Inspirational inspiratory dyspnea, expiratory: causes, treatment

Shortness of breath is a symptom of many diseases or one of the signs of fatigue after intense physical stress in a child and an adult. Is manifested in a sense of lack of air. At a dyspnea or short wind is broken: a rhythm, frequency, depth of breath. What to do, how to help a sick person at home, if it's hard and difficult to breathe?

Today we will talk about the causes and treatment of shortness of inspiration and expiration nature with medical products, medicines and folk remedies of home medicine. Consultations of the doctor - nobody canceled. Do not self-medicate!

Keep in mind: dyspnea at rest is a consequence, its cause is illness in patients! In healthy children and adults, dyspnea can be provoked only by stress, strong physical exertion, ingestion of a foreign body in the respiratory tract!


Causes of shortness of breath in patients and healthy people

Severe shortness of breath and weakness in patients( causes in pathology) in case of illness:

  1. of heart failure( cardiacdyspnea with a diseased heart, myocardial infarction, stress and rest stenocardia),
  2. bronchial asthma,
  3. lung emphysema,
  4. severe ARVI, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia( pneumonia),
  5. heart surgery, bypass,
  6. era tio on light
  7. chemotherapy,
  8. binge,
  9. anesthesia,
  10. stroke,
  11. osteochondrosis,
  12. obesity,
  13. neurotic syndrome,
  14. foreign body in the trachea and bronchi.

Shortness of breath in healthy adults and children can normally develop( causes) after intense physical activity:

  1. walking,
  2. running,
  3. labor( pregnancy),
  4. workout,
  5. rapid climb up the ladder,
  6. alcohol intake,
  7. cough,
  8. tobacco smoking and smoking cessation,
  9. overheating of the body( in the sun, in the bath - the steam room),
  10. nausea, vomiting.

As you noticed, dyspnea in healthy individuals manifests itself with a noticeable strain on the body. It is understandable, a less intense physical load will certainly cause the patient to have shortness of breath with much less investment in walking, easy running. ...Therefore, it can develop:

  1. during meals,
  2. colds,
  3. even after sleep at rest - this happens with far-gone diseases of the heart, lungs.

What to do, how to help the patient at home, if it is difficult to breathe?

Before taking measures to combat this symptom, you need to get rid of excess weight and normalize your lifestyle. It is extremely important treatment of the underlying disease , which caused shortness of breath.

Shortness of breath, expiratory, inspiratory: symptoms

Symptoms of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases are frightening. Patients have a fear of the inability to breathe normally. The response of the autonomic nervous system worsens the condition, provokes spasms of the intercostal muscles.

The most common causes of shortness of breath in children:

  1. obstructive bronchitis,
  2. laryngospasm,
  3. foreign body in trachea and bronchus.

In adults, this condition often causes:

  1. bronchial asthma,
  2. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
  3. cardiac pathology( pulmonary heart).

Differences between inspiratory and expiratory dyspnea are simple. They are built on the mechanism of the act of breathing: inhalation-exhalation.

  1. With inspiratory dyspnea , a person can not inhale with sufficient air of inside , into itself.
  2. With dyspnea expiratory - patient is difficult to exhale - expulsion of air outward from himself.

To make it easier for you to understand when there is shortness of breath, remember a simple thing:

The expiratory dyspnea , as a rule, occurs only with:

  1. bronchial asthma,
  2. emphysema.

That's all!

Other all cases of from practice in other conditions - inspiratory dyspnea, in which a person does not have enough air for inspiration!

The truth is, with serious pathologies, like a pulmonary thromboembolism, there may be a mixed appearance of shortness of breath, with difficulty in inhaling and exhaling.

Remember : if there is a change in the color of the skin of the face, neck, chest - the degree of breathing is serious, immediate medical attention is required. With chronic diseases of the lungs and the heart, a shortness of breath can last several hours and is removed under the influence of bronchodilators. Provoked by the state of attack physical exertion, increased nervous tension. In the case of a sudden onset of breathing disorder with difficulty in inhaling or exhaling,

  1. should consult a doctor immediately,
  2. call an ambulance.

Remember : shortness of breath is a consequence, the cause is illness!

The main symptom and manifestation of dyspnea: difficulty breathing and / or exhalation!

First aid: what to do, treatment of dyspnea

In all cases, it is necessary to provide inflow to the patient with fresh air( open windows, windows, turn on the fan, give an oxygen mask).If dyspnea is caused by a severe chronic illness, you must call a doctor or send the patient to the hospital.

If dyspnoea is caused by fatigue, it is necessary to stop more often on the way and to increase the rest time.

Medical devices: drugs, medications, procedures

Shortness of breath is a symptom of many diseases. It can occur with heart failure, lung diseases, kidneys, with severe fatigue. Shortness of breath is both a consequence of insufficient tissue respiration, and expression of compensatory enhancement of pulmonary respiration due to irritation of the respiratory centers in the brain.

To eliminate shortness of breath, there is only one way: to cure a disease that provokes shortness of breath. In some cases, the fulfillment of this requirement becomes very difficult and even impossible. But if you have shortness of breath due to diseases of the bronchi or lungs, then everything is not lost.

If the shortness of breath is not very strong, then you can help such a simple thing as hanging feet in hot water or mustard , delivered by on the back of .

The fact is that with dyspnea, it is very important to switch the attention of the patient to another subject in time, so that he does not expect choking with horror. If you combine the above procedures with a pleasant conversation, a couple of tablets No-shdi , Papaverina or Eufillina , the effect should come soon.

If the dyspnea is so strong that it reminds the asthma attack of , then first you should do inhalation of a special drug for asthmatics. This is a very effective and very fast-acting tool. Well assisted in the case of dyspnea Salbutamol and Ventolin .These drugs relax the bronchi, contribute to the normal functioning of the respiratory system.

Drug drug is much stronger. It can also be used to stop attacks of dyspnea, but this remedy can trigger a muscle tremor. Such side effects are often observed with the use of the berotek. Drugs under the names astomopent and alupent very quickly expand the bronchi and normalize breathing, but due to the fact that they act not selectively, you may have cardiac arrhythmias.

If, in addition to respiratory diseases, you suffer from cardiac disorders, you should choose one of isoprenaline preparations to ease your dyspnea. These medicines not only gently affect the respiratory system, but also improve the performance of the heart muscle. The only group of patients who should not use these drugs - patients with ischemia .

If you have tried inhalation with these medications, but this has not produced the desired effect, you can enter them subcutaneously, intravenously or intramuscularly. The dose and method of administration depends on the severity of your condition and should be selected only by the attending physician.

If severe dyspnea, threatening to go into suffocation, a good remedy is Eufillin .Pour it should be very slow, for four to five minutes, diluting the pre- glucose .

Another effective medicine against a severe attack of dyspnea is Adrenaline .But if you suffer from high blood pressure, if you have crossed the sixty-year limit or if you have an ischemia, adrenaline is not the drug that you need. To all other categories of patients, Adrenaline is injected subcutaneously in doses of 0.4-0.5 milliliters.

If the onset of shortness of breath or suffocation continues, then call " Ambulance " and go to the hospital. Before sending the patient to a hospital, he is given a drug from the group of glucocorticoids .Drugs of the type Hydrocortisone or Dexamethasone are used. They can be given orally and in the form of an injection. Such medicines sometimes give a good effect and in the form of inhalation.

In the event that dyspnoea is provoked by an allergic reaction to any stimuli, you must first eliminate the influence of the irritating factor( pollen of plants, pet hair, dust mites).

anti-histamine medications are prescribed for allergy symptoms removal and antispasmodics for respiratory relief. With this form of dyspnea, consultation with an allergist is necessary.

Treating dyspnea with folk remedies at home

Before using, be sure to get advice from a therapist! Do not start the underlying causative disease!

Grind 350 g of garlic .Squeeze the juice 24 lemons. Drain everything in a jar with a wide neck, insist 24 hours in a warm place, loosely tying a gauze napkin. Take 1 teaspoonful once a day before going to bed or in 100 ml of water, add 1 teaspoon of the mixture, stir and drink. The effect manifests itself after 15-17 days. The patient begins to sleep better, dyspnea decreases, a sense of fatigue is removed.

10 of lemons , 10 heads of of garlic , 1 liter of of honey .Garlic and lemons pass through a meat grinder, pour honey. Leave for 7 days in a jar with a wide neck, without tying tight. Drink 4 teaspoons daily. Take the dose once a day. Do not swallow immediately, hold it in your mouth, slowly chewing on the spoon at the spoon. Do not miss treatment days. Course - 2 months.

Purity. Juice celandine drink with one quarter cup of warm boiled water from one drop to 25 and back to 1 drop for 2 months. In winter, when there is no fresh celandine, you can prepare infusion from dry grass: one tablespoon of dry grass to a glass of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Drink one third of the glass with shortness of breath.

Tincture of celandine : 20 g of dry herbs, pour 200 ml of vodka. Insist 10 days. Take 25 drops 2-3 times a day with shortness of breath.

Cшиши д C д + C д Cши Cши C Cши Cши C C Cшиши Cши C C Cшиши C C Cши д C Cшишиши C C Cшиши д C C C C C Cши C C C C C C C Root the root crops. Cook for 15 minutes, strain. Drink 1 glass per night for bronchial asthma, dyspnea, laryngitis, coughing, insomnia.

Prepare the collection :

  1. plantain leaf - 1 part,
  2. sundew grass - 1 part,
  3. three-color violet grass - 1 part,
  4. elderberry flowers - 1 part.

4 teaspoons of collection, insist on a glass of cold water for 2 hours, boil for 5 minutes, let stand. Decoction drink in one day in three doses with bronchial asthma, dyspnea, chronic bronchitis, bronchoectatic disease.

Useful tips, recipes

  1. You need to quit smoking, do not stay in the same room with smokers;
  2. reduce excess weight, it is a frequent cause of inspiratory dyspnea in healthy but full of people;
  3. carry out daily at least two hours in the open air, engage in mobile games, walking, physical labor;
  4. do not worry about trifles, learn how to deal with stressful situations.
  5. undergo chest X-ray fluorography every year.

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Dyspnoea in pregnancy: what to do

Shortness of breath during pregnancy: symptoms, causes, recommendations

The video channel "Mamexpert Maternity Hospital" tells about shortness of breath during pregnancy.

Symptoms of : sensation of lack of air, occurs as a rule at 30-31 weeks, passes in 37-38 weeks of pregnancy.

Causes of dyspnea: increased pressure on the diaphragm due to the impact of the growing uterus.

Recommendations :

  1. To sit down or lie down.
  2. Correct breathing, breathing exercises.Ши Cши д C C C Cши Cши C Cши Cши Cши C Cши Cши C Cши C C Cши C C C C C д Cши C C C C C д Cши C C C C C д C C C д C C C C
  3. Walking in the fresh air.
  4. Sleeping reclining or on the side.

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Arrhythmia and dyspnea at physical exertion

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Removal of suffocation, gasps, dyspnea: Yuri Vilunas

Source: YNGorgov Official and folk medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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