
Neovir is an immunostimulating agent with antiviral activity against DNA and RNA genomic viruses, immunomodulating and pronounced anti-Chlamydial action.

The drug activates T-lymphocytes, stem cells of the bone marrow, macrophages. The drug is able to significantly activate polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Neovir reduces the production of tumor necrosis factor (for herpes, HIV infection) and activates killer cells (for tumors).

It brings into equilibrium the subpopulations of T-suppressor and T-helper cells.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Immunostimulating drug.

Conditions of leave from pharmacies

It is released on prescription.

Price list

How much is Neovirus in pharmacies? The average price is at the level of500 rubles.

Form of issue and composition

Neovir is available in the form of a solution for injection and in the form of tablets.

The main active substance of neovir is kridanimod.

Excipients are:

  • injections of neovir: citric acid, sodium citrate, water for injection;
  • Neovir tablets: polyvidon or PVP low molecular weight medical, yellow quinoline, polyglukine dry, sodium chloride, talc, dimethicone, polymethacrylate.
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Pharmacological effect

Immunostimulating drug. Has antiviral activity against DNA and RNA genomic viruses. Has a pronounced anti-chlamydial effect. The activity of the drug is related to its ability to induce the formation in the body of high titers of endogenous interferons, especially interferon alpha.

In / m administration of Neovir in a dose of 250 mg according to the detected serum concentrations of interferon is equivalent to the administration of 6-9 million. IU recombinant interferon alfa.

Neovir activates bone marrow stem cells, T-lymphocytes and macrophages. It shows immunomodulating activity, normalizing the balance between subpopulations of T-helper and T-suppressor cells. In a number of diseases, neovir is able to reduce the production of tumor necrosis factor (HIV infection, herpes) in the body and activate natural killer cells (for tumor diseases). Significantly increases the activity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes.

In HIV infection, neovir has an immunomodulating effect: increases the absorption activity of serum, increases the ability of leukocytes to synthesize interferon alfa, stimulates the formation of reactive oxygen species by phagocytes.

Peak activity of interferons in the blood and tissues is observed a few hours after the introduction of neovir and persists for 16-20 hours.

Indications for use

Neovir is recommended for use as an immunostimulating drug in complex therapy, with the following diseases:

  1. HIV infection;
  2. Radiation immunodeficiency;
  3. Acute and chronic hepatitis B and C;
  4. Multiple sclerosis;
  5. Papillomavirus infection;
  6. Encephalitis and encephalomyelitis of viral origin;
  7. Venereal lymphogranuloma;
  8. Salpingitis, cervicitis, prostatitis, epididymitis, urethritis of chlamydial etiology;
  9. Oncological diseases;
  10. Influenza and other acute respiratory viral diseases (including against the background of immunodeficiency states);
  11. Infections initiated by the Herpessimplex virus, Herpessimplex genitalis, Varicellazoster (including therapy in persons with immune system disorders);
  12. Cytomegalovirus infection in patients with immunodeficiency;
  13. Candidiasis lesions of the skin and mucous membranes.

Also, the drug is used to prevent influenza and other acute respiratory viral diseases.


Medication can not be administered in the following situations:

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. Lactation;
  3. Autoimmune diseases;
  4. Severe renal failure (creatinine clearance less than 30 ml / minute);
  5. Childhood;
  6. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Particular care during treatment should be observed in elderly patients.

Use in pregnancy and lactation

Neovir can not be used during pregnancy and breast-feeding, since the safety of the drug in pregnancy and lactation has not been reliably studied.

Dosage and route of administration

The instructions for use indicate that neovir injection is given in / m, a single dose is 250 mg (1 amp) or 4-6 mg / kg body weight. If necessary, a single dose of neovir can be increased to 500 mg.

  • The course of treatment, if there are no specific instructions, consists of 5-7 intravenous injections in single doses at intervals of 48 hours. The course dose depends on the clinical picture. The duration of the course is 8-12 days. With prolonged and prophylactic use, the interval between neovir administration is 3-7 days.

In HIV infection, injection solution is used as part of combination therapy. The course of treatment consists of 10 intravenous injections of 250 mg with an interval between injections of 48 hours. After the course of therapy, take a break for 2 months. The number of repeat courses is not limited.

Side effects

The drug can cause the following side effects: an allergic reaction, low-grade fever and pain at the injection site.


Cases of drug use in dosage exceeding the therapeutic rate are not registered.

special instructions

In case of poor tolerance or painfulness, it is recommended to inject neovir together with 2 ml of 0.25-0.5% solution of novocaine at the site of IM injection.

Drug Interactions

During the time of clinical trials and the use of the drug in clinical practice, no cases have been reported incompatibility or potentiation of the action of the drug when interacting with other drugs.

Information on the physico-chemical incompatibility of Neovir with other drugs is not available.


We picked up some reviews of people who used the drug Neovir:

  1. Natalia. I entered neovir in the leg - the muscle began to contract strongly, I thought I had got into the nerve, pulled out the needle and after a while I introduced the rest into the other leg, the same thing, I was frightened. I do not write about such a reaction, called immediately to the ambulance just in case, clarified whether this can be, frightened my heart, screwed myself, but after a while everything passed, now I'll see how effective it is.
  2. Maria. What a boisterous prick of neovir, my dear mother, and moreover, he does not pass at all. It hurts... The doctor said that next time we will stab with lidocaine or novocaine. I really hope that it will be much less sick!
  3. Svetlana. My ureaplasma was found and my doctor prescribed Neovir. She blew herself without lidocaine. The pain was terrible, as I suffered this I do not know. The next injection did with lidocaine, you can tolerate and then somehow did the course. But we managed to heal the ureaplasma.


In the pharmacies are sold the following analogues of Neovir:

  • Alokin-alpha;
  • Arbivir;
  • Arbidol;
  • Vilozen;
  • Galavit;
  • Gepon;
  • Glutoxim;
  • Zadaxin;
  • Isofon;
  • Immunomax;
  • Immunoflavid;
  • Lavomax;
  • Lynchy;
  • Nucleinate;
  • Polyoxidonium;
  • Primavir;
  • Symbioflora;
  • Timalin;
  • Heliscan;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Ehinal;
  • Ehinasal;
  • Echinacea rhizome;
  • Echinacea tincture;
  • Echinacea;
  • Echinacean.

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store in a dry, dark place, at a temperature of 15... 25 ° C. Keep away from children. Shelf life - 3 years.

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