Purulent otitis media

Purulent otitis media

purulent otitis

We are used to any ear pain called otitis, but this is far from the case. In fact, purulent otitis is an inflammation of the epithelium of the mucous tissues of the airways of the middle ear. Serious illness requires a competent approach to treatment in order to avoid unpleasant complications, such as hearing loss or meningitis.

Causes of purulent otitis media of the middle ear

Acute purulent otitis does not appear in a child who has dirty water in his ear. The causes of this disease are mostly internal:

  • weakened immunity;
  • complications from an infectious disease, or a cold;
  • infection through the blood.

When the organism has a low resistance to infections, it can even cause an improper blowing up of the otitis, as a result of which pathogenic microbes through the auditory tube fall into the middle ear region. Also, virus-infecting agents can get into the ear with injuries and injuries to the tympanic membrane. Children can cause otitis can even undelete adenoids.

If the disease is not treated, it runs the risk of overflowing into chronic purulent otitis, and then any draft can cause repeated suppuration in any of the middle ear - the drum cavity, the nipple process and the auditory tube.

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The main symptoms of purulent otitis media

There are several signs that help determine if you have acute purulent otitis, and not another hearing disorder. But the main symptoms in various diseases of the field of otolaryngology usually coincide. Symptoms of otitis media:

  • hearing impairment;
  • headache;
  • pain in the ear, auditory canal, sometimes pain giving to the jaw;
  • rise in temperature to 38-39 degrees.

These signs are characteristic for the initial stage of the disease, when the inflammation becomes the cause of extensive suppuration. Usually this process lasts 2-3 days. Further, acute purulent otitis media of the middle ear passes into the phase of perforated damage to the tympanic membrane, as a result of which pus through the formed the opening in the membrane flows out of the ear cavity outwards, and the patient achieves a significant relief, pains decrease. The third stage is final, the body fights the infection, the inflammation gradually decreases, pus ceases to stand out, the tympanic membrane restores integrity.

Than to treat a purulent otitis?

Treatment of purulent otitis primarily aims to eliminate the microorganisms that caused the inflammatory process. Most often this is one of the types of staphylococcus, streptococcus, or causative agents of cold and flu. Usually, the body is able to cope with these types of microbes alone, so in the initial stage of the disease has meaning to take drugs that restore immunity, use a multivitamin complex and fortifying agents.

To combat high fever, you can take Aspirin, Paracetamol, and other well-known to all of us medicines.

In the nose it is recommended to instill vasoconstrictive drops - Naphthysine, Nazol and the like. This is necessary to ensure that new bacteria from the nasopharynx do not enter the auditory canal.

You can also use special drops with purulent otitis:

  • Otypax;
  • Otinum;
  • Garazon;
  • 3% boric alcohol;
  • 5% carbolic-glycerin drops;
  • camphor oil.

All these drugs are good at the first stage of the disease. A mandatory condition is also a bed rest with a light diet. In severe cases, hospitalization may be required.

purulent otitis media of the middle ear

If the disease progresses rapidly, it is likely that the body will cope with it without the additional use of antibiotics. Otherwise, it is advisable to use one of the following drugs:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Doxycycline;
  • Sumamed;
  • Rovamycin.

They can be used in the form of tablets, or as intramuscular injections.


How does purulent otitis occur and what is its treatment?

One of the serious diseases is purulent otitis, the treatment of which requires a lot of time and money. You can not just give up on him, because the illness is accompanied by unpleasant, and sometimes unbearable pain.

The problem of purulent otitis media

The consequences of purulent otitis media are very serious. It can be meningitis, damage to the mucous membrane of the brain, which will lead to bad symptoms and a significant reduction in life expectancy. Finally, the most obvious is hearing loss.Once you save on treatment, you will be forced to wear expensive hearing aids for life.

How does purulent otitis manifest?

Otitis is an inflammation of the ear that causes thousands of different causes. Otitis is divided into three varieties. The first is external otitis media. This disease is easily curable with the help of folk remedies alone. Owners of otitis media will have to exert a little more effort, while there is a risk of serious complications. Internal otitis, which is also called labyrinthitis, is the most dangerous and intractable. In addition to hearing impairments, it leads to malfunctions in the vestibular apparatus and loss of coordination.

Scheme of suppurative otitis mediaPurulent otitis media is one of the most common diseases. It is not easy to cure, so when you first suspect it is better to seek medical help, focusing on the following symptoms found in you or your child:
  1. The high temperature is over 38 ° C.
  2. Headache. Most often they are manifested by pulsation in the temples.
  3. Pain in the ears. Sometimes they are indistinguishable from a headache and merge with it.
  4. Noise in ears. You do not leave the feeling that something constantly rustles and buzzes over your ear.
  5. Pain in the eyes and jaw. It has a shooting and sharp character.
  6. Hearing loss. You may not hear a person speaking something fuzzy in your ear.
  7. Intense ear canal. The whole day does not leave a feeling, as if a piece of cotton wool was stuck in his ear.
  8. Purulent discharge. From the ear can sometimes leak a turbid liquid with an unpleasant odor.

Most often, otitis media begins because of infections that are caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. They fall into the middle ear through the nasopharynx, so all of its diseases increase the risk of the appearance of the disease at times. In addition, you can get purulent otitis, if you constantly supercool, injure your ear, or allow water to enter it.

How to cope with the disease?

Dizziness is a symptom of purulent otitisIn adults, in terms of treatment, more opportunities than the younger generation, because their body is less susceptible to allergies and sensitivity to various medications. One of the main postulates of treatment is the need to maintain the normal functioning of the auditory tubes. Therefore, if the patient has records on rhinitis, adenoids and other diseases in the card, they must be treated first.

Also, they are purged and flushed. For this purpose, a special catheter is inserted into the ear, which reaches the eardrum. Through it, special medications fall into the ear, which reduce inflammation and drain the surface of the organ, as the medicine that gets into the mucus immediately loses its effectiveness.

Treatment of purulent otitis involves the use of such drugs as:

Antibiotics for purulent otitis treatment
  1. Glucocorticoids. They will significantly reduce the edema and begin to fight with inflammation in the ear.
  2. Antibiotics. They are used if necessary and administered intramuscularly. Sometimes they are placed immediately in the ear, before treating it with antiseptic means. The most commonly used penicillins or cephalosporins. If there are contraindications to their use, doctors recommend using macrolide antibiotics. However, in contraindications used antibiotic should not be "badly affects the hearing."
  3. Antihistamines. They are used in the event that purulent otitis was preceded by an allergy of the nasopharynx. When due to an allergy there is swelling, mucus is released and auditory gaps are closed, it easily provokes inflammation.
  4. Vasodilating drops. They are mainly designed to expand the auditory tubes and are buried in the nose several times a day. Caution: prolonged use of these drugs is addictive.

How to treat children?

The organism in children is more fragile and sensitive than in an adult, so their treatment is done differently. One of the main mistakes of parents is the use of boric alcohol. It will not bring any effect, but will only increase the pain, as a result of which the child will suffer more.

All medications should be individually prescribed by a doctor, focusing on the weight and height of the child, the illnesses he has suffered and individual reactions to these or other drugs. At the same time, the illness is more difficult for the child and causes more serious consequences, so you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Treatment with antibiotics is inevitable in both adults and children. But for the second they are appointed more carefully and after several examinations. Usually the antibiotic is selected from the following series: Ceftriaxone, Amoxiclav or Cefuroxime. In addition, you can remove pus by cutting the tympanic membrane - this procedure is usually performed for children over 3 years old.

If the child is not even a year, vasoconstrictor or ear drops are not prescribed to him, because at this age they are prohibited. Otherwise, many unpleasant symptoms may appear, including cramps and vomiting.

Simultaneously with nasal drops or in place of them, the nose is often rinsed with a saline solution in the amount of 3 drops. After its use, the mucus from the nose should be pumped out using a pear. In order to bring down the temperature, use the means containing paracetamol, but only after the approval of the doctor.

Analgin and aspirin for children are prohibited. Sometimes a blue lamp and dry heat are used. During the illness of the child, it is better to keep the house and not to let on the street, to bathe it, too, is not recommended, at least, in the most acute phase of the disease. If you follow all the recommendations of a doctor, you will be able to cure otitis without resorting to surgical intervention.

Folk remedies in fighting disease

Benefits of propolis with purulent otitisWashing yourself with ears is not the safest procedure, and you can do it only in extreme cases. But if you dare, use a time-tested decoction of chamomile. Put in 1 tbsp. l. in a half-liter of water and boil. After this, leave to stand for 40 minutes. Rinse out the ear, but keep the broth warm.

To reduce pain, you can put in the ear tampons, moistened with 10% propolis. This tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy. You can use a more gentle way and dilute propolis with peach or sunflower oil in a 1: 2 ratio. Bury the medicine on 7 or 10 drops 4 times a day. For children under the age of 4, the dose is reduced to 5 drops.

Also the output in the treatment of otitis becomes ramson - an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. You can be treated as its juice, and alcohol or water infusion. For the latter, take 20 g of berries and pour 20 ml of boiled water. Let it brew for about an hour. For the second, fill in the same quantity of berries with vodka in the proportion 1: 4. You need to insist for two weeks. Infusion, water or alcohol, moisten a cotton swab and insert it for a while in the ear.

For the same purpose, you can use garlic. Chop half a cup of garlic, pour in the same amount of olive oil and leave for 3 days away from the sun.

Purulent otitis is clearly not something that can be neglected.

Hearing loss - this is the lesser of evils with not received or untimely treatment.

The disease can lead to loss of coordination, deadly meningitis and impaired brain function. To prevent this from happening, ask for medical help on time, help yourself with folk remedies, having consulted before that with a doctor, and do not start nasopharyngeal diseases.


Otitis - medium, acute, purulent, in children, symptoms and treatment

otit7Otitis is an inflammation of the middle ear, which is the most common disease of ENT organs. At the heart of otitis is inflammatory processes in the mucosa that occur in the middle ear. In general, the outer ear consists of parts such as the auricle, external ear canal and tympanic membrane, which divides the outer ear with the middle ear. The middle ear is a tiny cavity where the bone mechanism is located, which transmits sound waves into the inner ear canal.

And the middle ear also transforms incoming sound waves into special nerve impulses that enter the brain. Otitis is external, that is, when there is inflammation of the auricle or inflammation of the ear canal. And also there is an average otitis, that is there is an inflammation of an average ear. Usually otitis media occurs after complications of infectious diseases such as influenza, tonsillitis and others.

Acute otitis media

Acute otitis is a common disease of the body, where the local manifestation are inflammatory-infectious processes, covering all three anatomical airborne components of the middle ear, this is the tympanum, auditory tube and mastoid process. According to the statistics, the average otitis occurs in 25-30% of people who have ear diseases and this indicates that acute otitis is a widespread disease. In the first place in terms of the frequency of acute otitis media are children under 5 years old, and elderly people are on the second place, and in the third place there are teenagers under 14 years old. Acute otitis does not have a specific pathogen, nor can it be caused by pathogenic microorganisms of different species, which include viruses, microbes and fungal flora or their associations.

The trigger mechanism for the development of acute otitis media is acute respiratory viral infections or influenza. In addition, the general assumptions and risk factors that favor the emergence and further development of acute otitis play a great role in the development of the disease.

Symptoms of otitis

It is worth noting that the easiest form of otitis is external otitis, but apart from it there is internal otitis and an otitis media of the middle ear. Concerning the symptoms of otitis, it is usually aching pain with a periodic

character, as well as possible swelling of the auricle and the temperature of the human body rises. The causes of external otitis may be mechanical damage to the tissue of the outer ear, that is, microtraumas with improper cleaning or trauma to the auricle. And the inflammation of the mucosa in the middle ear is called the otitis media of the middle ear. The danger of this type of otitis is that it leads to very serious consequences. For example, full or partial hearing loss may occur, and inflammation may spread further, even on the brain envelope.

In addition, otitis media of the middle ear is usually accompanied by severe pain in the ear, a decrease in hearing, a sense of ear congestion and the noise of the transfusions, and in severe forms, otitis is accompanied by secretions from the ear canal and an increase in body temperature that can be more than 38 degrees. And if there is no wrong and untimely treatment of otitis media of the middle ear, then in the future it can lead to the development of internal otitis media.

Symptoms of internal otitis are very similar to those of otitis media of the middle ear, but in this case there is a high risk complications, therefore hospitalization is necessary and even operative treatment of an otitis in a hospital can be required. In addition, otitis, like many other diseases, can occur in chronic and acute forms.

If it is an acute form of otitis, then very quickly there is a strong pain, which with every hour or even minutes even more increases. If it is a chronic form of otitis, it proceeds more slowly, and its symptoms are less pronounced, like other forms, but this does not eliminate the danger after the onset of this disease.

Acute otitis media

As for acute otitis, it proceeds in stages. For example, first there is inflammation of the mucosa of the middle ear, then there is a suppuration and perforation of the tympanic membrane occurs. In general, acute otitis can take place quite easily, if there is no noticeable general reaction of the body. In some cases this form of otitis can take a severe course, which has sharp reactive phenomena on the part of the body. The causes of acute otitis media are penetrated into the tympanic cavity of infection. This can happen due to a sharp weakening or hypothermia of the body.

Even acute otitis media can occur again, and become a consequence of complications of infections and as a result of upper respiratory tract infection or after a transferred flu. In childhood, the disease can occur after suffering from scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles and other childhood infectious diseases. Another acute inflammation of the middle ear can occur after chronic or acute inflammation of the nose and pharynx. Depending on the severity of the course of the disease, there are general and local symptoms of otitis media of the middle ear. For example, with the usual course of acute otitis, recovery and complete restoration of auditory functions quite often occur. If there are unfavorable conditions of treatment, the course of the disease may acquire a prolonged languid character or it will pass into a chronic form.

With a typical course of acute purulent otitis, three periods of development are distinguished. For example, in the first period occurs the emergence and development of inflammatory processes in the middle ear. In this case, the pain in the ear is very strong and gradually increasing, and in more severe cases it becomes simply intolerable and painful, which can take away peace. Most often, the pain is felt in the depth of the ear, and by its nature it can be pulsating, vomiting, aching or shooting. Quite often, with acute otitis media, pain can be given to the teeth, the back of the head, the temple, or spread all over the head, and is amplified by blowing, sneezing, swallowing, with coughing, since in this case the pressure in the tympanic cavity is greatly increased.

At the next stage of development of otitis, the perforation of the tympanic membrane occurs and the result of inflammation is a purulence. Then, after suppuration, the temperature usually decreases, but this painful process can last 4-7 days. With inflammation, suppuration is first observed abundantly, and then significantly reduced and pus gets a thick consistency. If there is an average acute otitis in the ear, then pus in this case has no smell. If in this case there is no external otitis.

As for the third period of acute otitis media, a gradual cessation of inflammatory processes is observed, then the suppuration disappears, the work of the middle ear normalizes and the perforation of the tympanic membrane recovers. And the duration of each of these periods can range from a few days to two weeks.

Acute catarrhal otitis

This form of otitis is accompanied by inflammation of the middle ear cavities, which cause streptococci, staphylococci and other pathogens. To provoke acute catarrhal otitis can lowered the body's resistance, diabetes, hypothermia, beriberi, kidney disease, rickets, various infectious diseases and so on. Most often, bacteria penetrate into the middle ear from the nasal cavity, through the auditory tube and this arises when exacerbated inflammation of the mucous membrane during acute rhinitis, acute respiratory infections, influenza, or acute otitis media.

Factors that accelerate the spread of infection are coughing, adenoid growths, sneezing or improper blowing, because it is necessary to clean each nostril in turn. Symptoms of ductal otitis media include ear noise, pain, a feeling of congestion, and hearing loss. And usually the pain in this case is growing, it can also give in the teeth, felt deep in the ear or give to the parietal-temporal or occipital area. In addition, they can observe unpleasant sensations when coughing, sneezing and swallowing, which very often deprives the patient of appetite and sleep. And when the disease occurs against the background of a common infectious disease, the temperature can rise sharply.

When the patient is examined, the doctor discovers the redness of the tympanic membrane, and touching it is very painful. Regarding treatment, then with catarrhal otitis, bed rest is necessary, and in case of complications, hospitalization is required. To eliminate pain, you need to instill carbolic glycerin and alcohol into the hearing aid by 70% for 5-6 drops in each ear. Next enter into each ear a cotton wick at night. In addition, physiotherapy, warmers and vodka compresses are used. And in the nose instilled vasoconstrictive and bactericidal drops. If the temperature is high, the doctor prescribes antipyretic drugs.

Acute exudative otitis media

This form of otitis is an inflammation of the middle ear with the formation of transudate and its long-term retention in the tympanic cavity. In its prevalence, acute exudative otitis in children is more common than in adults. A diagnosis of acute exudative otitis in 60% of children aged 3-7 years and 10% of children aged 12-15 years. The causes of exudative acute otitis are quite diverse and can be divided into local and general. For example, common causes include allergies, a decrease in overall immune reactivity, environmental factors, specific diseases that reduce immunity, as well as frequent infectious diseases.

If these are local causes of exudative otitis media, then this may be a violation of the ventilation function of the auditory tube, as a result hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil, and also a slow inflammatory-allergic process in the pharyngeal tonsil. In children, the clinical symptoms of this disease are not very pronounced. Quite often the main symptom in the disease is a decrease in hearing or a strong noise in the ear. But since children aged 2-5 years do not usually complain about hearing loss, exudative otitis media is more common and complicates in this case. And if a child with this form of otitis is not treated, then after 3-4 years he may develop persistent and irreversible hearing loss, which is due to cicatricial adhesive process in the middle ear, formation in the tympanic membrane of the pockets, atrophy of the tympanic membrane or perforation. In addition, the sound-receiving apparatus may suffer in part.

Acute purulent otitis media

This form of otitis is a purulent acute inflammation of the mucous membrane on the tympanic membrane. With this form of the disease, all parts of the middle ear are also involved in the catalytic inflammation. Acute purulent otitis is a widespread disease of the middle ear, which often occurs in a mild form, and then can develop violently and cause a severe inflammatory reaction of the body. But in both cases quite often the acute purulent otitis leaves in the future an adhesive process, which is accompanied by a hard-to-treat deafness, and can also go into a chronic and often progressive form, which leads to hearing loss and other serious complications.

The most common acute purulent otitis occurs in children under 3 years old. And its distinctive feature is an acute onset and a rather lingering course, but in childhood increases the tendency to recurrence of the disease. The main factors that provoke this disease are a combination of a decrease in total and local resistance, as well as getting into the tympanic cavity of the infection. Quite often, through the auditory tube, a microflora directly enters the tympanic cavity, which saprophytes in the pharynx. But this can not cause inflammation if the general and local reactivity is normal. And if the supply of microflora was massive or the microflora was highly virulent, then in this case acute otitis media appears.

The main pathogens of acute otitis in children and adults are the main infections or associations of microorganisms. Most often, viral otitis is observed in epidemics of viral diseases.

The most frequent way to penetrate the infection is through the auditory tube. And since there is no flora with microbes in the middle ear cavity, the barrier function of the mucous membrane in the auditory tube comes into play. As a result, mucus is produced here, which has an antimicrobial effect. Inflammatory epithelium of the auditory tube moves the mucous secret to the nasopharynx. Therefore, with different common infectious diseases, with local acute exacerbations, as well as with inflammatory, chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract defense function of the epithelium in the auditory tube is disrupted. As a result, the microflora immediately penetrates into the tympanum.

In some rare cases, the infection can enter the middle ear through a damaged eardrum during a trauma or through the wound of the mastoid process. In this case, there is a traumatic otitis media. The most rare way of penetrating infections in the middle ear is the hematogenous way. And it is possible if there are such infectious diseases as measles, influenza, scarlet fever, tuberculosis and others in the body. In extremely rare cases, acute purulent otitis can develop as a result of retrograde spread of infection directly from the cranial cavity or from the labyrinth.

Acute Otitis in Children

Usually acute otitis in children begins with sharp pain in the ear and high fever. And most often it starts after a flu or cold. The most important thing that needs to be done in this situation is to put behind the auricle a warming vodka compress and it is best to do it with camphor alcohol, which must be diluted halfway with water. Most often, the compress reduces pain and the child calms down, but you do not need to stop. Since the child immediately needs to be shown immediately to the doctor. It is worth noting that otitis is terrible with its complications, which can occur if the child is not treated in time. In addition, otitis can pass into a chronic form or can lead to a partial hearing loss.

To the occurrence of complications, otitis predisposes the structure of the organ of hearing. After all, children have a more sinuous hearing aid than adults, and at the end of the passage there is a tympanic membrane, which is a barrier covering the middle ear. And behind this very thin film there is a tympanic cavity, which has a sound instrument - these are auditory ossicles, nerves, muscles and vessels. The drum cavity consists of an auditory tube, which connects it with the nasopharynx, which you should pay attention to. After all, with various respiratory or other infections that are most common in children, the inflammatory process begins, which most often affects the nasopharynx. Therefore, through the auditory tube, which in children is shorter and wider than in adults, the microbes immediately enter the tympanum.

Acute otitis media of the middle ear

This disease is a manifestation of inflammation in the tissues of the tympanic cavity, mastoid process and auditory tube. Most often, acute otitis media of the middle ear occurs in childhood, but people of any age can be ill. Inflammatory process in the middle ear can be caused by different microorganisms, these are streptococci, staphylococci, fungi and viruses. Most often microorganisms enter the middle ear directly through the auditory tube and this is usually promoted this process in the nose, nasopharynx, in the paranasal sinuses or in the presence of adenoids in children. A more rare way of penetrating infections in the middle ear is to hit it through the external auditory wire during a tympanic injury. Another occurrence of acute otitis can occur with infectious diseases such as scarlet fever, influenza or measles, and there is another way of penetrating the infection-it's through the blood.

In addition, a decrease in the body's resistance to various infectious diseases, kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus and hypothermia can contribute to the development of inflammatory processes in the middle ear. In the course of the disease, acute otitis media of the middle ear is purulent and catarrhal. And during the acute otitis media, three stages are distinguished. The first stage is acute catarrhal otitis, that is, the onset and development of inflammatory processes occur on average ear and further increase in the symptoms of the disease, which are associated with the accumulation of exudate - this fluid in the middle ear.

The second stage is purulent otitis, that is, the formation and accumulation of pus in the middle ear cavity, which leads to rupture of the tympanic membrane and to suppuration. The third stage of development of acute otitis media of the middle ear is the fading of the inflammatory process, which is substantially Reduces and gradually stops suppuration, and then there is a fusion of the edges of the tympanic membrane.

Acute otitis externa

This form of otitis is an inflammation of the skin of the cartilaginous part of the auditory external passageway. Symptoms of acute external otitis are ear pain, chewing pain, when pressing on a tragus, pain while sipping the auricle. Naturally, with this disease there may be swelling near the auricle on either side or with one of them. Another possible pain when pressing the mastoid process, and the pain itself is amplified towards the ear folds. Still observed with acute external otitis narrowing of the external auditory canal with varying degrees of severity. In addition, lymphadenitis of the pre-limb lymph nodes is possible.

When the eardrum is not inflamed, the hearing may not be affected. And in differential diagnosis, skin cholesteatoma can be detached from the back of the external auditory canal. For the treatment of acute external otitis in the external auditory canal is introduced turundas with Burov's fluid or with boric alcohol, and also prescribed for the treatment of UHF therapy in the ear area. And with severe pain and high body temperature, antibiotics are prescribed - oletetrin, doxycycline, vibramycin or erythromycin for 6-7 days. Such treatment is also carried out with purulent discharge.

If the disease is prolonged. The doctor prescribes intramuscular injections of antibiotics, prescribes autohemotherapy and locally prescribes staphylococcal anatoxin. If a recurrent furunculosis develops, then autohemotherapy is required, a blood test for sugar is performed to exclude diabetes, and vitamin therapy is necessary.

Acute bilateral otitis media

Acute bilateral otitis is an inflammation in the tissues of the tympanic membrane or auditory tube. In addition, the inflammatory process can affect the surrounding tissues. Most often acute otitis does not lead to hearing loss, but there are exceptions, if it is a purulent otitis, in which the destruction of the tissues of the middle ear. Acute bilateral otitis develops from five stages. The very first stage is characterized by stuffy ears, noise in the ears, and fever may be absent. In the second stage, there may be acute catarrhal inflammation in the middle ear, which is characterized by the symptoms of the first stage. There may be shooting pain in the ear, rise in temperature and inflammation of the mucous membranes. The next stage of the disease is the preperforative stage, which is characterized by intolerable pain passing into the neck, eyes, teeth and into the pharynx. Body temperature at this stage can rise to a risky figure.

otit3-300x204At the next postperforative stage of acute bilateral otitis media, the pain weakens, but suppuration begins from the ears. The last stage is the reparative stage, that is, the arrest of inflammation and the beginning of recovery. The most important danger during suppuration is the threat that pus will enter the cranial cavity and cause a brain abscess or meningitis. In addition, you need to remember about the obligatory visit to the doctor at the very first manifestations of pain in the ears or if the ears pawned. And if these symptoms do not pass for two or three weeks, then there is a danger of the disease.

If treatment is performed only by unconventional means, then this can cause complications, since similar methods are used only under the supervision of a doctor. And the therapy must necessarily be carried out, taking into account all aspects of the disease, for example, to take into account the extent of the inflammatory reaction, to take into account all complications and other concomitant diseases. In addition, it is very important to take into account the general condition of the patient, as well as his individual characteristics. And depending on the nature and form of the defeat of the middle ear, choose a method of treatment that can be operational or conservative. According to statistics, acute bilateral otitis media can manifest in 80% of children under 3 years old. Quite often, otitis develops after hypothermia or after a cold. And in order to prevent it, it is necessary to treat the mucous membrane of the throat and nose in a timely manner.

Treatment of otitis media

Concerning the treatment of otitis, it is worth noting that this is a very serious disease that must be treated. Therefore, the first symptoms should immediately contact the otolaryngologist. After all only the doctor can correctly establish the form of an otitis and on the basis of it or this to appoint or nominate correct treatment. And even if a person is an adherent of treatment with folk methods, then without treatment otitis treatment is impossible. Otitis is usually treated for about 10 days, but in more severe forms, treatment can be delayed. In any case, you need a timely call to the doctor.

It is worth noting that the treatment of otitis is complex and for the patient to start it is necessary to ensure complete rest, so as not to provoke the occurrence of complications. Then it is necessary to appoint specialized antibiotics to carry out an operational fight with the causative agent of otitis media. Antibiotics can be in tablets, it's Solutab, Flemoclav, Cyphran or antibiotics in droplets, it's Otypax and Sofrax, but they must be at room temperature before burying. However, only a doctor should prescribe antibiotics.

Sometimes it happens that otitis takes a person by surprise, for example, on a day off. And in this case it is necessary not to start the situation. That is why, when there is pain in the ear, with lumbago or with twitchings, it is necessary to buy drops of Sophadex for adults, and for children Otipaks drops will help. In this case, it is necessary to observe the dosage, which is indicated in the instructions, and then bury in each ear. If very severe pain has occurred, then in this case, you can take an analgesic. However, if the ear has already ceased to hurt, it is still necessary to consult a doctor. Because there is a high probability of complications.

With external otitis treatment should consist of heating, from washing the ear canal and using warming compresses. If an abscess has already formed, then there is a need for its dissection. With otitis media, antibiotics and antipyretics are prescribed. When the suppuration has already come, the doctor in the hospital makes an incision of the tympanic membrane to drain the pus from the ear, as quickly as possible. Still need to mix in equal parts 70% alcohol and glycerin and in this solution you should wet the turunda from the cotton wool, and then insert it into the ear. Then you need to put a cotton ball moistened with an ordinary baby cream, and after 2 hours to remove it. After several procedures, the swelling will disappear.

To eliminate ear pain, it is necessary to take painkillers. For example, adults are prescribed Coldrex, and children are prescribed Nurofen, as a result, relief will come just at once. But it is very important to know that any warming compresses can not be used at high temperature. And also take otitis treatment very seriously.

Prevention of otitis

To prevent any inflammation, you need those tools that help strengthen the body, for example, correct mode of work, nutrition and rest, systematic exercise and physical training and tempering. In addition, those people who suffer from chronic otitis should be well treated and observe all necessary precautions. For example, during bathing or washing your head, you need to protect your ears from dirty water, usually using ear plugs or cotton swabs, which should be moistened with vegetable oil. When pus comes out of the ear, then on the instructions of the doctor you need to clear the ears from the accumulation of pus, and also to apply the procedures and medicines prescribed by the doctor.

Those people who are predisposed to diseases of the throat or nose, must necessarily consult a doctor about their treatment and prevention of the disease. In addition, you need to treat the tonsils systematically, and in advanced cases, they need to be removed. In addition, it is necessary to treat a runny nose and especially if it is a chronic form. In addition, each person should carefully blow his nose, as with enhanced blowing through Eustachian a tube of slime with microbes can get into the tympanum, which will cause inflammation in it, that is, otitis.

It should be noted that with exacerbations of otitis, it is undesirable to carry out any hard physical work, and you can not leave the house with wind and strong cold, and it is advisable to avoid talking. Even with exacerbations, the ear is covered with a warm bandage. If the patient has severe pain in the ear, then you can use painkillers, which are prescribed only by the doctor. In general, in most cases, preventive measures do not allow inflammation in the ear to those people who fall into the risk zone.


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