Folk Remedies

Treatment of hernias with pricks: anesthetics for treatment

Content 1Choosing effective injections and medicines for treatment of a hernia of the lumbar spine 1.1Drug therapy 1.2Basic injection method 1.3Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDs and NSAIDs 1.4Steroid preparations 1.5Muscle relaxants 1.6Additional injection therapy 1.7Chondroprotectors 1.8Hyaluronic acid 1.9Vitamins 1.10Alternative methods of drug administration 1.11Drip therapy 1.12Epidural anesthesia 2How do I make injections with a hernia of the lumbar spine? ...

  • 27-Aug-2018
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  • 966

Injuries from sciatica in back pain

Content 1Strokes from radiculitis: the name and reviews 1.1What is radiculitis? 1.2How to cope with the disease? 1.3Blockades with radiculitis 1.4"Movalis injections from radiculitis 1.5Contraindications 1.6Side effects 1.7"Midokalm" - an effective medicine for radiculitis 1.8When appoint? 1.9Treatment with injections 1.10Patient Reviews 2Injections from sciatica and back pain: drugs, pain medications 2.1Principles of classification of medicines 2.2Narcotic drugs 2.3Admiss...

  • 27-Aug-2018
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Wrists And Brushes

Gel horse power for joints (ointment, balm)

Content 1Gel Horsepower for joints - composition, application, price and reviews 1.1Horse Gel for people 1.2Can the horse gel harm human health? 1.3What is the secret of the success of equine preparations? 1.4What kind of gel should I choose 1.5Correct application 1.6Gel Alezan 1.7Gel-balm of double action Zoo VIP 2Balm-gel Horse power for the treatment of joints, its effectiveness, instructions for use + doctors' opinion and consumer reviews 2.1Composition and form of balsam f...

  • 27-Aug-2018
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  • 1005

Tendonitis of the knee joint: treatment

Content 1How to cure tendonitis of the knee joint? 1.1What are the causes of the disease? 1.2Symptoms 1.3Carrying out of diagnostic researches 1.4Treatment and rehabilitation of the knee joint 1.5Medication Therapy 1.6Physiotherapy 1.7Physiotherapy 1.8Operation 1.9Folk treatment 1.10Immobilization of the knee 1.11Preventive actions 2Tendonitis of the knee joint 2.1Symptoms of tendonitis of the knee joint 3Attributes of tendonitis of the knee joint and ways to treat it 3.1...

  • 27-Aug-2018
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  • 1570

The knee is swollen and hurts when bending: treatment, how to remove swelling of the knee joint?

Content 1The knee is swollen and hurts when bending: treatment of swollen knees 1.1Why there is swelling of the knee 1.2Treatment of pain and swelling in the knee 1.3Risk factors that lead to knee injuries 1.4Treatment with folk remedies 1.5Preventive actions 2What to do if the knee is swollen and aching, causes, effective treatment 2.1Causes and treatment of pain in the knee joint 2.2Gout 2.3Osteoporosis 2.4Tendenite 2.5Arthritis 2.6Bruises and trauma 2.7Folk remedies 3...

  • 27-Aug-2018
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Ankle And Foot

What is a neurologist treating?

Content 1Neuropathologist 1.1What diseases are treated by a neurologist? 1.2When to contact a neurologist? 1.3How is the doctor's appointment? 2The neuropathologist that heals? Diseases of the nervous system: 2.1Who is it? 2.2Why are they referred to a neurologist 2.3Causes of Nervous Diseases 2.4Classification of diseases of the nervous system 2.5Vascular diseases 2.6Revealing of nervous diseases 2.7Neurology in children 2.8Scheduled inspection 2.9Neurological symptoms in ...

  • 27-Aug-2018
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  • 1606
Hip Joint

Ostenil: instructions for use

Content 1Ostanenil 1.1Features 1.2Composition and form of release 1.3Indications 1.4Contraindications 1.5Mode of application 1.6Overdose 1.7Side effects 1.8Price and analogy 1.9Injection (video) 1.10Books 2Ostenil - an effective remedy for the treatment of joint diseases 2.1Composition and pharmacological effect of the preparation 2.2Indications and contraindications for use 2.3How to apply Ostenil? 3Ostenil: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogs 3.1Properties ...

  • 27-Aug-2018
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  • 1284

Arthra: instruction on the use of the drug in tablets

Content 1Arthra - instructions for use, dosage, active ingredient, contraindications and reviews 1.1Arthra Tablets 1.2Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics 1.3special instructions 1.4In pregnancy 1.5Drug Interactions 1.6Arthra and alcohol 1.7Side effects and overdose 1.8Contraindications 1.9Terms of Sale and Storage 1.10Analogues of Artra 1.11Price Arthra 2Arthra: instructions for use 2.1Form of issue 2.2Composition 2.3Indications for use 2.4Dosing and Administration 2....

  • 27-Aug-2018
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  • 918

Belly-belt for pregnant women

Content 1Bandage for pregnant women 2Correct bandage for pregnant women. How to wear a bandage for pregnant women? 2.1What does the bandage look like for pregnant women? 2.2Why do I need a bandage for pregnant women? 2.3How to choose a bandage for pregnant women in size? 2.4Size of bandage for pregnant women, table 2.5How to choose a bandage for pregnant women? 2.6Kinds of bandages for pregnant women 2.7When should I start wearing a bandage for pregnant women? 2.8: How to wear a ...

  • 27-Aug-2018
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  • 891

Scoliosis of the spine: which doctor should I contact?

Content 1Which doctor treats scoliosis? 1.1Reasons to see a doctor 1.2What doctors are involved in scoliosis? 1.3Surgery 1.4The main doctors involved in scoliosis 2Which doctor treats scoliosis? 2.1Scoliosis and its classification 2.2What kind of doctor should I use for scoliosis for children and adults? 2.3What degree of scoliosis is a prerequisite for referring to narrow specialists 2.4Treatment of scoliosis 2.5Conclusion 3The diagnosis of scoliosis: what to do? 3.1Types...

  • 27-Aug-2018
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  • 1136