Injuries from sciatica in back pain


  • 1Strokes from radiculitis: the name and reviews
    • 1.1What is radiculitis?
    • 1.2How to cope with the disease?
    • 1.3Blockades with radiculitis
    • 1.4"Movalis injections from radiculitis
    • 1.5Contraindications
    • 1.6Side effects
    • 1.7"Midokalm" - an effective medicine for radiculitis
    • 1.8When appoint?
    • 1.9Treatment with injections
    • 1.10Patient Reviews
  • 2Injections from sciatica and back pain: drugs, pain medications
    • 2.1Principles of classification of medicines
    • 2.2Narcotic drugs
    • 2.3Admission of glucocorticoids
    • 2.4Vitamin Complexes
  • 3Injections from radiculitis: the most effective painkillers
    • 3.1What kind of injections can you treat sciatica
    • 3.2Anesthetizing injections with radiculitis
    • 3.3Protection of the body in the treatment of sciatica
    • 3.4Additional recovery treatment
  • 4Injections from radiculitis: lumbar and others, treatment
    • 4.1Injections
    • 4.2Analgesics (analgesics) and anti-inflammatory
    • 4.3Muscle relaxants: list
    • 4.4Vitamins
  • 5Injections from radiculitis
    • 5.1Common mistakes in treatment
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.2Types of pricks
    • 5.3Anesthetic group of injections
    • 5.4Vitaminotherapy
    • 5.5Novocaine blockades
    • 5.6Muscle relaxants
    • 5.7Nonsteroid injections
    • 5.8Narcotic drugs such as "Opiates"
    • 5.9Supplementary Therapy
  • 6Effective treatment of lumbar radiculitis with medicines and injections
    • 6.1Features of the disease
    • 6.2Symptoms of sciatica
    • 6.3Etiology of sciatica
    • 6.4Principles of treatment of the disease
    • 6.5Medication Therapy
    • 6.6Preparations for injections
    • 6.7Steroid preparations
    • 6.8Preparations for blockade
    • 6.9Vitamins

Strokes from radiculitis: the name and reviews

Radiculitis is a fairly common ailment. Painful symptoms of pathology can disturb a person even in a state of complete rest.

During an exacerbation the only method of treatment are injections. Radiculitis is helped by drugs that have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Consider the most popular medicines used to treat the disease.

What is radiculitis?

Radiculitis is not an independent disease.

This term refers to a whole group of certain symptoms that are manifested when the nerve roots from the spinal cord are stimulated (infringed).

In the risk group are people who have a history of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the vertebral post: intervertebral hernia, protrusion, spondylitis, scoliosis, kyphosis and infectious-inflammatory processes.

The most common cases of lumbar radiculitis. It is this area of ​​the spine that experiences the greatest load and wears out more quickly.

When the first pain occurs, you should consult a specialist who can determine the exact cause of the syndrome. Treatment of sciatica (lumbar) with medications, nyxes must necessarily be combined with other methods.

Significantly improves the condition of patients therapeutic exercise, which helps to strengthen the muscular corset.

How to cope with the disease?

With severe pain in the lumbar region caused by radiculitis, rapid relief will bring injections. Injections are for intravenous, topical, intramuscular and parenteral administration.

To ease the symptoms will help anti-inflammatory, vitamin, analgesic and relaxing muscles drugs. Only a doctor can determine which shots with radiculitis should be prescribed to the patient.

For lumbar pain, the following drugs are indicated:

  1. Ketonal;
  2. "Movalis
  3. "Milgamma
  4. "Midokalm
  5. "Sirdalud
  6. Voltaren;
  7. Diclofenac;
  8. Hydrocortisone;
  9. "Prednisolone
  10. Neurorubine.

Blockades with radiculitis

An effective method of arresting the syndrome with radiculitis is a therapeutic blockade, the essence of which is the introduction of the drug directly into the focus of pain. This method is used in cases of a severe pain attack. Blockade can be used instead of narcotic analgesics.

Depending on the number of drugs administered, one-component and complex blockades are distinguished. In one-component blockades, only an anesthetic is used: Novokain, Lidocaine.

To achieve a long therapeutic effect, complex injections of radiculitis (3 ampoules in the composition) are made. Together with the anesthetic drug, the patient is given a hormonal drug, a vitamin B group.

Used in the blockade and drugs that have a resolving effect.

"Movalis injections from radiculitis

The name of this non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent is familiar to many patients suffering from various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. During an exacerbation of the disease, experts recommend using the drug "Movalis" in injections to ease the pain attack.

The active ingredient in the drug is meloxicam (10 mg in 1 ml). The substance has anti-inflammatory properties due to the fact that it depresses some enzymes that trigger the inflammatory processes (COX-2).

In a day, only 1 ampoule of the drug is allowed to be administered to the patient. The solution can be administered only intramuscularly. Use for treatment "Movalis" in the form of injections should be within 2-3 days.

In the future, injections should be replaced with tablets or rectal suppositories.

Indications for the appointment of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug are such ailments as osteoarthritis, radiculitis, rheumatoid arthritis and spondylitis.

Already in 15-20 minutes after the administration of the medication, there is a significant relief of the pain syndrome.

In addition to eliminating the symptoms of radiculitis, the drug helps prevent complications and worsening of the condition.


"Movalis" (nyxes) from radiculitis is prescribed to patients only in the absence of the following contraindications:

  • increased sensitivity (or intolerance) to meloxicam, ancillary components;
  • the presence of asthma in the anamnesis;
  • severe cardiac, hepatic insufficiency;
  • ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease;
  • gastric bleeding after treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • presence of polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • age to 18 years.

Meloksikam has a negative effect on the body of a pregnant woman and developing fetus. The drug can provoke the development of severe congenital pathologies and therefore in the period of gestation the baby is not prescribed.

Side effects

Treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is impossible without the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

However, with prolonged use, such drugs can provoke serious side effects.

A common serious drawback of all NVPs is damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

From the side of the digestive tract, negative reactions to the use of the drug "Movalis" are manifested most often. It manifests itself in the form of such symptoms as nausea, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting. The rare side effects include the development of gastroduodenal ulcers, colitis.

The nervous system can also be affected if the drug or its dosage has not been matched correctly. For such cases, there is the appearance of dizziness, noise in the ears, drowsiness, severe headache.

"Midokalm" - an effective medicine for radiculitis

The injections, whose action is aimed at relaxing the tone of skeletal muscles, are also used to eliminate painful sensations with exacerbation of lumbar radiculitis. "Midokalm" - a drug from the group of muscle relaxants.

The drug has two active components - tolperisone and lidocaine. The first effectively blocks nerve impulses and improves peripheral circulation. Lidocaine is used as a local anesthetic.

When appoint?

Attacks of lumbar radiculitis, accompanied by a shooting pain and numbness of the lower extremities - a direct indication for the use of injections of "Midokalma".

Miorelaxant is able to relieve muscle spasms of various etiologies.

Most often, it is prescribed to patients with neurological disorders, muscle hypertonia against spondylosis, lumbago, and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Other indications for the appointment of "Midokalma" are such diseases as encephalomyelitis, angiopathy, spastic paralysis, myelopathy, multiple sclerosis, Raynaud's disease, autoimmune diseases, trophic ulcers. The drug has a weak anesthetic effect and suppresses the sensitivity of nerve endings.

Treatment with injections

The scheme of treatment with a medication depends on the severity of the pain syndrome. Injections with radiculitis (lumbar, cervical) can be administered both intramuscularly and intravenously.

In the first case, the dosage is usually 200 mg tolperisone twice daily. When intravenously administered "Midokalma" dose is reduced to 100 mg once a day.

It should be taken into account that it is necessary to inject the muscle relaxant very slowly.

The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.

In addition to the medicamental effects, the specialist appoints the patient physiotherapy, massage, therapeutic physical training.

If there is a significant excess of the recommended dosage of tolperisone, patients may experience ataxia, difficulty breathing, convulsive seizures.

Patient Reviews

Treatment of radiculitis should begin with the definition of the causes that caused inflammation in the nerve root region.

To ease the symptomatology, severe pain syndrome, the patient is prescribed medicamentous therapy.

Tablets, ointments, injections of radiculitis help to quickly cope with the pain, but at the same time completely do not get rid of the original cause of the pathological condition.

When choosing drugs for the treatment of radiculopathy, attention should be paid to the etiology of the disease.

With persistent pain syndromes, which are not amenable to therapy, it is recommended to make medicinal blockades.

This method can be called an emergency aid, the effect of which lasts not more than a few hours.

In the treatment of radiculitis, many patients face the problem of insomnia and depression. In this case, you must additionally take sedatives or antidepressants.

A source: http://.ru/article/269686/ukolyi-ot-radikulita-nazvanie-i-otzyivyi

Injections from sciatica and back pain: drugs, pain medications

Injections from radiculitis are taken as prescribed by the doctor. Radiculitis is a disease that is accompanied by constant or sudden pain in the back.

For relief of acute syndrome, anesthetics are used in ampoules.The action of injections is temporary, therefore the treatment of radiculitis requires an integrated approach.

Patients prescribe drugs of different spectrum of action.

Principles of classification of medicines

Before appointing treatment, the doctor determines the type of radiculitis:

  1. 1Discogenous (pinching of nerves CM).
  2. 2 Infectious (develops against the background of an acute infection, while affecting the nervous tissue).

With pain in the back, the doctor can prescribe injections, which are injected into the body in various ways:

  • intramuscularly (the solution is injected into the buttock);
  • intravenously (injection is injected into a vein in the elbow area);
  • in the skin of SM (with severe pain in the lumbar region);
  • intraosseous (solution is injected into the body of the vertebrae).

Ampules with medicines relieve pain and inflammation from the affected area. Physicians identify the following groups of injections used in the treatment of radiculitis:

  1. 1 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory solutions.
  2. 2Nokokainovye blockades.
  3. 3 Glucocorticoids.
  4. 4Miorelaxants are central.
  5. 5Vitamins of group B.
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The first group includes injections of radiculitis, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The main action of NSAIDs is a delay in the production of cyclooxygenase. Nonsteroid drugs, in contrast to hormonal drugs, have minor side effects.

The composition of non-steroids includes prostaglandin, responsible for regulating the level of acidity in the stomach. This component is involved in the process of blood clotting. If this enzyme is not produced, then there is a risk of ulceration.

With a long absence of it, the blood clotting process is disrupted in the body. Patients suffering from pain in the lumbar region, can receive non-steroid injections.

But in this case it is recommended to include fats and salts in the diet (to prevent the development of ulcers).

Drugs in this group are contraindicated in pregnant women. Patients suffering from an ulcer are shown taking selective non-steroid drugs. They, in contrast to non-steroid injections, have less influence on the work of the digestive tract. But they are taken in large doses.

Of the effective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory injections, there are:

  1. 1Diclofenac is a good analgesic, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Such injections of radiculitis are introduced by the course. It is contraindicated to receive Diclofenac in combination with other NSAIDs.
  2. 2 Cetonal - an analgesic, which has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is based on ketoprofen.
  3. 3Ksefokam - an active substance of this analgesic is lornoxicam.
  4. 4Movalis is an effective analgesic, which contains meloxicam.

Narcotic drugs

Analgesics of the narcotic type are indicated for use in severe back pain, when non-steroid injections are ineffective. Such pricks with radiculitis affect the patient with the following actions:

  • pain-relieving;
  • leveling of self-control.

During the course of therapy, the patient may experience an inexplicable euphoria and joy that quickly turn into sadness. Some drugs in this group depress the breathing process.

To quickly and effectively eliminate local pain, the reception of Novocain blockades is shown. Injection is administered to the place where the patient feels pain.

Preliminary drug diluted with a solution of novocaine. The lack of Novocaine blockades is a short term impact on the syndrome.

Often such injections are used for emergency relief of pain.

To the muscle relaxants of the central action, experts include Midokalm, Sirdalud. Preparations of this group relax the skeletal muscles. They have a direct effect on the central nervous system, reducing nervous excitement.

Midokalm is an effective central muscle relaxant based on tolperisone hydrochloride. The drug is prescribed during rehabilitation or in severe radiculitis. The injection is administered intramuscularly or intravenously.

Contraindications to the use of Midokalma:

  • allergy to lidocaine;
  • Infant age (up to 3 months).

To the side effects of the solution, experts include nausea, muscle and headache. Children may have itching. If after the injection the patient has shortness of breath, convulsions or suffocation, then urgent medical attention is required.

Because of improper jetting intravenously, arterial hypotension develops. Therefore, a qualified medical professional must conduct the treatment.

Midokalm is prescribed to pregnant women in 1 trimester and nursing mothers.

Sirdalud is an effective muscle relaxant based on tizanidine hydrochloride.

With the help of such injections, spasms decrease, the force of voluntary muscle contraction increases. Dosage is selected by the doctor in each case individually.

If the patient suffers from severe back pain, additional administration of the drug before bedtime is allowed.

Contraindications to the use of Sirdaluda:

  • impaired renal function;
  • high sensitivity to tizanidine.

Admission of glucocorticoids

Preparations of this group are steroid hormones. They complexly affect the metabolic processes occurring in the human body. This increases the synthesis of anti-inflammatory proteins.

With the help of glucocorticoids, local blood flow accelerates, inflammation caused by radiculitis decreases. Glucocorticoid injections are administered topically, to the problem site. Single injection injection is indicated.

In the future, the doctor appoints more sparing injections.

At a radiculitis reception of following hormonal agents in ampoules is shown:

  1. 1 Hydrocortisone - effectively removes local inflammation, swelling and severe pain. The injections have an anti-shock effect.
  2. 2 Kenalog - quickly relieves pain, eliminates the inflammatory process.
  3. 3Dexamethasone - eliminates the inflammatory process. The drug has an antitoxic effect on the sick organism.

Vitamin Complexes

Treatment of radiculitis in pricks involves the intake of B vitamins.

Such drugs are involved in cellular metabolism, providing a healthy functioning of the nervous system.

Using thiamine (B1), damaged nerve fibers are restored. Pyridoxine (B6) is responsible for immunity, and B12 is responsible for cell division.

To the effective drugs of this group, doctors include Milgamma. This combined analgesic is taken by the course. To its side effects include allergy. With rapid administration of the solution or in case of an overdose, systemic reactions (nausea, arrhythmia, dizziness) can occur.

Neurorubin is an effective complex vitamin preparation, the action of which is aimed at improving impulse conductivity in neurons. The injection consists of B1, B6 and B12. They in the complex normalize the functions of the nervous system.

The solution is inserted into the gluteus muscle. The dose and frequency of injections depends on the symptomatology of sciatica. In severe pathology, injections are done daily. The course of treatment is 7 days. At an average severity level, injections are administered 1-2 times a week.

To the contraindications of Neurorubin, the specialists refer:

  • intolerance to the components of the solution;
  • pregnancy;
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • age of the patient is younger than 16 years.

The drug is administered with caution to patients suffering from psoriasis.

Pain arising in the back is recommended to be treated after consultation with a doctor. Home treatment can only temporarily eliminate the symptoms of sciatica, or, conversely, aggravate the course of the disease.

To get rid of the disease, it is recommended to observe a strict bed rest, do injections, undergo physiotherapy. If the condition worsens, the patient is hospitalized. The doctor selects a new treatment regimen.

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Injections from radiculitis: the most effective painkillers

Radiculitis is a phenomenon that can not go unnoticed. This is the pain itself, which says that a certain process in the body has reached the nerve root and caused its inflammation or irritation.

The reasons for this may be DDP in intervertebral disks, vertebral bodies and their joints, trauma and many other diseases of infectious inflammatory nature.

To suffer radiculitis attacks, especially at night, is far beyond everyone's strength, and indeed there is no need: a constant severe pain leads to a protective muscle block and generates a chronic myofascial syndrome.

To prevent such consequences, anesthetic treatment is carried out and for this purpose prick pricks from the radiculitis.

What kind of injections can you treat sciatica

When it is necessary to resort to anesthesia and which shots are usually used with radiculitis?

The gradation of pain can be very different. The usual muscle stretching or catarrhal inflammation, which does not involve nerves in the process, is well eliminated:

  • rubbing with ointments of irritating action (viprosalom, apizarthron, capsicum)
  • dry heat, mustard plasters, pepper plaster
  • massage and gymnastics

In this case, injections of radiculitis - an excellent tool for the rapid treatment of pain symptoms.

The injections are administered in the form of the following injections:

  1. intramuscular, intravenous
  2. intraarticular
  3. spinal or epidural

Treatment usually takes place in three directions:

  • Anesthesia
  • Protection
  • Recovery

Anesthetizing injections with radiculitis

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

They act at the level of blocking of active lipid substances (prostaglandins) - an important element of the inflammatory process.

What injections are usually prescribed: Diclofenac, ketoprofen (ketonal), ibuprofen, indomethacin

How to choose a medicine:

  • With radiculitis of rheumatic nature or Bechterew's disease, diclofenac or ketoprofen (ketonal) are indispensable, since the anti-inflammatory effect of these NSAIDs is higher
  • Wherever more pain relief is required (trauma, dorsal hernia), ibuprofen or indomethacin are effective

Absolutely all NSAIDs have a side effect on the organs of the digestive tract, kidneys, heart, and they can not be prescribed during pregnancy, nursing mothers. Patients, along with injections, are prescribed protector.

Such modern NSAIDs as movalis and nimesulide (nimesil) are considered to be more sparing drugs with fewer consequences.

Muscle relaxants with radiculitis

Recently, the opinion of medical "luminaries" is increasingly leaning towards the muscular nature of pain (myofascial syndrome).

Combined treatment of NSAIDs and muscle relaxants is considered today the most effective drug treatment for pain relief with radiculitis:

  • The most commonly prescribed medocammes are either sirdalud and baclofen


Almost always radiculitis is accompanied by insomnia and depressive condition. And thus do not help any, even the most modern preparations.

Intensive pain therapy

In some cases, stronger analgesic therapy is required:

  • For fractures and other types of injuries
  • With deforming joint arthrosis
  • Herniation with compression of the nerve root or spinal cord
  • With tumors of vertebral bodies or spinal cord in the late stage

Types of such therapy:

  1. Multiple I / m injections of novocaine or lidocaine in the area of ​​lesion - therapeutic blockadesWithin the main drugs (novocaine), sometimes additional:
    Hydrocortisone, vitamin B12, lidazu.
    They promote the strengthening of analgesic, anti-inflammatory, resorptive action
  2. Treatment with corticosteroids by inserting it inside the joint - articular blockade
  3. Injections of corticosteroids into the spinal or epidural space - spinal (epidural blockade)
  4. Narcotic painkillers - therapy, often used in oncology of the spine in the late stage:
    use usually morphine, opium, promedol, methadone, codeine

Protection of the body in the treatment of sciatica

In addition to a multifaceted impact on pain, also protective drugs that protect the body from the harmful effects of certain painkillers.

Especially often it is necessary to protect the stomach and intestines.

To this end, use omeprazole, pantoprozole and other drugs

Also in parallel appoint:

  • Antihistamines to prevent an allergic reaction
  • Liver Protectors
  • Angioprotectors, etc.

Additional recovery treatment

If radiculitis is caused by a viral infection, then a specific therapy and appropriate injections are prescribed.

What medicines are used additionally:

  1. With discogenic radiculitis appoint chondroprotectors, regenerating bone tissue:
    Alflutop, Artrodar
  2. To improve blood circulation in all types of radiculitis, vasodilator drugs are used:
    Euphyllin, trental
  3. To accelerate the metabolic processes and rapid healing of tissues, give injections with vitamins:
    • complex preparation Milgamma
    • Neuromultivitis
    • Neurorubin
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Many modern complex preparations combine several therapeutic properties, which allows to simplify treatment and to double its effect:

  • Teraflex is both an NSAID and a chondroprotector
  • Neurodiclavitis - NSAIDs + vitamins B

In order not to damage your health, do not try to prick your shots from your radiculitis yourself, on the basis of knowledge from the Internet.

Each case of this pathology is purely individual. Contact the polyclinic for diagnosis.

The injections are only the initial stage of treatment, after which you will have to persistently struggle with radiculitis for a long time.

A source:

Injections from radiculitis: lumbar and others, treatment

Radiculitis is an inflammation of the spine's nerve root.

Radiculitis is an inflammation of the spine's nerve root. Is manifested by severe pain in the affected area. There are two sources of the disease. The first is squashing.

From the spinal cord through the lumens in the vertebrae pass the nerves, which then gather into a bundle - the nerve root.

With osteochondrosis, spinal hernia and other similar diseases, the intervertebral disc is destroyed, the distance between the vertebrae is shortened and the nerve bundles are compressed. The second cause of the disease is infection, leading to inflammation of the nerve.

Treatment includes medical therapy, physical therapy classes, physical therapy. Drugs are in the form of tablets, ointments and injections.

The choice of one form or another depends on the characteristics of the interaction with the body (for example, some do not tolerate the treatment of the secret of the stomach).

It is often prescribed injections of radiculitis as the most rapid means for getting rid of pain.

Do not engage in amateur activities! The doctor will determine the cause of the sciatica and the extent of the lesion in order to correctly select the treatment. He will tell you which drugs will help to eliminate pain in the lumbar region and extremities.


The injections are a means of quickly getting rid of the pain.

Assign the following injections with radiculitis:

  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • relaxing muscles;
  • vitamin.

Injections are made in the muscles of the buttocks, ulnar veins, the spinal cord, the bone tissue of the vertebra or the area where the pain is felt.

Analgesics (analgesics) and anti-inflammatory

Anti-inflammatory drugs, as a rule, have analgesic effect, and vice versa. Nonsteroid (without hormones) drugs relieve inflammation, edema and eliminate pain.

However, they affect the production of the enzyme of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), because of which its defense is broken, ulcers occur. Therefore, concurrently taking medication to maintain the digestive system.

Non-hormonal drugs give fewer side effects than hormonal medicines. Assign:

  1. "Movalis". Eliminates pain, reduces temperature. It stops the work of the enzyme, which is involved in the development of inflammation. "Movalis" does not affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract, is taken longer than other non-steroidal pain killers. However, it has less analgesic effect;
  2. "Novocaine". For instant removal of severe pain in the affected area, a shot is made with a diluted Novokain. The procedure is called "Novocain blockade". The action of the active substance lasts from two days to three weeks, depending on the degree of nerve damage;
  3. Voltaren. Do not use more than two days in a row. The injections are combined with taking this medication in other forms (tablets and suppositories);
  4. Diclofenac. It acts on the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. Ketonal;
  6. Ibuprofen;
  7. "Nyz
  8. "Xsefokam."

Hormonal preparations (glucocorticosteroids) are used in an emergency situation with severe pain in the back instead of narcotic painkillers. They improve metabolic processes, blood supply, quickly eliminate inflammation, edema, pain.

In many cases, the doctor makes a one-shot injection in the affected area. The drug is mixed with an anesthetic ("Novocaine" or "Lidocaine"). In the future, medicines that have a milder effect, muscle relaxants, vitamins are used.

Write out:

Hormonal drugs are used in emergency cases.

  • Hydrocortisone;
  • "Prednisolone
  • "Kenalog
  • Dexamethasone.

Narcotic painkillers are made on the basis of narcotic substances (opiates). They are prescribed for unbearable pain in the lumbar region.

A shot is made by a paramedic in the clinic. Have a significant number of contraindications. They are addictive, so the medicine is prescribed for a short time.

They use:

  1. Buprenorphine;
  2. "Tramadol
  3. "Nalbufin".

The doctor decides which means to use: non-steroidal, hormonal or opiate-based. You can not independently treat the sciatica: uncontrolled taking of medicines will lead to deterioration of the condition!

Muscle relaxants: list

The muscle relaxants relax the spasmodic muscles, block the reflexes of the spinal cord. This helps improve blood flow and reduce pain. Assign:

  • "Midokalm
  • "Methocarbonyl
  • "Sirdalud
  • Cyclobenzaprint.


B vitamins are needed to restore nerve tissue, increase immunity, accelerate the regeneration of damaged areas, improve the conductivity of the nerve impulse. To treat sciatica help complexes containing vitamins B1, B6 and B12:

  1. "Milgamma." Includes lidocaine (anesthetic);
  2. Neurorubine;
  3. Neurovitan.

Radiculitis is an inflammation of the nerve root, which causes severe pain in the back and limbs, a limitation in mobility, headaches. Treatment of the disease is complex.

Injections from radiculitis are prescribed for acute, sudden painful sensations. Do anesthetics, anti-inflammatory, vitamin, relaxing muscle injections.

After reducing discomfort, it is recommended to switch to drugs in the form of tablets.

A source:

Injections from radiculitis

The disease, accompanied by inflammation of the nerves of the spinal cord, resulting from a pinch in the vertebral discs is called radiculitis. There is a radiculitis with strong pain sensations, in which any human activity is very difficult.

The disease is effectively treated, most importantly, timely diagnosis and an integrated approach.

In the initial stages, a pill form of treatment is effective, but in case of neglect of the disease and the presence of severe intense pains, it is most expedient to apply injections of radiculitis.

Common mistakes in treatment

When there are aching pains in the lower back, most people try to ignore the fact of the disease or start self-medication.

Some begin to take handfuls of painkillers, others apply compresses to the waist, well, and still others start drinking curative decoctions.

Unfortunately, the effect of such procedures is only short-lived, and sometimes harmful. In the worst case, radiculitis will acquire a chronic form.

Types of pricks

Treatment of radiculitis is carried out with injections with different pharmacological composition and mechanisms of action. Therefore, the physician should correctly select a set of injections using different drugs and different in the way of introduction into the body:

  • Intravenous injection;
  • Intramuscular;
  • Between the membranes of the spinal cord;
  • Locally - in places where the nerve endings are causing the greatest pain;
  • In extremely neglected cases, injections of radiculitis are made directly into the interdisk space.

The doctor, appointing this or that drug, is guided by the pharmacological composition and way of influencing the patient, distinguish:

  1. Painkillers injections;
  2. Anti-inflammatory group of injections;
  3. Medications that relieve spasm of the muscles of the spine;
  4. Antiedema injections;
  5. Drugs that improve blood circulation and microcirculation.

Anesthetic group of injections

Anesthetic injections with radiculitis, are designed to relieve pain and inflammation of the nerves of the spinal cord. For this, vitamin therapy, novocain blockades, muscle relaxants, non-steroidal and steroid drugs are actively used.


In the treatment of radiculitis by injections, vitamins of the "B" group are actively used. Without these vitamins, normal metabolism and the natural functioning of nerve cells are impossible, for example:

  • "B1 participates in the regeneration of damaged nerve roots and endings;
  • "B6 increases the protective functions of the body, promotes the harmonization of the immune system;
  • "B12 promotes the renewal of tissues at the cellular level.

The most popular drugs are Neurorubin and Milgamma. Both drugs require a course application and have virtually no side effects.

Novocaine blockades

To remove sharp and strong pain, in the shortest possible time can be Novocaine blockades. To do this, enter the necessary amount of the drug intramuscularly into the affected area of ​​the nerve, while you can not touch the spinal cord or nerve. The method works almost instantaneously, but for a short time.

Muscle relaxants

Medicinal products are aimed at relaxing the spasmodic muscles of the vertebral skeleton.

The composition of muscle relaxants, acts directly on the central nervous system, gradually reducing muscle arousal and spasms.

Medicines have increased effectiveness, so they are prescribed to patients without fail. Effects of muscle relaxants on the body:

  • Anesthesia or acts as a local anesthetic;
  • It blocks the sensitivity of nerves and reflexes of the spinal cord;
  • Increases microcirculation of blood to the spasized area;
  • It blocks the nerve endings, acting relaxantly on the whole organism.

The most common muscle relaxants:

  1. Mydocalm is the most necessary drug, designated as vital for radiculitis, of any degree. Its popularity is due to two active substances - tolperisone hydrochloride and lidocaine. The first component actively affects the nerve endings of the spinal cord, blocking unwanted reflexes, gradually relaxing the muscles. The second component acts according to the principle of local anesthesia, stopping any painful sensations.
  2. Sirdalud or Matocaramil act on the principle of Midokalm, since they have a similar composition, where the base consists of tolperisone hydrochloride.

A steroid group of drugs is needed to enhance metabolism and the proper synthesis of protein amino acids. This function makes it possible to reduce or completely eliminate the inflammatory processes near the clamped nerve.

All preparations of this group consist of active substance hydrocortisone, which allows in the shortest time to increase blood microcirculation, gradually removing inflammation. Assign radiculitis injections locally, and usually 1 time.

When radiculitis is prescribed:

  • Hydrocortisone - eliminates local inflammation, relieves edema, has anti-stress functions and severe pain syndromes.
  • Dexamethasone - also, removes inflammation, relieves edema and is an anti-allergen.
  • Kenalog is an antidepressant, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory drug with pronounced pharmacology.
  • Necessarily esteem: treatment of a radiculitis in house conditions

Nonsteroid injections

The main functions of non-steroid drugs are anesthesia and the removal of inflammation from the affected parts of the spinal cord. Nesteroids have the same properties as steroids, but with much less side effects.

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With caution they are prescribed to people with cardiac or renal insufficiency and patients with gastrointestinal disorders.

The fact is that non-steroid injections have the property of increasing the level of acidity in the stomach, which can aggravate the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Nonsteroid drugs are divided into:

  1. Selective - able to inhibit cyclooxygenase in the blood form;
  2. Non-selective - able to suppress cyclooxygenase in both forms (blood and stomach);
  3. Koksiba - affecting the suppression of the blood enzyme, without affecting the gastric.
  • Be sure to take note: ointment from radiculitis

The most popular drugs of this group are:

  • Movalis is an analgesic, antipyretic preparation with an anti-inflammatory function. The action of the drug is achieved by meloxicam;
  • Ambene - effectively removes any inflammation and pain, sometimes used as a solution for injections. The composition of the remedy is such that, in addition to treating the effects of radiculitis, the drug effectively affects the prevention of the causes of the disease. It is strictly forbidden to use pregnant and lactating women. Assign a medicine 3 r. in weeks, often in a day;
  • Diclofenac is not a bad analgesic, with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Prescribe Diclofenac injections in the course, since one-time receptions are ineffective;
  • Dicloberl is an antipyretic agent with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Assign intramuscularly, the treatment is long, but the injection is done once. Further, they switch to other forms of the drug - candles, tablets;
  • Xefokam or Ketonal - both drugs are the most powerful analgesics, with pronounced antipyretic properties. In the first agent, the active ingredient is lornoxicam, and in the second - ketoprofen.

Narcotic drugs such as "Opiates"

Appointed only in extreme cases, when other means are powerless.The injection is carried out only by medical personnel, in a specialized clinic.It is recommended that Opium, Promedone, Methadone or others.

Supplementary Therapy

In addition to injecting therapy, the doctor appoints a patient a special diet, therapeutic and preventive physical education, massage.

Carefully prescribed funds in which there is Tolperisone - overdose can cause epileptic seizures, limb cramps, arrhythmia or coronary heart disease.

The duration of treatment depends on the age of the patient, its immunity and the degree of development of radiculitis. When injections of muscle relaxants, it is worth releasing the solution very slowly.

In the treatment of radiculitis with a pronounced pain syndrome, it is permissible to use injection blockades. After stopping pain, it is necessary to have complex injections that have different etiologies. It is not uncommon in patients, with radiculitis there is insomnia or depression.

In these cases, it is necessary to prescribe sedatives, sometimes antidepressants.Most drugs have serious contraindications. Using them without a doctor's prescription is strictly prohibited.

Self-injection at radiculitis can lead to serious pathologies of the body.

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Effective treatment of lumbar radiculitis with medicines and injections

Treatment of radiculitis with lumbar medicines, injections is the most important element of helping a person with this rather dangerous and painful pathology.

Radiculitis is a disease that can make a person temporarily incapacitated. Pain syndrome is difficult to tolerate, and sometimes it becomes simply unbearable.

Acute manifestations of the disease always catch the patient by surprise, and the treatment of sciatica with lumbar medications, injections allows you to quickly return to normal life. At present, many good, effective drugs have been developed, and their correct use will help to quickly eliminate painful complications.

Features of the disease

Lumbar radiculitis is a lesion of the peripheral nervous system associated with compression action and inflammation of the roots of the nerves of the spinal cord in the lumbar spine.

Any kind of radiculitis is explained by the jamming of nerve endings, which is carried out vertebrae (compression radiculitis) or deformed intervertebral disc (discogenic radiculitis).

In most cases, lumbar radiculitis refers to the discogenic type that appears as a result of protrusion or hernia.

Symptoms of sciatica

Lumbar sciatica exhibits the following symptoms: low back pain, shooting in the buttock, thigh and lower leg, feeling cold in the thigh and numbness of the lower extremities. In addition, there is a feeling of tingling, tingling and numbness of the skin in the lumbar region.

The acute form is described by the following characteristic signs: unexpected sharp strengthening of lumbar pain, pain in buttock and back surface the hip of a lying patient with a raised leg, reflexive flexion of the leg when the recumbent position changes to a sitting position, the pain syndrome increases in thigh and lower back with a sharp inclination of the head, increased pain in the waist with coughing, sneezing, a decrease in the gluteal fold on the sore side (symptom Bonn). There is a lot of pain when moving, tilting and turning. Patients tend to adopt a characteristic posture (bending the spine to the affected side).

Etiology of sciatica

For the onset of the inflammatory process of radiculitis, provoking factors are needed, which include the following:

  • chronic osteochondrosis;
  • supercooling;
  • unsuccessful sharp movement;
  • traumatic effect on the spine;
  • intoxication after an infectious disease;
  • hernia;
  • pathology of discs and spine;
  • deposition of salts in the joints and cartilage;
  • stenosis of the spinal canal;
  • stenosis of the nerve channel;
  • tumors and osteophytes;
  • disturbance of the metabolic process;
  • stress;
  • lifting of weights and physical overstrain, age factor.

Principles of treatment of the disease

Treatment of lumbar radiculitis is aimed at the removal of pain in the back, the elimination of the inflammatory reaction, the removal of compression phenomena, normalization of blood supply to the spine and metabolic process, restoration of damaged tissues, exclusion of relapses of exacerbation, general strengthening organism.

In extreme cases, the operative effect is used.

General therapy includes the treatment of medications, namely tablets (capsules) and injections of radiculitis. Local therapy is based on the use of medicinal ointments and compresses. When urgent measures are required from radiculitis, injections are prescribed for blockade of the affected area.

Complex treatment of lumbar radiculitis includes massage and physiotherapy.

In the latter case, the following methods are most useful: phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, darsonvalization, amplipulse, paraffin treatment.

Restoration and fixation of the action of tablets or injection with radiculitis is carried out with the help of non-medicinal methods: bed rest with the use of corsets, spinal traction, a complex of therapeutic physical culture.

Medication Therapy

The basis of drug therapy are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: diclofenac, movalis, ketorolac (have analgesic effect).

They are more often injected, but in some cases they are given in the form of tablets (at the doctor's discretion). The drug has a side effect on the intestines, so the drug is used only for 15 days.

To eliminate the effect on the intestine, diclofenac is taken together with omeprazole.

For use with radiculitis pains, non-steroid painkillers are used in the form of tablets: ibuprofen, naproxen, COX-2 inhibitors.

At sharp exacerbations the doctor can appoint the tabletted steroid hormones and anaesthetising preparations: a pyramidal, butadion, pyramine, indometacin, analgetics. From modern means, which can be taken even with ulcers of the stomach, it is possible to note movalis and nimesulide.

With expressed types of the disease, anti-inflammatory drugs of the hormonal class are more effective: diprospan, dexamethasone, kenalog, methylpred, prednisolone.

Preparations for injections

The injections with radiculitis are performed with the use of modern preparations of various types. Sticking these funds with radiculitis can be the following methods:

  • intramuscular injection in the upper square buttocks;
  • intravenous injection into the ulnar vein;
  • introduction into the spinal cord (with severe forms of the disease);
  • an injection in the vertebral body (in special cases);
  • injection into the lesion (blockade of pain syndrome).

For injections with lumbar radiculitis, the following are mainly used: anti-inflammatory non-steroidal preparations, glucocorticosteroids, muscle relaxants, novocain blockades, vitamin complexes.

Nonsteroidal agents have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect by slowing the production of cyclooxygenase. By injection, the following drugs are administered:

  1. Diclofenac is an analgesic with clear anti-inflammatory abilities (course treatment).
  2. Ketanol (based on ketoprofen) is an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect.
  3. Xefokam (based on lornoxicam) - an active analgesic effect.
  4. Movalis (based on meloxicam) is an analgesic that can stop inflammation.

Muscle relaxants

Preparations related to the group of central muscle relaxants, affect the relaxation of skeletal muscles and have the desired effect on the central nervous system. The most active drugs of this type include midocals and sirdalud.

Steroid preparations

As steroid hormonal drugs used glucocorticoids, normalizing the metabolic process and helping to synthesize an anti-inflammatory protein.

Injection of these drugs is usually performed directly in the affected area (in a single-shot regime). With lumbar radiculitis, hydrocortisone, kenalog and dexamethasone are prescribed.

Hydrocortisone has anti-shock effects, relieves puffiness and severe pain syndromes.

Preparations for blockade

With a sharp exacerbation of the disease and the manifestation of pain shock, blockade of the focus is carried out by injection of a special composition.

Most often, a novocaine blockade is used with a shot from a solution of novocaine. A longer period of action has a blockade in the administration of lidocaine. Usually, 5 and,% solutions are used.

When blocking the nerve plexuses, an injection of 1% solution is prescribed.


To restore the body, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, increase the cellular metabolism is prescribed drugs based on vitamin B: thiamine (B1), pyridoxine (B6) and cyanocobalamin (AT 12).

Modern vitamin complexes assume the introduction of different elements by a single injection.

The following complexes are recommended: miligamma (additionally has analgesic properties) and neurorubin (contains the necessary vitamins and improves neuronal conduction).

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