Antibiotics for otitis
Otitis is an acute or chronic inflammatory process in various ear zones (external, middle or inner). Antibiotics in otitis are prescribed necessarily, based on the severity and stage of the process, the sensitivity of microorganisms, the degree of development of clinical symptoms, the age of the patient.
Untreated ear infections require the appointment of stronger antibiotics. Sometimes it is necessary to use not one, but several types of antibacterial agents, if the pathological process is in a neglected stage.
Consider the advisability of antibiotic therapy for inflammatory diseases of the ear.
Do you need antibiotics for otitis?
Antibiotic therapy is very important in the development of inflammatory processes. However, many experts are of the opinion that before the spontaneous perforation of the ear membrane and the exit of the exudative fluid, there is no need to prescribe antibiotics. The acute stage of uncomplicated otitis usually lasts for 5 days. Antimicrobial therapy is used in cases where symptomatic treatment of catarrhal otitis does not bring relief patient: ear pain does not pass, worsening acuity of hearing, there are signs of general intoxication of the body.
When purulent discharge appears, an analysis is made of the content of microflora and the determination of its sensitivity to antibiotics. If there is no way to gain access to exudate, they make a puncture for taking samples of the intra-oral contents, or dispense with the prescription of broad-spectrum antimicrobials.
Prevention of complications, especially in patients with low immune defense, can also serve as an indication for the prescription of antibiotic therapy.
What antibiotics to drink when otitis?
The most popular remedy, amoxicillin, has an excellent antimicrobial and antiseptic effect. In the absence of a patient's allergy to semisynthetic penicillins, it can be successfully administered at any stage of the inflammatory process. However, this drug is contraindicated in patients with impaired functional ability of the liver, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Aminoglycoside, netilmicin, is a drug for local injection use, used for no more than 14 consecutive days. Has good therapeutic parameters and a minimum of side effects.
The question about the appointment of medications is taken by the doctor individually after the results of the tests for the microflora of secretions.
If it is not possible to test the sensitivity of microflora to the action of antimicrobial agents, broad-spectrum drugs are prescribed:
- levomycetin, alcohol solution. Used on 2-3 drops with purulent otitis;
- amoxicillin 3-3.5 grams per day;
- augmentin 375 mg 3 times a day;
- cefuroxime IM injection;
- ceftriaxone 1 time per day;
- ampicillin in / m injection.
The connection of antibiotics to the otitis treatment schedule significantly reduces the likelihood of complications and improves the prognosis of the disease.
Antibiotics for otitis in children
Immediately before prescribing any medications, the child needs to assess his general condition and determine the further treatment tactics.
If a child has signs of otitis, it should not be rushed to prescribe antibiotics. They are used only in severe, moderate and complicated cases, especially in children under 2 years old, when the immune system is still in its infancy.
With an easy course of the inflammatory process, older children are usually treated with the elimination of clinical manifestations of the disease, using analgesics, ear drops, compresses, ointments, lotions. But if there is a characteristic picture of the general intoxication of the body, there is an increased temperature, persistent headaches - you can not do without antibiotics. In such cases, the sick child is hospitalized in the hospital, where the doctor decides on the further use of the drugs. Typically, preference is given to the known and effective antibiotic amoxicillin. However, if within two days after taking the child's well-being did not improve, another drug, for example, from the cephalosporin series, is prescribed.
During the treatment with antibiotics, the prescribed dosage should be strictly observed throughout the entire prescribed course, even in cases of persistent improvement in the general condition of the patient. Because of the unmotivated dose reduction, weakened, but living bacteria can gain new strength, and then the inflammatory process will flash again.
Antibiotics for otitis in adults
Otitis in adults often has an infectious etiology. Therefore, antibacterial drugs are used quite often, along with analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, with warming procedures and washing with antiseptic.
The type of antibiotic administered is determined depending on the infection present in the ear. In severe cases, several types of antibiotics can be used concomitantly, for example, orally and as intramuscular injections.
In acute otitis media, antibiotics are prescribed without fail: amoxicillin, amoxiclav, doxycycline, rovamycin. The drugs are administered in the form of tablets and capsules for internal use, and for severe and unfavorable course of the disease, intramuscular or intravenous injections are used.
Antibiotic therapy with caution is prescribed to elderly people and is categorically contraindicated in women during gestation and breastfeeding of a child.
Antibiotics for acute otitis media
The acute course of otitis is characterized by a sharp increase in symptoms, a rapid deterioration in the overall well-being of the patient-worries painful pain in the ear, giving off to the entire half of the head and teeth, a rapid rise in body temperature to 39 degrees.
Very effective in such situations antibacterial agents, applied topically, in the form of drops and ointments. But in many cases there is a need for taking systemic drugs. Combined antibiotics have a wider range of effects, high functional activity. Such combinations of drugs as neomycin + bacitracin, polymyxin + hydrocortisone have high performance indicators.
For the treatment of acute otitis media, any of the broad-spectrum antibiotics marked bactericidal action and restore the natural weakly acidic environment of the ear canal. The most suitable are semi-synthetic penicillins, resistant to beta-lactamases (dicloxacillin orally or oxacillin intravenously, and also a group of cephalosporins).
Antibiotics for chronic otitis media
Chronic otitis develops, as a rule, with improper or untimely treatment of acute inflammation.
In chronic otitis, a wide variety of pathogens, mixing of different species bacteria in the exudate, which significantly complicates the choice of antibiotic and the appointment of a general treatment regimen. Destruction of the polymicrobial flora requires the use of more powerful drugs, and sometimes their combinations.
In the case of long-standing and difficult-to-treat chronic forms of otitis, medications such as sparfl o (orally 400 mg at first, in the following days, 200 mg daily), avelox 400 mg daily at one time. The course of treatment should last from 10 to 14 days, with mandatory background reception of antifungal and normalizing microflora drugs and vitamin complexes.
Ciprofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, which is very popular in medical institutions in Europe. This drug is good in that it has a harmful effect on both active bacteria and immobile ones. It is taken on an empty stomach three times a day, the maximum daily dose of 750 mg.
Antibiotics for medium otitis media
Otitis media, the most common form of otitis media, is an inflammatory process in the middle ear region.
Antibiotic therapy is prescribed, as a rule, with the development of complications, a protracted course of the disease and the presence of fluid in the ear canal. The most suitable drug is selected based on the patient's allergic sensitivity, his condition and age. If it is not possible to specify which specific pathogen caused the disease, a systemic antibiotic a wide spectrum of the most typical pathogens of otitis media (pneumococcal infection, hemophilic rod, moraxella, etc.).
Most often in the treatment of otitis media preference is given to amoxicillin. The usual dosage for adults is 3 g daily, three times a day. Children take 85 mg per kg of body weight per day.
If after 2-3 days the clinical picture does not improve, it is necessary to replace this antibiotic with a stronger combination drug - for example, amoxiclav, cefuroxime.
Antibiotics for purulent otitis
The development of purulent otitis is characterized by the breakthrough of the internal membrane and the release of purulent contents outwards.
During this period it is advisable to designate rinses with antimicrobial agents (not having ototoxic effect, that is, not depressing the auditory function), the introduction into the ear cavity of combined solutions of antibiotics. Such procedures are carried out exclusively in a hospital or clinic by an otolaryngologist.
General therapeutic methods for purulent otitis do not differ from those in the standard inflammatory process. Antibacterial therapy is carried out by complex preparations erythromycin, clarithromycin, amoxiclav, ceftriaxone. With the development of complications and long-term course of the disease, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, olfen) are connected. The well-known drug of the first generation ampicillin remains popular, although more rational use of newer drugs - amoxicillin (flemoxin, ospamox).
Antibiotics for external otitis
External otitis affects the skin of the ear, the outer zone of the auditory canal and the periosteum, which is located just under the skin. If it is not possible to examine the state of the tympanic membrane and to exclude a deeper spread of the process, the treatment is prescribed simultaneously for both external and internal otitis media.
The main point in the treatment of external otitis media is the use of antibiotics in the form of ear drops (ofloxacin, neomycin). You can also use a cotton swab with an antimicrobial ointment or antibiotic solution, injected deep into the ear canal. Such a tampon should be changed every 2.5 hours throughout the day.
It is necessary to connect additional methods of treatment, such as warming compresses, vitamin therapy, support of intestinal microflora.
Most often, in the treatment of external otitis media, there is no need to prescribe antimicrobial agents. Antibiotic therapy is performed only in cases of complications, or in patients with critically weakened immune forces of the body.
Drops from otitis with antibiotic
Drops used to treat ear inflammatory processes are usually very effective, since they are injected directly into the inflammatory focus. They can be of several types:
- hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs (otinum, otypaks);
- solutions of antibiotics (levomitsetin, noraks, tsipromed, fugentin);
- Combined solutions combining the action of an antibiotic and a glucocorticoid (sfradex, anauran, polydex, garazon).
The drug anauran is applicable for all types of acute and chronic forms of otitis, used by adults and children 3-5 drops three times a day.
Drops of sfradex can be used for medicinal purposes with otitis and conjunctivitis, have a strong anti-inflammatory and antiallergic local effect.
Drops, as a rule, have a fairly wide range of action. Used topically 4 drops twice a day in the affected ear, children 2-3 drops three times a day.
Ear drops, which contain corticosteroids, are cautiously prescribed to young children and pregnant women.
If you suspect a possible allergic reaction (edema of the ear, the appearance of rash, itching) drops are stopped, and the doctor reviews the treatment regimen and replaces the drug with a more suitable one.
The best antibiotic for otitis
The best antibiotic for otitis is determined by the results of the analysis for the microflora. As for preparations of a wide spectrum of action, it should be especially noted amoxicillin, which is most often used in medical practice with different types of otitis media and in most cases has a positive therapeutic effect in all age groups.
Amoxicillin belongs to the penicillin series of antibiotics, it oppresses the action of most harmful microorganisms: streptococci, staphylococcus, E. coli, etc.
The drug is used inside separately from food intake for 0.5 g 3 times a day, with a complicated disease up to 3 g per day. The duration of taking amoxicillin, like any other antibiotic, is at least 8-10 days. Even with a marked improvement in the patient's well-being and the disappearance of clinical symptoms, treatment continues until the indicated time. Untimely cancellation of antimicrobial agents can trigger a relapse of the inflammatory process, and in a more severe form.
How to cure otitis without antibiotics?
Therapeutic actions in uncomplicated otitis media may not include antibiotics. Sometimes there is more than enough conservative complex treatment of the inflammatory process:
- if necessary, prescribe antipyretics (aspirin, paracetamol);
- three times a day otipax preparation - 2 drops per diseased ear;
- application of a nasal spray to remove the edema of mucous membranes (nasivin, noxprey, etc.);
- at regular intervals, change ear pads with the drug substance (boric alcohol, vodka, onion juice);
- with external otitis, apply antibacterial agent to the ear and the adjacent zone;
- when inflammation should drink a lot of fluids, as with colds (tea made from raspberries, currants, dogrose, linden);
- provide the patient with peace, monitor the absence of drafts.
At the first signs of otitis, you can try to use folk methods of treating the disease. Even those plants that grow directly in the house, on the window: aloe, colanchoe, agave, geranium, can be useful. A freshly cut leaf or a portion of it is folded into a turunda and inserted into a sore ear. You can squeeze out the juice from the plants and dig it in 3-5 drops into the diseased ear.
As a drop, you can also use a warm solution of honey, celandine juice, mint tincture, boric alcohol.
During treatment, you should drink a lot of liquid, it is not superfluous to take multivitamin complexes, as well as funds that strengthen immunity.
With a clear deterioration of the patient's condition, it is still necessary to consult a doctor to prevent further progression of the disease and the development of complications.
To avoid inflammation in the ear, remember that in the cold season it is not permissible to go out into the street without a headdress, the more you should not do this immediately after taking a shower or taking a bath. After visiting the pool or swimming on the beach, you need to wipe your ears well, not allowing a long time of water, especially dirty, in the ear canals.
If the disease still comes up, treatment is best conducted under the supervision of a specialist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment and the necessary antibiotics for otitis.
Advise a strong antibiotic to cure otitis media
Only an ENT doctor can prescribe a special antibiotic, I do not advise you to self-medicate, if you do not want to remain without hearing!
Olga Pavlova
For anesthesia at the initial stage, otitis is prescribed Paracetamol (1 g 4 times a day for adults, for children, doses are selected depending on body weight). An anesthetic effect is possessed by ear drops otypax (composition: lidocaine hydrochloride, phenazone, sodium thiosulfate, ethyl alcohol and glycerin). Otipaks are buried in the outer ear canal for 4 drops 2-3 times a day. In order to reduce the pain syndrome, the Cytovichi compress is used (the gauze swab is impregnated with 3% alcohol solution of boric acid and glycerin and inserted into the external auditory meatus). Such a compress can be left in the ear for 3-5 hours.
In order to reduce the swelling of the auditory tube and improve the outflow of pus from the middle ear Assign drops in the nose: Naphthyzine, Santorin, Tizin, Nazivin. Nazivin prescribe to children 1-2 drops in each nostril 2-3 times a day.
Reducing swelling of the mucous membrane of the auditory tube is sometimes promoted by antihistamines: Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Tavegil, Claritin, Telfast. The appointment of antihistamines is recommended only in cases when otitis develops against the background of allergies. Suprastin is prescribed to children according to 8.3 -12.5 mg 2-3 times a day.
Antibiotics for suppressing infection in the middle ear. The basis for the treatment of acute purulent otitis media is antibiotic therapy.
According to the latest data, the most effective drug in the treatment of acute otitis in children and adults is Amoxicillin (inside 0.25-0.5 g three times a day for 10 days). Sometimes there is a situation in which treatment with Amoxicillin does not lead to an improvement in the patient's condition. In the absence of effect after three days of treatment with Amoxicillin, the drug should be changed to Augmentin (0.375 or 0.625 g orally two to three times a day) or Cefuroxime (inside 0.25 or 0.5 g twice daily).
If the above antibacterial agents are intolerant or ineffective, antibiotics are prescribed macrolides (Rulid by 0.15 orally twice a day, Spiramycin , ml ME inside twice a day).
With complicated forms of otitis medications are prescribed, such as: Sparflon inside 400 mg on the first day, then 200 mg per day; Avelox 400 mg orally once a day.
The duration of otitis treatment should be at least 8-10 days. Even in case of improvement of the patient's condition, antibiotics should be continued. Early cancellation of antibiotics can lead to a relapse (repeat) of the disease and to the development of hearing loss.
Local treatment for otitis. Compresses, hygiene
When otitis use a warming compress on the ear (a bundle with heated salt), which accelerates the resolution of the inflammatory process. If, after applying the compress, the patient notes the increased pain in the ear, the compress should be immediately removed.
It is necessary to remove a purulent secret from the ear canal several times a day. For these purposes, you can use cotton buds.
When cleaning the ear, pull the auricle back and forth (the child - back and forth) and the cotton swab carefully enter the ear canal. The procedure is repeated until the cotton wool remains dry and clean. With thick pus, a warm solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide is poured into the ear canal, after which the ear should be carefully dried with a cotton swab. After removal of the purulent secretion in the ear, warmed to 37 ° C 0.5-1% solution of Dioxydin or ear drops Tsipromed. With lethargic otitis media, iodine and lyapis tinctures can be used (40%).
Leonid Spirtus
The best (checked repeatedly) helps nut oil: squeezing garlic croutons juice from 1-2 walnuts nuts in a tablespoon, bring to a boil on the gas, then cool and bury in your ear (2-3 drops). Operates faultlessly.
drops of sfradex in the ear and sumamed inside
Nothing to drip in your ears - you can be even worse.
Antibiotic and treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, but in general the best at the moment - Summed (or its analog cheaper - Azithromycin).
antibiotics without a prescription do not sell
Antibiotics for otitis

Otitis is an otolaryngological disease that is associated with the course of the inflammatory process in various parts of the ear. There are external and middle otitis, both of which can be both chronic and acute.
Otitis - treatment with antibiotics
Bactericidal agents are applied topically (externally) and internally. The type of antibiotic therapy is prescribed depending on the type of otitis and the nature of the course of the disease.
What antibiotics to drink with chronic purulent otitis, and which ones to use externally?
The use of bactericidal preparations for chronic otitis is justified if the inflammatory process is in the acute stage and the purulent contents appear at the site of the disease localization.
- gradual deterioration of hearing;
- increased body temperature;
- the appearance of ears of mucous consistence with purulent inclusions;
- pain in the ear;
- weakness;
- pallor.
Typically, antibiotics are used from the following list:
1. For oral administration:
- ampicillin (ampicillin trihydrate). Scheme: one capsule 4 r. in day 5 days;
- amoxicillin. Scheme: one capsule 3 r. a day for 10 days;
- spiramycin. Scheme: one capsule 2-3 r. in day 7 days;
- ciprofloxacin. Scheme: one capsule 2 r. a day is also 7 days;
- azithromycin: one capsule 1 p. a day, for three days;
- phenoxymethylpenicillin: three capsules per day for 5 days.
2. For injection:
- cefazolin - intramuscular injection, up to 4 r. per day, 5 days;
- Netilmicin - ear injection, 2 r. per day for 7 days.
3. For topical application (instillation in the ear), an alcohol solution of chloramphenicol is used.
What antibiotics should I take with acute otitis media, and which ones should be applied externally?
Acute catarrhal otitis media, in general, does not require antibiotic therapy. The appointment of such drugs is necessary only in extreme cases, when traditional treatment has not had positive results.
- sharp pain in the ear;
- obstruction of the ear;
- a strong increase in body temperature;
- noise in the ear;
- headache;
- tooth pain.
Antibiotics are used:
- For oral administration, the same drugs are used as in the case of chronic purulent otitis media.
- For intramuscular injections, it is recommended to use cefazolin.
- For topical application:
- normax;
- norfloxacin;
- otofa;
- cipromed;
- fugentin;
- fuzafunzhin - spray.
Drops are used according to the instructions.
What antibiotics can I treat with external otitis media?
Usually, the use of local antifungal agents is sufficient to treat inflammatory processes on the skin of the external auditory canal. If the nature of the course of the disease is protracted and accompanied by severe pain, it is justified to prescribe bactericidal preparations.
- pain from touching the auricle;
- an earache;
- feeling of ear stiffness;
- increased lymph nodes;
- low hearing loss;
- purulent discharge from the auricle.
Antibiotics for external otitis:
1. For oral administration:
- nystatin: two capsules 4 r. in day 14 days;
- azithromycin: on the first day of treatment - two capsules per day, starting with the second - one capsule of 1 p. per day, only 5 days;
- Ampicillin: one capsule 3 r. per day for 5 days.
2. For topical application:

- ofloxacin;
- neomycin;
- sophrax;
- gramicidin - alcohol drops;
- Oxycort - ointment with hydroortisone and oxytetracycline.
Preparations for topical use are instilled and applied in accordance with the attached instructions.
Do not self-prescribe bactericidal drugs and antibiotic therapy. This can lead to a worsening of the general condition and provoke the development of superinfection.
Effective treatment of otitis in adults with antibiotics
Ears - this is one of the weakest organs of man. Skvoznyaki, infection, water after a shower - all this can lead to inflammation, requiring urgent treatment, otherwise the consequences of inaction can be serious. And deafness is considered one of them. The inflammatory process in the ears is called otitis media. But what is this pathology? And what antibiotic for the ears will help quickly and without consequences get rid of the disease?
Otitis: What is this ailment?
Otitis is an acute or chronic form of inflammation that can develop in one or more of the ear zones: external, middle or inner. Treatment of otitis in adults is prescribed by antibiotics. Without such drugs, it will be very difficult to quickly cope with the symptoms and microorganisms that caused inflammation.
Poorly cured pathologies of the ears require the use of antibacterial agents, and in some cases one must immediately use a few of them: drugs can be injected intramuscularly, in the form of drops directly into the ear or taken in the form of tablets orally. But what causes otitis? What kinds of diseases exist?

Types of otitis. Causes
Otitis is a disease that can affect any of the three parts of the ear, which is why, depending on the source of inflammation, the pathology is divided into three types:
- otitis of the external ear;
- otitis media of the middle ear;
- inflammatory process of the inner ear, or labyrinthitis.
The reasons that cause this or that kind of pathology are huge, but the main ones are:
- diseases of the nasopharynx, which lead to puffiness and inflammation of the middle ear;
- pathologies that weaken immunity, including measles and influenza;
- getting into the ear of cold water during water procedures or swimming in a pond;
- injuries and damage to the tympanic membrane;
- hereditary predisposition.

Depending on which causative agent provoked the disease, the otitis can be divided into these types:
- viral;
- bacterial;
- fungal.
Treatment of otitis in adults with antibiotics is effective, but what medications should be used for this or that patient should be decided by the doctor depending on the complexity of the disease and its course. But what symptoms can indicate an inflammatory process in the auricle?
Each type of otitis has its own symptoms, but the following are common:
- pulsating pain in the ear;
- unpleasant sensations behind the ear;
- increased body temperature;
- chills;
- noises and discomfort in the ear;
- hearing loss.
As already mentioned, every form of the disease has its own symptoms. Take, for example, otitis externa. Symptoms and treatment in adults cause a lot of questions. How do you know that this is exactly this form of the disease? How to eliminate discomfort? Whether it is necessary to accept antibiotics or it is possible to manage with national agents?
Otitis externa is an inflammatory process on the skin of the auricle, a fascinating and external auditory canal. Most often it is caused by fungal or bacterial infections. There are two types of external otitis: diffuse and limited. Most often in patients, this ailment manifests itself in the form of furuncles - an acute purulent process of the sebaceous gland, which was caused by pyogenic microorganisms.
Recognize the symptoms of external otitis media by the following criteria:
- itching;
- pain when touching an inflamed area;
- edema, redness of the skin;
- fever.
Otitis of the external auditory canal is one of the easy forms of pathology, but even in this case ear antibiotics are needed. Without such drugs, complications may develop.

The middle otitis is an inflammation of the middle ear. It is this form of the disease that most often occurs in both adults and children. What is required if otitis media is diagnosed, treatment? In adults, antibiotics can cause a lot of protest, but it is the drugs of this group that are prescribed first. Of course, the doctor will take into account the etiology of the disease. As mentioned earlier, the nature of the ailment can be both viral and bacterial. Among bacteria, streptococci and hemophilic rod most often cause inflammation of the middle ear. But among the viruses to provoke the development of pathology in the ear can both influenza, and rhinovirus or respiratory syncytial virus. Determine the presence of the inflammatory process can be on such symptoms:
- throbbing pain;
- shooting pain in the ear;
- discomfort;
- weakness;
- sleep disorder;
- lack of appetite;
- worsening of hearing.
Also, the inflammation of the middle ear can occur as a result of a cold or flu, during which the immune system weakens and the number of bacteria in the nose and throat increases. The nasal cavity is connected with the middle ear, it accumulates liquid and bacteria, which provoke inflammation. And here it is just necessary to turn to a specialist, traditional medicine can not help a person. Treatment of otitis in adults with broad-spectrum antibiotics, which will kill all bacteria, remove the swelling and restore hearing, may be prolonged, but disregard therapy should not be. The disease can develop differently, if not taken in time, this can lead to more serious forms of the disease:
- acute otitis media;
- chronic otitis media.
Acute otitis is an inflammation associated with the localization of fluid in the middle ear region. With this form, the patient often raises the temperature and keeps within 39 degrees. It can not be knocked down, for a couple of hours - and it rises again. Often patients say that they hear somewhere inside their own voice. But the appearance of pus in the middle ear cavity suggests that acute otitis has already passed into the next stage. Purulent otitis in adults (treatment with antibiotics in this case is simply necessary, and the therapy should be started as soon as possible) is not a pleasant phenomenon, and self-medication is indispensable here.

But it is worth remembering that the first couple of days of treatment is not carried out, at this time most often there is a rupture of the tympanic membrane, and pus comes out. The patient feels relief, body temperature goes down and the pain recedes. In addition to pus, you can notice blood and serous discharge, but it's even for the better - it means that the ear is cleared.
The next type of pathology is chronic otitis media. Treatment (antibiotics including) is necessary. Ailment develops if you start acute therapy not on time or not to complete the course. The chronic form of the disease is manifested in the same way as acute: there is an increase in temperature, worsening of the general condition, itching, discomfort in the ear, hearing loss, etc. Chronic otitis can be of several types:
- tubotimponal;
- epimezotimpanit;
- epitimpanitis.
In addition to all the forms of otitis described above, there is one more - bilateral otitis. This pathology affects both ears. If you do not start treating otitis in adults with antibiotics, then this form can lead to perforation of the tympanic membrane. If the pus accumulates long enough, the pressure in the middle ear increases, and eventually the membrane becomes thinner, and there is a risk of rupture. In some cases, doctors advise to perform a surgical procedure, to make a puncture in the eardrum, and not wait until everything happens by itself.
Inflammation of the inner ear is another form of pathology, which doctors call labyrinthitis. This disease is much less common than external and otitis media. Treatment (antibiotics are vital) is quite heavy and protracted, and the disease itself is considered the most dangerous, it can even threaten the life of the patient. Purulent processes affect the bone tissue, which leads to serious consequences.

What complications can occur after otitis media?
At the slightest suspicion of otitis treatment (in adults, antibiotics in this case - a stick-rescue, but their use is not always necessary) must begin immediately. If time is lost, the acute form will develop into a chronic one, and then into the labyrinth, which eventually can end badly, even to a lethal outcome. But this is not all, inaction can lead to other conditions - intra-temporal complications:
- violations of the integrity of the tympanic membrane;
- inflammation of bone tissue cells - mastoiditis;
- paralysis of the facial nerve.
In addition, intracranial complications can occur, including:
- inflammatory process in the brain envelope - meningitis;
- inflammation of the brain - encephalitis;
- accumulation of fluid in the cerebral cortex - hydrocephalus.
But even all these complications sometimes do not scare people as much as antibiotic therapy, and many patients ask the doctors the question: Do you need to take such a large list of drugs? What antibiotics for otitis produce the best result, and which ones can be simply excluded from the list recommended by the doctor?
Whether it is necessary to accept antibiotics at otitis?
Antibiotics are very important in almost any inflammatory process in the body. But still, many doctors believe that, until spontaneous perforation of the ear membrane and the outlet of the fluid occur, there is no need to take such drugs. The acute stage of the uncomplicated form of the disease lasts about 5 days. Antimicrobial treatment is used only if systematic therapy does not bring the desired relief: the pain does not pass, the hearing has worsened even more, symptoms of general intoxication of the body are noticeable.
After the first signs of an outgrowth appear, immediately take an analysis for the content of microflora and determine which antibacterial agents it is sensitive to. After that, they select the appropriate drugs and begin treatment of otitis media adults. Antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are the best choice, after all it is not always possible to take exudate for the analysis.
After the completion of therapy, it is better to be reinsured and to engage in the prevention of relapse (more on this later).
Which antibiotics are better for otitis treatment?
There are a huge number of drugs that can cope with any kind of inflammation, they help in the treatment of otitis. One of the most popular is "Amoxicillin". This drug has an excellent antimicrobial and antiseptic property. But accept it is advised only to those patients who do not have an allergic reaction to semisynthetic penicillins. In addition, it is worth remembering that this medicine is contraindicated for people with impaired liver function, pregnant and lactating women.

Aminoglycoside netilmicin is a means for conducting local injections, but it is only allowed to use it for the first two weeks, not more. Thanks to him, it is possible to effectively and quickly treat otitis media in adults. The drugs should be selected individually for each patient, but there is a list of those medicines that will help everyone cope with inflammation in the ear:
- "Levomycetin" (alcohol solution) - it is recommended to drip 2 drops in the ear, if the patient has a purulent form of otitis;
- "Amoxicillin" - take inside 3-3.5 grams per day (at one time or divided into several);
- "Augmentin" - 375 mg three times a day;
- "Cefuroxime" - is used in the form of intramuscular injections;
- "Ceftriaxone" - once a day intramuscularly;
- "Ampicillin" - intramuscularly.
Rules for taking antibiotics
Each antibiotic has an instruction for use, which must be read before proceeding with therapy. Each patient with otitis treatment is selected individually, taking into account the form and course of the pathology. The dose is selected depending on the causative agent of the disease, the severity of the disease, the patient's body weight and age.
The shock dose can be applied only in the first three days. If there is no relief during this time, you need to change the form of administration of the drugs. The course of treatment is determined depending on the data of clinical studies, you can change the tactics of therapy only if there is a persistent remission.
Basically, the course of treatment is 7-10 days. But it is worth remembering that there may be side effects from taking antibiotics, and they need to be told to the treating doctor. It is very important to monitor the kidneys and liver. If serious changes are detected in the regular laboratory tests, the treatment tactics will have to be changed urgently. In addition, antibiotics for ear treatment are available in the form of a solution for injections or tablets, so there are also drops that also help to quickly cope with the symptoms of the disease.
Drops from otitis in adults
Due to the huge variety of ear drops, you can quickly get rid of inflammation and thus cure otitis effectively. Symptoms and treatment in adults are often identical, but still the selection of drugs should be carried out by a doctor, because every organism their characteristics, and the same medicine in two people with one form of pathology can cause different reactions. Remove inflammation in the ear can be such drops:
- hormonal - "Otipax" or "Otinum";
- antibacterial - "Tsipromed" or "Levomycetin";
- combined - "Anauran" or "Sofraks".
But it is worth remembering that if there is swelling, itching or a rash after the application of drops, then they must be urgently canceled. Most likely, they simply do not fit, but, as practice has shown, drops of "Sofreks" are often recommended to use for treatment adults and children, because they have almost no contraindications and side effects, and they are excellent at curing inflammation.

General methods of otitis treatment
Treatment of otitis should be combined. Therapy should be aimed at removing all symptoms in the very first days, and after removing all the liquid from the ear and removing the inflammatory process. Many doctors use a special strategy, which includes several basic points:
- Reduction of pain syndrome. To relieve pain, it is advised on the first day to begin taking paracetamol 1 g four times a day. Also, Otopiphe drops are well anesthetized - 4 drops up to three times. You can remove the pain with the help of a compression on Tsitovich - mix 3% boric acid and glycerin, make a swab, soak in the solution and insert into the ear, keep the compress for at least 3 hours.
- Remove the edema and improve the outflow of pus from the middle ear. For these purposes, it is advised to use drops in the nose - "Nazivin", "Tizin" or "Naphthyzine" 2 drops up to three times a day.
- Remove the edema of the mucosa of the Eustachian tube. In this case, it is advised to use antihistamines such as "Dimedrol", "Suprastin" or "Tavegil". These medications are advised to be used in the event that the otitis is caused by an allergy.
- Remove ear inflammation. Treatment in adults with antibiotics in this case includes mandatory. Select the drugs from the list that was presented above.
If inflammation in the ear bothers very often, then in this case, without preventive measures can not do.
Prevention of otitis
To reduce the likelihood of frequent development of otitis media, it is first of all necessary to treat the runny nose and other pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. In the cold season wear a hat to protect the hearing organs from wind and frost. Carefully conduct hygiene of the ears, then you do not need to use an antibiotic for the ears.
In addition, in order to protect themselves from the chronic form of the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract and mucous membranes, which can to become a provoking factor in the development of pathology, it is necessary to abandon harmful habits - the abuse of alcoholic beverages and smoking. You also need to monitor your health, and then treatment of otitis may not be necessary.
Especially important is the prevention of the disease in people with reduced immunity. They have catarrhal diseases developing very quickly, and, therefore, the risk of developing otitis is high.