneumonia. So, you can get infected theoretically.


Pneumonia is an acute inflammatory disease of the lung tissue caused by microorganisms. By classification, they are divided into staphylococcal, streptococcal, fungal, viral (most severe), mycoplasmal (AIDS markers), etc. Therefore, they are considered infectious in an acute period.

Can a person get pneumonia from another person?? for example when communicating? for example when communicating?


Alexander Mylnikov

Can not. Pneumonia is not a contagious disease.

Lilia Pichuzhina


Elliott J-Di

can, and if it is a viral pneumonia, then the probability is even higher.


forms of pneumonia are many.. there are among them and infectious.. for example, nosocomial pneumonia ...


Very unlikely!

Yulia Yegorovskaya

It is possible, but as a rule this rarely happens.
Pneumonia is not very contagious.

cyril borodin

Most pneumonias are bacterial in nature, and bacteria are not transmitted by air, infection requires close contact, for example so that the sputum particles fell on the coughing of a sick person on your mucous membranes, but that's not enough, you still need to have some problems with immunity, since staphylococcus, pneumococcus, morocell, or hemophilic rod to a healthy person can not be infected just.
Pneumonia, which is caused by hospital strains of bactriae, is easier to get infected, since infection with such bacteria is small depends on your immunity and they can get infected even a completely healthy person, but for infection again you need a close contact.
Viral pneumonia is a great rarity, but it is very easy to catch them, as many viruses are easily transmitted through the air and close contact is not needed for infection.
So, in principle, pneumonia infection is possible, but the likelihood of this is very low and depends on which pneumonia the people lying next to you were suffering from and the state of your immune system.

Lydia Alexandrovna

If close contact and weak immunity... -and this is unlikely... otherwise all pulmonologists and therapists would be ill ...


pneumonia is not contagious. This is pneumonia. That's only in China in a certain year was atypical pneumonia, it was contagious. But, they say, it was a biological weapon. To believe in it or not is a private matter for everyone


can, if it is viral, or if a person is weakened. So the mask mode is relevant

galina russian (churkin) GALJ

all sores are contagious, from viruses and germs. and it is especially dangerous for someone with weak immunity.

Elena Filatova

Can not. Pneumonia is not a contagious disease.
As for viral pneumonia. then their name indicates only the affected organ, and not the etiologic factor that caused the infection.
The most common causes of viral pneumonia are:
Influenza virus subtype A and B
The respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Paragrippus (in children)
Also, viral pneumonia is caused by more rare viruses:
The SARS virus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), also known as "SARS"
Other varieties of viruses can only in some cases cause pneumonia:
Herpes simplex virus (HSV), more often leads to the development of pneumonia in newborns
Chicken pox virus
Cytomegalovirus, often causes pneumonia in people with reduced immunity

Lyudmila Stroganova

Pneumonia as a disease is an inflammation of the lungs, it is almost impossible to catch it, but you can pick up an ARI that can go into pneumonia ...

Yana Belyaeva


Is pneumonia transmitted?


denis kuznecov

Yes. It's a virus.

Nadejda Blagodarnaya

No, it is not transmitted.


No, the inflammation of the lungs is not transmitted)))

Sexy Sprats ...

Ah... sexually ...

Marina Karpukhina (Masko)

Of course not. It's not a virus, it's a pneumococcus.

Sofia Nevskaya

No, this is wo-pa-le-ni-e.


No, it's not tuberculosis after all.

Mila Fedorova

Pneumonia is different, I had a child lying in a hospital with bilateral inflammation, the doctor said that this is an infectious pneumonia that is transmitted.

Oleg Belyaev

Infectious pneumonia has recently become very common in both adults and children and it is very difficult

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