Diseases of the joints: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Diseases of the joints, symptoms and treatment of joint diseases
    • 1.1Osteoarthritis
    • 1.2Arthritis
    • 1.3Hygroma
    • 1.4Bursitis
    • 1.5Gout
  • 2Causes of joint diseases, their symptoms and how to treat
    • 2.1Main reasons
    • 2.2Symptoms and signs
    • 2.3Methods of treatment
    • 2.4Conservative methods
    • 2.5Operative intervention
    • 2.6Folk ways
    • 2.7Features of nutrition
    • 2.8Preventive measures
  • 3Joint Diseases: Symptoms and Treatment
    • 3.1Kinds
    • 3.2Causes
    • 3.3Symptoms
    • 3.4Diagnostics
    • 3.5Treatment
    • 3.6Conservative methods
    • 3.7Operative treatment
  • 4Diseases of joints, prevention, symptoms, treatment, nutrition
    • 4.1Symptoms of joint diseases, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout
    • 4.2Treatment of joint diseases
    • 4.3Nutrition in diseases of joints
    • 4.4Treatment of joint diseases with folk remedies
  • 5Causes of joint diseases, their symptoms and how to treat
    • 5.1Classification
    • 5.2What causes development?
    • 5.3Clinical picture
    • 5.4Pain
    • 5.5Stiffness
    • 5.6Changing the shape
    • 5.7Swelling
    • 5.8Function violation
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.9Other symptoms
    • 5.10Diagnostics
    • 5.11Treatment
    • 5.12Conservative treatment
    • 5.13Surgery
    • 5.14Treatment with folk remedies

Diseases of the joints, symptoms and treatment of joint diseases

In accordance with some data, almost 20% of the able-bodied population of the Earth suffers from joint diseases.

The joint consists of a cavity with a fluid, a synovial bag, a cartilage, a capsule, auxiliary discs and ligaments, a joint of bones, allowing them to move relative to each other.

Any pathology of the joints, even the most innocuous at first glance, can eventually lead to disability. Therefore, one should not start or try to cure independently such diseases as arthrosis, arthritis, hygroma, bursitis, gout.

  • 1 Osteoarthritis
  • 2 Arthritis
  • 3 Hygroma


Arthrosis is a common name for a group of diseases associated with the gradual destruction of the main joint structures. Primary arthrosis develops on the joints, which until then were completely healthy.

The cause of it can be excessive physical stress on the bones and their joints, mechanical microdamage. Secondary arthrosis occurs against the background of pre-existing and already identified pathologies of the joint.

The manifestation of these or other signs of joint damage depends on the location of their location. The main symptom of arthrosis is the constricting movement of dull or aching pain, which increases after a load on the body.

Many people who have reached the elderly, often complain about how their joints react to cold wet weather and begin to "whine". This condition is not considered normal and indicates the presence of arthrosis.

As the disease develops, joint pain can become worse, leading to a complete disruption of their motor and flexion function.

A variety of arthrosis are: hemarthrosis associated with hemorrhage into the joint cavity, gonarthrosis or arthrosis of the knee joint, coxarthrosis or arthrosis of the hip joint, epicondylosis or arthrosis of the elbow joint, articular mouse (the yield of any element of the joint in its cavity). The basis for the treatment of such dystrophic diseases is anti-inflammatory drugs, which are used both in the form of tablets and injections, and locally - in the form of creams and ointments. With a complete loss of motor activity, the affected joint can be replaced by an artificial joint.


Arthritis is the inflammation of the joint, with the primary lesion of its capsule, cartilage and synovial membrane.

Depending on the cause of the onset, the following types of arthritis are distinguished: infectious, traumatic, allergic, rheumatoid, reactive, gouty. Simultaneous inflammation of several joints is called polyarthritis.


This disease occurs in acute or chronic form. The most severe form of arthritis is inflammation of the joint, accompanied by a build-up of pus in its cavity.


In this case, its purulent contents can spread far beyond the inflammatory focus and involve in this process a capsule, a synovial membrane, adjacent soft tissues.

Recognize the arthritis can be on some of its characteristic signs: a significant swelling in the area inflammation, severe pain during palpation, at the time of physical exertion on the affected area, increased temperature, hyperemia.

Diagnosis of the disease is based on the results of X-rays, thermography and MRI of the joint.

As the main treatment for the patient, anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed that allow reduce the main symptoms of arthritis, and chondroprotectors - drugs that slow the process of destruction joints.

Some patients are also shown: heating, mud therapy, massage, ultrasound. Methods of treatment are selected depending on the patient's age, the presence of chronic diseases, the degree of damage to the joints.


Hygroma is a cyst filled with serous fluid. Most often this benign tumor affects the wrist joint.

The cause of hygroma can be wearing tight shoes, injuring the bones of the feet and their articulation, a constant load on the hands, etc.

A cyst of small size usually does not appear, but as it grows, it becomes noticeable to the naked eye, accompanied by blunt aching pains in the joint region.


These pains, as a rule, increase with pressure on the neoplasm. In the absence of treatment, the hygroma can reach impressive sizes, limiting the physical activity of the patient and thereby significantly reducing the quality of his life.


The most dangerous spontaneous rupture of the cyst, in which the outflow of its contents under the skin occurs.

The basis of diagnosis and treatment of the disease is a puncture, which allows to pump out the fluid accumulated in the neoplasm and carry out its thorough investigation. Sometimes puncture helps to completely eliminate this pathology. In other cases, it is surgically excised. The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia, increasingly with an endoscope or laser and takes no more than half an hour. Traces from such intervention are, as a rule, minimal.


Bursitis - inflammation of the periarticular bag. There may be several reasons for this pathology: excessive physical stress on the joint, its prolonged stress, the presence of gout or arthritis. Inflammation of the bursa is most often affected by large joints of the human body.

For example, a humeral or femoral. The disease has the following symptoms: swelling and redness of the joint, its soreness and limitation in mobility.

The main complication of bursitis is the attachment of an infection that can penetrate the site of inflammation through microscopic damage to the surface of the skin. At the first suspicions on disease it is necessary to limit the patient joint in mobility.

To do this, it is recommended to put a clean, tight bandage on it. To get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of bursitis, you can apply cold and warm compresses to the inflamed place. It will not be superfluous to take any anti-inflammatory drug.

After the pain and redness of the joint fall, you should start to make them minor movements.

In the event that self-treatment does not have the proper effect, it is necessary to turn to a doctor who will necessarily take a picture of the joint, if necessary, perform an analysis of the joint liquid. The basis of treatment in this case is painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy procedures. When the disease recurs, bursectomy is shown - the removal of an inflamed, periarticular bag.


Gout is a joint disease known since ancient times, associated with the deposition of salt crystals in them.

The main cause of the development of this pathology is the excessive formation of uric acid in the human body, as well as renal dysfunction, consisting in the impossibility of a complete excretion of these substances together with urine.


The most common gout occurs in elderly men, although at present there is a marked "rejuvenation" of the disease.


The gout affects, as a rule, only one joint (for example, the knee), can be chronic and does not manifest itself for several years. Exacerbations of the disease lead to the gradual destruction of the affected joint and the complete loss of its functions.

A gout attack begins with the onset of severe pain in the joint area, which differs from the healthy by a significant increase in size. The skin around such a joint is usually hot to the touch and has a red color of inflammation.

The first attack of gout goes very quickly, and no doctor can tell exactly when the next aggravation of the disease will occur.

The lack of treatment for gout leads to the fact that her attacks begin to recur frequently, and their duration is significantly increased.

A gouty attack usually begins suddenly, often at night, while the patient experiences severe pains that can not be suppressed by an ordinary analgesic. Such pain can last for days.

Gout refers to incurable diseases, but modern medicine has learned to control its course.

During the next attack, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, drugs that reduce the content of uric acid salts in the body.

Patients are also encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle, diet, weight control. All persons who have this disease, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination of the urinary system.

A source: http://lechenie-simptomy.ru/zabolevaniya-sustavov

Causes of joint diseases, their symptoms and how to treat


The human musculoskeletal system consists of muscles, bones, joints and ligaments. About a third of the population suffers from various violations of its function.

Diseases of the joints take the leading place among its pathologies and often lead to the development of disability.

They can be divided into two large groups: arthritis (inflammatory nature of the lesion) and arthrosis (arising from degenerative-dystrophic processes).

In a special group, the states are distinguished when changes are associated with the growth of tumor tissue, as well as caused by diseases of other organs of the musculoskeletal system.

For example, osteoporosis (a disease in which the density and strength of bone tissue decreases) leads to joint damage through the redistribution of the load on them - this is associated with a violation of the structure of bone tissue and a change in mechanics movement.

Among arthritis, the most common are infectious and rheumatoid. To this group also include gout, which develops as a result of the deposition of salts of uric acid. Quite rare is psoriatic arthritis (developing in 5% of patients with arthritis).


Arthrosis includes osteochondrosis, deforming osteoarthritis, Bechterew's disease.


Since the treatment of the above diseases, unfortunately, does not always prove effective, special attention should be paid to prevention.

Main reasons

The cause of joint diseases can be different states, their nature largely determines the course of pathology. The most significant reasons are:

  1. Infectious agents (tuberculosis, streptococcus) can directly affect articular tissues, leading to the development of inflammatory changes - arthritis. In this case, the pathogenic microorganism is often found in the joint fluid, but in some cases it acts through toxins released into the blood.

    A special type of joint disease is a cross-immune response to the foci of chronic streptococcal infection (usually in the tonsils). In this case, rheumatism or nonspecific polyarthritis develops.

  • The mechanical factor along with the infectious one takes the leading place among all causes of the pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

    Chronic traumatic effects lead to the development of professional arthrosis and arthritis, and excessive strain on the joints often aggravates the course of other diseases.

  • Allergy is often accompanied by the appearance of changes and pain in all joints of the body: this is due to the increased sensitivity of immune cells to specific proteins (allergens). Most often, the joint syndrome with allergies occurs against the background of the infectious process in the body.

  • Endocrine pathologies lead to disruption of mineral metabolism.

    As a result, bone tissue, cartilage is destroyed, and ligaments become softer and supple (exchange-dystrophic arthrosis, and osteoporosis).

    Endocrine arthritis also includes diabetic and acromegalic arthropathy, which are caused by a change in the level of hormones of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

  • Disturbance of blood supply in articular tissues leads to degenerative changes of cartilage (arthrosis). Also, with increased permeability of vascular walls, the risk of infection is increased.

  • Hereditary predisposition, the patient's sex, hypothermia, low motor activity, malnutrition and obesity are only risk factors. The immediate causes of joint disease can be listed above the condition.

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    The development of joint pathologies is largely promoted by generalized hypodynamia

    Symptoms and signs

    Common symptoms of joint disease:

    • Pain at rest, during or after physical exertion.
    • Stiffness, limitation of mobility.
    • Local changes (i.e., in the affected area): redness of the skin, impaired sensation, fever, deformation of bone and cartilaginous tissue, swelling.
    • Crunch and jamming during movements.

    For each specific disease, there are specific features that distinguish them from each other.

    To the development of joint diseases in children usually lead to congenital pathologies, among which the first place is dysplasia (underdevelopment) of the hip joints. It manifests itself as a congenital unilateral or bilateral dislocation.

    Signs of this condition are increased tone of the muscles of the back, different lengths of limbs, asymmetry of the gluteal folds and incomplete dilution of the legs. When the baby begins to walk - attracts the attention clubfoot, the desire to rely on socks and a characteristic crunch.

    Rarely, but other diseases that are characteristic of adults can also develop in children.

    Methods of treatment

    The methods of treating joint diseases can vary greatly depending on the specific pathology.

    Traditionally, they are divided into therapeutic (conservative) means, surgical intervention and alternative methods of treatment (folk, non-traditional medicine).

    What kind of method to treat this or that pathology is decided by the doctor after a complete examination of the patient, taking into account all his individual characteristics.

    Conservative methods

    Treat with the help of therapeutic agents, you can almost all lesions of the musculoskeletal system. Depending on the direction of the action, the drugs used are divided into two groups:

    • Etiotropic - that is, affecting the cause of the disease. For example, in the infectious nature of arthritis, antibiotics are prescribed, and for autoimmune reactions, steroid hormones are prescribed.
    • Symptomatic - eliminating the signs of illness. Among them, the most important are anti-inflammatory drugs, which reduce pain and slow inflammation.

    To effectively treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, several forms of active substances can be used:

    • oral tablets;
    • solutions for injections;
    • special concentrations of drugs in ampoules, when the drug is injected directly into the joint cavity.

    In addition to medicines, conservative drugs include physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy and some other methods.

    Operative intervention

    With ineffectiveness of therapeutic agents or in far-reaching cases, surgical methods of treating joint disease can help. Operations can also perform to eliminate painful symptoms, in order to facilitate the patient's life and improve the quality of his life.

    The most important are arthroplasty (restoration of motor function) and arthrodesis (fixation in the given position). During the period of exacerbation, immobility with the use of a tire or a tight bandage is quite often produced.

    In difficult situations, operations are performed to replace the joint with an artificial prosthesis.

    Folk ways

    In cases where traditional medicine is powerless, people's means come first.

    In recent years, more and more of its adherents have appeared: this is due to the fact that plant and natural remedies are much softer and cause fewer side effects.

    Methods of traditional medicine have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic, antibacterial action, and also have a general strengthening effect.

    As a rule, for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, not individual herbs are used, but collections that can contain dozens of components.

    Here are the most effective herbal mixtures:

    1. Root of the aura (one part); melissa, pine buds and eucalyptus leaf (two parts each); oregano, nightshade black and thyme (three parts each); violet (four parts);

      St. John's wort and hawthorn (five parts each).

  • Flax seeds (one part); berries of juniper, horsetail and yarrow (in two parts); sweet clover, elecampane root high, St. John's wort and lily of the valley (three parts each); Ledum (four parts);

    succession (five parts).

  • Lime, mint, fennel seeds (one part); nettle, horse sorrel, pine buds (two parts each); chamomile, hops, St. John's wort, thyme (three parts each);

    Ledum and Violet (four parts each).

  • To prepare the infusion take 2-3 tablespoons of the collection and pour 300-400 ml of boiling water. Take it preferably before meals 2-3 times a day.

    Of course, there are a lot of methods of traditional medicine. Here are some recipes:

    • Hot wax, smeared with layers, quite quickly eliminates pain;
    • ointment from the root of burdock should be used in the bath at least twice a week;
    • a preparation made from 50 g of camphor, 50 g of mustard, 100 g of egg white, 500 ml of vodka must be rubbed into the painful areas daily for the night.

    Features of nutrition

    To effectively treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is important to follow a special diet. Nutrition in diseases of the joints has a significant effect on the structure and metabolism of connective tissue, changes the inflammatory and immune response of the body.

    Depending on the specific disease, dietary recommendations can vary considerably:

    • When gout is necessary to limit the intake of meat and fish, increase the amount of milk, cereals and liquids.
    • In the case of osteoporosis, the use of foods rich in calcium (dairy products, fish, seafood, certain fruits) is indicated.
    • With rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis, special attention must be paid to the amino acid composition of protein foods, to limiting the intake of salt and carbohydrates.

    If the patient has excess weight, then the diet for diseases of the joints, among other things, should be low calorie: to reduce excess body weight and reduce the burden on the musculoskeletal apparatus.

    Proper balanced nutrition is an important element of both treatment and prevention of, perhaps, any disease

    Preventive measures

    For the prevention of arthrosis is very useful to move more. It is desirable that these are not exercise exercises, but aerobic loads.

    One of the most effective methods is swimming, since the water significantly reduces weight (and, consequently, the load on articular cartilage and ligaments), while the muscles are active work.

    If there is excessive body mass, then it is necessary to say goodbye, as with every extra kilogram the probability of pathologies increases.

    For the prevention of osteoporosis, it is necessary to monitor the level of calcium, and if it is deficient, take multivitamin and mineral complexes.

    It is necessary to abandon the use of alcohol and smoking, as these bad habits have a negative effect on the metabolism of bone and cartilaginous tissues.

    Prevention of the development of infectious and inflammatory changes is carried out by eliminating the primary focus. For example, in chronic tonsillitis treatment is indicated in ENT, if necessary, you can perform tonsillectomy.

    Unfortunately, in far-reaching cases, both traditional methods and traditional medicine are ineffective, therefore it is very important to make every effort from the young age to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal apparatus.

    A source: http://SustavZdorov.ru/raznoe/bolezni-2.html

    Joint Diseases: Symptoms and Treatment

    We all move through muscles, bones, ligaments and joints. According to statistics, every third person has joint disease. This disease ranks first among many diseases, and, unfortunately, it becomes the frequent cause of disability.

    In recent years, mankind has developed many ways that help make life easier, but in addition to the benefits of progress, there are also negative consequences. Reduction and restriction of physical activity is one of them. This has a negative effect on human health.

    The joint is a movable joint of bones, thanks to which we can move the body in space, and also maintain its position. Almost 10% of the world's population has at least one joint disease.


    Rheumatology is a branch of medicine dedicated to joints. Therefore, what diseases of joints exist, you will be told by a rheumatologist, and today there are more than 200 types.

    Initially, all diseases are divided into primary, mainly affecting segments of the joint, and secondary, which is a complication of another pathology.

    Diseases of the spine - a large group of diseases, and they constitute a special section.


    As is known, about 150 joints take part in the formation of the spine.


    Also in the basis of some classifications lies the etiological sign (the cause of the disease):

    • arthritis: appear due to inflammation, which initially affects the shell of the joint (synovial membrane);
    • arthrosis: develop due to degenerative-dystrophic processes, the primary reaction is localized in articular cartilage;
    • special forms: associated with tumors, hereditary pathology, developmental anomalies, traumas.

    If the disease affects only 1 joint, it is a monoarthritis (monoarthrosis). With multiple lesions we are talking about polyarthritis (polyarthrosis).


    The causes of joint disease are diverse and insufficiently studied, but several major ones are distinguished:

    1. Infection. The role of microorganisms in different variants of diseases is not identical. With the development of specific arthritis, microorganisms are the direct pathogens of diseases (tuberculous arthritis, gonorrhea, etc.). Also, it is not excluded that microbes enter the blood and lymph vessels from other foci of infection. Thus, non-specific arthritis (rheumatic fever) develops;
    2. Allergy. The allergic state changes the reactivity of the body, so a nonspecific inflammatory reaction develops;
    3. Hormonal pathology. Disorders in the endocrine system directly affect the condition of the joints. So arthropathies are formed, which the rheumatologist treats together with the endocrinologist. Very often joint diseases occur during the menopause, because at this time the female body undergoes hormonal restructuring. Hormones regulate the mineral metabolism, and its change leads to the compliance of the joint tissues to the disease;
    4. The state of the nervous system. Clinical signs of many diseases indicate the involvement of the nervous system in their formation (symmetry of the lesion, change in tone, impaired sweating, etc.);
    5. Disturbance of blood supply. The change in the permeability of blood vessels is one of the stages in the development of inflammation. The change in blood circulation is an important stage in the development of dystrophy. Therefore, almost all diseases affected the walls of blood vessels;
    6. Metabolic disease. Exchange processes are important in the development of degenerative-dystrophic diseases;
    7. Mechanical damage. Acute trauma, chronic microtrauma, functional overload, overweight - all this negatively affects the condition of the joints;
    8. Heredity. Hereditary diseases of the joints are not so many, but it is known that there is a predisposition to some forms of arthritis. This is based on the characteristics of the reactivity of the organism, the properties of certain elements of the joint;
    9. Age;
    10. Climatic conditions. Everyone knows that temperature changes, cold and dampness provoke the development of joint diseases;
    11. Food. Disturbance of nutrition can lead to changes in metabolism and metabolic processes that take an active part in the formation of the disease;
    12. Floor. Diseases of the joints are equally common regardless of sex, but gender affects the localization of processes. Men, as a rule, suffer from diseases of the spine, and women - peripheral joints;
    13. Exercise stress. As a sedentary mode of existence, so excessive efforts can negatively affect the joint condition. It is very important to distribute the load correctly and evenly.

    Worry the pain in the lower back? Find out the cause of the disco and cure it with the help of the advice of our specialists posted here. For the prevention and treatment of scoliosis, read here.


    Symptoms of joint diseases are diverse and depend not only on form, but also on localization, severity and duration of the pathological process. However, there are several common features.

    First, pain that manifests itself at rest, during movement, or after physical exercise. Secondly, the limitation of mobility, stiffness.

    Third, local disorders: redness, paresthesia (change in sensitivity), increased temperature (general and local), joint deformities, edema.

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    Fourth, the crunch and jamming.


    If discomfort occurs, you should immediately go to a doctor. The expert will be able to determine the exact diagnosis based on the results of the survey, the types of which are:

    • careful collection of anamnesis and complaints;
    • examination, palpation;
    • puncture and biopsy;
    • blood test;
    • other additional methods (X-ray, ultrasound, CT, MRI, etc.).


    To treat joint diseases can be conservative and surgical methods, some resort to traditional medicine.

    At the heart of the treatment are the individual characteristics of the patient and the specific form of pathology, but the main thing is that the treatment of joint diseases should be comprehensive, timely and effective.

    Conservative methods

    With the help of modern medicines, many pathological processes can be cured. It is very important to find out the cause of the illness, but this is not always possible.

    https://www.youtube.com/watc? = 5PxFMDw84nE

    Drug therapy is aimed at:

    • relief of pain and inflammation;
    • restoration of the tissues of the joint (ligaments, cartilage, bones, etc.);
    • destruction of microorganisms;
    • strengthening immunity;
    • elimination of allergies.

    In addition to taking medications, patients are prescribed exercise therapy, massage, electrophoresis and other physiotherapy procedures. Many patients pass sanatorium treatment.

    Operative treatment

    Surgical treatment is indicated in neglected cases and in the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy. Surgery can eliminate symptoms and make life easier for the patient.

    An important role is played by plastic surgery, which restores movement in the joint (arthroplasty). Also important is arthrodesis or fixation of the joint in a certain position.

    Quite often resort to immobilization of the joint for the period of the disease (application of gypsum, tires, tight bandages). In especially severe cases, replace joints with artificial prostheses.

    A source: http://spinolog.ru/zabolevaniya-sustavov

    Diseases of joints, prevention, symptoms, treatment, nutrition

    "Valentina Nikitichna, what are you doing? With your joints! in horror and tone, quite like in advertising about washing powder, I exclaimed. To be in awe of what.

    A neighbor in the country house, which I went to visit, with burdock leaves tied to the swollen knees (obviously, a compress) deformed in all dimensions by feet, shod in order not to press on the bones, into free shoe covers, desperately wielded shovel.

    The answer immediately followed, evidently, one for all such questions: "All my life I have not sat idle, and now even more so. And what's wrong with that? I develop a leg. The left hurts less, and I press it on the shovel. " And it says an elderly person, an invalid, with a wand walking barely ...

    How to treat this? To admire and praise labor enthusiasm or cry from impotence to help? Doctors, according to Valentina Nikitichna, to which her son drove, pills are prescribed. but they do not help, only the stomach began to ache ...

    Having met with the candidate of medical sciences V.P. Golik, told him about her. It turned out that in his practice he met many such "drummers" - patients of different ages and different social classes with neglected joint diseases.

    They sought help from a doctor only when it became quite unbearable. And in such cases, the ability to fully restore the functions of the musculoskeletal system is sometimes lost irrevocably.

    Symptoms of joint diseases, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout

    According to the WHO, 10-20% of the world's population suffers from joint diseases.

    One third of all cases of physical disability, one in ten disabled on the "conscience" of joint diseases - arthrosis, arthritis and other similar ailments, and people, as a rule, get the most able-bodied age.

    Why is this happening? From illiteracy: most people do not have an elementary idea of ​​what is good for the joints and what does not.

    And is it any wonder that the first symptoms-the "bells" are left unattended?! It affects the frivolity shown by serious people engaged in self-medication, not thinking about its harmful consequences.

    Despite the pain in the joint, a person begins to train him, which means - unnecessarily overloading. You can not do this in any case... But first, education is a little about the most commonsymptoms of joint disease:

    ARTHROSE OR OSTEOARTHROSIS. First of all, the articular cartilage changes: it becomes rough, loses elasticity, in places it becomes thin, cracking, exposing the surface of the bone.

    As a result, the bones themselves suffer: they compacted, deformed, and edge growths appeared-osteophytes (in translation from Greek, "osteon" - "bone "phyton" - "germ"). In everyday life, such growths are called salt deposition.

    The deformed bone in turn deforms and joint, violating the correspondence of the articulating surfaces.

    If you suddenly after physical exertion at the end of the workday began to appear even if a short-term pain in the joints - it's arthrosis.


    Some people are perplexed by an incomprehensible sense of constraint: sitting, sitting, standing up - it is difficult to move, it is necessary to "stagger".


    This is the so-called starting pain, a characteristic sign of arthrosis of the joints of the legs - hip, knee, interphalangeal. They are most affected.

    RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. This inflammatory disease usually provokes angina and influenza, but it can begin after physical and even mental trauma.

    The pain occurs in one or two, more often symmetrical joints, they swell, there is an increase in local temperature, while their mobility is limited, especially in the mornings.

    GOUT. Previously it was believed that this is a disease of aristocrats.

    The deposition of uric acid in the joints and the violent response to this of tissues are caused most often by excessive high-calorie nutrition, consumption of a large number of fats, proteins, carbohydrates in combination with a sedentary lifestyle and consumption alcohol. Today, gout is associated with an unbalanced, one-sided and meager diet, but an attack can provoke both hypothermia, and infectious diseases, and a mental or physical trauma.

    Serious complication of gout (this is sometimes forgotten, alas, and practitioners) - urolithiasis. Urologists hit the tail, breaking stones, not noticing the head of this dragon: if purine metabolism is broken, relapse can not be avoided.

    In such cases, the level of uric acid in the blood reduces, for example, allopurin. Patients know about this and take the medicine without consulting a doctor, but in this case self-medication is unacceptable: choosing a dose of the drug without controlling the blood composition is very difficult, not for long and to do much harm.

    As you can see, the target is one, and the reasons are completely different. And this is not all diseases of the joints.

    "Universal remedy" - painkillers, which we so love to swallow, bring only temporary relief, and the longer we curb the pain, the more dangerous the consequences - for the joint cartilage, and for the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Treatment of joint diseases

    So, without a visit to the doctor can not do: only a specialist is able to determine the causes and characteristics problems in the "hinges" and, taking into account the general state of the body, prescribe medication, physiotherapeutictreatment of joint diseases, choose acceptable forms of exercise and the amount of physical activity (the latter is very important!).

    In osteoarthritis, for example, complexes of therapeutic gymnastics are built taking into account the relief of the burden on the affected joint. REMEMBER. Very useful swimming - at least 2 times a week.


    But the bicycle - in any case! And squats, especially with dumbbells, as many like to do, are contraindicated. All exercises should be performed only while lying or sitting.


    Physical overload of the joint affected by arthrosis leads to the progression of pathological changes.

    Very useful baths - hydrogen sulphide, radon, iodine-bromine, they can be taken in a sanatorium, a polyclinic, and at home - conifers, with sea salt.

    And what about everyday life? Valentina Nikitichna, of whom you have told, is digging beds, a certain Ivan Ivanovich never gives in to the persuasion of his daughter to get a stick: it's shameful, you see! He says: it's too early to write to old people.

    But a stick, if it is supported by a healthy leg, takes some of the load from the affected joint and the painful processes develop much more slowly. So the one who is brave, signs his own sentence.

    And young, if there was pain in my leg, I advise you to get a stick, go to the grocery store with a bag on wheels to go.

    As for the pills... This, I repeat, is the prerogative of the doctor, because only he can determine the stage of the disease, the peculiarities of the change of this or that joint.

    And if the so-called basic medicines (rumalon, arteparone), affecting the metabolism of the cartilage, are effective at stages I and II, then later ...

    When the cartilage is already cracked, the knee is deformed, it is necessary to reduce the pain, somehow compensate the deformation.


    In these cases, the doctor prescribes the intra-articular injection of the goiter, rheopyrin, and also special substances that create a "cushion" for the painful fragments of the joint. Basic preparations at this stage are useless, and allergy can be made.


    In inflammatory arthritis, on the contrary, it is necessary to engage in motor activity as early as possible in order to prevent the limitation of mobility in the joints. This does not mean that for you to save in cross-country or marathon - everything must be done wisely.

    This disease is very unpleasant, having become sick, it lasts a lifetime.

    That is why the treatment is so difficult: one must act on the inflammatory process without harming the kidneys, liver, or other organs.

    Treatment - only under the supervision of a doctor! Well, there are a lot of drugs - crizonol, auronafin, auropan, delagil... Uninitiated in the nuances of their impact simply can not be understood!

    Nutrition in diseases of joints

    Do not starve for diseases of the joints. Convincing data that someone, carried away by starvation, healed joint diseases, does not exist.

    And hererestrictions in nutrition for diseases of the joints should be. In acute inflammatory processes, reduce consumption of table salt.

    And if you are a sweet tooth, try to humble your desires: carbohydrates promote allergization of the body, which will further exacerbate pathological processes. And more protein food, vitamins, trace elements.

    Useful any vegetables, fruits, especially dried apricots, raisins, prunes, strawberries, blueberries, apples, cabbage, carrots ...

    They will ease the condition of decoctions and infusions. Making them simple. Cut, for example, slices of 3 - 5 uncleaned apples, pour a liter of boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes, then insist 4 hours and strain. Drink a glass 4 times a day in a warm form.

    For the infusion of blueberries, you need to take 2 teaspoons of berries and pour them 3 cups of boiling water and insist 3 to 4 hours in a warm place. Take a quarter teaspoon 5 - 6 times during the day.

    Do not forget about vitamin tea from the leaves of black currant, cowberries and dogrose. The mixture is taken in equal parts and brewed as regular tea.

    If you have gout, you should exclude from the diet all provoking products.

    First of all, purine-rich liver, kidneys, brains, fatty meats and fish, strong meat broths, beans.

    The amount of proteins and fats should not exceed a gram per kilogram of body weight per day. With obesity, which, by the way, burdens joint diseases, low-calorie food is recommended.


    I do not need to starve, I repeat, but it is necessary to unload once a week. How? There are several options for unloading diets.


    For example, vegetable kg of vegetables (in any cooking); fruit kg of apples or oranges (without peel); curd: 400 grams of cottage cheese and half a liter of kefir.

    These diets contain few food purines and therefore have a good effect on metabolic processes in the body.

    Do not forget only that the liquid on such days the body should receive the usual rate - not less than, liter. Very useful juices: strawberry, black currant, blueberry.

    You will be interested in:Therapeutic exercises with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

    Good effect gives the infusion of black currant leaves: grind them, measure a tablespoon and brew 2 cups of boiling water, insist 6 hours, strain and take half a cup 4 times a day

    Treatment of joint diseases with folk remedies

    I hope you remember that tablets (anti-inflammatory, analgesic and others) should be taken only by the doctor's order and by his supervision. And heretreatment of joint diseases with folk remedies, if there is a desire, get busy.

    To relieve pain and swelling in the joints, I recommend 10 to 15 daily baths with a decoction of chamomile flowers (100 g of dried flowers per 10 liters of water).

    In the bath add 200 g of table salt or pour the broth of walnut leaves (250 g of leaves per liter of water).


    The duration of the procedure is 20 - 30 minutes, the temperature is 36 - 400С.


    Drink also 4 times a day for 15 - 20 minutes before a meal infusions of a mixture of medicinal herbs:

    • 10 g of elderberry black flowers, 40 g of birch leaves and 50 g of willow bark;
    • 30 grams of elderberry black flowers, nettle nettle leaves, parsley root and willow bark;
    • on 25 g of nettle leaves, dioecious, three-colored violet grass and birch leaves;
    • 4 teaspoons of chopped rhizomes of crocheting creeper fill with a glass of cold water, insist 12 hours in a cool place, strain and raw again pour a glass of boiling water. Insist 10 minutes in a warm place, strain. Both infusion - cold and hot - mix.

    Gouty buds well soar sage broth (10 g per liter of water). Having held hands or feet - depending on what hurts, 30 - 60 minutes in a hot (as soon as the skin suffers) decoction, be sure to put on woolen gloves or socks.

    Relieves pain compress of burdock ordinary. This, perhaps, is the only thing that your neighbor's neighbor did right.

    It is better to put not entirely the leaves, but finely chop them. Try to move with such a compress even at home.

    Stores, beds are self-mutilation, not treatment.

    A pound of prevention is worth a pood of treatment, said the great Russian surgeon N. P. Pies. Do not forget about it if you feel pain in the joint. Do not run the disease: it is very unpleasant - sometimes it takes doctors and "tons of patience" for the patients themselves to achieve a cure.

    Prepared by Natalia SAVINA

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    A source: http://zdravyshka.ru/Lechenie-narodnymi-sredstvami/Bolezni-oporno-dvigatelnogo-apparata/bolezni-sustavov-profilaktika-simptomy-lechenie-pitanie.html

    Causes of joint diseases, their symptoms and how to treat

    Diseases of the joints - a very common pathology among the population of absolutely any age.

    Both inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic processes can affect the joints of the hands, legs, spine.

    Regardless of the localization of the pathological focus, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for all these diseases have much in common.


    The abundance of different terms raises serious confusion among most ordinary people.

    In order to simplify the understanding of the situation, we will try to answer the banal question: "So, how is joint disease really called?"

    Everything depends on the cause and nature of the pathological process developing in these organs. Here is an example of a simplified classification:

    1. Inflammatory diseases - arthritis can be rheumatoid, reactive, viral, septic, psoriatic, gouty.
    2. Degenerative and dystrophic diseases - osteoarthritis, metabolic arthritis, osteochondropathy.
    3. Secondary arthropathies - defeat of the joints of the hands, legs and spine with connective tissue diseases, endocrine disorders and cancer.

    In addition to common terminology, many are interested in exactly how the disease of the joints of a particular localization, for example, legs, is called. In this plan, the name of the joint in Latin is taken as the basis, and either arthritis or arthrosis is added to it, taking into account the nature of the pathological process.

    At the same time it would be reckless to assert that the diseases of the joints of the legs are something cardinally different from joint diseases of other localization. Especially it concerns the causes of the onset, clinical symptoms, general principles of diagnosis and treatment.

    What causes development?

    Each group of joint diseases, according to the classification described above, has its own reasons for development. More or less everything is clear with secondary arthropathies, which are a manifestation of the primary pathology (lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, polymyositis, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, etc.).

    For example, the cause of the development of most arthritis is still not possible to establish, with the exception of reactive arthritis, where there is a clear relationship with the transferred or enterocolitis (intestinal), or urogenital infection.

    A similar situation is with degenerative-dystrophic pathology or arthrosis, the cause of which has remained unknown until now. Nevertheless, there are a number of predisposing factors contributing to the appearance of arthrosis on the arms, legs and spine:

    • Hereditary predisposition.
    • Large body weight.
    • The age of patients older than 45 years.
    • Insufficiency of vitamin D.
    • Various transferred or available arthritis.
    • Diabetes.
    • Atherosclerosis.
    • Serious injuries of the musculoskeletal system.
    • Frequent stretching, tearing or tearing of the tendon-ligament apparatus.
    • Exhaustive exercise (professional sports, work, etc.).

    Clinical picture

    Articular syndrome - a combination of several symptoms of joint damage to the hands, feet, spine, manifested by the sensation of pain of varying intensity, stiffness, change in shape and violation function. In the pathological process can be involved:

    • The joint part of bones.
    • Articular cavity.
    • Synovial bag.
    • Cartilage.
    • Tendon-ligament apparatus.
    • Vertebral disks.
    • Menisci.


    Arthralgia (joint pain) is the leading symptom in joint diseases of any location (arms, legs or spine), the appearance of which forces the patient to consult a specialist doctor.

    In the acute stage, pain, as a rule, is intense. With a chronic course of the disease, the sensation of pain becomes less intense, but more prolonged.

    Possible causes of joint pain:

    1. Inflammatory and / or degenerative-dystrophic changes in the affected joint.
    2. Mechanical influence (physical overstrain of the joint, stretching of the tendon-ligament apparatus).
    3. Violation of regional blood flow.
    4. Disturbance of metabolic processes in articular surfaces of bones.

    Articular pain can also be associated with the pathology of internal organs.

    For example, with angina or malignant neoplasm of the lung, pain can be transmitted to the shoulder joint.

    But with a more detailed examination it is possible to establish the exact location of the pathological process. A feature of these pains is their diffuse nature.


    Often, patients have a specific sense of difficulty in movement after a period of rest, especially in the spine and legs.

    Therefore, usually it is about morning stiffness or starting.

    Changing the shape

    Tumescence, an increase in the synovium and fibrous growths in the periarticular tissues in the chronic course of the disease can lead to reversible or irreversible changes in the shape of the joints. The nature and duration of the pathological process will determine how pronounced these changes will be.


    Another symptom that can be determined upon examination is the swelling of the joint.

    The cause of swelling may be swelling of the synovial membrane, the accumulation of inflammatory fluid in the joint cavity, the swelling of surrounding tissues (periarthritis, bursitis), etc. There are three degrees of severity:

    1. Light - slight puffiness, there is a moderate smoothed contours.
    2. Average - swelling is visible to the naked eye.
    3. Expressive - the shape of the joint acquires a characteristic globular appearance.

    The irreversible change in the shape of the joints, which develops as a result of bone growths, destruction of the articular surfaces of bones, the formation of cartilaginous or fibrous seams, is called deformation.

    Function violation

    Changes in the volume of movements, manifested either by restriction or increased mobility, indicate a violation of the functionality of the joint.

    Reducing the natural amplitude of the movements will indicate a limitation of the function.

    If mobility disorders are observed only along one axis, then we are dealing with the lesion of the periarticular tissues.

    If a cartilaginous or osseous fragment that has separated as a result of trauma or necrosis (necrosis) occurs, a joint blockage of the joint (jamming symptom) may occur between the joint joint surfaces of the bones. Nevertheless, after the removal of the fragment, as a rule, this symptom completely passes and the function of the joint is restored.

    Increased mobility is observed with some arthropathies and congenital malformations. Joints with a pronounced amplitude of movements are often called dangling.

    Other symptoms

    In addition to the above symptoms, there are a number of other signs for joint diseases that can not be ignored. Other clinical symptoms, often observed with arthritis, arthrosis and arthropathy of different localization:

    1. Change in skin color over the affected organ (hyperemia).
    2. Local fever (hyperthermia).
    3. Characteristic crunch when performing movements (crepitation).
    4. Slamming painless clicks (more common in the joints of the legs during squats).
    5. Reduction in strength and tone of the periarticular muscles of different degrees.


    To establish the correct diagnosis and choose the appropriate course of treatment for joint diseases, the thorough analysis of clinical symptoms and conducting a comprehensive objective examination using all the necessary instrumental methods diagnostics. To determine the location and nature of the pathological process can use:

    • X-ray examination.
    • Ultrasonography.
    • Computer tomography.
    • Magnetic resonance imaging.
    • Arthroscopy (mainly for large joints of hands and feet).
    • Arthrocentesis (puncture of the articular cavity).
    • Investigation of synovial fluid.


    In joint diseases, treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating clinical symptoms, reducing activity and progression of the pathological process, suspension of damage, restoration of functionality and enhancement quality of life.

    Conservative treatment

    It is necessary to begin with the limitation of the motor regime for the affected joint. In some cases, immobilization (immobilization) may even be required with the help of a tutor, corset or a tire overlap.

    In the acute stage of the disease, the cold or ice, which is applied to the inflamed area, is excellent.

    Conservative treatment should provide relief from pain syndrome, reducing inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic processes, improvement of metabolic processes in the cartilaginous and bone tissues and normalization blood flow. Apply the following types of therapy:

    1. Medications - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, etc. Simultaneous reception of two drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs not only does not increase the therapeutic effect, but also intensifies the manifestations of the negative effect.
    2. Manual therapy - is used only after the acute stage of inflammation stops.
    3. Medicamentous blockade - with severe pain syndrome.
    4. Physiotherapy treatment - electrophoresis with novocaine, diadynamic therapy, magnetotherapy, ultraphonophoresis, laser therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, inductothermy, local mud and paraffin applications.
    5. Massage - classical, reflex, point, hardware.
    6. Physiotherapy exercises - no burden on the affected organs.
    7. Phytotherapy - various tinctures and herbal medicinal herbs.


    In severe joint damage, surgical intervention is indicated to prevent the progression of the pathology and improve the patient's current condition.

    As a rule, perform arthroscopic surgery, arthroplasty or endoprosthetics. The size and method of surgical intervention is determined by the attending physician.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    It is possible to resort to the use of folk remedies only after receiving professional medical advice from a specialist. Among the many recipes of folk medicine, we note some of the most popular and effective:

    1. Tincture from the flowers of elderberry, nettle and nettle root.
    2. Tincture of pepper of one-year and sunflower-seed oil.
    3. Compress with honey bee.
    4. Fresh leaves of white cabbage are applied to the affected parts of the body.
    5. To wrap the limbs, use fresh burdock leaves large.
    6. Compress with leaves of the birch poviLoLo.

    Evaluation of clinical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of joint diseases should be handled exclusively by a physician (district therapist, orthopedist, rheumatologist, etc.).

    A source: http://MedOtvet.com/drugie-bolezni-sustavov/prichiny-boleznei-sustavov-ih-simptomy-i-kak-lechit.html