Vegetosovascular dystonia: what is VSD in simple words, causes, symptoms, treatment at home

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Abbreviated abbreviation VSD , used in medical practice, refers to the term " vegetovascular dystonia ", or " vegetative-vascular dystonia ".This pathology occurs in approximately four out of ten cases. The diagnosis of "VSD" for certain indications of the state of the body as a result of obtained medical research exposes a therapist or neurologist. And this formulation you can see in the records of an outpatient card with a note-refinement - "over the hypertonic," "hypotonic," or "mixed type."

What is VSD in plain language? To explain this state in simple words, one must understand the essence of the development of the disease, which lies in the autonomic dysfunction of the organism.

The autonomic nervous system, abbreviated as VNS - regulates and controls the processes of internal organs and is an autonomous system that is not controlled by the will of a person. It is necessary to maintain the balance of the functions of the whole organism. Under her control is the maintenance of the optimal level of blood pressure, blood circulation, body temperature, the activity of the immune and endocrine systems.

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Thus, a simple language, VSD - is a violation in the autonomic nervous system, manifested in the disorders of its controlling functions. But this is not all, vegetative-vascular dystonia does not imply any specific type of disease, this diagnosis in itself implies a combination of symptoms that arise when exposed to various factors of the external and internal environment.


VSD: the causes

The pathology can manifest from early childhood or adolescence, but usually it does not delivergreat anxiety. It is often observed in the age range from 20 to 40 years. And women are more prone to frustration than men.

Causes contributing to the development of autonomic dysfunction:

  1. frequent stressful situations, overwork, depressive state;
  2. unbalanced power;
  3. presence of acute or chronic infections;
  4. unhealthy lifestyle( smoking, frequent use of alcoholic beverages);
  5. a sedentary lifestyle;
  6. hormonal disorders or changes;Individual psychological properties of personality.

According to statistics, the most common reason for the development of the VSD is the last factor. It is proved that the most impressionable people are subject to autonomic dysfunction. Often this manifests itself at a young age in girls or boys who perceive life's difficulties with special sensitivity.

Very often smoking tobacco and alcohol abuse lead to violations of activity in the vegetative system.

VSD: symptoms

As in adults, as well as adolescents and children, the symptoms of VSD can occur with varying intensity and frequency. Modern medicine classifies various manifestations of this pathology as syndromes.

Cardiovascular syndrome or cardiovascular. Symptoms are associated with cardiac dysfunction. Patients' opinions about this type of VSD are characterized by the following manifestations:

  1. heart rhythm disturbance;
  2. signs of tachycardia;
  3. blushing or redness of the skin when the attack occurs;
  4. pain in the heart during a panic attack;
  5. excessive sweating;
  6. sensation of cold in the extremities.

The nature of the sensations can be varied: tingling, pressing, aching or throbbing pain. Patients often frighten such manifestations associated with cardiac activity and they turn to the cardiologist. To understand the reason, it is necessary to give the patient a nitroglycerin at the next attack. With violations related to the work of the heart, the pain will subside, with the VSD - will remain the same, and it will be helped by sedatives.

Syndrome of hyperdynamic bowel .Disease VSD of this type manifests itself in pain sensations in the abdominal region, which often do not have exact localization. It seems to the patient that the abdomen becomes excessively active, there is discomfort in the navel.

Syndrome accompanies problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract( GIT): recurrent nausea, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, bloating and anorexia.

The syndrome of thermoregulation disorder appears quite often in people suffering from autonomic dysfunction. Its essence is expressed in a change in body temperature, which can be reduced or slightly increased. Studying the symptoms of the VSD according to patients' reviews, it can be concluded that most often the body temperature keeps at around 35-35.8 degrees. There is drowsiness and lethargy, interfering with optimal life. Along with other syndromes, the violation of thermoregulation is one of the serious and requires prompt medical attention.

Syndrome of increased sweating .Patients note that excessive sweating causes considerable discomfort in the ordinary way of life. Some patients are diagnosed with "hyperhidrosis" and therapy is prescribed to eliminate it.

It is necessary in this case to seek help from a neurologist who can identify the cause of the violations. It is possible that this pathology is a direct sign that indicates the existence of VSD.The most common syndrome is the excessive release of moisture on the surface of the palms, feet and underarms.

Syndrome of hyperventilation is less common and manifests itself in the form of increased breathing. In the case of exciting or stressful situations, the person develops feelings:

  1. , lack of air,
  2. compression in the chest,
  3. of shortness of breath,
  4. sensation of cardiac arrest or increased heart rate.

Many patients note that a panic attack occurs most often with thoughts of possible death, incomprehensible anxiety or fear of the future.

Not every person can detect obvious symptoms of one of the syndromes. Most often the patient feels several manifestations associated with the general state of the body and does not give them proper value.

The symptoms described below, which occur periodically, may indicate a vegetative dysfunction:

  1. cardiac rhythm disturbance in severe waves;
  2. breathing disorder;
  3. weakness, drowsiness, apathy;
  4. insomnia;
  5. general trembling;
  6. cold limb syndrome;
  7. indigestion;
  8. swelling;
  9. increased sweating;
  10. ringing in the ears;
  11. excessive sense of anxiety and suspiciousness.

Symptoms do not necessarily appear in the complex. You can constantly feel cold hands, feet, fatigue and only if a stressful situation occurs - a violation in the work of the heart, or nausea. The mystery of VSD is that every person has an individual disease. If one or more symptoms are found, it is necessary to consult a neurologist for advice.

VSD: treatment and patient feedback

There is often a situation where patients VSD do not know what to do. Comments that can be heard or read on the web, confirm this fact. People suffering from autonomic dysfunction try not only to understand what the VSD is in a simple language, treatment is the main problem affecting many. Therapy for this pathology is necessary and this is confirmed by many specialists. Disease VSD involves a comprehensive treatment, which is appointed primarily by a neurologist.

The most difficult stage in the therapeutic effect is the elimination of the causes that led to a vegetative disorder. Reviews of patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia suggest that a person is often able to independently identify factors that contribute to the manifestation of the syndrome. They point to stress, fatigue, quarrels and conflicts in the family, leading to an attack of the VSD.

Such patients, realizing the real state of things and adequately, without fear of looking at the situation, tend to quickly recover. If a person does not understand where the disease originates, the first stage of treatment will be the help of a qualified psychotherapist. He will help to understand the causes and teach them to cope with them on their own to prevent a new attack. Additionally, relaxing sessions are offered, these can be:

  1. yoga,
  2. autorelaxation,
  3. pilates,
  4. swimming,
  5. jogging,
  6. art therapy.

Since among the factors leading to vegetative-vascular dystonia, there are social aspects, the patient is recommended to pay attention to the lifestyle, its recovery. One can observe reviews regarding the treatment of AVI in adults, which talk about the effectiveness of therapy after abandoning bad habits or adjusting activities. If a person spends his working time in a sitting position, he must observe the hygiene of work. For example, when working at a computer, it consists in the following:

  1. every 40 minutes it is necessary to break away from activity and perform simple physical actions( ordinary walking);
  2. to control the relaxation of the eyes, looking out into the window;
  3. every hour to knead hands, loins, which are actively connected to work.

The complex also includes medication. It helps to eliminate the symptoms of VSD in an adult during treatment. The patients' comments indicate that the use of prescribed sedatives and soothing drugs, has a beneficial effect on the effectiveness of therapy. But you should not resort to an independent choice of drugs. The specialist selects the medication, relying on the severity of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the patient.

In some cases, the use of antidepressants is required. Today, pharmacology has a wide range of effective remedies from the VSD, reviews about which are in most positive dynamics.

Of sedative plants, Persen is preferred. The drug is produced without a doctor's prescription, but is not recommended for independent use.

From synthetic tranquilizers( sedatives), experts often prefer to phenazepamu , Tofizopamu , Eleniumu .Medications should be taken strictly on the advice of a doctor. Self-treatment can lead to complications or side effects.

Among the antidepressants, Imipramine and Amitriptyline are considered effective. They help to increase concentration of attention, working capacity, relieve anxiety and irritability. Produced by prescription.

It should be taken into account that drug treatment is effective only in the case of an integrated approach with psycho-training and following the recommendations of a specialist regarding a healthy lifestyle.

In addition to the main stages of therapy, neurologists often prescribe additional procedures:

  1. massage,
  2. electrophoresis,
  3. physiotherapy.

Only strict compliance with all the recommendations of a doctor will help get rid of the causes and symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia through treatment in the shortest possible time. Patients' feedback serves as additional evidence that therapy is not only recommended in the VSD, but is also an indispensable condition in the fight against the disease.

Only faith in your own recovery and doctor's experience will help you get rid of a vegetative disorder in the shortest possible time. Skeptical people, as practice shows, often return to the initial stage of the disease.

What is VSD and how to treat vegetative vascular dystonia

Video channel "Neuroses of Megapolis".

What is VSD?What a mysterious diagnosis? How this crap is treated and in general, what is it?

Answers to all these and many other questions you will find by watching the clips of Alexei Krasikov on the channel of Neurosis Megapolis! Enjoy watching!

A practicing psychologist-consultant on the profile of anxiety-phobic and panic disorders.

Practical methods: Cognitive-behavioral and cognitive-analytical psychotherapy.

Is a popular Internet blogger, the lead and founder of the Internet channel "Neuroses Megapolis" and "Center for psychological counseling Alexei Krasikov."

Anxious-phobic and panic disorders are breaking all records in megacities and cities of the Russian Federation. The lack of proper information on the Internet frightens people.

Many become isolated, feel terminally ill.

My main task - it is popular to tell the public about what neuroses are, panic, bodily symptoms. How are the symptoms and personality, thoughts, emotions connected. Give specific recommendations and exercises.

Briefly about the VSD

Video channel "Honey: MiR".

Source: http: // vegeto-sosudistaya-distoniya / entsiklopediya-vegeto-sosudistaya-distoniya / vsd-chto-eto-takoe-prostyim-yazyikom.html

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