Prolonged cough without fever with phlegm

What can cause a violent cough without fever?

A prolonged severe cough without fever is common enough. Many do not attach importance to easy coughing and do not seek medical help. Someone completely ignores the unpleasant phenomenon, believing that it will disappear by itself with time. Others are trying to cure malaise with folk remedies against coughing or buying medicines on the advice of acquaintances.

Self-medication, like ignoring the disease, can be dangerous to health, because a constant cough can be a sign of a serious illness. Improperly selected medications can worsen a patient's condition. Non-cured diseases often become chronic or provoke the development of other pathologies.

What is a cough

Coughing is a reflex reaction of the body to various stimuli in the organs of the respiratory system. It performs a protective and purifying function. With its help, the body is released from foreign bodies that get into the respiratory tract, as well as from substances that irritate the respiratory system. Cough reflex helps to get rid of pathogens and the products of infection control with the body's defenses. Thanks to this reaction, the body maintains optimal conditions for the healthy life of the respiratory system. Therefore, the treatment of many types of cough is aimed at its effectiveness, not suppression.

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But coughing can have a nervous nature. It occurs due to diseases of the human nervous system, and not as a result of external effects on the respiratory system.

Cough is of two kinds: dry and wet. If the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs are dry and hot, then the cough reflex will be dry. He does not bring relief. Often, it irritates the mucous membranes and can be painful and unpleasant.

A wet cough occurs when the reflex reaction is accompanied by a sputum discharge. He usually brings relief, but in some cases a wet cough can be very deep. Coughing becomes harder. Sometimes there is a feeling of lack of air.

If the inflammation of the respiratory system is caused by infection, a cough reflex may appear against the background of an increase in body temperature. However, it often appears non-heat.

There are several reasons for the occurrence of a cough without temperature.

Cough without fever on the background of an infectious disease

Inflammatory process, caused by various types of pathogens, can occur without an increase in body temperature.Such a course of an infectious disease can be caused by a reduced immunity of the sick person. In such cases, a deep cough can be observed. Weak resistance of the body allows infection to penetrate into the upper respiratory tract, into the bronchi and further into the lungs. A person with healthy immunity would have a high body temperature in this condition. But a weak immune response makes a person vulnerable to disease. If the disease is not treated, then the patient's condition will rapidly deteriorate.

Strong immunity can effectively fight infection at the stage of infection. The infected person shows signs of a disease (for example, cough and runny nose), but the body temperature does not increase. If you ignore such a state, then the immune forces may not be enough to successfully overcome the infection. If you lead a normal lifestyle and load the body with the usual daily loads, the infection will be able to cause an inflammatory process. In addition, a bacterial infection may be added to the viral infection.

A prolonged cough without fever can be a consequence of a viral disease that has been transferred, when an acute inflammatory process has passed into a chronic condition. Dry, irritating the mucous membrane of the throat, cough is characteristic of chronic atrophic pharyngitis. Cough reflex with sputum may be a sign of chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis.

After suffering an acute respiratory viral disease, coughing can be observed for a while as a residual phenomenon.

A prolonged dry cough without a rise or with a slight increase in temperature can be a sign of the defeat of the body by a tuberculous infection. This symptom is characteristic for tubercular bronchoadenitis and the initial stage of focal pulmonary tuberculosis.

Allergic nature

Cough without fever occurs with various allergic diseases.

Cough reflex can appear due to the ingress of substances - allergens - onto the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs. For example, pollen from plants, spores of fungi or poplar fluff. Such a cough is usually dry and shallow. It can be observed as a slight cough, and attacks of an uncontrollable cough, during which the patient suffocates. For an allergic cough, the symptoms disappear after the removal of the irritant substance. It instantly disappears or becomes less obvious after taking antihistamines.

Asthma as one of the reasons

Asthma is a chronic lung disease, which causes inflammation and swelling of the airways. Asthmatics suffer from coughing attacks, especially at night. During an attack there is a hoarse or labored breathing, mucus is formed. A cough attack can trigger a physical load, a pungent smell or cold air. Aggravation of the disease also causes various substances - allergens. Before the attack, the patient may feel itching in the chin, chest or neck. In the development of the disease, heredity, as well as occupational and environmental factors play an important role. Recent studies have confirmed the impact of household chemicals on the development of this disease.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a disease in which an irreversible airflow restriction occurs in the respiratory tract. There is no increase in body temperature. This condition progresses steadily and is accompanied by an inflammatory response of the lungs. The disease appears due to the constant exposure of irritants to respiratory organs of pathogenic particles or gases. In response to the stimulus in the lungs, the number of cells that produce a mucous secret is intensively increased. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease often suffers from smokers with a long history - more than forty-five years. Therefore, this ailment is often called a smoker's illness. They have too much sputum, which can go unnoticed, as tobacco smoke paralyzes the cilia of the bronchi that help to move the sputum. Therefore, heavy smokers often deafeningly cough in the morning with the release of sputum. But after the first puffs, the cough reflex ceases. If a smoker can not live without a morning cigarette, this is a sign of the development of pathology in his respiratory system.

Over time, a more severe condition develops, in which the patient can not exhale air from the lungs due to the narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi.

Cough as a side effect

A non-temperature cough may occur as a result of prolonged use of medications for treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system and hypertension - ACE inhibitors (angiotensin-converting enzyme). The side effect of such therapy can be a cough reflex. About a fifth of patients who take such drugs develop a dry cough.

Long-term administration of drops to treat the common cold can provoke a cough reflex. In this case, usually observed catarrhal phenomena - a slight reddening of the throat and a sensation of tickling in the throat.

Other reasons

Gastroesophageal reflux disease can be accompanied by a cough without temperature. This disease of the esophagus and stomach, in which gastric acid enters the esophagus due to the weakness of the valve. Together with heartburn, coughing, wheezing, and chest pain may occur.

Contaminated air causes coughing attacks. Thus, the body tries to get rid of foreign particles that are in the air.

Long exposure to vapors and gases can lead to sputum and irritation of the lungs. The same effect can cause mold spores. Contaminated air often provokes allergic reactions or an attack of asthma.

Neurogenic cough occurs against the background of a nervous system. Usually it is a dry, sonorous cough reflex, intensifying in stressful situations. In a calm state and during sleep, he usually does not bother the person.

Oncological diseases

Chronic cough without fever is often a sign of the development of a malignant tumor in the respiratory system. Cough of the oncological nature has its own characteristics, although it is very similar to the usual cough reflex. It is characterized by great intensity and gradually changes its character. In the first stages of the disease, coughing is usually dry and painful. In the course of time, sputum appears. At first it is simply mucous, then purulent-mucous. In late stages, sputum is purulent-mucous. The oncological cough reflex does not respond to standard therapy. Call it can malignant tumors that have arisen in different tissues of the respiratory system.

Treatment of cough

If a cough without fever has recently appeared and is accompanied by a runny nose, it may be the result of the action of viruses. In this case, you must comply with bed rest. It is not recommended to visit the team in order not to spread the infection and not to burden the body in addition. An easy disease will pass by itself or with the help of folk remedies - tea with kalina, radish juice and herbal remedies. If the cough does not disappear more than two weeks, you need to visit a doctor. It is especially dangerous to ignore the best-temperature cough in children. The development of diseases in children is rapid.

A long-term, non-vanishing cough reflex, not accompanied by fever, is an alarming sign. Especially if a strong cough is accompanied by a discharge of sputum with blood veins and pain. To delay with a visit to the doctor is strictly not recommended.

Before you start cough treatment, you need to find out the reason for its appearance. Many diseases have similar symptoms, but they have completely different nature. A diagnosis error can have fatal consequences.

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Only a doctor can determine the causes of any cough. He will examine the patient and will assign a series of studies. Probably, it is required to make a roentgen of lungs. Depending on the results of the research, the doctor will diagnose and prescribe the treatment.

Strong cough without fever in the adult: causes, treatment and varieties

  • Dry cough
  • Prolonged cough

A severe cough without fever in an adult is a widespread symptom among people of young and old age.

Characteristic for various diseases, in the absence of treatment, prolonged coughing is steadily progresses in most cases, leading to the development of complications that significantly reduce the quality of life patient.

A growing strong cough without fever in an adult is a sign of an infectious process, characteristic of a decrease in immunity or for elderly patients.

Paroxysmal cough paroxysms are pathognomonic for the initial stages of whooping cough, which occurs without fever, runny nose and general impairment in children and adults. Night attacks are typical for exacerbation or debut of bronchial asthma as a result of irritation of the bronchial mucosa on the background of an allergic reaction. For asthma, a typical exhalation in the presence of a normal inhalation of air, hypersecretion of viscous sputum provokes the development of a strong cough without temperature in an adult and a child.

The causes of the pathological process are:

  • nonspecific inflammation (ENT organs, upper respiratory tract, bronchi, trachea, lungs);
  • infection (influenza, parainfluenza, measles, SARS, whooping cough, adenovirus, cytomegalovirus);
  • allergy (pollinosis, sinusitis, bronchial asthma);
  • trauma (foreign bodies, damage to the esophagus);
  • cardiac arrhythmia (extrasystole, vegetovascular dystonia).

Manifestation of a symptom at night on the background of a stoppage of breathing and prolonged smoking in the anamnesis is a pathognomonic clinical picture of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Bronchitis of the smoker is transformed into an irreversible form, manifestations of which is a steadily progressing cough with the development of respiratory insufficiency of various degrees of severity.

Prolonged cough in an infant is a sign of the fistula of the thoracic esophagus, through which food enters the respiratory tract, causing irritation and a protracted inflammatory process.An incessant cough in childhood is a diagnostic problem that disrupts the physiological breathing and normal development of the child.

To suspect an infectious process the doctor will allow diagnostic examination, examination of sputum and the delivery of tests. Early treatment of severe cough without fever in adults and children is done taking into account the characteristics of the cough, its duration and the overall clinical picture.

Dry and wet cough differ depending on the stage and etiology of the process. Dry cough is the initial stage of inflammatory diseases, in which coughing tremors are a reflex mechanism. A dry, violent cough develops when foreign bodies enter the body, aimed at removing it from the upper respiratory tract. A moist cough is formed as a result of increased production of serous or purulent sputum, the ingestion of which into the lungs causes the development of pneumonia.

This complication is typical for people who have weak respiratory muscles and a sedentary lifestyle.Antitussives with a dry cough are used to stop the syndrome, eliminate inflammation of the mucous membrane. The purpose of the drug with moist cough promotes the development of severe forms of pneumonia. Expectorants with a damp cough are prescribed against the background of taking antibiotics to prevent the multiplication of pathogens.

When taking medication, you need to consume large amounts of water to dilute sputum. Breastfeeding is a folk remedy for cough, used in outpatient treatment. Herbal infusion is prepared in the following way: for 200 ml of boiling water dilute two or three tablespoons. collection, and then leave to insist for one hour. Feedback on the forums indicate the high effectiveness of this method for the treatment of dry and wet cough. The infusion is used 3 times a day for 10-14 days.

Dry cough without fever in an adult: a variety and their treatment

Dry cough without fever in an adult has the following types and tactics of treatment.

Specific antiviral or antibacterial treatment is shown against the background of the use of expectorants and mokrotorazhizhayuschih drugs. The expediency of therapy is determined by the severity of the inflammatory process, in severe cases, in-patient treatment is required.

Removal of a foreign body is performed surgically or by bronchoscopy. Elimination of the cause of arrhythmia is under the control of a cardiologist, specific drugs are prescribed that stop the manifestation of extrasystole and vegetovascular dystonia.

  1. Prolonged cough with phlegmis a sign of an infectious process, influenza, ARVI or pneumonia. Often accompanied by inflammation of the larynx, trachea and ENT organs. Accompanied by:
    • high temperature;
    • coryza;
    • general weakness;
    • decreased performance.
  2. Prolonged cough without phlegm(dry) is typical for allergic processes, bronchial asthma or the initial stages of infection (in the presence of rashes). An unproductive cough is accompanied by a sore throat, a throat, a heaviness in the head. Antiallergic therapy reduces exacerbation in the early stages.
  3. Prolonged cough without feverIs a characteristic syndrome of cardiac arrhythmia, foreign body entry to the mucosa or vocal cords. Diagnosis takes a long time, relief comes immediately after a targeted treatment, taking pills.
  4. Prolonged cough with phlegm without temperatureis formed with increased mucus production, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, prolonged smoking, and work with construction dust, asbestos or cotton wool. In addition, dry cough without temperature in an adult is manifested with pulmonary tuberculosis, open or closed form, lung radiography clarifies the diagnosis.

Treatment of chronic obstruction begins with quitting smoking and taking bronchodilators short or long-acting. With the growth of fibrotic processes in the bronchi, patients are assigned enzyme preparations, as well as hormone therapy. With pulmonary tuberculosis, the patient is sent for specific therapy to the physiotherapy department of the hospital.

A prolonged cough without fever in an adult: a type of treatment

A prolonged cough without fever in an adult requires an early onset of a specific treatment after going through a wide diagnostic examination to determine the exact cause of the onset.

A blood test, sputum culture, as well as instrumental and functional research methods allow differentiate allergic and infectious diseases, foreign bodies of the upper respiratory tract and esophagus.

General treatment includes:

  • to give up smoking;
  • general strengthening procedures;
  • enhancing the immune properties of the body;
  • removal of the allergen;
  • frequent wet cleaning.

Prevention of acute respiratory infections and infections is aimed at limiting contacts during the epidemic period, regular intake of immunoprophylactic drugs, and routine vaccination according to the vaccination schedule.

Mantoux reaction allows detecting tuberculosis infection at early stages, initiating early specific therapy, which significantly reduces the risk of exacerbations.

Medical treatment has the following directions:

  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • bronchodilator.

Preparations for infectious and fungal diseases that have caused a prolonged cough without temperature at the adult, are selected individually by the attending physician taking into account the clinical picture and the affected organ.With severe pain on the background of coughing, an urgent start of treatment is required because of the high stress on the respiratory musculature.

With asthma and allergic pharyngitis treatment begins with anti-allergic antihistamines drugs, which are supplemented with bronchodilators to facilitate breathing and eliminate symptoms of cough. The bronchodilators work almost immediately, they are taken in the form of inhalations according to the doctor's prescription.

Folk remedies are aimed at restoring the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, reducing the production of sputum and mucus.Individual herbal infusions, such as oak bark, affect the degree of intensity of the inflammatory process, reducing the production of pro-inflammatory enzymes in the lesion.

Lime, marshmallow and plantain are used as antitussive drugs, but can be used only after consulting a doctor because of the risk of side effects. Breastfeeding is the safest and most versatile method for softly stopping a prolonged cough without fever in an adult and a child over 10 years of age.


Prolonged (long) cough

A long cough occurs in people very often, and it does not depend on the social status or the security of individuals. When he does not pass a week, it is written off for a cold and rarely worried about it. Just what to do when an unceasing reflex action becomes intrusive and lasts for a whole year? And if 5 years or more? It should be noted that there are a large number of diseases that have a protracted cough. It can last several months and then disappear for six months. To such ailments include allergy to pollen of plants, chronic bronchitis, etc.

Prolonged cough can be a manifestation of slow flushing pneumonia. If the reflex action does not take a month, you should always seek help from a doctor. This must be done even if the person is completely sure of the reason for the occurrence of an involuntary act. The thing is that a long-lasting cough can appear due to simultaneous influence of several reasons. Recognize them only when passing specific tests. 3 weeks, 6 weeks or 6 months is a long time during which the disease can be transformed into a more severe form of the disease.

That is why doctors advise already two weeks after the onset of the manifestation of the reflex act necessarily to attend, even if other symptoms, such as fever, sore throat, runny nose are absent. Often you can hear complaints that a person coughs and can not stop. This condition can be observed both for 2 weeks, and for many years. What is the cause of the appearance of a long cough? Is it possible to avoid its beginning and what to do for this?

Prolonged cough: a visible manifestation of a symptom

A long cough can develop regardless of age. Very often, there are no serious reasons for its occurrence. Prolonged cough in an adult can last several years and at the same time not bring him much discomfort. In this case, we are talking about a reflex act accompanying lovers of smoking and alcohol. These bad habits negatively affect the entire body as a whole. Most of all, they harm the smooth operation of the airways.

When the cough does not pass for a long time, it is necessary to analyze the visible manifestations of the reflex act, that is, what it is:

  • The jerky force action is very intrusive, it lasts almost without stopping. This occurs when the peak development of a viral disease, an attack of an asthmatic, involuntary act.
  • A protracted cough does not stop for several months, although the medical treatment of pneumonia or bronchitis has long been over. The fact is that in this situation such an effect can be observed for almost 5 weeks or more. This is due to the fact that the antitussive receptors have not yet completely recovered from the harmful effects of viruses and bacteria and Any, even the most insignificant stimulus, for example, smoke, a sharp smell, can cause an involuntary reflex action that hurts of people.
  • A strong expectorating long cough is observed in chronic bronchitis during its exacerbation, mucoscidosis.
  • A dry reflex act, which does not pass even after taking mucolytics, indicates a chemical effect on the respiratory tract. Here it is, most likely, about poisoning with harmful vapors or inhaling substances in the form of suspensions. Most often, this reaction is observed in workers of harmful industries.
  • If a protracted cough lasts more than half a year, then this may indicate a serious illness, such as pulmonary tuberculosis. This diagnosis is checked by passing the fluorography and giving the sputum to reveal in it the concentration of the Koch sticks. It should be noted that in small amounts it is present in the body of every person. With a decrease in immunity, tuberculosis can develop even without contact with people who have an open form of the disease.
Prolonged for a long time, a wet cough is a signal that there are negative changes in the body. It can be a symptom of not only viral diseases, but also ailments of the cardiovascular system, talking about the appearance of nervous disorders. However, in most cases, it is still about residual effects after pneumonia, chronic bronchitis.

Causes of prolonged cough

It is necessary to distinguish the following reasons, which have a significant effect on the appearance of a long protracted cough:

  • Reflex action is manifested in the elderly. Unfortunately, in this case we are talking, more often than not, about the age-related changes in the body. Completely remove this symptom is not possible. It is softened by medication.
  • Of great importance is how long a protracted cough lasts. A prolonged paroxysmal involuntary act arises from the laryngeal edema, the effects of reagents.
  • Negative influence of the environment. WHO notes that in industrial centers with developed industry, a moist reflex action can appear in any person. The reason for its occurrence is the negative state of the environment. It should be noted that the forced exhalation can last a week even if the negative impact of the damaged ecology is removed. Such a period is necessary for the body to cope with it naturally.
  • Incompetent use of medicines. How often do people do self-medication with prolonged cough? Yes, with the help of mucolytics, it is possible to translate dry cough into a moist reflex act. Only, unfortunately, often the illness is healed and becomes chronic. In this case, it is very difficult to cope with the reason for the occurrence of a long act, since the organism develops resistance to certain medications.
  • Cough of smokers. As a rule, people even after throwing this negative habit reflex action is kept for a long time. This is due to the fact that nicotine for many years irritated the cough receptors, negatively influenced the entire body and in order to restore it is not necessary 6-7 months, but much more time.

It turns out that a protracted cough can last more than a month, six months, a year and even a few years. And completely get rid of this symptom is very difficult. In order to achieve this result, you need to know exactly the cause of the disease. A full medical examination can help in this.

What does a constant cough in an adult mean?

A constant cough in an adult: normal or pathological? Any cough, which for a long time does not pass, for example, for a month or more, should alert everyone. Coughing in an adult is a protective reaction of the body that occurs for a certain reason, therefore, every conscious person must determine the provoking factor and choose options for it elimination.

In most cases, people turn to a doctor when already diagnosed with serious, neglected diseases, and the cough turns into a prolonged one, and the person can not even clear his throat.

What can provoke a prolonged cough?

In medical practice, it is common to distinguish between the infectious and non-infectious cause of the development of a strong cough.

Non-infectious diseases include:
  1. Chronic forms of rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, in which the nasal mucosa is constantly swollen. Sputum does not go outside and falls into the bronchi and trachea.
  2. Because of the excessive amount of spices in the stomach, acidity may increase and heartburn may occur. It can manifest as a cough.
  3. Allergic reactions of the body to irritants. In this case, the cough will be dry and prolonged.
  4. The reaction of the body to certain medications that have already caused addiction.
  5. Contaminated air in the workplace or in the village.
  6. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  7. Presence of tumors in the airways or lungs.

Varieties of prolonged cough in adults

With any cough, the manifestations will be different. Therefore, it is worthwhile to know that there are several types of pathology:

Intrusive. It is characteristic for diseases or inflammations in the larynx. Such a cough usually lasts long, appears at the initial stage of the cold. When the patient recovered, and the immunity did not recover, the cough continues to manifest and is more a protective reaction of the body.

If at this stage, not to help restore the immune system, then cough is a direct way to the bronchi. This leads to the development of acute bronchitis, which is treated for a long time, and in many cases takes a chronic form. If you do not organize the correct treatment, then a prolonged cough causes deformation of the bronchial walls, this leads to asthma, lung abscesses and pneumonia.

Many patients at the doctor's appointment indicate pain in the side, shortness of breath, fever, which accompany the main symptom.

A cough with wheezing or whistling is characteristic of whooping cough.

Barking - tracheitis or laryngitis.

Vocal cords are inflamed, in the chest you can clearly hear bubbling breath.

Most often this cough torments the patient at night or early in the morning. There have been cases when choking occurs with improper treatment or neglect. A bout of dry cough with tracheitis or laryngitis can last up to 1 hour.

If the cough provokes a fever, a decrease in the tone of the voice, then this may indicate the development of tuberculosis.

ARI, ARVI has an obsessive cough.

Cough in the morning is typical for bronchial asthma. There are attacks of suffocation. Doctors emphasize that this kind of cough should only be treated, as it can lead to death.

Mental disorders are characterized by a metallic dry cough during eating, talking and have the effect of suddenness.

Treatment of dry cough in adults

Cough smoker

Almost all smokers are diagnosed with chronic obstructive disease, which can cause lung cancer.

Tobacco smoke contains a large number of harmful substances, many of them are diagnosed as poisons for the human body. When the smoke is inhaled, irritation of the bronchial mucosa occurs, while the part remains inside and settles on the organ itself. This provokes oppression of the normal operation of the epithelium. After a short period of time, the epithelium generally ceases to fulfill its function of expelling harmful substances to the surface, and the bronchi absorb everything that gives them the smoke of a cigarette.

This situation leads to chronic inflammation of non-infectious bronchial tubes.

Given that the bronchi lose their normal ability to fight and clear, joining any infection will not cause any special difficulties. Smokers have many cases of combining infectious and chronic bronchitis, which are superimposed on each other. These circumstances cause a prolonged course of the illness and the very recovery.

There are several options for treating a cough from a smoker. When using traditional medicine, it is necessary to get a consultation with a pulmonary physician. In general, mucolytics, expectorants are used for treatment. If a patient is diagnosed with an infection, then a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

You can use folk methods for treatment. It is enough to use herbal preparations from oregano, mother-and-stepmother, thyme, licorice root, marshmallow, plantain, calendula.

Good warming and grinding help.

Visiting a Russian bath, therapy with the use of essential oils help to remove an irritating cough.

Cure a smoker's cough completely can only give up cigarettes.

Cough dry for allergic reactions, tracheitis and laryngitis

In order to successfully treat a prolonged cough due to such manifestations, it is necessary to find out exactly the causes. All activities should be performed only after consultation with the doctor.

Patients with prolonged cough need to ensure:

  • constant drinking, preferably decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • for the removal of spasm can be stocked with medical candy, which includes components for the activation of the glands and the ingestion of saliva;
  • administration of inhalation with saline solutions;
  • to carry out regular airing and wet cleaning at home, so that the air in the room is constantly moistened.

As drugs, it is recommended to take mucolytic drugs, in severe cases, narcotic drugs may be prescribed to stop severe attacks of cough.

Worth knowing! It is forbidden to take both antitussive and expectorant drugs at the same time, as there are cases of cupping sputum in the bronchi. This leads to the development of inflammatory processes.

From folk medicine can be used inhalation. With caution, you need to choose solutions for inhalation with an allergic cough. Herbs and oils can provoke additional allergic reactions and only worsen the patient's condition.

For everyone, inhalation with a soda solution is good. They help to translate dry cough into wet, dilute sputum and discharge them outside.


What is dangerous is the lack of treatment for a prolonged cough?

Prolonged reflex coughs of various types are dangerous for the human body and can lead to serious complications:

  1. Myocardial infarction. Since a prolonged cough affects the work of the bronchi adversely, an infectious disease develops or becomes chronic in them. Inflammatory processes in the bronchi affect the organs that are near.
  2. Such manifestations can cause psychological and psychosocial problems. It is difficult for a person to stay for a long time in public places, at work. If it is necessary to work in a voice, then it generally becomes impossible.
  3. A long cough in most cases causes shortness of breath, so physical activity decreases, which leads to other diseases in the body.
  4. Strong attacks can provoke a hemorrhage in the brain. Due to the fact that the patient constantly strains muscles, vessels in the head and body, the vessels of the brain lose the ability to work correctly.
  5. May cause inguinal and umbilical hernias.

Despite the fact that cough at first glance seems a non-serious disease, it can cause complications and a bunch of problems. Therefore, only timely treatment and diagnosis can return the body to a normal life without an unpleasant symptom.

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