How correctly to put mustard plasters for a child when coughing

Mustard children

mustard plaster for children

Many young parents have a problem in how to properly put the child mustard plasters. It seems that it can be difficult, but it's only until the matter goes to practice. In fact, there are a lot of nuances that are best to know if you have decided to treat a child with the help of mustard plasters. In this article I will try to answer the most exciting questions.

First, let's see if you can put mustard plasters on your child and at what age can they be used for children?

There are no age restrictions, you can bet and babies. If there is no allergy to mustard, a variety of skin rashes and body temperature does not exceed 3, ° C, then you can safely use them. After all, mustards only expand the blood vessels, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes. Mustard powder comes into contact with water and begins to irritate the skin. Due to this, the above actions occur.

How correctly to put mustard plasters?

After dipping a mustard into the hot water for a couple of seconds, attach it to the body with the "working" side. Cover the top with a towel and wrap the baby with a blanket. It is best to perform this procedure before going to bed. Since to fix the warming effect, it is necessary to be in the warmth under the blanket for at least an hour after completion.

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Where should children put mustard plasters?

Mustards are applied to different parts of the body - depending on the disease.

  • with headaches you can put mustard around your neck;
  • mustard children in bronchitis put on the upper part of the breast, avoiding the area of ​​the mammary glands and heart, and on the back - under and between the shoulder blades;
  • with a dry cough - in front of the chest;
  • with a cold, mustards are put on the heels of children, then wrapped with food film (you can use ordinary bags) and put on socks on top;
  • to remove intestinal colic - on the stomach above or next to the navel;
  • with renal colic - on the lower back.

How much should I keep mustard plasters for children?

Babies up to a year will last 2-3 minutes, and those who are older - from 5 to 15 minutes. The older the child, the longer. But you have to be there and control the process. Periodically turn the edge of the mustard and check the condition of the skin. If there is a strong reddening, then it is necessary to remove the mustard application.

After removing the mustard plasters, wipe the child with a wet towel, removing the remains of mustard from the skin. Lubricate the place of application with baby cream or sunflower oil. Wearing a dry pajamas, send the patient under the blanket.

These procedures are conducted every day. And, as a rule, 4-5 sessions are enough for a cold to pass.

Quality of mustard plasters

The plates must be dry and smell slightly of mustard. If powder is scattered from them, or they are damp - you can safely throw it away. They will not bring benefits. And be sure, even in the pharmacy, check the expiration date (it usually is from 8 to 11 months) and the integrity of the package.

Mustards for children under one year old

As you know, the skin of small children is very thin and delicate, so you do not need to burn it with mustard powder, you can put mustard seeds active side up. Or put under it a thin layer of cotton fabric. And the smallest ones can be completely wrapped in a diaper soaked with mustard infusion, pre-covering the groin area. Since soon there will be a burning sensation under the mustard plaster, the mother of the baby will have to try very hard to distract the child. Try to dance something - usually the children look at the movements of adults with pleasure. Prepare toys that can interest a child.

We make mustard plaster ourselves

Is it possible to put mustard plaster for children

It happens that from home to the pharmacy is far away, but the child can not be left. In this case, I suggest you make mustard plasters by yourself. Mix one part of the mustard with three parts of the flour. Dilute everything with warm water and mix until a mushy condition. Apply a thin layer on a piece of tissue paper or cloth, cover with gauze. All - yellow card is ready. Only when applying homestead mustard, be careful, since it can be stronger than the purchased one. In this case, just before the usual time, remove the mustard application and well lubricate the skin with cream.

That's all the tricks about how to put a child mustard plasters. You just have to figure out how to persuade your child to suffer.

Use of mustard plasters in the treatment of cough

Mustard cuffsFor many years in the treatment of cough is widely used such a cheap and effective tool as mustard. For every person who develops a cold or infectious disease, it is very important to conduct the correct treatment as early as possible. Caffeine mustards are used for both adults and children.However, the treatment of children can be complicated by the fact that not every child can suffer a burning sensation, and also agrees to the presence of such a therapy in a particular area of ​​the body. It is for this reason that it is not always possible to use this remedy for children's diseases.

Features of treatment of children

Gorchinniki for childrenIf the parents managed to put mustard plasters in a child with a cough, it is not possible for the procedure to last more than 5 minutes. This rule is important to observe for the reason that longer contact of mustard with the skin of the child can cause redness and even severe burns of the skin. For children under the age of one year, these therapies can be used for no more than 2 minutes and only after the appointment of a doctor. After the therapeutic procedure, you should wash off the remains of mustard powder, put on the baby and put him to bed.

It is very important to know how to put mustards on coughing to children under 7 years old, because at this age their skin is especially sensitive. First of all, it is important to know that you can not put them directly to the body, first you need to put a thin cloth, and then mustard. After holding them for 2-5 minutes, remove the remains of mustard, and apply a nourishing or anti-inflammatory cream to the skin.

Children older than the procedure is carried out, as in the treatment of adults - no more than 10 minutes. An important condition that must be observed when performing this procedure is that it is not possible to put mustard cough drops in case the body temperature rises.However, one should not completely exclude such a method of therapy, it is necessary only to wait until the temperature returns to normal.

How to properly treat?

In order to properly conduct a medical procedure, it is important to know where to put mustard on coughing. As a rule, they are put on the back between the shoulder blades or in the upper part of the sternum. In addition, experts argue that the disease can get rid of, if you put them on your heels or calves.

Do not apply mustard to places where the skin is particularly sensitive or there are any rashes, redness or damage to the skin. This, in addition to causing severe burning, will lead to severe irritation and even allergies.

Before the procedure, you must prepare in advance all you need:

  • mustard plasters;
  • a container with warm water;
  • towel;
  • cream or oil for the body;
  • plaid or a warm blanket.

In order to put mustard during a cold, you need to lower them for a few seconds into a basin with warm water and attach to the body. On top of them put a towel, and then cover the patient with a blanket or blanket.

How to put mustard plasters during colds?If the place for holding mustard procedure is chosen heels, you need to put socks on top. Therapeutic actions should last from 5 to minutes, depending on the age of the patient and the sensitivity of his skin. If the sensitivity of the skin is increased, it is necessary to put these treatment tools not on the body, but on a thin tissue. After this time, they are removed, the remains of mustard are washed off, and the body is lubricated with oil, cream or petroleum jelly. Such treatment is better to spend before a dream that will allow to avoid a hypothermia of the sick person.

Foot baths with mustardIn many adults, the skin on the heels is rough, so the mustard for 10 minutes may not have a warming effect on the body, in such cases it can be left on legs until the morning. However, this method of therapy can not be done for children.It is also worth noting the long and frequent use of mustard, since an allergic reaction may occur. For this reason, this method of treatment is not recommended for more than 4 consecutive days.
The use of mustard for colds is particularly appropriate if it has become protracted. If you use mustard plasters against dry cough, you can alleviate the condition of the patient, since warming can reduce the inflammatory process. Knowing how to put mustard on coughing, you can accelerate the process of recovery.

How correctly to put mustard plasters

What are mustard plasters, how to put them correctly in various diseases? Such questions are of interest to many patients. The mustard is a well-known remedy effective against pain, coughing, bruises and sprains. They are a sheet of paper, covered with powder from mustard seeds.

Use of mustard plasters

Mechanism of action of mustard plasters

The essential oil of mustard irritates the skin and causes a rush of blood and vasodilation. At the same time in the body there is a general increase in blood circulation, an increase in the body's resistance and an increase in the phagocytic system of the body. Thanks to this, the cells of the immune system (phagocytes) more actively absorb the cells of the viruses.But the mechanism of action of this remedy will only work if it is correctly formulated.

Indications for use

Gorchichniki is a good helper in the following diseases and ailments:

The use of mustard plasters in the cold
  • coryza;
  • ARI;
  • bronchitis (a specialist consultation is required, the course of treatment can be carried out for two weeks, but in combination with antibiotics and other medicines);
  • laryngitis;
  • pneumonia (only after a complete examination and in combination with the main prescription drugs);
  • tracheitis;
  • muscle pain;
  • headaches (after consulting a doctor).

How to put them for cold and cough? Catarrhal diseases are the first indicator for the use of mustard plasters. People prefer to put them even under cold in the cold season. For the correct and comfortable procedure, you should prepare in advance:

  • a bowl of warm water in which you need to moisten the mustard (keep in water for no more than 10 seconds and do not twist, but gently squeeze);
  • greasy body cream, which need to lubricate the treated areas after the procedure;
  • blanket or blanket.
The use of mustard plasters in pneumoniaIt is important to know where to put mustard plasters. During bronchitis and coughing, they should be placed on the back between the shoulder blades and under them. In this case, the patch should not touch the scapula or the spine. It is allowed to put mustard plasters on the chest, avoiding the area around the heart. It is important that the skin is not damaged (scratches, acne, unhealed cuts).

They help with any kind of cough, except in cases stipulated by contraindications. Dry cough becomes wet, which is much more treatable, sputum loses more easily and coughing attacks become less painful. In acute cases of colds, laryngitis or tracheitis, additional mustard plasters around the calves can be placed. They will cause the outflow of blood and reduce the swelling of the larynx.

After 5-10 minutes, the patch is removed, the skin is not wiped from the liquid, but covered with a food film and warmed with a shawl or warm belt. The bandage is left for the whole night. Treatment of a common cold. Catarrhal cold can be treated with mustard plasters well. It is enough to apply mustard plasters to the feet feet within 5 days. Top should wear warm socks.

The duration of the procedure is 5-15 minutes, depending on the patient's state of health. After removing the mustard, the skin should be gently wiped with a damp towel, avoiding strong friction, changing the patient to dry clothes and covering with a blanket for 30 minutes. The course of treatment is on average 3 to 5 days and depends on the development of the disease.

Places of application of mustardsFor people with a very sensitive, light, thin skin, another technique of setting mustard plasters is used: they are applied to the skin through a thin handkerchief or gauze. You can turn the adhesive tape on the wrong side - this will ease the burning and help to avoid burns. Treatment for headache and hypertension. The main rule: with a headache mustard can appoint only a doctor after the examination. This is necessary in order to exclude swelling, circulatory disorders, high blood pressure or meningitis. In these cases, a surge of blood to the head can trigger the development of the disease. After the appointment of a doctor, the drug can be placed below the occiput. With sensitive scalp, you can wrap the bandage with a thin gauze.

With increased arterial pressure, mustard plasters can be placed on the feet. This will cause an outflow of blood from the head and heart and will ease the condition. Before such a procedure you need to consult a specialist.

Gorciniks with radiculitis and sprains

People know that the use of mustard plasters goes beyond colds, but not everyone knows how to correctly place them in other diseases. At a radiculitis and a stretching of ligaments the plaster needs to be moistened in a solution of furatsilina (poltabletki on 100 ml of water) with addition of one table spoon of honey.

The procedure is carried out for at least two hours, it is better to leave mustard for the night. It is necessary to exclude the case of an allergic, not cold coryza. As with allergic cough, they can damage and complicate the course of the disease.


Gorciniks in the treatment of children

Such a strong remedy, like a mustard, for the treatment of children should be used extremely cautiously. Young mothers do not know how to correctly put mustard plasters to a child, so as not to cause complications. Put a concentrated mustard on the back or chest of the child is difficult enough and can be dangerous for tender baby skin. Therefore, you can make an infusion of one teaspoon of dry mustard and hot water. Having moistened the baby diaper in the resulting solution, you can wrap the child. After 4-5 minutes, remove the compress, wipe the skin with a damp cloth and lay under a warm blanket.

Skin burn when using mustard plasters. Incorrect staging of a mustard or insufficient control over your health during the procedure can cause a burn or the appearance of allergic rashes. Symptoms of burns and allergies:

  • residual redness;
  • Dark spots on the place of mustard plasters;
  • bubbles;
  • pain.

The duration of the procedure should not exceed 5 minutes. If the child is put a real yellow card, then with the first procedure it is better to check the skin condition every minute and with the appearance of redness the patch can be removed. The procedure is contraindicated for children under two years.


Precautions and contraindications

If the mustard is placed for the first time, then for 2-3 minutes it is necessary to follow the skin reactions. In case of severe itching and burning, mustard must be removed. The following contraindications should also be considered:

  1. The mustard is not put to the patient at body temperature above 3 ° C to avoid further temperature increase and deterioration.
  2. Not everyone knows that mustard categorically are contraindicated to pregnant women. Because of its mechanism of action, the mustard plaits cause the outflow of blood from the uterus, and the child receives less oxygen.
  3. At the same time, any heating in the area of ​​the back, small pelvis and abdomen increases the tone of the uterus and provokes miscarriage. As a substitute, you can advise girls in the position of inhalation with broths of herbs, iodine nets and honey back massage.
  4. The mustard is not put in the presence of skin diseases (neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis) and any tumors in the body.
  5. Contraindication is the presence of even a small amount of blood in the sputum.
  6. One of the most important contraindications is tuberculosis. Gorchichniki can provoke bleeding in the lungs.

At occurrence of these signs at all it is impossible to be engaged in a selftreatment. It is better to immediately consult a specialist who will prescribe the treatment. Gorchichniki is a means of treatment and prevention of many diseases tested by a single generation. But all useful properties mustard plaster can only be used if it is correctly set. Their application has a lot of contra-indications and nuances, which must always be taken into account.

Mustard for dry cough: how and where to put correctly, how much to keep

If a person falls ill with a cold, then he suffers from a painful cough.

To prevent complications, the treatment should be started as soon as possible.

It is important to clear the bronchi and lungs from the sputum accumulated in them.

With the help of drugs, it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect. For this reason it is recommended to use mustard plasters and begin treatment on the first day of the disease.

The doctor will tell you at what cough put mustard plasters and how many they need to be kept.

How does it work?

when cough mustard mustardA mustard is a small, dense paper sheet covered with a layer of mustard powder. Caffeine mustard can also be purchased in packaged form. They are plates with pockets, each of which is filled with mustard.

When the powder interacts with water, essential oils from it begin to be actively released, beneficially affecting the patient's body.

Gorchichniki when coughing help to expand the vessels, affecting the process of blood circulation and strengthening it. This allows you to quickly cope with the disease, because mustard helps the flow of oxygen and nutrients.

This is important if the patient knows where to put mustard plaits on coughing and how many times.

Contraindications for use

Not all patients can put mustard apples. For example, they are prohibited for such diseases:

  1. tuberculosis;
  2. epilepsy;
  3. oncology.
mustard plasters and coughAlso, doctors do not recommend the use of the drug with abrasions, wounds, skin rashes, during breastfeeding.

The instruction allows to put mustard plasters on dry cough, if the patient's body temperature has not increased. The maximum permissible temperature at which you can keep mustard - 3 degrees.

Care should be given to coughing pregnant, because during this period a woman is prohibited from any warming procedures. Otherwise, one can lose consciousness, convulsions and dizziness may begin.

These drugs can adversely affect the fetus, increasing the heartbeat of his heart.

How to put mustard plasters on cough correctly?

mustard plasters for coughingMustards must first be moistened in warm water, and then placed on the back and chest. In addition, they should be covered with polyethylene or a terry towel to enhance the warming effect.

In some cases, dry mustard cough syrups are put in socks made of wool. Do this usually before night sleep and keep until the morning. Treatment can be repeated every day.

Suitable for cough shedding in children. Adult patients should keep mustard applications for no more than 15 minutes. Children are recommended not longer than 5 minutes.

If you neglect this advice and over-restrain the remedy, there is a high risk of getting burns to the covers. Therefore, as soon as the patient feels unpleasant burning sensation, properly mustard applications are removed from the skin. If you follow the doctor's instructions and instructions, you can avoid many negative consequences.

Treatment, when mustard cough syrup is applied to the back, more sparing. However, some problematic places can be reached only through the thorax. It should be understood that with this application there is a risk of harming the cardiovascular system. When the patient has heart problems, it is better to put mustard plaits only on the back.

After the procedure, it is good to wipe the skin, and then also to oil it with cream or vegetable oil to stop the action of mustard.

What else should I know?

Doctors at the time of treatment recommend adhering to the instructions for mustard plasters. So, the area of ​​skin on which the mustard plasters will be applied must be cleaned first with a damp sponge, soaked in a comfortable temperature water, only so you can cure people's cough quickly in an adult conduct.

Mustards must be dropped in turn in warm water (how many will be taken), and then placed on the body. On top of them properly get wet with a sponge, cover with a towel. As soon as the period of action on the back has passed, the patient needs to turn over for the same procedure on the chest. Details about the mustard plaster in the video in this article.

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